Glitches and Exploits...?
For one, servers don’t use them. Players do. As well, they posted on recent threads to verify specific folks that they caught and banned.
just skim the top two pages of this sub forum, or use Google, and you would have answered all of these questions.
If Anet had eliminated or banned them, I would not be here asking. If there were not a plethora of players in certain guilds, on certain servers, who are well known for doing this, again, I would not question. If I did not know of specific people, who are not, and have not recently been banned, there would have been no need to ask.
Perhaps I should rephrase the question to ask which servers have the least tolerance for and instances of them.
Go to fsp or am absulutely no cheaters there, it is all just a problem with your isp…
well these so called cheaters can just transfer and cause mayhem anywhere. It is not the server’s fault.
well these so called cheaters can just transfer and cause mayhem anywhere. It is not the server’s fault.
My post stated that some transferred to mine….servers do get labeled once it’s know that there are hackers there…I asked what can be done. The answer is apparently NOTHING…others have asked the same. None have received a response.
Does Anet really think that people are going to flock to buy an expansion when we have ongoing issues that haven’t been fixed? I have 4 people here who probably won’t.
We have a report option for a reason. If you are uncomfortable with players using hacks or exploits, (as you should be) then report them. That is the purpose of the report button; for players to be able bring attention to the GMs that someone is transgressing the rules of conduct.
I think your question highlights a lack of faith that Anet will respond to a report, which might be reasonable considering how many threads about hackers, exploits and trolls I see on these forums.
We have a report option for a reason. If you are uncomfortable with players using hacks or exploits, (as you should be) then report them. That is the purpose of the report button; for players to be able bring attention to the GMs that someone is transgressing the rules of conduct.
I think your question highlights a lack of faith that Anet will respond to a report, which might be reasonable considering how many threads about hackers, exploits and trolls I see on these forums.
You are correct! I do have a lack of faith in Anet at this time along with many others. I wish I couldn’t say that! Aside from what has been posted here, there are daily mentions in teamspeak and map chat about people doing what I’ve mentioned. Many people, after reporting the cheaters, add them to their blocked list to see if anything has happened…you know it hasn’t when you see them still login and play daily.
Your feelings are understandable, and reflect the frustration of a lot of WvW players.
My greatest fear is that too many players have given up on this issue after over two years since release. But, I will dispense with the negativity.
The fact that you are here on the forums is an indication that you have not given up hope completely. Also, the fact that you are calling out players on your own server rather than raging at opposing players shows me that you are an honorable player.
I am unsure of what the social network is on your server, but on mine, we have a community forum. I would get in touch with the other members on your server that do not wish to tolerate this, and have them continue to report abuses and bump threads in this forum related to those abuses.
Regardless of whether you believe that this will change things, these are the tools we are given.
P.S. For your own sake and for others: do not post anything in the forums to directly accuse certain players, or upload footage of offenders to the forum.
Exploiting is the new “IN” thing I guess and the number of players doing it has grown over the past month. I’ve seen several players from my server doing this but after they were caught they transferred off of the server.. Thing is they don’t use 3rd party programs but an exploit.. How do you report these type of players?
It was said to report speed hackers by using the botting option. Then a GM has to get that report and actually try and find the player to monitor them.. Its easy to catch the speed hackers this way since it was stated that the devs have to see it with their own eyes pretty much. Not hard to look at a player and tell if they are speed hacking or not..
Problem is the people exploiting only do it when no one is around watching them. If someone catches them and reports them for botting, chances are they won’t get caught. Since after they exploit into something they will move on like nothing ever happened.. Once the report comes in a dev may follow them around a short time and not see them do anything wrong..
Anet just needs to fix these exploitable spots in certain parts of their maps.. I don’t get why that is so hard for them to do..
Noticed them recently on Doll’s server during this match up.
Nothing fun about flying rangers, Wall hacks, and Minions in impossible locations just to name a few glaring issues.
I’ve reported what i’ve run into but honestly don’t think much is going to occur and it’s mostly down to team size for the task. Anet needs more active WvW policing and active support staff that isn’t dedicated to other task. I know its not likely to happen or change in the immediate future due to other bigger task.
I just hope they take the time to review the mess that is WvW before they drop HoT and any sort of “Season” because in its current shape there’s 0 reason for any of those to take priority.
The problem seems to be two-fold. WvW has had continuous problems with exploits, which we need to highlight, and there are those players that exploit these (errr…) exploits.
Anyone that was around back in the day of the Orbs could tell you about the flying players that would fly into keeps and destroy the Orb Altars and steal the Orbs. Exploitation of the game has existed since the beginning. This is a constant problem that we fight. Deal with the symptoms now, report offenders. Shed light onto exploits, and trust Anet to respond and fix their issues.