Golems shouldn't be able to use Mesmer portals

Golems shouldn't be able to use Mesmer portals

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


Does this really need an explanation? Chain 2-3 Mesmer portals to instantly teleport 5+ golems to gates → impossible response time. Ok fine, you can kill the mesmers, but they also have mass invis to create portals where you can’t see them. Plus they can do this to teleport golems inside keeps/SM behind defenses. Does this need to be explained more?

Idk why anyone hasn’t complained about this too much yet, but they will. It’s a completely valid strategy and it only gets caught if either:
A. You happened to already have a defense at said keep/tower.
B. You caught the golems in transit far in advance.
C. Server crash

Really, at some point when money isn’t an obstacle every server will just run 10+ golems around towers and keeps all day just breaking them as they please over fully guarded mesmer teleport lines. As fun as it sounds, shouldn’t we just fix this problem before it really starts getting out of control?

Golems shouldn't be able to use Mesmer portals

in WvW

Posted by: Creslin.1758


LOL I totally predicted this one coming in the other portal whine thread.

Also, mass invis doesn’t make the portal invisible, it’s not like the mesmer can stay invisible for his entire portal run, and portal only has a range of 6000…it’s not even that far.

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

Golems shouldn't be able to use Mesmer portals

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


Mesmers are pretty tanky though, and most people don’t actually turn their heads to see whats behind them. Running back with a portal is pretty much kitten once you’ve already made it past the zerg with invis.

Golems shouldn't be able to use Mesmer portals

in WvW

Posted by: Gao Gao.4973

Gao Gao.4973

it’s a valid tactic that requires a lot of coordination. most groups cannot pull this off.

Baiyun – Necromancer
Member of Talons [BT]
Fort Aspenwood

Golems shouldn't be able to use Mesmer portals

in WvW

Posted by: Ben K.6238

Ben K.6238

You cannot fully guard a mesmer teleport line. It only works if you’ve got a clear line to your target, and from there it’s a race against time to break the keep / castle before the golems run out of HP. I won’t be surprised to see golems excluded from mesmer portals, but having been on the receiving end of this tactic I respect the amount of co-ordination it takes to pull it off… and yet it still doesn’t always win the day. Saw at least 6 golems get wiped in a keep last night before they could cap it.

Golems shouldn't be able to use Mesmer portals

in WvW

Posted by: Vexus.5423


Why remove an awesome strategy that is hard to pull off? This game is about skill, it’s not ‘easy’ to do this, and the people spending 6+ gold and 600+ supply on Golems should get a chance to use them any way they can organize how.

The fact there is a ‘Oh Shkittenit’ moment where you have to spam chat for everyone to come right the heck now and defend or else you lose is good. Good teams will respond just in time, and bad ones will get rolled over.

Golems shouldn't be able to use Mesmer portals

in WvW

Posted by: Karast.1927


it’s a bit frustrating but after you’ve seen it done a few times you’ll know the route the mesmers have to take to do the teleport line to a keep so they are fairly easy to spot. stealth doesn’t last long enough unless they have tons of people tossing it up to remain fully invisible.

maybe if it gets to the point people bring 10-15 mesmer in a group of 25-30 that it might need to be changed.

I’m more worried about the stops where you can bug out the portals on the other sides of walls to skip keep doors entirely. That’s a bigger issue.

Golems shouldn't be able to use Mesmer portals

in WvW

Posted by: lepri.6504


Teleporting golems over long distances requires a lot of skills and experience. If done right, you can blitz a garrison with this tactic or else you can be crushed and humiliated. The humiliation is very expensive in this case.

Blacktide>>Yafes>>Asura Engineer