Good server for roamers?

Good server for roamers?

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Some zerging is actually beneficial to roaming. It seems counter-intuitive but tags keep other tags busy. When there is no tag, often players just stop showing up which makes the situation worse. Zergs are also fertile hunting grounds for solo fighters… I routinely fight around large battles picking off players headed to tags.

You just posted in another thread that roaming is dying and you can flip a whole map’s worth of camps without seeing someone. That’s exactly what Wildchild is talking about, that T2 right now is mostly just zerging. Can be 50 enemies on the map and no one to really fight because they are all together.

That is why I moved to T2 out of T4/T5. Roaming in the mid brackets was virtually empty during off peak NA hours with a few exceptions. T2 (T3 this week) is pretty hot for roaming and as I have stated before similar to where T4/T5 was a year ago.

Congrats on several YB and SBI roamers for tearing me up tonight. I got p’wned this evening by a good number of roamers… certainly having an off night.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Good server for roamers?

in WvW

Posted by: Roe.3679


Some zerging is actually beneficial to roaming. It seems counter-intuitive but tags keep other tags busy. When there is no tag, often players just stop showing up which makes the situation worse. Zergs are also fertile hunting grounds for solo fighters… I routinely fight around large battles picking off players headed to tags.

You just posted in another thread that roaming is dying and you can flip a whole map’s worth of camps without seeing someone. That’s exactly what Wildchild is talking about, that T2 right now is mostly just zerging. Can be 50 enemies on the map and no one to really fight because they are all together.

That is why I moved to T2 out of T4/T5. Roaming in the mid brackets was virtually empty during off peak NA hours with a few exceptions. T2 (T3 this week) is pretty hot for roaming and as I have stated before similar to where T4/T5 was a year ago.

Congrats on several YB and SBI roamers for tearing me up tonight. I got p’wned this evening by a good number of roamers… certainly having an off night.

Well my mistake on that, but what you described is essentially my experience roaming in tier 2. As I said, it may be better with Mags back in tier 2, but currently I roam around looking for fights and it’s generally empty or huge enemy zergs.

Our guild (I am in OP’s guild) had to go to EB just to find someone to fight, and when we finally found people with a decent fight, we got overrun by 20+. But even then, the few we were fighting tower humped and used siege, even though our numbers were less overall than them.

The better population on T2 doesn’t really mean anything when a lot of it just seems like who can throw the biggest zerg at the other servers.

Good server for roamers?

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Roaming is a playstyle more than a numbers count (although there are some limitations to group size, 15-20 shouldnt be considered roaming)….Some of you seem to forget that. If you solo roam, say you solo roam. Stop QQIng about getting ran over by a 4-5man group and claiming they are zerging. Small man/group roaming is still roaming, most of the people that complain about 3-5v1s are kitten poor gankers that are mad they didn’t get to cheese someone with their FOTM build.

I spend about 85% of my playtime solo roaming on T2, the rest is spent running with our guild that fields 4-10 players on a good day. We love to fight 2v5s, 4v10s, whatever. All of it is “roaming” (IE: running around looking for fights).

Mag Server Leader

Good server for roamers?

in WvW

Posted by: ventusthunder.5067


Some zerging is actually beneficial to roaming. It seems counter-intuitive but tags keep other tags busy. When there is no tag, often players just stop showing up which makes the situation worse. Zergs are also fertile hunting grounds for solo fighters… I routinely fight around large battles picking off players headed to tags.

You just posted in another thread that roaming is dying and you can flip a whole map’s worth of camps without seeing someone. That’s exactly what Wildchild is talking about, that T2 right now is mostly just zerging. Can be 50 enemies on the map and no one to really fight because they are all together.

That is why I moved to T2 out of T4/T5. Roaming in the mid brackets was virtually empty during off peak NA hours with a few exceptions. T2 (T3 this week) is pretty hot for roaming and as I have stated before similar to where T4/T5 was a year ago.

Congrats on several YB and SBI roamers for tearing me up tonight. I got p’wned this evening by a good number of roamers… certainly having an off night.

Good god I think we were all off last night. I kept trying to get your group to fight outside of cannon range… if the people had gotten off the cannons we would have had an even numbered fight, instead you have a couple cowards on the cannons and 4 people outside unwilling to fight 6 opponents for good reason. It was an alright fight though, I was with a complete pug group (no parties) so it was frustrating trying to get a stomp.

There are still good small man fights to be had in t2, we on SBI are getting a taste of it this week, and whereas we may not be as good as the opposing groups we get the chance to learn.

I mean, there are plenty of people on Mag who have 2v1’d me, 3v1’d me, etc, but that is part of the game, roaming is healthy in t2 just as Straegen has said. From my days in T8 I would rather not run into a completely empty map, it is very fun up here.

collector of liquid aurillium

(edited by ventusthunder.5067)

Good server for roamers?

in WvW

Posted by: Hamster.4861


Isle of Janthir is a server of roamers who occasionally come together to zerg

Good server for roamers?

in WvW

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


So yeah I’m currently playing on Fort Aspenwood and it used to be okay for roaming I used to be able to meet a few good 1v1 1v2 often but now since 2 weeks we got into Tier 2 and hell man it kittenin blow

Theres no place here for solo roamers or group roamers. the smallest group you encounter are 10 mans and Obsidian Sanctum is always empty

so yeah I wanna gtfo out of there.

Any ideas of server where theres good roaming / small scale action ?

I don’t really care if its silver or bronze. I want good and fun fights. that is all.

Are you playing only in EBG? I’m on FA and I roam just fine all the time.

Good server for roamers?

in WvW

Posted by: Wildchild.7502


I try to never go to EBG because its where most karma trains usually hangs but like Roe said above. Sometimes except a zerg you don’t find anything else in the BLs so you gotta try to hunt stragglers in EBG even tho most of them are not so challenging.

Guardian – Exg Wildchild /Necro – Wildchild Two / Ranger – Aleksi Laiho
SIC – Isle of Janthir

Good server for roamers?

in WvW

Posted by: alvinjason.3109


We have a solid roamer base and multiple roaming guilds in DR come hit us up.

Devona’s Rest → NSP [SA] [TeaP]

Good server for roamers?

in WvW

Posted by: UrMom.4205


I have played on T2-T5/6. So far there is a difference between T2 and below. In our usual T3 matchups you get solo/small party roamers. And if you run into a larger group you can usually lure off one or two to have a 1v1 or whatever. Most the zergs are concerned with ppt so they “usually” run by. However in T2, you get more of these “roaming parties” which in reality is like 8-10 of the same guild and they just nuke solos. Sure the density of players between T2 and tiers below is different, but it’s still (for me personally a solo roamer) a more enjoyable experience on T3/T4.

Another thing to add, in a normal T3/4 matchup I can solo roam in EBG with no problem. In T2 I was never able to do that…its was just zergs or like I said before “roaming parties”. I personally like the landscape and small scale of EBG so when in T2 I was forced to roam BL’s and that was crappy.

Team Raven [TR](Dead)
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB

(edited by UrMom.4205)

Good server for roamers?

in WvW

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


I try to never go to EBG because its where most karma trains usually hangs but like Roe said above. Sometimes except a zerg you don’t find anything else in the BLs so you gotta try to hunt stragglers in EBG even tho most of them are not so challenging.

Oh, that’s the difference then. It sounds like you want duels. When I think roaming, I think something like 2 people trying to take a tower and seeing how long it takes their response team to reach critical mass to kill you, or if you take it.

Good server for roamers?

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


I try to never go to EBG because its where most karma trains usually hangs but like Roe said above. Sometimes except a zerg you don’t find anything else in the BLs so you gotta try to hunt stragglers in EBG even tho most of them are not so challenging.

Oh, that’s the difference then. It sounds like you want duels. When I think roaming, I think something like 2 people trying to take a tower and seeing how long it takes their response team to reach critical mass to kill you, or if you take it.

No, what he want is fights. Duels are the 1v1 to downed you get in OS (When there are people in OS). Taking empty towers is ninja (or PvDoor if it’s offhours), and holding towers is bunkering down (or siege wars as some may call it).

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Good server for roamers?

in WvW

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Semantics. For me there is the zerg and then there are roamers causing chaos by taking non-zerg objectives and cutting off reinforcements.

A lot of people call themselves roamers but don’t care about the matchup and just want to 1v1 people they randomly encounter. I consider them duelers.

Good server for roamers?

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Always best idea go server that have lot’s of roamers because then you have higher chance outnumber enemy.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Good server for roamers?

in WvW

Posted by: THE Dentist.5960

THE Dentist.5960

Roaming is all my guild does. We usually run a 4 man (6 on a good night) and are always outnumbered. Hoping that as NSP moves out of the silver tier we will get more fights and not the 4vs 15-20 we unfortunately run into. That being said we have seen more servers moving into the 8-10 man range which we like quite well outside of the even number fights. Hard rezzing is usually an issue in groups of more than 8. So if your interested in the small man mechanic look me up in game.

It’s either 5 VS 20 or you guys 5 VS 1 poor guy who got ganked so bad for roaming.
So you should have no complaint
(I roam solo alot and often got ganked by some 5 man guild group)

Nope no complaint here, it is what it is. We typically will ignore solo roamers unless they get cutsie and follow us around or if they happen to be a familiar tag that we know will bring more.

VoxL (NSP)
Doom Strykër [Warr] Doom Ryder [Ranger]
Doomku [Guard] Doom Wrack [Mez]

Good server for roamers?

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Let’s just speak about the elephant in the room. The reason roaming seems to suck in T2 is because mostly we’re talking about roaming outside of NA Prime hours. When all the NA Prime guilds call their raids around midnight EST, their members that keep playing tend to blob up into a map-flipping float zerg. The real problem here is that these late night players, for whatever reason, are not organizing their own late night guilds. Instead they just wanna pug.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Good server for roamers?

in WvW

Posted by: Wildchild.7502


I’m not talking about Roaming outside prime time. I play mostly on prime time and all I find is empty maps except for one big frickin blob. so I avoid it but then i find myself running in circles with the friends

Guardian – Exg Wildchild /Necro – Wildchild Two / Ranger – Aleksi Laiho
SIC – Isle of Janthir

Good server for roamers?

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


I usually ask on map if there’s any fights guild there, like HOPE, or pm people I know in those guilds. There’s always something interesting going on where the fights guilds are during prime. They don’t blob roamers down (unless you happen to accidentally be in the wrong place at the wrong time).

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Good server for roamers?

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Good god I think we were all off last night. I kept trying to get your group to fight outside of cannon range… if the people had gotten off the cannons we would have had an even numbered fight, instead you have a couple cowards on the cannons and 4 people outside unwilling to fight 6 opponents for good reason. It was an alright fight though, I was with a complete pug group (no parties) so it was frustrating trying to get a stomp.

I was there for a while two nights ago and more than willing to fight under cannon fire ;p. At the time of night I was playing, some of the EB pugs are pretty weak. As I run solo that time of night, I am not allergic to fighting with an advantage at least until I know how good the players are around me.

Back OT, as you can see there is a lot happening in T2/T3 roamer wise. Lots of duels, roaming on all maps and plenty of roaming opposition. I cannot state enough just how fun roaming/skirmishing has been since moving to Maguuma. I would say it has been months since I have found so many roaming fights as you can find here.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Good server for roamers?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


In re: Roaming with Charr and Swiss Challets

Dear HRMs the BUNSes:

I had a lovely time wandering in your court and sojurning at our winter abode last night. We must further contemplate the ski in and ski out expansion. And crumpets, must not forget the crumpets for our next campaign.

In the meantime, a tribute for you.

Your humble Charrdian

Good server for roamers?

in WvW

Posted by: daydream.2938


I’d be tempted to go Kaineng / ET because Xfer would be cheaper and im poor as kitten lately

but if its dead and no actibe community aint fun either.

is DR / DH / Fergs zerg fests ?

On dh now, its definitely not a zerg fest as I solo roam quiet a bit, long as your smart u can easily find soloers to kill.

Dr is pushing up in tiers, and likely to end up, not zergy, but tougher for soloers.

t5/t6 is the right compromise between lots of soloers, and never dead.