Got a question from old timer

Got a question from old timer

in WvW

Posted by: Amicas Freewalker.7643

Amicas Freewalker.7643

In the dad WVW was all about sedge counter sedge but then fields reached up 25ft towers and cover whole walk ways making any implant of it hit my ground forces other the archers. so why not make wvw open battle fields like roman days? Sedge be a joke with 1500 yrds range of eley’s and kitten to funny folks long live the merc days when this was real.

Got a question from old timer

in WvW

Posted by: Amicas Freewalker.7643

Amicas Freewalker.7643


Got a question from old timer

in WvW

Posted by: RodOfDeath.5247


You are correct sir.

Got a question from old timer

in WvW

Posted by: Akkeros.1675


totally off topic but agrees with what OP said.
I would like to see arena’s in major cities for open pvp action. All you need to do is enter the arena and fight anyone else in the arena. No points, no rules, just open pvp for fun.
The difference between that vs pvp mode is the lack of loading screens, maps, amulets only for gear, etc…
So, if the same can be done for wvw where people can just come in, fight in groups, have some since of evenness and maybe accrue points it would be great but i imagine it would be easy to manipulate with alt accounts, lol.

Got a question from old timer

in WvW

Posted by: Skinnii.3504


totally off topic but agrees with what OP said.
I would like to see arena’s in major cities for open pvp action. All you need to do is enter the arena and fight anyone else in the arena. No points, no rules, just open pvp for fun.
The difference between that vs pvp mode is the lack of loading screens, maps, amulets only for gear, etc…
So, if the same can be done for wvw where people can just come in, fight in groups, have some since of evenness and maybe accrue points it would be great but i imagine it would be easy to manipulate with alt accounts, lol.


Got a question from old timer

in WvW

Posted by: Aileras.9460


My favorite part of wvw is random open field fights that just come out of no where. So get out of your hidey holes and come fight. It’s really more fun then just sitting in a tower.

Got a question from old timer

in WvW

Posted by: Floriane.3504


totally off topic but agrees with what OP said.

So, if the same can be done for wvw where people can just come in, fight in groups, .

There’s a fairly unused arena in the Obsidian Sanctum for people to play in

Got a question from old timer

in WvW

Posted by: RodOfDeath.5247


totally off topic but agrees with what OP said.

So, if the same can be done for wvw where people can just come in, fight in groups, .

There’s a fairly unused arena in the Obsidian Sanctum for people to play in

I can’t believe how quiet that place is these days.

Got a question from old timer

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


People moved to real pvp games….

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Got a question from old timer

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


totally off topic but agrees with what OP said.

So, if the same can be done for wvw where people can just come in, fight in groups, .

There’s a fairly unused arena in the Obsidian Sanctum for people to play in

If OS used the EotM megaserver tech then maybe.

Whispers with meat.