Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Dezarys.1372


Can anyone tell me how great a Greatsword Warrior is out in WvW?

Sunrise is an awesome Greatsword and I was definitely thinking that I’d roll with Sunrise and a Warrior to flash it off.

If I ran a Power-Toughness-Vitality build with Soldier runes and Shouts would it be effective? I mean thats probably like 3k+ Armor, 3k+ Attack and at least 30k Vitality…. but i’m unsure if it’s super effective out in zergs.

I’d definitely roll in zergs but i’m unsure if it’ll work out for me or not…

Can someone help me answer my question?

Is a Greatsword Warrior good in WvW with a Shout/PVT build?

Guild Leader of Oakvale [Vale]

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Mike.7320


We may not be the most appreciated class in WvW but we are the sexiest


Idolizethis Warrior

Arkham (Ark)

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Dezarys.1372



Guild Leader of Oakvale [Vale]

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Hammer is warrior main weapon, but GS is ok secondary.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: vespers.1759


1. throw sword
2. charge
3. quick 100b
4. rush out

yeah it’s not a hard class to play. you could also use a rifle

1. shoot rifle
2. repeat until the guy is dead. volley hits for like 2k a hit which is out of control.
3. maybe toss a killshot for giggles.

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


I prefer to be a constant annoyance with a Hammer, rather than kill someone once in a blue moon when my Frenzy is off cooldown. Without it, you’re not landing Hundred Blades.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Dezarys.1372


I cant get a straight answer QQ

Guild Leader of Oakvale [Vale]

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Feldy Skywalker.4680

Feldy Skywalker.4680

for me

Main: Hammer (knockdown)
2nd: Greatsword (dps)

another wep:
- Mace/shield: nvr use it
- Rifle/bow: when def or hitting target from cliff not bad, but when face to face not to worth

I’m use Greatsword when zerging & Hammer when get zerg, u can aoe knockdown when more than 2ppl hit around u but when u chase better use high dps before your target run away

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Look on youtube. You’ll find effective guilds using multiple warriors to wade right into the middle of enemy zergs and destroying everything around them. Yes they use GS.
It’s all about working your shiz in with a larger team.

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Look on youtube. You’ll find effective guilds using multiple warriors to wade right into the middle of enemy zergs and destroying everything around them. Yes they use GS.

It’s all about working your shiz in with a larger team.

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: LieutenantGoogle.7326


From my experience as a warrior (500+hrs) in WvW, the GS’s capabilities are completely dependant on how you use Whirl, not 100b, 100b rarely works in all honestly unless you use knockdown > frenzy > 100b.

Hammer warrior has served me much better than GS.

lv80 with skills fully unlocked, warrior, elementalist and engineer
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: sostronk.8167


In all honesty, as a current thief main, GS warriors are the ones that scare me the most. I always stay well back and kite them from max range. Anything else… guardians are annoyingly hard to kill and youve got to be careful with them, elementalists are overrated but annoying to kill, rangers, necros and engineers are free kills, mesmers are annoying. And always keep the objective against other thiefs. But yeah, warriors imo are the most powerful overall class in WvW.

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Wanze.8410


I run a GS/Rifle set up most of the times more focussed on crits/damage/bleeds, so i am a little glassy. Usually i end up doing most of my damage at range with my rifle and i use my GS for mobility reasons. With signet o rage/rush/whirl there arent many classes that can outrun me. HB comes in handy when fighting npcs but i dont use it much in zerg fights because its easily avoidable and leaves you vulnerable.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


IMO hammer is the best, but who says you can’t run both? Both are based on PVT builds, so there should be no problem. Whirling GS is a great skill in zergs, btw

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


There are a million and one builds for Warrior in WvW. The short answer is yes, GS is quite viable in several different builds. Just pick the build that suits your playstyle. GS/Hammer is very potent imo.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


GS is bad DPS in a zerg…

100b hits 3 people, and people are constantly moving so your damage wont be concentrated. So no it ain’t very great, hammer is by far superior to GS. And mobility is everything in zerg fights, constant mobility, you’ll die if you use 100b in the wrong spot for a full channel.

I still sometimes use it, it is a situational weapon. But I like hammer-axe/mace more if you go all in and aren’t planning to retreat. Because it is head on offensive.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Demonbox.4703


GS warrior is a nice class to play in WvW, unless u want to go around solo (which isn’t the point of WvW).
I like my longbow to open up and then charge in with GS, have a couple of other friends with ya and u’ll do wonders.
Hope you got the answer u were searching for, and yes i’m not an elite player, still usually avoid zergs and get plenty of kills

Lidia Stoneheim [Warp]
Ring of Fire

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyrus.9680


GS Pros:
- highest mobility
- 100 blades burst
- Best PvE weapon (most warriors should already have one)
- best looking weapon

GS Cons:
- To take advantage of 100 blades, you need bulls charge/bolas and frenzy which greatly restricts your build.
- Almost no CC on GS
- Very limited usefullness in big zergs (compared to hammer or even long bow)

I played GS a lot on my roaming warrior before I made thief but after switching to hammer I don’t think I’ll ever go back to GS.

Zefyres – Ele | Maguuma | (ex) top100 solo/teamQ casual | Youtube

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Aiden.6209


I cant get a straight answer QQ

Yes for solo roaming or in a small group to get some serious damage rolling out.

Not really for big zergs, hammer is what you should be using there.


Aztro [Engineer] Extro [Warrior] Xilent [Thief] Tyrax Deathrain [Ranger] Krogax [Guardian]

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: TheGreatA.4192


Greatsword whirlwind attack in my opinion is one of the best attacks in the game when used right. But you need a damage spec for it to truly shine.

Metsän Suojelija (guard)/Puun Halaaja (engi)/Pieni Musta Rotta (warrior)/Viher Rauha (necro)

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Halo.8976


Greatsword warrior guide for WvW:
Step one: Use 100 blades in wvw once, kill couple of people by surprise.
Step two: Run from every singe ranger you see.

(edited by Halo.8976)

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


You can always combo 100b with other profession. I would think that binding blade + whirling wrath + 100b would do good damage if timed right and enemies are little bit slow.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Convenant.7092


Hi, this is a GS warrior with 3 other people vs 15+

Insane damage, insane survivability, insane mobility. But one necro will make you die without being able to do anything.

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Tetra Bug.7134

Tetra Bug.7134

Protip: GS Warrior becomes a lot better with 10 in tactics for leg specialist. bladetrail applies cripple twice, you get a 2s immobilize for 100b along with freeing up a utility slot that is often used for throw bolas or bull’s charge

Ur Kel – Warrior
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]

Greatsword Warrior good for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnarz.1750


A well played GS warrior can be devastating in small groups. If you are on playing mostly in large zergs then it is diminished somewhat.

That being said, for giggles, I have a rifle spec warrior. The cool thing is that channeled skills will hit a thief even if they stealth as long as you started the skill. This means volley and killshot will hit them no matter what they do. An 18k killshot ruins anyones day!