Man Slauterer-Leader of [Stab]-Maguuma
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
So its reset night in wvw and my guild just used full guild buffs for Stonemist when we took it tonight, later after we claimed it (~2 hours) we lost stonemist, now i have 10 hours of guild buffs, all representing hard earned influence and a strong guild who wanted to support wvw. I go to claim the keep but some other guild has claimed it, not using a single buff, camps are claimed, towers are claimed, and only 2 of them have buffs bought.
There needs to be a way that i can tell what guild claimed this keep/tower/camp or something so that i can message them or something to tell them to get rid of the claim so that i can put these buffs and bonuses to good use.
Also in the instance that i DO find the owner of the keep, they couldn’t do anything without going to another borderlands or something and claiming a random camp. There needs to be a way to simply UNCLAIM a camp if you are in that guild or maybe a timer or something where if the guild doesn’t contribute to that plot of land it is automatically unclaimed.
If this guild flag in the screen shot is yours please message me, i have 8 hours left <,<
I can feel your pain. Most people just don’t know what claiming is all about. They just claim it for glory.
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