Guild Missions in WvW?

Guild Missions in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Walabone.6713


I know my guild is pretty excited about the guild missions! But you know what would be even better? WvW Guild missions!

Not really a complicated concept, but I think it could add a lot of flavor to WvW that has been sorely lacking since the Orbs were removed and never reimplemented.

Essentially, a guild initiates a WvW mission. The mission: to take an objective held by an enemy server. All servers can participate. The invaders get a chest for completing the mission and downing the lord, and the defenders also earn a chest if they defend for long enough. This could really add some incentive in WvW to taking and defending objectives!

Obviously there are some additional nuances to these missions and how to implement it. However, it shouldn’t be too hard to add in! The code is essentially already there for the PvE side of things; just adapt it to WvW.

Walabone – Borlis Pass
Ascension [WAR] Officer | [ÆÆÆÆ] | Driver of BP’s GvG guild [BB]

Guild Missions in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Monty.8263


Agree, would really give players more incentive to promote server pride and building communities through the use of guilds.

The only elephant in the room is culling. The WvW missions would might increase the amount of data going back and forth server to client etc. Anet has been trying to reduce the amount data to improve culling.