Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


The population of GH seemed kitten glad to see the hardcores of INT go and held quite a (senseless) grudge for some time.

Good luck, Xaoc!

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Genotix.6804


I personally was dissapointed to see you go, as i know some of you people back from warhammer days (Snort comes in mind) and i know how good you are.
I was also sad because GH was really strong back then. We may have lost the first 2 weekly matches but during prime time we were not afraid of anyone.
I didn’t hold any grudge against you, even though some of your guildies came disrespectfull against GH community.
Anyways this is not a topic about what happened in the past , neither about CIR.
Welcome Xaoc!

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Teutooni.9572


Invitations to powerful guilds from other servers are frequent. It is not the inviters’ fault if they desert. CIR, ThUn et al would probably have moved soon with or without Xaoc/Blacktide. Yes, I among many other Gunnars’ players condemned the initial move of Xaoc to Vabbi. We (afaik) also refused the alliance that went to Surmia. So I can see how this seems hypocritical.

Things have changed though. Blacktide is already dropping like a stone. Surmia is on the rise, nothing we can do about that. The rankings will be skewed whatever we do. Long before any Xaoc set foot on our server there was constant whine about our numbers and how imbalanced T8 was. I do not mean to brag but we were ticking 600 ppt a few hours after reset. It was pretty clear “keeping this tier balanced” was no longer possible. With the help of our Russian comrades I hope we can find balanced matches in the tiers above.

I sympathize with WSR and RoF (especially RoF, since they have a fight against Surmia ahead of them), and hope you can still find enjoyable fights this week.

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Denis.9286


I have a question:

Xaoc transfered to Vabbi and lost against Ruins of Surmia and so they transfered to Gunnars Hold?

Praetorians [KoA]

R.I.P Kodash Allianz

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: tichai.4351


Please, can we get this into perspective? We have 1 guild join us today, just 1. The guild name is Xaoc (Chaos). This is NOT the whole, former Xaoc Alliance of old.

The whole process was discussed in great detail by all those who showed an interest in proceedings, both on the community forum and Mumble channels. Khorne came to mumble and faced 40+ concerned community members who were not shy in voicing their concerns. We had all heard the stories and rumours, now was the opportunity to learn the FACTS.

At the end of the discussions even the most hardened sceptics were happy with what they heard and an invitation was given and accepted.

What does this mean to our WvW community? We have a new guild who, on average, can put out 50-60 players and on a good day MAY be able to put out 100. To put this into context, over the last 3 months we were losing guilds almost on a weekly basis and by comparison, the numbers Xaoc are bringing to WvW are nothing compared to the numbers we have lost.

All the guilds who left the server did so of their own free will, in some cases to satisfy their own ego’s. They made their excuses and left, nobody dragged them away against their will. As a result, what was left of the community had to rethink and rebuild. We had to do it ourselves, nobody was going to help us and we feel we now have a stable base from which we can build.

After 3 months of seeing our server decimated by leavers, with very few replacements, it has come as a bit of a shock to find we are suddenly looked on as a potential new home to several guilds. [Imp] joining us was the start, a small, tight knit group of 10-15 people who fit into our system perfectly. Not huge numbers but a welcome addition nonetheless. This was followed by [TCS], again not great numbers in WvW but a good fit into our community.

It has never been our intention to accept our current ranking and roll over, everything we have done and are doing has been carried out in a controlled and structured way, we have never and will never simply look to accept huge numbers in order to make big leaps up the tiers. Our progress and our growth will continue to be methodical and considered.

The addition of Xaoc to our community will give us some coverage in a known weak time zone, there is no denying the fact but that had no bearing on our decision.

We realise their arrival will cause further imbalance to our current match-up on top of the problems WsR are experiencing but it is not personal and I am not sure how we could be expected to do it any other way?

Finally, there seem to be a lot of rumours and accusations surrounding Xaoc but so far, very little proof and until such times, Xaoc are a welcome addition to our WvW community.

Scrub Guardian [CHvc]
Gunnar’s Hold

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


I have a question:

Xaoc transfered to Vabbi and lost against Ruins of Surmia and so they transfered to Gunnars Hold?


Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Aisina.4963


Hello forum users,

I’d just like to say that there is a very very large portion of the Gunnar’s community that do not use these forums frequently, and if they do come on out of interest, they don’t post.
I’d just like to speak up for those people who aren’t mouthy online, who were given the chance to talk to Chaos with an open mind and a look towards the future of our server as a whole.
It was not just WvW guilds represented in the Mumble and server forum discussions, those of us more inclined to PvE activities were given the chance to voice our objections, knowing the impact Chaos’ previous reputation would have on a server who has worked hard on its core values.
Chaos gave us every opportunity to say no, please don’t come. But the discussions were mature and productive enough for us to see it would be to the benefit of everyone involved.
I am very proud of my WvW friends, for what they have achieved against the odds, and I can only see it as a good thing that guilds have enough respect for that to contact us prior to moving.

Gunnars is a place of friends. For example, Tichai who has posted above me. I have heard him often in Mumble, but we do not talk. However, if I went to him to ask about WvW tactics, or builds, or any kind of advice, I’m safe in the knowledge that he, and the people around me will not rebuff me, and will instead support me and help me.

Its a long post I guess, but I felt it needed saying that GH is more than a prominent few outspoken forum users who do not represent the feelings of all of us. Thanks for reading, Aisi x

S/F Asuran Elementalist

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Denis.9286


I have a question:

Xaoc transfered to Vabbi and lost against Ruins of Surmia and so they transfered to Gunnars Hold?


That shows again how noobish big gaming alliances are. For example RUIN oder now Xaoc. They transfer where they can win and if they lose they join the next server. You will see they will transfer to a top Tier Server before free transfers are closed.
Why dont they have the courage to fight some weeks for Vabbi? No they lose and transfer to the next server lol – shame on Xaoc or RUIN

Praetorians [KoA]

R.I.P Kodash Allianz

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Jimmy JimBob.2801

Jimmy JimBob.2801

Well this has now buggered up wvw for all of the lower tiers since the tier above GH was balanced pretty evenly.
RoF and WR will probably not do very well against Underworld when they drop since they were pretty balanced against the tier above.

The only way I can see this balancing out is if Blacktide drops past Underworld and down into the bottom tiers which basically swaps them with GH, otherwise this move will probably ruin wvw for a lot of people.

It basically pushes everyone down by 1 which means the 1st server on each matchup is a higher tier and has been for a while so will probably crush the others.

Last time we fought you guys were a proud group that wouldn’t move servers and didn’t ask others to move over. I know a lot of them will not have had a say in the matter but allowing a Russian Alliance on a British server seems like betraying your community for an easier win.

Just want to clarify a few things here.

Firstly we were heading up anyway, if not this week then almost definitely next week, and BT are dropping into T7 this week so that matchup was going to lose its balance regardless of this transfer in the next couple of weeks anyway. I really doubt we’ll stomp you all anyway. We might win but even with all the numbers we put out last night it only gave us a queue in 1 BL, something we had before at times anyway.

Secondly your point about our “British community” is just bullkitten. For a start Gunnars is not a British server. It is a european server and we have many non European players and guilds. What’s more is that Xaoc approached us AS A COMMUNITY. Khorne made it clear from the start that if we felt they would be too disruptive to what we had we should tell him and they would look elsewhere. However as a community we spoke to him and he converted even the most hardcore of skeptics, and we had a thread in our community forum for all those who wished to make points but couldn’t be there.

Anyway, welcome to Xaoc.

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Growltiger.3450


Well I for one want to apologise to our current opponents. I know how tedious it is to get roflstomped all week in hopelessly imbalanced matchups – we have had enough of those over the past couple of months. I’m sorry if this, and the other moves, make this week no fun for you. Not much fun for me either tbh, logging in to find very little to do.

That being said – if guilds want to join, or leave, the server there is not much we can do about it other than engage with them and manage it as well as possible. Our community elders have done a good job explaining what we are about and what our hopes are – expectations is too strong a word, it’s not as if we can police it. Xaoc is welcome to our server as long as they don’t kitten it up for those of us that have stuck it out through the tough times.

The guilty party here is the free transfer policy – this means that guilds can move around as they like and cause imbalances like this. Thank kitten this will shortly be stopped.

I don’t care what tier we fight in just as long as the fights are balanced and fair. WSR and RoF, I’ve had a few fantastic weeks against you all – kudos and respect to you. If we are to walk this week I hope we can leave you to a better fight next week.


Sidestrike | Charr Guardian | Cry Havoc – Gunnar’s Hold

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Talon Silverhawk.5964

Talon Silverhawk.5964

- We do not tolerate exploits of any kind, and all guilds are expected to take immediate action on such behavior
- Insky

Really so Xaoc who use a exploit to get in to Ring of Fire Bastion, when we had took it back and made sure it was clear of mesmer then had reinforce walls and reinforce doors up for only to have one GH use the while known exploit and then portal players inside and take inner gate down in less then a few mins. I add the Reinforce gates down in less then a few mins. This is the same guild who known to use exploit and was turn down by many servers for that reason.
If only we had had the proof to show it but as some our too slow to think of it then that wont happen.

While good luck Gunner’s Hold for when you move up a tier or 2 and come back down so fast that you lose a lot of Guilds again.

Seem now you out number both WSR and ROF.

I will add nice job of tactical team work. I knew GH would come in behind us to Dawn’s while our lot who don’t seem to hear at time’s was busy attacking Garrison, leaving just a few of us to keep a eye on Dawn’s.

@ Neandramathal I wish you luck but if you every feel the need to change server then do think of ROF lol.

PS Could you let us take the wall at Aldon’s Ledge down just so I can get my one last POI and there so complete my 100% map Completion. :P lol

Colourseliteuk [CEUK]

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: tichai.4351


@Talon Silverhawk:

Please feel free to pm links to any screenshots or videos of alleged hacking or exploiting. Our community view on the subject has not changed.

I would question your own security though, having taken your garrison on your borderlands midweek, we subsequently relinquished ownership after you decided you wanted it back, however, due to poor security on your part our thief/mesmer duo were able to hide succesfully for 15 minutes in a widely known spot, thereby enabling us to walk back in unopposed.
As it was getting late, we decided against taking it a third time, partly as we didn’t feel it was fair to our undercover operatives to sit there for another 15 minutes and to save you from further embarrassment

Scrub Guardian [CHvc]
Gunnar’s Hold

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


These snide remarks about us not clearing our keeps was bound to come after Xaoc is accused of glitching/exploiting for the 500th time.
But as someone here said they now know the facts about all these accusations (their facts being listening to what Xaoc said as everything Xaoc says is obviously a fact, what every opponent Xaoc has ever faced said is obviously not a fact).

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Jimmy JimBob.2801

Jimmy JimBob.2801

I’ve been on Gunnars since release and since I was the thief that hid our mesmer in your Garrison on Thursday I can confirm Tichai is not lying here.

However if you have fraps or screenshots of these exploits/cheats in action please send them to any community member or Champion of Khorne so we can deal with it internally. Thank you

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: genowefapigwa.5769


Good luck GH and Xaos

Goraca Mariola
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Runty Choir.4893

Runty Choir.4893

Hey welcome [Xaoc]! Were not the new guys any more

Victrixx [xVx]

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: tichai.4351


In an effort to draw a line under this saga and contrary to popular belief, Xaoc are not responsible for the financial collapse of the western world, global warming, the current plight of RoF and WsR or the oncoming of the zombie apocalypse.

They are a group of people who are extremely enthusiastic about WvW, they may have a different take on the game to some which may not be to everyone’s taste, but they certainly enjoy themselves doing it.

As a community, we have offered our explanations as to our decision, we were under no obligation to do so. We have been open and honest about it but it is clear some people are so entrenched in their own belief’s that no amount of factual information will alter their opinions. A sad indictment of the world we live in.

Scrub Guardian [CHvc]
Gunnar’s Hold

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


@Talon, Krosan:
Having a lonely mesmer hide is not enough nowadays. Now, a thief and a mesmer, on the other hand…
If you have any screens/fraps, send them to both folks of GH and ANet, to see the cheaters ostracised and banned. That’s really everything about it, honestly.

@down – screens/fraps to GH and ANet; otherwise it’s just pointless banter.


(edited by drkn.3429)

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


You do realise the permanent invisibility the thief can do by attacking a wall is considered an exploit…
Anyway I guess now that Xaoc are on GH it will be considered a tactic.

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Jimmy JimBob.2801

Jimmy JimBob.2801

I didn’t attack any walls. Nor did I perma stealth.

2 thief aoe stealth skills plus blast finisher in smoke combo field. No cloak and dagger was used.

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Za Playing Nurse.6329

Za Playing Nurse.6329

I have a question:

Xaoc transfered to Vabbi and lost against Ruins of Surmia and so they transfered to Gunnars Hold?


That shows again how noobish big gaming alliances are. For example RUIN oder now Xaoc. They transfer where they can win and if they lose they join the next server. You will see they will transfer to a top Tier Server before free transfers are closed.
Why dont they have the courage to fight some weeks for Vabbi? No they lose and transfer to the next server lol – shame on Xaoc or RUIN

M8 you probablt didnt know who Xaoc was fighting with since they lost to Ruin Of Surmia ^-^
Surmia also had server transfer, and it no one else but Xaoc’s old Blacktide alliance + 1 of they own Xaoc guild^-^
I wont go more in details since this is between Xaoc and the old Blacktide Alliance.
I just want to make sure that you know who Xaoc was up against, before calling them nub^-^

Lots of love Jucha

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Ventus.9483


I will not explain the reasons but would say that you would do the same in our position.

I would most certainly not welcome them in.

Get their booty pummelled in high tier, drop their whole alliance on one of the smallest realms to ‘create a wvw dynasty’… Someone else does the same and hands them their kitten (cos lets be fair they are garbage in skirmishes It’d take 10 CHvc to work a 40man Xaoc zerg over) so they decide, NOOOO FAIR FIGHT, and try find the next wagon to band on with (unfortunately for you, it was you).

GH always said you had been in our position, tbh our position hasn’t ever been great, and this is the second time we’ll have to rebuild from the bottom tier, butttttt you had a similar fate befall you, and you’ll see it happen again with these kind of wasters joining in while the goings good, cos they’ll leave just as quick when it isn’t :s

GH would have been my first and only choice of server to move to if WSR had imploded, your spirit and organisation are fantastic. But recruiting stable quality players would have been a better idea imo

[TEO] Cloaa
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Minfast.5489


In an effort to draw a line under this saga and contrary to popular belief, Xaoc are not responsible for the financial collapse of the western world, global warming, the current plight of RoF and WsR or the oncoming of the zombie apocalypse.

They are a group of people who are extremely enthusiastic about WvW, they may have a different take on the game to some which may not be to everyone’s taste, but they certainly enjoy themselves doing it.

As a community, we have offered our explanations as to our decision, we were under no obligation to do so. We have been open and honest about it but it is clear some people are so entrenched in their own belief’s that no amount of factual information will alter their opinions. A sad indictment of the world we live in.

As I see it the only posters trying to blow this out of all proportion are the ones from GH. The only thing highlighted in this thread by non GH posters is the hypocrisy shown by some from GH who posted some persistant accusations and unsavoury comments on the Vabbi Alliance thread when Xaoc moved there and started advertising for recruitment. At the time GH did not have such a dominant position in tier 8 and were naturally worried that things might change for the worst. Now you try to justify your sudden change of heart by claiming “its ok to be ticking at 600 points, we were doing it before the transfer.”

Just to stress the point nobody is knocking your for strengthening your server or indeed knocking Xaoc (with the exception of 1 or 2). But the sudden change of heart of some and hypocisy of some on the server leave a bad impression. Only a week ago many of you were in uproar about Xaoc’s move to Vabbi, stressing how it upsets the balance. But now its ok for you. Maybe some of you should refrain from making rash comments on other threads and it might not leave such an impression again.

As for the sob story. There are quite a few servers that make the claim of being the most hard done by, you only have to look at Far Shiverpeaks who ofc has been worst affected by the free transfers and guild exodus. Stop banging on about it as if the game owes you.

Minfast – Thief / Rulken Charon – Guardian / Yalkara Moonshade – Ele
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Toxikthrash.2704


In an effort to draw a line under this saga and contrary to popular belief, Xaoc are not responsible for the financial collapse of the western world, global warming, the current plight of RoF and WsR or the oncoming of the zombie apocalypse.

They are a group of people who are extremely enthusiastic about WvW, they may have a different take on the game to some which may not be to everyone’s taste, but they certainly enjoy themselves doing it.

As a community, we have offered our explanations as to our decision, we were under no obligation to do so. We have been open and honest about it but it is clear some people are so entrenched in their own belief’s that no amount of factual information will alter their opinions. A sad indictment of the world we live in.

As I see it the only posters trying to blow this out of all proportion are the ones from GH. The only thing highlighted in this thread by non GH posters is the hypocrisy shown by some from GH who posted some persistant accusations and unsavoury comments on the Vabbi Alliance thread when Xaoc moved there and started advertising for recruitment. At the time GH did not have such a dominant position in tier 8 and were naturally worried that things might change for the worst. Now you try to justify your sudden change of heart by claiming “its ok to be ticking at 600 points, we were doing it before the transfer.”

Just to stress the point nobody is knocking your for strengthening your server or indeed knocking Xaoc (with the exception of 1 or 2). But the sudden change of heart of some and hypocisy of some on the server leave a bad impression. Only a week ago many of you were in uproar about Xaoc’s move to Vabbi, stressing how it upsets the balance. But now its ok for you. Maybe some of you should refrain from making rash comments on other threads and it might not leave such an impression again.

As for the sob story. There are quite a few servers that make the claim of being the most hard done by, you only have to look at Far Shiverpeaks who ofc has been worst affected by the free transfers and guild exodus. Stop banging on about it as if the game owes you.

Again i will chuck this out, a few people are not the whole community. So saying/implying that my opinion (I was a poster) covers all GH is just foolish. I Can’t be sure if my view of Xaoc is clear at the moment, and i will not know until next tier+

RoF players come over and whine.. then instigate a bit of conflict. Such as this Korran or whatever his name is from [PI] who just comes here because he is upset about not winning clearly over the past two weeks that he has been whining.

Keep any hate you may have of GH in the Server mach-up thread. And for now i am jumping off the thread because this is just embarrassing

Dishammer – Human Guardian of [CHvc]

(edited by Toxikthrash.2704)

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Aisina.4963


Please don’t judge Gunnar’s from the rash viewpoints of a vocal few. – Aisi

S/F Asuran Elementalist

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Magus.6543


But the sudden change of heart of some and hypocisy of some on the server leave a bad impression. Only a week ago many of you were in uproar about Xaoc’s move to Vabbi, stressing how it upsets the balance. But now its ok for you. Maybe some of you should refrain from making rash comments on other threads and it might not leave such an impression again.

Minfast, you’ve obviously done your home work good, and seem to follow forums remember individuals’ posts very well. There is an element of truth in what you say … but I believe there is much more to the truth. Every response from a GH’er in a threads you refer to must be seen in the context they were actually put.
The initial reactions on the Vabbi alliance must be seen in a different context than now. And, welcoming Xaoc because of difference in contexts is – NOT – hypocritical.

I’m not gonna describe in detail each server-moving occurence since the Vabbi alliance was made, but the uproar against Vabbi was not personally against Xaoc, but was mainly a general statement against higher tier servers moving to lower tier “in a mass for glory” (as I read the replies). After that, MANY guilds have left higher servers for lower tier servers. And, there is NO “hunt for glory” in our server. My point being, see reponses on forums in their specific context, thanks. And, please pay the respect to see on this with positive glasses, instead of negative glasses.

As well, remember that even though “Gunnar’s Hold have welcomed Xaoc”, it was not necesarily everyone who did agree 100%.
Every individual on Gunnar’s Hold has completely free rights to speak for themselves. In fact, this is how it should be – room for individuals. This announcement from our community is the first one, ever. It will possibly also be the last one, with the number of very very surprising negative comments we have received on an actual so far succesful guild intake to our server.
Please, don’t judge whole communities purely on individuals’ posts.

I hope servers in future will continue to recognise Gunnar’s Hold for our community. The community is and will for ever be our greatest asset, not individual guilds, and not individual players (only Commander Starhejm (internal joke sorry:)).

With respect,
– Insky

Edited, please reread it. Thanks.

Insky | Commander
Praxium [PRXM] | WvW guild on Gunnar’s Hold – Video collection under “Forum”

(edited by Magus.6543)

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Minfast.5489


In an effort to draw a line under this saga and contrary to popular belief, Xaoc are not responsible for the financial collapse of the western world, global warming, the current plight of RoF and WsR or the oncoming of the zombie apocalypse.

They are a group of people who are extremely enthusiastic about WvW, they may have a different take on the game to some which may not be to everyone’s taste, but they certainly enjoy themselves doing it.

As a community, we have offered our explanations as to our decision, we were under no obligation to do so. We have been open and honest about it but it is clear some people are so entrenched in their own belief’s that no amount of factual information will alter their opinions. A sad indictment of the world we live in.

As I see it the only posters trying to blow this out of all proportion are the ones from GH. The only thing highlighted in this thread by non GH posters is the hypocrisy shown by some from GH who posted some persistant accusations and unsavoury comments on the Vabbi Alliance thread when Xaoc moved there and started advertising for recruitment. At the time GH did not have such a dominant position in tier 8 and were naturally worried that things might change for the worst. Now you try to justify your sudden change of heart by claiming “its ok to be ticking at 600 points, we were doing it before the transfer.”

Just to stress the point nobody is knocking your for strengthening your server or indeed knocking Xaoc (with the exception of 1 or 2). But the sudden change of heart of some and hypocisy of some on the server leave a bad impression. Only a week ago many of you were in uproar about Xaoc’s move to Vabbi, stressing how it upsets the balance. But now its ok for you. Maybe some of you should refrain from making rash comments on other threads and it might not leave such an impression again.

As for the sob story. There are quite a few servers that make the claim of being the most hard done by, you only have to look at Far Shiverpeaks who ofc has been worst affected by the free transfers and guild exodus. Stop banging on about it as if the game owes you.

Again i will chuck this out, a few people are not the whole community. So saying/implying that my opinion (I was a poster) covers all GH is just foolish. I Can’t be sure if my view of Xaoc is clear at the moment, and i will not know until next tier+

RoF players come over and whine.. then instigate a bit of conflict. Such as this Korran or whatever his name is from [PI] who just comes here because he is upset about not winning clearly over the past two weeks that he has been whining.

Keep any hate you may have of GH in the Server mach-up thread. And for now i am jumping off the thread because this is just embarrassing

I have highlighted in bold what you might have missed. Chuck it out all you want, but please read first. I don’t hate GH at all. Please don’t put words in my mouth.

Minfast – Thief / Rulken Charon – Guardian / Yalkara Moonshade – Ele
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Toxikthrash.2704


In an effort to draw a line under this saga and contrary to popular belief, Xaoc are not responsible for the financial collapse of the western world, global warming, the current plight of RoF and WsR or the oncoming of the zombie apocalypse.

They are a group of people who are extremely enthusiastic about WvW, they may have a different take on the game to some which may not be to everyone’s taste, but they certainly enjoy themselves doing it.

As a community, we have offered our explanations as to our decision, we were under no obligation to do so. We have been open and honest about it but it is clear some people are so entrenched in their own belief’s that no amount of factual information will alter their opinions. A sad indictment of the world we live in.

As I see it the only posters trying to blow this out of all proportion are the ones from GH. The only thing highlighted in this thread by non GH posters is the hypocrisy shown by some from GH who posted some persistant accusations and unsavoury comments on the Vabbi Alliance thread when Xaoc moved there and started advertising for recruitment. At the time GH did not have such a dominant position in tier 8 and were naturally worried that things might change for the worst. Now you try to justify your sudden change of heart by claiming “its ok to be ticking at 600 points, we were doing it before the transfer.”

Just to stress the point nobody is knocking your for strengthening your server or indeed knocking Xaoc (with the exception of 1 or 2). But the sudden change of heart of some and hypocisy of some on the server leave a bad impression. Only a week ago many of you were in uproar about Xaoc’s move to Vabbi, stressing how it upsets the balance. But now its ok for you. Maybe some of you should refrain from making rash comments on other threads and it might not leave such an impression again.

As for the sob story. There are quite a few servers that make the claim of being the most hard done by, you only have to look at Far Shiverpeaks who ofc has been worst affected by the free transfers and guild exodus. Stop banging on about it as if the game owes you.

Again i will chuck this out, a few people are not the whole community. So saying/implying that my opinion (I was a poster) covers all GH is just foolish. I Can’t be sure if my view of Xaoc is clear at the moment, and i will not know until next tier+

RoF players come over and whine.. then instigate a bit of conflict. Such as this Korran or whatever his name is from [PI] who just comes here because he is upset about not winning clearly over the past two weeks that he has been whining.

Keep any hate you may have of GH in the Server mach-up thread. And for now i am jumping off the thread because this is just embarrassing

I have highlighted in bold what you might have missed. Chuck it out all you want, but please read first. I don’t hate GH at all. Please don’t put words in my mouth.

I did not mean to post in the way that came across. it was more of a post for everyone than just for you. Clearly i misread Earlier. With all the Kitten being posted around it just comes naturally…

Dishammer – Human Guardian of [CHvc]

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Personally, I am not pleased with the decision due to various concerns. Before I continue however I’d like to point out it is not due to Xaoc themselves, simply the rapid increase in numbers.

I was none too pleased with their previous joining the bottom tier (or likewise the other ex-Blacktide guilds joining) due to the imbalance that occurs, and as such am object to this for the same reason. It doesn’t matter what guild it is when it is of this size, it is horrible.

For Gunnar’s Hold itself, I am firmly of the belief that after various guild exoduses…exodus..exodii….. err, leavings, they have had to find a tier comfortable for themselves before beginning to rebuild. Tier 8 was that tier and it was evident, as they began by scraping by in 2nd place and eventually overcoming Ring of Fire through hard work of the community (NOT mass transfers) in terms of organising server events and trying to entice players from PvE to join in.

The server is now on the verge of tiering up and it is a great testament to their work, regardless of how difficult the task ahead in tier 7 may (potentially) be. I would much rather meet that challenge on the underdog side and have to work extremely hard – find out if the numbers are required AFTER we arrive – than pull numbers in in advance only to find it is too much and we are in for weeks of boredom before we yet again, find our comfortable place on the ladder. I am however understanding that the timing is very bad with the paid transfers coming up, and so if there is to be transfers/recruitment at any point, now is the time it will have to be.

I am concerned as to the reasons that the numbers are so welcomed, that possibly people are more concerned with rising tiers than they are simply having a comfortable and balanced match on the way. But not everyone has the same desires and it would be wrong to expect that. The numbers influx has both imbalanced this tier – which was already suffering from the usual problem every server faces of “we’re losing I won’t bother this week” – and will likely cause us to have fairly dominant matchups for the next few weeks too.

Again, I would like to state this is not about Xaoc as a guild. The Gunnar’s community are doing what they believe is best for the server, and I cannot fault them for that. My opinion being as it is is simply a difference in what I enjoy out of the game, having been in the bottom tiers all along and playing in a small guild. I also have concerns that this will undo the organisational work that has been done by allowing us to function purely on a numbers basis.

Erm, post is a little longer than I intended. But yes, regardless of the implications of my post or my own concerns or unhappiness about it, I can assure that the decision was deliberated over and it is certainly not a case of everyone changing their minds due to it being us receiving the transfers.

Freyn [Imp]

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

I’m generalising and not talking specifically about Xaoc but after paid transfers are implemented we’ll know who is really with us and who isn’t. I’m rather looking forward to Jan 29th to see who is around me when the dust settles. Some people I know will be.

Meantime, welcome Xaoc to GH, I hope you have a nice time here and can look forward to some good fights. Despite what some say, we are usually outnumbered and fighting here at this time will be a challenge, especially when our matchups change. From the brief chat I had on comms with you guys I don’t think thats an issue for you.

I won’t be around much this week (sadly due to work) but will drop by when I can. While you fight under the GH flag I’m sure you’ll get as much support and help as the community is able, and I hope this will go both ways.

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem

Gunnar's Hold (EU) welcomes [Xaoc]

in WvW

Posted by: Leopoldina Balanuta.2871

Leopoldina Balanuta.2871

Large amount of people transferring for easy win, i bet the attitude would be different here if 29 january didn’t come, hope being they get stuck here and have to fight for this server [forever].

The vabbi adventure, the +695 points recruitment posts just to lose in the end, the flying mesmers, and transferring hundreds of people once a week with no concern for local balance speaks for them.

I don’t really mind, we need more “international” guilds up there fighting the national enclaves, a warm goodbye from RoS, hopefully we’ll see each other again soon.

George Cosbuc [MR] Mint Rubbing
Ruins of Surmia