Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698



And that is as far as my French goes.
At the moment desolation are dominating our match ip. Early on Gunnars hold took a lead and both desolation and Augury Rock rightly targeted them.
Now as the match up has changed we should refocus on desolation.
I can not guarantee the actions of y guild but I am part of an alliance and we are willing to bypass your side of the map and exclusively target desolation if you are willing to do the same.
We tried to do this yesterday by attacking desolation in garrison when you did and by withdrawing when you took it for them. Unfortunately some of your forces then attacked us rather than the desolation keep that held the orb.
For today I would suggest the following.
We target the leading server and encourage those others on our server to do the same. Now there will be some confusion and cross over but if enough of us do this we will start clawing back on desolation.
If there are French language forums I would be grateful if this was translated and posted there.
Allez les blue.

Snort – The Unnamed[ThUn]

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


This is relevant to my interests.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Arclight.4652



Glad to hear some supports, rather than french bashing :-)

i speak for myself, but desolation seem to be unreachable, more players at night and a secure income from eternal battlefield.

I think the second place will be our objective, you know what it means ;-)

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Raoh.4502


Hi there!
I ll speak for myself only here,
From what i see Desolation is a lesser opponent than Riverside was last week, their lead isnt that great, but they still have the crowd of the top 4 server which make them hard to reach for Augury Rock.
But an alliance would cut us from having good fights, cause the only fights i actually enjoyed this week end were against the unnamed with their nice teamwork and crazy tactics! awsome encounters, cant wait to fight you again

Arborstone – [GN]
La Garde Noire

(edited by Raoh.4502)

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698



We noticed GN too.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Lyk.5763


Sorry, we just enjoy fighting.
Sometimes, we’ll follow the same target, but not all the week.

Redhead (and guild leader) | Tempest Auld [Tpst]

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: specialllama.9570


The mighty Desolation cant win by themselves and Augry happy with second place? just lol tbh.

Augry Rock, you need to grow a pair and fight like men…


Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Zorlak.7926


Hey AR, give us our orb back.
Filthy thieves.

Zorlak – Warrior [JuG] Desolation EU

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: TRON.1085


lol I lead deso server on EB map pretty whole past 2 days with no sleep and we wiped map of all AR and GH upgrades twice, held and fully upgraded stonemist for 48 hours and we win fights where we have 10 vs your 30…..and lower odds.

You guys have been epic to fight though attacking SM every 5 mins and retreating. So far deso has had to deal with treb exploits, wasting supply exploits, keep lord exploits, orb exploits….friendly npc’s attacking our siege bugs, and the list goes on…

Yet were still winning, if you guys want to team up together against us even though its very well balanced match up right now. Two words. BRING IT! :P

See ya on the battle field!

(edited by TRON.1085)

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: lepri.6504


We all know who are teaming up against who at the moment. It was a good act however, keep it up tron. It is the nature of open warfare, I am not complainin about it but I have right to troll about it too. You well know that dependence of massive zerg is main motivation of desolation and winning against bigger forces is a dream for you. So please make us a favor and do not tell stories about glorious fights of yours.

Blacktide>>Yafes>>Asura Engineer

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Nicholai.5169


I can’t say I’m impressed with anyone from Augury Rock or Gunnar’s Hold so far.

We head off on our own as a guild group of 5 to 10 people and charge into groups of 30+, only to roll out the other side without any losses. We couldn’t do that against the better servers we get ranked up against(Visunah/Far shiver). By comparison to the top servers, the guilds we have been fighting this week are a joke.

You can blame numbers if you like, but even when you have the numerical advantage you still crumple like cheap tissue paper. We are not impressed. Not impressed in the slightest.

I hope we get ranked up against Visunah Square again next week. They kick ourkitten and actually challenge us to improve. This week has just felt like a practise fight.


Cattlebruiser of SHC

(edited by Nicholai.5169)

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Zid.4196


You do realize the reward for winning this match is two boring weeks against Canadah Square.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Lyk.5763


Nicholai, u’re killing some pu, great for u.

Redhead (and guild leader) | Tempest Auld [Tpst]

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: teowind.5746


Nicholai, u’re killing some pu, great for u.

Oh hey, it’s [Tpst]. Thanks for the great fights at bay in your borderland this evening. Great fun!

Gunnar’s Hold – [ThUn]

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Superlol.3741


Our server (GH) just can’t read the chat… So enjoy this match sorry for making it too easy

[CIR] – Blacktide

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Lyk.5763


My english sucks, but we love it too, ur defense was strong.

Redhead (and guild leader) | Tempest Auld [Tpst]

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Allying in a game that doesn’t balance out if you come with double the numbers. What can I say. Cowards and weaklings should do what they have to, you have no chance playing fair. Now GH is even nightcapping to appear to be pros. Must feel good to hit empty keeps and forts, such a huuuuge challenge. You guys are a disgrace.

Gray – Desolation

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: lepri.6504


Last night we defended the Bay for over an hour against combined deso&AR forces. There was literaly no fight on the map except this. So I can assume the whole zerg of two servers were there. The attack was nonstop, ar was attacking from one side and deso from the other. You could actually see them attacking to us on lord room while being very close but not making any agressive moves against eachother. They managed to take it after such a long fight, congrats for great coordiantion.

Blacktide>>Yafes>>Asura Engineer

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Raap.9065


This thread is gold. Servers wanting to team up to fight us when the reality is we have the same amount of night players. Every night, each borderland is for the most part controlled by the defending server, and EB is usually the place where one server has an advantage.

But looking at the score gains (potential points per 15 minutes), it’s usually about even.

I have little good words for neither GN or AR however, you both exploit bugs and play dirty, as a previous poster in this thread already pointed out. And now you want to try and team up aswell? You’re pathetic! Man up and fight beter, Desolation is hardly the most organised server, so stop crying.

Swift Mending – Guardian
Thorny Scrub – Thief

(edited by Raap.9065)

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


This thread is gold. Servers wanting to team up to fight us when the reality is we have the same amount of night players. Every night, each borderland is for the most part controlled by the defending server, and EB is usually the place where one server has an advantage.

But looking at the score gains (potential points per 15 minutes), it’s usually about even.

I have little good words for neither GN or AR however, you both exploit bugs and play dirty, as a previous poster in this thread already pointed out. And now you want to try and team up aswell? You’re pathetic! Man up and fight beter, Desolation is hardly the most organised server, so stop crying.

Even numbers at night? I guess that’s why we had the outmanned buff from before 1 AM in a few zones.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


Methinks some on desolation, know they arent as good as they imagine. Others more than likely arent that aware ofwhat is happening. I find the pugs there inferior to the French. The organised guilds deserve a shout out though. I am sure they are frustrated by their pugs.

Teaming up against the winning serer makes sense. At start of the match up that’s what happened to Gunnar’s hold. I am all for that happening.

I am shocked that some are a bit scared of it. Actually it dawns on me, didnt desolation and the other server in tier one gang up on VS? Jesus if you didnt, /facepalm. please tell me i am wrong about this?

Now however Augury and Desolation are pushing Gunnar. Yesterday we had desolation breaking down a door and Augury turn up and attack it from the other side to let them in.

It took the two servers over 60 minutes to take the bay from one guild of 20 and a similar amount of pugs. The two servers were coordinating their pushes.

In fairness it was great fun and loot for us.

We dont play for 2nd place.

So if Desolation win the go back up to a bracket that they were humiliated in and much worse in my opinion didn’t enjoy. A bracket where they will not have another server to help them. I expect many whine threads about Canadians. the canadians are a a lie.

We on the other hand cant stop one server settling for 2nd. In fact I understand just couldn’t quite stomach it myself, even though its tempting.

Possible Augury need to consider that if they always play for 2nd they will eventually only have a downward spiral. One slip and you go down a tier and you are playing for 2nd there with no upward momentum.

Not that all is sweetness and light. When we were winning last week we had huge queues. this week we are losing and I am in in 15 minutes. We even have people leaving zones. Last week we had a ton of armchair generals this week whiners.

@whiners just a point, juts because you are not involved in the organisation doesn’t mean there isnt any.

Yet at some level I prefer this week. Everyday is a challenge and so far everyday ThUn have come out in the plus column(and I dont just mean badges).

Therefore we fight the good fight and have Sparta analogy completions in voice chat. The fun quota is high, so well done arenanet. We also have faced a few decent guilds both Augury and Desolation. GN, WC are good and also like IRON.

I am loving WvWvW. Loved it last week when we were on top, love it this week when we are on the bottom. I suspect we will love it next week.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Lyk.5763


Lepri, how do you think we won the keep?
Of course, we fight against desolation too, sorry for u if u can’t see this. And we killed many of them at each try.
(and they killed us one time when we were really close to kill all the defenders, but you cannot see this neither in the lord room)

You are right if u think we let them weaken you, inside the keep, but, this is only because you lost your tower before.
Anw, we tried to attack their back too, during this attack.

HF today

Redhead (and guild leader) | Tempest Auld [Tpst]

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Come on guys, it’s better for Desolation to stay in D2. Let our aussie french friends come over to us next week.

Thank you gratefully.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Phelia.7231


As for if we wish to level up and go in the first bracket, second in “division 2” is a nice fit for most of us (at least for our alliance if I may speak for all of us) : we know we don’t have the manpower to fight at every hours of the day and don’t wish to ;]

What we want, and what we care of, is having fun. Whatever bracket we might end in.

As for the Ascension fun fight yesterday, clipping is hard on the awareness of the forces in presence. Still it was a good one !

Thanks all :]

Augury Rock
Black Fury [BF]

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Thrax.1720


So if I got it right, when Desolation gets humiliated in top3 it’s because of people capping at night, but when they fall down to 2nd division opposing servers spending the night with outmanned buff and waking up with nearly anything left they are just having a taste of Desolation superior organisation?

Btw I don’t see AR only playing for second place, top4 servers have a strong 24/7 presence and we don’t, being #5 or #6 is ok then, we just enjoy playing against strong guilds when we can and don’t cry for Deso winning WvE at night.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Clith.9548


Been loving fighting against Gunnars this week. From your destruction of our golem army, to what seemed like your entire population on Eternal trying to take Pangloss Rise supply camp from us and how long we held out for in there, its been great so far. Hope the next few days continue to bring as much fun

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


I wish we had server forums for this kind of stuff.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: lepri.6504


I am not complaining a single bit. I was just stating the obvious, what I saw with my own eyes.
I am having great fun, actually one of the most enjoyable pvp fights I had was yesterdays Bay defence.
Just a remark but I see more clever tactical moves from AR while desolation rely on zerg in general (few exceptions).

Blacktide>>Yafes>>Asura Engineer

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Yoke.4671


As a Deso player I must say this weeks WvW has been great so far, I just fear that winning the trio, we will be placed with VS(fr) again and they are lame gits who tbh just ruin it, its just that they beat us(they do soundly) but its the extreme nightcapping the massive guild organised zergs and there is never any little 1v1 or 2v2 or skirms around the map like this week, with VS its either 50zerg or noone.

Im not looking forward to next week, maybe we should let gunnars hold win

Also didnt augury rock(fr) exploit the orb few days ago? These french lot sure aren’t painting a pretty picture of themselves.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: DavidMonthen.4398


The matchup is so much fun right now. It was pretty even like 2 days ago and then we started pulling away a little bit. No idea how things are right now, as I’m at work and can’t play right now, but I have complete confidence in my guild to hold our keep in the Augury Rock Borderlands!

Thanks guys, for some epic battles!

Commander – Kaargoth Bloodsteel
Gunnars Hold – [RUN]

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: DavidMonthen.4398


Also didnt augury rock(fr) exploit the orb few days ago? These french lot sure aren’t painting a pretty picture of themselves.

Nah, I’m pretty sure it was just a random bug, not an exploit.

Commander – Kaargoth Bloodsteel
Gunnars Hold – [RUN]

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


The matchup is so much fun right now. It was pretty even like 2 days ago and then we started pulling away a little bit. No idea how things are right now, as I’m at work and can’t play right now, but I have complete confidence in my guild to hold our keep in the Augury Rock Borderlands!

Thanks guys, for some epic battles!

You are getting smashed by the morning french hebrew canadian team.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: DavidMonthen.4398


We’ll take it back if we lost it.

Commander – Kaargoth Bloodsteel
Gunnars Hold – [RUN]

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


We’ll take it back if we lost it.

Not if we take it first

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: DavidMonthen.4398


We’ll take it back if we lost it.

Not if we take it first

… we’ll still take it back!

Commander – Kaargoth Bloodsteel
Gunnars Hold – [RUN]

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


Been loving fighting against Gunnars this week. From your destruction of our golem army, to what seemed like your entire population on Eternal trying to take Pangloss Rise supply camp from us and how long we held out for in there, its been great so far. Hope the next few days continue to bring as much fun

You had bad luck with golems, a guildy spotted you and they raid had full supply. So Balsitas were dropped and golems dropped.

If it makes oyu feel better we felt you pain, a lot of supply and gold spent on golems.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


We’ll take it back if we lost it.

Not if we take it first

… we’ll still take it back!

We will hide a mesmer.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Phelia.7231


You guys don’t touch anything.


Augury Rock
Black Fury [BF]

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Darkademic.2603


So far deso has had to deal with treb exploits, wasting supply exploits, keep lord exploits, orb exploits….friendly npc’s attacking our siege bugs, and the list goes on…

None of these are exploits. Every server has no doubt experienced the keep lord bug by now – and it’s just that, a bug. Wasting supply exploits? What? Treb exploits? What are you talking about? I hope you don’t just mean placing trebs inside keeps where they can reach surrounding towers or other keeps.

Allying in a game that doesn’t balance out if you come with double the numbers. What can I say. Cowards and weaklings should do what they have to, you have no chance playing fair. Now GH is even nightcapping to appear to be pros. Must feel good to hit empty keeps and forts, such a huuuuge challenge. You guys are a disgrace.

Gray – Desolation

Hypocritical much? Allying and night-capping are things Desolation have been doing since Saturday. Moreover, the ability for servers to team up is the whole reason for having three servers fighting instead of two.

This thread is gold. Servers wanting to team up to fight us when the reality is we have the same amount of night players. Every night, each borderland is for the most part controlled by the defending server, and EB is usually the place where one server has an advantage.

But looking at the score gains (potential points per 15 minutes), it’s usually about even.

I have little good words for neither GN or AR however, you both exploit bugs and play dirty, as a previous poster in this thread already pointed out. And now you want to try and team up aswell? You’re pathetic! Man up and fight beter, Desolation is hardly the most organised server, so stop crying.

Nonsense. Since Saturday Desolation have had far more overnight players and have been able take almost the whole map.

Guild Leader – DkR Dark Reavers
Creator/Owner – GW2 Guilds Index

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Raoh.4502


Funny thing is
Desolation says Gunnar and Augury team up against them,
Gunnar says Desolation and Augury team up against them

Breaking news, when your keep holds the orb, the other 2 servers are gonna try to snatch it !

As for exploit i ve yet to see one myself, although bugged lord and orb bug are quite usual since the launch of the game, just as much as the kittenin clipping ruining everything.
See ya on the battlefield :p

Arborstone – [GN]
La Garde Noire

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Totdigital.3925


Come on cut the crap with bugs, the invulnerable lord is a exploit you can even find on the internet how to do it and you ppl are doing it alot. Also i like the flying exploiters from AR. Superman much dont you …

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Phelia.7231


Yeah right…

I’d be interest in HOW debug those bugged keeps though, because it appends quit often and not in our favor.

Augury Rock
Black Fury [BF]

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Raoh.4502


Come on cut the crap with bugs, the invulnerable lord is a exploit you can even find on the internet how to do it and you ppl are doing it alot. Also i like the flying exploiters from AR. Superman much dont you …

Right, i bet you are another kitten from Desolation… almost as funny as that Tron guy proud to hold stonemist against pug

And just like phelia i d rather know how to debug it than the other way around

Arborstone – [GN]
La Garde Noire

(edited by Raoh.4502)

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Sendoh.1734


Personally I don’t really care about gunnar’s and Augury wanting to form an official alliance against desolation. It would just limit the fun since it limits the action across the map since all the fighting will be done on desolation’s territory most likely (same as what happens in the t1 matchups vs vizunah and FS , wich is why I don’t find that matchup interesting at all). Also I wouldn’t really call it a real match anymore either, it would just be the bashing of one server by 2 servers that refuse to fight eachother, where desolation will only be able to do something back during the night. I do think augury is most likely going to win though if they get gunnar’s help wich I wouldn’t mind either since if they beat us it’s narrowly probable and we’ll be in an easier bracket for another week while they probable move up eventually. Although I do have to say is that the main problem with desolation is the organisation. As a server I do feel we belong in the nr 3-4 spot since we’re generally a bit stronger then gunnar and augury during the entire day. Although I don’t really think gunnar and augury are always that organized either I do think that during large portions of the day they are very organized unlike us on desolation (although I still don’t get why gunnar has to have 30 people camping the jumping puzzle yesterday for example while hardly anyone on desolation even bothers with doing it during primetime).

And in all honesty about the night shift… yes I think during the night we have more members then them with the exeption of about 2-3 days where they seemed to outnumber us. Generally in the mornings augury + gunnar is stronger then us again though while later in the afternoon and evening we hold the advantage again. All in all I’d say so far it’s a pretty close and fun game. Although I do wonder what happens when Augury takes the lead later today, will Gunnar continue to bash desolation with them then or attack them then as well and try to go for their own chances to win?

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


When Augury takes the lead the alliance I am in will be exclusively attacking them.

I desolation leave us alone we will exclusively attack Augury with relish.

Pineapple relish.

The top dog shout always be the target.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Olgit.8629


From my own point of view,

I don’t care if we team or not, but I would like to remind you, that even during our peak time on Gunnar’s Hold, we are a medium server, unlike the constant full server’s of Augury Rock and Desolation, which mean’s, no matter if we win, lose or draw, whatever we gain, is always a bonus and as long as we have fun, I am happy.

As to the night time raiding…. well, the fight goes on, no matter if we sleep. If they want to play all night and stagnate themselves by capping everything, it just means more points for us when we come along an take it later.

Viva la france, good luck, well done etc so forth, to everyone who just participates…. because it’s all of you, that are making this a fun WvWvW system…. despite the bugs.

Keep up the good fight.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Wrex.6798


Came across this thread today.

I’m from Desolation, in [IRON] and to be fair, you are the whiniest bunch of gate-face rubbers i’ve had the pleasure of beating down in a while. Desolation may not be the most organised server, we are working on that, but at least we don’t have to go begging to other servers in order to get things done.

Thun you wimps, learn to play.

See you in Augury Rock borderlands for the rest of this week.

IRON Gaming Boss.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Chewbiduhwa.9756


Hi i am a member of [IRON] The guild that has been working with other to give you all a good beat down.

ThuN i had respect for you, Some of your tactics i have seen have been brilliant after seeing this i am afraid all respect has been lost.

Founder of The IRON Triangle

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: albaslayer.5817


I can agree with Wrex.6798 i’ve seen the members of both Gunnar’s Hold and Augury Rock (ANGRY ROCK) being a bunch of gate-face rubbers i’m glad the frenchies take back everything during the night gives us people to smack down during the day.

Also Gunnar you cant retake your own keep from augury rock why would you target us when we make your keep from augury rock completely down graded allowing you to recap it.

BTW We had IRON MAN nananana na na na na !

- video coming soon.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


If you don’t think that the lead server should be the target of the other two then you have a pretty weak view of Strategy.

Frankly you dont grasp the 3 way mechanic. I am using as it is intended to be used. The top server being target by the others. If we were top we would expect to be targeted and when we were top that’s exactly what happened. If Augury were top i would be priortising them.

Are you two guys representative of IRON or are you just embarrassing your comrades?

I know I would be ashamed if Guildies of mine made such fools of themselves.

I do hope when it is explain to you that you have have the sense and decency to blush.

I have no doubt that there is someone in your guild who has the some strategic know how as I have seen you play. Ask him to explain it to you. perhaps you are too young to remember a game called dark Ages of Camelot. Google it, it is a classic game.

As for the beat down claims I think Thun have given you a fair share of Beatdowns too but nice brags all the same

Perhaps you two are amongst the younger members of your guild? We have a few young lads like you too.

All fur coat and no knickers.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7

(edited by Snort.3698)