Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: specialllama.9570



Dude, yes I am high ( most of the time anyway) . My comments weren’t directed at you (whoever you may be). Thanks for directing me to the OP but I have already read and fully understood, now maybe I can direct you to the other couple of pages and ask you to read again, look for the post from one of your server mates saying that AR and GH are teaming up and the general hatred aimed at our server (l2p etc). If reading isn’t your strongpoint then maybe someone could help you?


Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: heskie.4195


iiMulch… not to burst your bubble or anything but this was the situation about 30 minutes ago…

Check out Desolation borderlands. Yes. our ‘alliance’ is working really well. In fact, look at all the borderlands. We’re really profiting from this imaginary alliance.

You seem surprised that we’re taking back our keeps from you? Maybe you should take the tinfoil hat off and defend a bit better.

Vetinara [SPDX] – Mesmer, Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by heskie.4195)

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: iiMulch.2138


Heskie, both of the worlds were only attacking us. That must mean an alliance. Plus obviosly you aren’t gonna become 1st place from a few hours are you? Also take into account we are x2 better than both of your weak servers

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: heskie.4195


This just isn’t true though is it? You’ll even see on that picture we were attacking an AR tower…

But I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware you had to invent a ‘them against us’ sob story to make you feel better about your lead.

Carry on.

Vetinara [SPDX] – Mesmer, Gunnar’s Hold

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: iiMulch.2138


Heskie, it could have been a random zerg. A group of random people who are not aware of what’s going on. In fact the alliance could just be between certain guilds from AR and GH. Therefore your point is invalid.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: heskie.4195


That’s fair enough, but the fact so many on GH seem to be under the impression there’s a Deso/AR alliance suggests that its just people’s perceptions. Its going to happen in 3-way fight.

There is no alliance, anywhere. Seriously, looking at the map and the scorelines should suggest as much. You’re winning fairly, why can’t that be enough?

Vetinara [SPDX] – Mesmer, Gunnar’s Hold

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: iiMulch.2138


I know we are winning. It’s just that I commented on what the OP said. Then you got involved.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: heskie.4195


If you’d read any of the rest of the thread you’d have realised the OP doesn’t represent everyone else, especially Gunnars.

Vetinara [SPDX] – Mesmer, Gunnar’s Hold

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


I know we are winning. It’s just that I commented on what the OP said. Then you got involved.

You only win because of nightcapping. Proof here :
Sore winner.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: iiMulch.2138


Really? We ONLY win because of night capping? Altough those unemployed desolation members who cap at night help a lot, lets not forget how we own half the map most of the time during the day. Also I can’t remember the amount of times me and my guild ran into extreme gunnars hold/ Agury rock zergs of like 40+ compared to 20 of us and we would wipe the floor.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: C Gunner.9406

C Gunner.9406

Wake up in the morning to find no one playing for gunnars hold and the other two have all the things on the map.. Everyone moving away from gunnars hold or something? ( im in gunnars hold )

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Bahamzero.6783


We on Deso doing you guys a big favor keeping you out of tier 1 because neither of you is ready for it (not yet atleast). Trowing you in tier1 right now wont do ur server any good.
Try to enjoy the close and fun fights in tier2 and 3 and keep improving.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


I am not sure any of the 3 of us is ready for that tier.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Corran.4957


Right. I may as well get involved in this thread.
It was evident from my point of view that after 24hrs there was an “unofficial” alliance between deso and aug. You focused on GH strong because of the 15k lead quickly built in the match. Fair do’s.

Now if the French had sense this unoffical alliance would have been torn up but on multiple occasions I have seen them side by side and not attack each other until gunners was downed. Infact this happened on our boardlands today when trebs were hitting Hills keep, deso came took the camp, AR came and stood 10yrds from it. Neither went near each other till the matter was forced. Funny sight really

I think in a WvWvW situation deso and gunnars would be pretty close but with the 3rd world focused more on one then the other then clearly it will change things. This instance it went against us and we will drop down on next matchup. But in 2 matchup times I predict we will have the exact same matchup.

Deso will lose top teir game
Aug will settle yet again for 2nd in teir 2
GH will win tier 3 game

Now, even with all this going on. I still think that one the best nights since release was the 2-3hr defense of the bay in which I led my guilds against both sides. French clearly wanted Deso in as they helped break doors from the inside at the other end of keep where they were but we didnt let that deter us.

Constantly we would be down south outter, we would run 1 of various tactics and clear it. Grab supply camp/supply. Back inside for reinforcing something. Up north, Kill the Deso zerg, take supply camp up there… etc etc. Often it be 20vs40 but we still constantly cleared it.
Sure eventually you got through outters (Hmmm 10 times i think :p ) but we cleared inners multiple times also before you finally breached. And even then, against all odds we held the keep for a further 20minutes or so against the pair of you. As we wore one right down the other would return. Hilarious really.

Actually, that night i think i earned a good couple of gold and a few hundred badges of honours from what was basically one drawn out fight.

I do hope we all fight again, im not scared of a challenge. BUT. . . and I know some on GH wont like this, when I am leading a LoE team in frontiers I will not abide by any alliance. I will hit targets I feel is right, when I feel it is right. I suspect my guild leaders will support this because we play this game for fun and not politics. If an adhoc alliance appears helpful to me then I WILL follow it but I refuse to organise or uphold anything decided via direct communication. So if enemy attacking one side of map, I happily will clear the other side until that task is done, but if I see them I will beeline for them too.
Admittingly this week has been a poor showing in some respects, someone tonight decided to zerg supply camps instead of defending/attacking keeps. Was laughing mykitten off at my server for thinking that would be helpful. Constantly going to lakes supply and camping it was oh so good!
But anyways, GH has lots of room to improve and it will over time. Im slowly seeing what guilds I appreciate the help off and which I dont. Though I differ to some people, many dont appreciate KISS, whereas I see their uses and their willingness and so will support them… but CIR/THUN etc I also see how well they play but they also show a problem with GH with the attitude towards KISS and other “lesser” guilds.

Until GH stops fighting internally we will never reach top seed of servers… however in many ways that doesnt worry me. Compared to many we have a much smaller WvW population yet we still up amoungst those that probably should have been unreachable. It no surprise where we are, infact I was more surprised to see the French… actually no Im not… I predicted the “Throw out the white flag and take 2nd”.

No seriously, my biggest surprise was that Deso needed the French initally to turn the tide of the battle. But at least this thread shows one thing. GH will not settle for 2nd. We would prefer to go for it and come last, then play like pansies and come 2nd

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: DjacK.3456


Full of epeeeenises this thread is. Dunno about you guys but Im having a great time being on the losing server, not one of us from our Guild (ThUn) moaning about being outnumbered or being night capped! We are having some great fights!!

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Corran.4957


Djack – it was YOUR GUILD that started this post in the first place. Just go recheck it. Dont know Snort’s standing in your guild though.

But i agree it about bragging now. But least i gave an example where my side lost eventually

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: DjacK.3456


Again, we are not moaning, or bragging we just want to win, and unlike alot of players in this game who wont even play wvwvw if they are losing we will, and we will fight. And as I have said, we have come up agaisnt some awsome teams and some great fights. Im just pointing out that some of the guys replys on this thread make them look silly!

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Alystene.2418


Wait, what?
Desolation is just the worst serv i’ve seen before the release. The worst, because it’s a serv full of player with a very very big mouth, claiming that’ they’re the elite…

Only night capping… In prime time (20h / 00h), u’r playing level is just… a joke? Yeah that’s the good word.

Yesterday on Gunnar’s map, it was a pleasure to chain kill Desolation’s players, as usual… Gunnar’s player aren’t skillfull players, but they’re more vailliant than Desolation’s players.

So crappy for a “Division 1 or elite euro-serv” \o/

Enetsyla – War | Alystene Noree – Guardian
Xxoii – Engeneer [SoW]
Fort Ranik

(edited by Alystene.2418)

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: DavidMonthen.4398


Right guys, just to clear up where I was coming from in my previous post:

If I write anything about WvW it’s allways related to the Borderlands my guild is playing on. In this case it’s the Augury Rock Borderlands.

As I am exclusively playing on that map I have no insight whatsoever (except from what I read here, or in some other forums) how things are going in other Borderlands or in the EB.

So if I write I was seeing a working alliance of AR and GH that is ONLY directed at players on that Augury Rock Borderlands.

Right, having cleared that up here’s to the ThUn guys:

We had fun killing you lots this week so far. I do not recall us, as a organised guild, ever loosing a single fight against you, so feel free to brag about a won defense against a puppy zerg.

About Nightcapping: I personally don’t see what should possibly be wrong with it. If people have the determination to stay up that long, or even can only play in that time, they should be allowed to play at that time. What I don’t like is an active recruiting of players only open to night-active players. I think players should be recruited based on their skill, knowledge of what they are doing, behaviour and general will to improve on what they allready know. (However I on my part have not seen anyone exclusively recruit night-players. As stated before I can only speak for IRON here, as I know for a fact we only recruit members on those above principles, the most important one being the willingness to learn and play as a team. The players in our guild that DO play at night times are either determined players, trying to hold our keep(s) & tower(s) or players that just cannot play during the day due to shift-work or other reasons.)

@Alystene: what are you talking about “before the release”? The game is allready released, you know that right?

@everyone: Just to clear this up once and for all. I’m mostly trash-talking here. I like a heated athmosphere when a kittening (i wrote kittening myself, to save the profanity-filter the trouble) war is going on! However if i were to meet any of you on the street I’d still be perfectly nice to you. (Unless you look at me funny, I’d hammer you right down with my number 5 skill, awww yeah! (Obviously a joke. (Or is it? (Yes, it is, really…))))

One more thing concerning the guys that obviously think you go up if you win a tier and go down when you loose a tier: Thats not how it works!

You can jump tiers up and down, you can stay in the same tier and so on. It’s purely determined by the overall points you have. So for example if Riverside was to loose their top-tier match but still get enough points to stay ahead of whoever is going to win our match they would stay in the top-tier regardless.

Right, now I would really like to see the current WvW map (if anyone would be so kind to post a current screenshot here), as I am currently at work and have no way of knowing how things are going.

- Bloodsteel

Commander – Kaargoth Bloodsteel
Gunnars Hold – [RUN]

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Astre.7821


it’s currently 9h45 AM in France.
this screenshot is from 6h15 AM (France time) :

Ethalyon – Tempest Auld [Tpst] – Augury Rock

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Rezo.4815


Looks like you need to deploy the unemployed frenchmen Astre, the server has been on its hind legs ever since the proposed alliance. Also if you want to claim that 2 days ago you guys were not working together on AR Borderlands then im a spacebanana. Gunnars hold held greenwater while AR was fighting infront of greenwater with us. Gunnars avoided getting cought up in this fight and stayed back. After that gunnard took greenlake and at the same time let greenlake be taken by the french to build catapults on the ledge. There were no conflicts between AR and GH around the general area of Askalion Hills. If you claim this isn’t cooperation then you were either not there or are trying to cover up your obvious failure.

For the night is dark and full of nightcappers.
[IRON] – Desolation
The Iron Triangle

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Lyk.5763


/join #whine

Redhead (and guild leader) | Tempest Auld [Tpst]

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Astre.7821


Looks like you need to deploy the unemployed frenchmen Astre, the server has been on its hind legs ever since the proposed alliance. Also if you want to claim that 2 days ago you guys were not working together on AR Borderlands then im a spacebanana. Gunnars hold held greenwater while AR was fighting infront of greenwater with us. Gunnars avoided getting cought up in this fight and stayed back. After that gunnard took greenlake and at the same time let greenlake be taken by the french to build catapults on the ledge. There were no conflicts between AR and GH around the general area of Askalion Hills. If you claim this isn’t cooperation then you were either not there or are trying to cover up your obvious failure.

I can tell you for sure that we ([Tpst]) made no alliance with anyone from another server. simple as that.
And I’m not aware of any alliance being made between our 3 servers.
Then, if you want to convince yourself that there is one, it’s your choice. After all, most people need to believe in something…
At time goals are meeting, so we have to choose a way to achieve them. Be it let Deso and GH weaken themselves by fighting each other before striking or taking the back door to a keep while someone else knocks on the front door etc…
it’s called tactics. (special wink to Odessa)
But alliance is not our thing.

kisses to you, Spacebanana *

Edit : * it’s quite intimate, I know, but you said I could =p

Ethalyon – Tempest Auld [Tpst] – Augury Rock

(edited by Astre.7821)

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Rezo.4815


Were you playing on AR borderlands 2 days ago? If not you really have nothing to add to this conversation. There was obvious communication going on between the two attacking forces since they avoided attacking eachother of backcapping a keep. You all went all in and the other keeps went unattacked for the rest of the day. There was clear communication in the way you avoided any fights between you two at all. It was prettey awesome to fend off two teams and still come out on top though.

For the night is dark and full of nightcappers.
[IRON] – Desolation
The Iron Triangle

(edited by Rezo.4815)

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698



No whining in our posts just a sensible initiative to improve the match up.

BTW It is an intitaive i believe that has failed. Augury and GH were all over each other yesterday in Desolation Borderlands when the orb reset.

As for the Kiss issue, Unfortunaltely that is a problem of their making. They made the mistake of thinking that buying a comander icon gave them the privilege of telling members of our alliance what to do(This alliance includes CIR, THUN and about 10 other guilds).

Despite this arrogance on their part I decided to reach out to them to see if any cooperation was possible. This was rebuffed pretty swiftly. This was followed a few days later by being flamed in tells by Kiss.

Again in despite of this a third party reached out to them to see if some arrangement could be made. Again nothing.

Ina while i will make a 4th effort to get us all on the same page.

As it stands we are all still up for cooperation both within our own server and accross servers where needed.

@Rezo that night was a bit of a fluke. AR attacked us as well. We dont have an alliance, last night was probably the best exampe of that. the desoaltion Borderlands was very much a 3 way fight. once again with some great matchups.

The scramble for the orb over about an hour was epic, were any of you guys there. This weeks battle shave all felt epic and incredibly fast paced.

As an aside I think my effort to get the two losing servers to focus the winning one has failed but it will not stop we trying in the future. I am pretty confident that the best match ups will be the ones that do this.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


Oh and a shout out to tempest nice fighting you guys( I mean being in a secret alliance with you) Good post to confuse things.

See you in the Alliance meeting house tomorrow with VS and Elona Reach guys.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Rezo.4815


You guys denying it or making a laughing matter out of it doesn’t change the fact you guys did cooperate and lose. Own up to your own failures instead of covering it up, thats what a man would do.

For the night is dark and full of nightcappers.
[IRON] – Desolation
The Iron Triangle

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Astre.7821


You guys denying it or making a laughing matter out of it doesn’t change the fact you guys did cooperate and lose. Own up to your own failures instead of covering it up, thats what a man would do.

oh my !
and here I am… A poor girl…

kisses to you too, Spacebanana =)

Ethalyon – Tempest Auld [Tpst] – Augury Rock

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


I know we are winning. It’s just that I commented on what the OP said. Then you got involved.

You only win because of nightcapping. Proof here :
Sore winner.

Serves you right for bugging the GH Garrison again. I was there when the orb was “randomly” removed from there and reset. That’s when the Keep Lord bugged the invul, we would have taken that too

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Rezo.4815


Yeah just like it was “randomly” removed from AH 3 days ago by a speed hacker from AR.

For the night is dark and full of nightcappers.
[IRON] – Desolation
The Iron Triangle

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Rukak.6328


Rezo, i really do despair at your paranoia… For one evening We Gunnar’s push you from the south because we see Augury Hitting you hard at Hills and leaving us in peace for a change and you call it a conspiracy and an Alliance. How is that any different to how you and Augury have pushed us at Bay all week? Yet you claim to have no Alliance.. I just call it Common sense.
I was there and had great fun killing your respawns at the lake/water sentry trying to get back into Hills. When we did make a push ourselves for Hills, I for one didn’t see a single Desolation player, they we all in inner keep, it was the Augury repops that wiped us out from behind as we went to the downed Northern inner gate..

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Rezo.4815


Yeah all of around 40 IRON members who were on AR BL at that time can confirm clear signs of cooperation yet you deny it. Keep trying to make me seem paranoid and i’ll just keep smiling. Bottom line is you failed and you are trying to cover it up. We only push bay when you take Garrison because its a free keep if you try and overextend without fortifying your walls at AB. You should be thankful we have given you a free keep every morning from the french and whining less about losing it later in the day when you overextend yourselves deliberately

For the night is dark and full of nightcappers.
[IRON] – Desolation
The Iron Triangle

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Rukak.6328


Perhaps because all 40 IRON members were in the same place seeing the same view point?

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


You guys denying it or making a laughing matter out of it doesn’t change the fact you guys did cooperate and lose. Own up to your own failures instead of covering it up, thats what a man would do.

This level of paranoia is an unforeseen circumstance of my post. Apply Occam’s razor we dont have an alliance as much as I think that we should.

BTW you guys really should try and set up an alliance in the tier your in next week. It will either show you how hard it is to do and you will see that I am telling you the truth or work for you and VS lose much to everyone other than Canada’s delight.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Rezo.4815


VS and FS are already allied.

For the night is dark and full of nightcappers.
[IRON] – Desolation
The Iron Triangle

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Rezo I must say you really are paranoid.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: nin.1029



Oh god, please tell me you are serious about VS and FS being allied

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Rezo.4815


Yeah at least NUG and the french coalition seem to be allied in their tactics of taking our keeps last week.

For the night is dark and full of nightcappers.
[IRON] – Desolation
The Iron Triangle

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Ikith.1258


Dudes of IRON you should stop the shrooms of whatever you’re on there is no alliance between Gunnar and Augury, just check what AR has done on Gunnar map yesterday night.

By the way you’re saying we’re no match for you, ok i’m calling you out cause so far we met nobody worth of interest on Desolation, sorry but you’re just pending piles of bags.

Wanna match up, 20 man meeting, GMT prime time, map of your choice on a quiet location

Oh and btw stop whining about the night teams from AR cause it’s been two days that you paint all the maps in green cause we were too close of you, but i guess we suck so hard that you fell the need to hit some wooden doors and NPC at 4AM GMT to keep that first place….

Mesmer of Tempest [Tpst]-Lvl 80-Augury Rock
Spé zone de Burst

(edited by Ikith.1258)

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Nug’s weak, full of weaklings and low coordination. My strike squad killed half their guild without any help from our zerg. That’s a 5v15+ situation at Hero’s Lodge, while they owned the place and had 2 arrowcarts. They are so bad it hurts.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


Why did desolation take the lead early in the match up gaianst VS. i didnt watch any of the other match up scores?

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7

(edited by Snort.3698)

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Rezo.4815


Nug’s weak, full of weaklings and low coordination. My strike squad killed half their guild without any help from our zerg. That’s a 5v15+ situation at Hero’s Lodge, while they owned the place and had 2 arrowcarts. They are so bad it hurts.

Calm your ego, its the most organised large zerg in GW2 and also the reason they are doing well and not us.

For the night is dark and full of nightcappers.
[IRON] – Desolation
The Iron Triangle

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


THAT? Never took even a camp where I went. Not sure if they were only stragglers or an actual group, but it was really, really weak.

I’ll try and find that zerg you’re talking about, and I look forward to fight VS and FS next week, they give the challenge to WvW we should meet.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: DavidMonthen.4398


Gray, you were not there, so how can you even say that? ^^

Anyways it sure looked like an alliance allright, with members of both of your servers standing right next to each other not attacking n stuff. Well anyways, we got challenged and won. Fine by me.

Commander – Kaargoth Bloodsteel
Gunnars Hold – [RUN]

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Rezo.4815


The main force of NUG was at Vizunah borderlands and i do not recall a Gray Hatheron on there when we played 0.o What BL were you at?

For the night is dark and full of nightcappers.
[IRON] – Desolation
The Iron Triangle

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Moturdrn.2837


Gray, you were not there, so how can you even say that? ^^

Anyways it sure looked like an alliance allright, with members of both of your servers standing right next to each other not attacking n stuff. Well anyways, we got challenged and won. Fine by me.

If it’s the night I’m thinking of (this night?), it was indeed epic defending and I enjoyed it.

We were fighting AR more over towards the East outer gate as they were coming back in though, so if you were on the North inner then you wouldn’t have seen it too well. We decided to take advantage or both of you being distracted (as the last thing we wanted was an orb powered AR coming back to AB again like they had several times that night) but it didn’t pay off. In fact several went to the North inner after the gate went down and got sandwiched

Midnight Mayhem [MM] – Gunnar’s Hold
Visko Bludhaven – Level 80 Human Elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold Server Forum

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Alystene.2418


Alliance with Gunnar?
But what did u smoke dude?

On Gunnar’s map yesterday, at prime time, we took Desolation’s keep, and after 1h of defense on it against Desolation AND Gunnar, we took Gunnar’s keep.

Alliance, r u sure?

Whine is the only thing that IRON or other crappy guild from Desolation full zerg powered (nothing else) are able to do?

What a joke !

Enetsyla – War | Alystene Noree – Guardian
Xxoii – Engeneer [SoW]
Fort Ranik

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: MarzAttakz.9608


Well I for one have been enjoying the matchup although I’ve stayed in AR Borderlands this week exclusively. I don’t give a toss about chest beating and comparing the size of appendages, props to both Gunnar’s Hold and Augury Rock for bringing it.

Desolation hasn’t been this fun for a while now, I only pity the team going up against Vizunah in the next matchup. If you guys think we are rough with the night crew just wait until you see them in action.


Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Quentin Fields.1295

Quentin Fields.1295

It’s funny how people cry about Desolation’s zerg power.Making an unbreakable zerg also needs skill and communication.

If it’s that we only do “zerg” and win keeps like that , why you can’t manage a good zerg too?

Ok Deso got no talent in their pocket and win with zerg.But you can’t even do that.

Well AR can do some good zerg tbh.But GH..i never seen a decent zerg or tactic from them.

They only get some places while AR and DESO fightning each other.

Coming here and talking like that..Meh man do something better before you judge someones actions.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Astre.7821


… If you guys think we are rough with the night crew just wait until you see them in action.

I’m not sure anyone gets what is bothering us.
It’s not the fact that you paint (the maps) at night.
It’s the fact that you’re bragging about winning against an alliance of 2 servers !
But there’s no alliance.
And you’re winning because of the nights.
Or to be exact, you cant say that you win with your skill only : you’re not encountering anyone (but PNJ) at night.

Ethalyon – Tempest Auld [Tpst] – Augury Rock