Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Mithos.6784


Maybe this video can be an explanation of our superior logic for you

“No Comment, Part 3”

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Jathres.7236


We moved down Tiers for the same reason Weeks ago. And so far we love it on Dzag, we get our small scale Fights not too much Zerg.

The people that are fleeing in their own Tower when the stand 6v2 well just ignore them

If your interested in seeing stuff from Dzagonur i have a Signature :p

Jathres BNF
Piken Square

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Lert.6287


You spend a day in this tier, kill a few randoms, and already start calling Dzag and Rof bad players…
Its obvious you came from Seafarer’s with that attitude really.

Well, I’m not calling anyone ’’noob’’ just to make it clear. Neither I want to start flame war. I transfered here cause i dislike zerging and queues, but didn’t expect such huge gap between players. I used to be RoF player for the first 3 months of the game.
Just want people to leave their oppinion about enemies they are fighting with. Maybe It’s me that in last ~5h playing I met every possible worst player and it won’t happen again, right…. right?

There is a reason why people love to play in the low end tiers….

Casuals like me hate to work in games, follow strict guild and zerg rules/orders from self acclaimed pros or learn tactics against every possible build in 1 on 1 but enjoy 1-2 h in the evening playing a little war.

Why don’t you go back from where you came? For elite roxxors who wants to show off this tier will sure be boring. bye!

Calm down angry guy. I mean no harm. I just ASKED, do you know what that means? Read what I write. I said I changed server due to things i do not apperciate at T1 (running with big groups and hell long queues). The point of it is to ask players (from every 3 servers) what they think about their enemies. I don’t want to offend anyone.
I don’t claim to be pro. I just dropped few examples.

I’d like to point out that for me tier means nothing. When I go WvW it’s not for taking camps, towers etc etc. It’s simply about killing players, not really helping server to be better in rank.

Engineer / Piken Square
Former Team Psy [Psy] member/ [BNF] guest
YT Channel

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Mithos.6784


Well then, let’s talk about Gunnar and RoF simultaneously attacking our Borderlands, all our Bastions at once, combined forces. We managed to defend the hill, but both of you rotated your attacks. You couldn’t have had this any better if you had pre-arranged the whole chain of attacks.

And the laugther of the evenening: Outmanned buff for the hordes of Gunnar while they’re actually outmanning us. I think that’s what one would call bad luck.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Pyranna.2054


Had some very fun fights tonight on GH and Dzag border, Some nice pushes from rof and a very nice defence of hills by dzag

In a 3 way fight theres always gonna be 1 server getting bullied its unavoidable really.. Its nothing personal from our side we just wanna have fun!

Kharz Halfheart – Necro
The Soul Slayers [SLAY]
FarShiver Peaks

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Steelo.4597


That outmanned buff was because of many RoF players i think. Earlier both factions were attacking our borderland for a good 2-3 hours, but we defended well and lost nothing except lake/briar. When they gave up on our land we all moved to DZ BL. Also that PI guild with their omega at Dawns… hate it when we have like 50 people on the map but only 10 respond. Good job there but that really shouldnt have been a success >.< Still.. good job. On the other hand 2 PI sitting on my face for a good 5 minutes after they managed to gank me with 2-3… wanna duel brah :P

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Sorry about the fact sitting, I’ll have a word with the guildies as I’m not a fan of that.
And yea we were very surprised we actually managed to take cliffside, another person in GH borderlands asked in /team who wanted an omega and we got it (it was already build). We decided to have a bit of fun with it and were expecting a alrge amount of GH to come but as you said only 5-10 at most came.
What classes/race were they? I can ask if their interested in a duel :p

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


face sitting*, I can’t edit my posts for some reason?

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Steelo.4597


well one was a guardian, id cream him in 1v1.. the other was a mesmer and he owns me in a 1v1.. so nah not looking for duel, was just a matter of saying why you laughing when you dont 1v1.. the guardian was the guy sitting on my face and doing /laugh like 3 times..

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Dzag totally fail at logic aswell.
They are 500 points from taking over GH points wise yet they spend hours attacking the ONLY tower on GH that isn’t ticking for GH.
I really wonder where these logics come from…

RoF come to Dza BL and go for the only green things on the map.. shoo! :P

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


RoF is hardly being focused by GH, seems you just see what you want to see :p



Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Runty Choir.4893

Runty Choir.4893

Who gives a kitten, lets drop the petty squabbles. This is the best and most even matchup any of our servers have seen in a while so can we enjoy it.

Ive been away a lot recently but from what ive seen so far id like to stay in this tier a while as 1 tier up and the servers are double the power they are here. Ive always enjoyed a good fight with ROF even from my days on WSR. Keep up the good fights!

Victrixx [xVx]

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Yea, the power/numbers gap between tier 7 and tier 6 is VERY big.
Miller’s/Drakkar rampaged all over us so we are really happy with this match.

And drkn, taking a comment I said during the weekend (and it was hapenning at the moment I posted) only to come here now on tuesday to comment on it is rather pointless..

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: KLuka.4892


looking at the points overview at …… is it possible that this Tiers might stay that way for a while? Because that would be awesome

Dzagonur [DE]

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

Last night was quite fun. I was on GH BL the whole time I played.

I was nuking the snot out of that Omega Golum. We knew the tower was a lost cause with the numbers on us, we just wanted that thing dead. Surprisingly I made it out alive, more by luck than good judgement. I was knocked out of the back of the tower onto a ledge and had so few hitpoints left that I had to wait a while before I could safely jump the rest of the way. A tense moment

I was there when we lost Briar a bit later too. And I was also back to nuke the trebs that were beating on Bay. We retook Vale a bit later and I managed to kite some baddies up onto the Bay guards. Very funny. I’ve got video of that. Retaking Briar was very funny too, but I’m not going to post why. We might want to do that again some time. And no, it didn’t involve cheating.

Hills. Now there was some epic fun. There were only a handful of us to begin with when RoF came swarming up and it was a real struggle to get things back under control until reinforcements could arrive. Even then, we seemed to not quite have the numbers to kick the interlopers back out. There were some great fights back and forth along the walls.
Nice treb positioning, nearly caught us out.
When the Supply hit zero, I thought we might not hold out, but we did.

Good times.

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Jathres.7236


Had quite some nice small scale fights yesterday.

I enjoyed fighting various MARA from Gunnar and the Shinny white Mesmer from Price of Pride from RoF with his Ele buddy. Tried to get into a 1v1 with the Mesmer but well right before the spawn was never going to happen :p

Edit: And too this hard Engi from Meat. I still can’t handle that engi build good with my Nekro and also i shouldn’t try typing /bow in the wrong moment ^^ Good play and skills /salute

Jathres BNF
Piken Square

(edited by Jathres.7236)

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Urgh been trying to take Stargrove for what feels 20mins lol. First it was 2 of us vs camp and 2 guardians from Dza, then a mesmer joined in, then a ranger… then 2 RoF…

Managed to get it down to me vs camp and then 6 Dza come back.. GO AWAY

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Synda Raines.1836

Synda Raines.1836

Loving it so far. Best WvW i had since i started not to long ago. I dont mind staying in this tier with Dzag and RoF for a while. People actually trying to defend their keep. Room for roaming, a few 1v2 (very few tbh but still) wins for my ranger, a lot of close 1v1 fights 50/50 outcome.

It’s a relief after the zerg & getting ganked around every corner fest the last few weeks for GH against Drakar, Far Shiverpeaks & Millers, and the rest that went before. The zerges that do clash this week are pretty evenly matched and i would not bet on the outcome for most of those clashes.

Battles stretch out nicely and go back and forth, some hard won and well earned victories for all sides. Nice to see players actually running back to the fight instead of, what they seem to be doing on other servers, just waiting at a waypoint to form the next zerg.

All in all, though i believe GH is slowly creeping ahead on the scoreboard at the moment (But still 3 days to go, so go for it Dzag & RoF) a very close and fun match and as already said, as far as i’m concerned I personally would’nt mind meeting you next week again.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: MarkusParkus.8467


Yeah great matchup RoF and DZ, I’ve been running small roaming parties in enemy borderlands mostly – took 4 people to DZ borderlands yesterday, took every camp and didn’t die for 2 hours!.. anyone would think you Germans had jobs!

Also had some nice fights with RoF around their Briar last night! I was the guy on the treb inside wiping all those blueprints you kept trying to build
eventually I dc’d and you managed to take out my precious treb with a treb from Vale camp and 1 from Vista, godknows how we kept that tower from you for so long! it was atleast 3 to 1 favoring RoF at one point!

Furious Scumbag, Raging Scumbag & Geologist Greywind
[NOX] & [Coma] – Gunnar’s Hold.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Vaya.1354


Today [Hot] guild from Dz went cheap, camped the top of the arena in eternal battlegrounds’ jumping puzzle, blocking people’s way, I know that jp was put inside wvw to fight while doing it, but that exact part of the jp is totally unfair, a single player can put a full team in battle mode, stand back and watch them trying to get up, which is impossible, so you attack from up there knowing that your enemy can’t reach you, is just cheap!

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Arathor.7419


farmed ring of fire for 30 minutes at speldan! , with around 5-7 ballista , even killed the champion tree boss while getting a chest also with rof lootbags !

A wolf among sheep

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Noct.1495


Rof and dz, thx alot for a suprb evening of WvW on RoF BL, kitten we had so much fun. Epic battles and amazing 3-way fights!


Guardian of Cry Havoc (CHvc) – GH

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


@ Arathor: Has no one told you? Bragging about loot bags to make you seem elite has gotten old back in 2012.

@Noct: I agree, PI had a nice day out and I must say GH has a superb scouting system when it comes to their borders.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

Tried to log in mid evening. Horrendous lag made it unplayable yet there was hardly anyone moving around on the map. Most times just fails to even log in to WvW and after a few minutes kicks me back to previous zone.

Tried a bit later, got in for a few minutes. Switched toon, did a guild rush, then tried to log back in to WvW. Fails again. Pretty nasty, needs to be sorted.

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

Er, ok. I just materialised about a mile up in the air and back to a loading screen. I’m almost excited to see what happens next.

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Steelo.4597


“PI had a nice day out and I must say GH has a superb scouting system when it comes to their borders.”

Thanks =) I was the guy who found your 3 golems. wanna know why? i saw one RoF swimming in water near greenwater.. and i still needed 25 underwater kills for daily so off i jumped after him and he ran right back to your golems :P But yeah we had scouts at every tower and most gates at the keeps. was amazing you even managed to break down northern gate in bay and good call on porting out immediately because a Chvc was about to come over to mop you guys up :P

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Bond.4602


Really enjoying this week. Had some fun fights so far and I must say that is thanks to rof and dz. what is even better is that you guys seem to be enjoying it as well. Hopefully we all still feel the same in a week or two.

37 WvW kills, R2 PvP and no legendary

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: pejot.4806


Yes, I’m enjoying the fights as well For RoF, it’s the most even matchup… since mid JAnuary, when we fought you before you got Xaoc transfers ^^. Since then we had a lot of blowouts, both being dominating side and getting mauled.

It’s also worth noticing, that aside for few exceptions this forum thread is pretty much civil

Anya of the Mists
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by pejot.4806)

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


It is indeed civil.. what is this!?!
Personally this is the most enjoyable matchup for me in a while. Not due to victory, or due to easy opponents or any of those other things, just simply due to the fact there is actually opportunity for a small group to go out and do things, don’t require 30 to walk our your gate!

Unsure of how many we’ll actually have online but would anyone be up for guild vs guild fights on friday night? We’re only a small guild so will probably be between 7-10. Not done it for a while and have avoided asking because I don’t want people to make plans and then turn out we are unable to field the players.

But, if anyones up for it just say and I’ll give a whisper if it turns out we have enough! If there are more guilds from all servers interested then it’s less of an issue if we fail to get enough too

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: evildan.8260


It’s been lots of fun this week- not too zergy and fairly well balanced. There have been some great fights where the outcome has changed repeatedly with flanking, feints, charges, use of siege and all the other stuff that’s so much more fun than those unbalanced steamroller fights.

I pity the guys in the higher tiers with their queues and lag.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Hengis.5417


It’s been lots of fun this week- not too zergy and fairly well balanced. There have been some great fights where the outcome has changed repeatedly with flanking, feints, charges, use of siege and all the other stuff that’s so much more fun than those unbalanced steamroller fights.

QFT – Had a lot of fun this week with fights where we didn’t know if we were going to win or wipe right up until the mement it actually happened.

Good sportsmanship all round too!

Thanks for the fun guys.

A proud member and occasional commander of:
Praxium – PRXM and The Gunnar’s Hold Community and

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Have to say today has been one of the worst days of the week as it seems both servers don’t want us to have second place. I haven’t seen a single tower being capped on dzag+GH’s side in eb and we constantly get pushed. We’re also getting all the heat on our borders while the other borders stay nicely coloured green/blue.

I’m not calling out alliances or anything, but today has been pretty much getting hit by both servers while the other servers barely touch eachother. Any reason why GH seems adamant on not letting us have second? This is basically how most of Rof sees it atm.

Again, can’t say enough how nice it is to have a match up that is as balanced as this one tho.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Catinka.5476


Had some good fights at EB this evening/night so far we managed to keep SM and we hit RoF a lot because they had the most wooden towers but we also hit DZ.

Was fun to mess around with RoF keep a bit but didn’t think we would get it anyway.

Besides we also get pushed a lot by both sides so it’s not like we are hitting one server.
And to be honest I don’t care who comes second.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Its just the general feeling our server has really, was wondering if there was any truth to it.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


We were both pushing RoF in EB earlier tonight – at one point, GH had Anz and Mendon’s while Dzag had Ogre and Veloka, pounding on the red keep.
There were times when RoF had Durios while GH was pounding Quentin, only to have both sides focused on RoF again after a while due to all their towers being downgraded for longer.

If anyone is to feel doubleteamed, at least in EB, it’s RoF :p

Anyway, Dzago folks, can you explain me this?


Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Just had some epic fights defending our garrison and later bay from a huge dzag zerg. We actually managed to keep both after some intense battles.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Catinka.5476


Alright it was an awesome night and RoF check the image we wiped blue mostly from EB so no more comments that we only push you :P

And Dz thanks for the keep.

Anyway off to bed it’s past 4 AM.


Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Kodel.4871


Well had some nice fights this week better than in quite some time.

GH you owe a massive thanks to your 20+ strong single guild night capping players ‘Krew’ because without them you’d have upgraded structures to fight for instead of wooden ones and the points would be ALOT closer than they are now, your lead comes from these people as you know in prime time the scores have been very equal. Yes i’m jealous RoF doesn’t have one of course :P but it’s still meh. But well done, well played all.

Ceda Bloodeye – Ranger
Trullsengar – Elementalist
Arapay – Mesmer, Guild Leader RCG / Ring of Fire

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Hule.8794


Catinka you are joking right?
screen from 4am is not valid proof. Dont get me wrong, i dont mind is DZ and GH have some official or nonofficial alliance. I am like bull, i see red coloured name i attack it. And i dont mind if it is dz or gh.
But posting screens like that is bad. Look at rof bl, look at dz bl. Is it not wierd?
Yes you wiped dz from eb. But by night caping? And also IF there is some alliance, i dont think everybody on both servers know about it.
But as i said, dont care about it.
Because it is a great matchup this week, only one thing is annoying me. Skill lags.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Jathres.7236


Don’t zerg! No Skill lag then :p

Jathres BNF
Piken Square

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Bond.4602


“GH you owe a massive thanks to your 20+ strong single guild night capping players ‘Krew’ because without them you’d have upgraded structures to fight for instead of wooden ones and the points would be ALOT closer than they are now, your lead comes from these people as you know in prime time the scores have been very equal. Yes i’m jealous RoF doesn’t have one of course :P but it’s still meh. But well done, well played all.”

Comments like this frustrate me. GH is more than one guild. It’s like saying rof you owe your points score to PI. We are all part of the fight and without co-operation and all the guilds the end result would not be the same.

As for singling out rof we have spent the first part of the week on DZ Bl so thought it only fair to share our attention about!

37 WvW kills, R2 PvP and no legendary

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Jathres.7236


Since we stay in the same Matchup next week.

Lets do some Groupfights/ Duells next Friday. 1v1 3v3 5v5, 2v2v2 5v5v5 etc what ever we can arrange with the people that will attend ^^

That is just for fun so don’t expect any premade Pro groups from our side :p

Time: 20:00 ( UTC+1 )
Place: Windmill south of south supply Camp. Borderland most likly RoF since before RoF didn’t participated and so shorter ways for the others :p

Just contact me or Nubuela ingame.

Jathres BNF
Piken Square

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Steelo.4597


its the sensible thing to do to hit on 2nd place when you are first in the hope you will battle it out for 2nd place between you guys and leave us alone. we’ve been focusing on dzago all week (i consider them stronger then RoF), only when you overtook them in points we started to come to your land in force :P we just want you guys to fight for 2nd place untill last second of matchup in EB for green its always easier to hit red then blue anyways. much easier to take anza then quentin, much easier to take mendons then langor too. but if you look at borderlands we are usually present in both enemy maps.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Duncanmix.5238


Have to say today has been one of the worst days of the week as it seems both servers don’t want us to have second place. I haven’t seen a single tower being capped on dzag+GH’s side in eb and we constantly get pushed. We’re also getting all the heat on our borders while the other borders stay nicely coloured green/blue.

I’m not calling out alliances or anything, but today has been pretty much getting hit by both servers while the other servers barely touch eachother. Any reason why GH seems adamant on not letting us have second? This is basically how most of Rof sees it atm.

Again, can’t say enough how nice it is to have a match up that is as balanced as this one tho.

Reason why borders looked like this was that Rof had almost 0 defense, while Dz defended very hard. I know because I was switching between those 2 borders yesterday in prime.
We took briar and bay from your border almost like there was nobody on map, while we couldn’t take hills from dz for good 2 or 3 hours. It was long siege, but Dz simply defended hard. So overall reason why borders looked like that was because Rof don’t have numbers.

Gunnar’s Hold

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


To be fair majority of the activity in RoF BL yesterday – excluding prime time – was 4 guys from my guild, so there wasn’t much in the way of focus there. HOWEVER, the troops it has drawn off EB will have had an effect on making you the easier target there, and if our army is looking for points it will take the path of least resistance.

Past few days I’ve been in Dza BL instead, reason for the switch? Going for second. Yup, not denying it. But that’s also why we were in Dza BL to begin with – they were second.

It’s been a good matchup, sure night forces do often make things feel less worth it but it’s not reason to turn this into one giant argument

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Frejn, the troops that weren’t on EB were fighting the huge dzag zerg while your team was capping camps and sniped towers, its not like we were all fighting 5 GH on our borders.

And I have mixed feelings about the night capping really, it only started about halfway into the week, did you get a new guild? On the one hand its a valid tactic, and I agree with Bond that it doesn’t take away from the great job GH does during the day/primetime. But saying it has no effect isn’t really fair, you say how you go for the easier targets while GH are the ones making them easy by capping our stuff when we are sleeping.
We fought VERY hard battles to hold our garrison at around 2AM GMT, then seeing a GH post a map picture here at about 4-5AM showing how he capped blue side of EB and our garrison while rof wasn’t there is kind of shameless.

But again, it is a perfectly valid tactic and I’m not claiming you wouldn’t be winning without it at all as that wouldn’t be true. Your a perfect opponent in the sense that you don’t have the numbers to completely stomp us while you are still a huge challenge and we get to learn allot on how to fight slightly outnumbered. Really happy that we gained enough points to guarantee a spot in this tier for the next week or two.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Catinka.5476


I can’t comment on the BL as I don’t play there often, but I agree we are more than just one guild.

Even without [Krew] we have a strong nightforce, and when I went to bed I saw a message from [Krew] that they were going to hit DZ BL so think we also got some green stuff there.

Plus that picture was only for EB but was to lazy to crop it.

But yeah some good fights last night even, specially with the germans it’s kinda cool to see a zerg use some kind of tactics at this tier like you guys do.

Awesome match up and hope next week will also be fun.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Reno.2391



The Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Frejn, the troops that weren’t on EB were fighting the huge dzag zerg while your team was capping camps and sniped towers, its not like we were all fighting 5 GH on our borders.

Oh I know and not suggesting we were somehow causing an immense problem, just saying that to feel like BOTH servers were targetting you by going to your BL is a bit much, because it was really only Dzag and a small group of opportunists

Every time you pushed Dzag back at garrison they seemed to come for Briar though >.> much to our annoyance.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


GH you owe a massive thanks to your 20+ strong single guild night capping players ‘Krew’

We do own them thanks, first and foremost because they’re nice people and a great addition to the server’s community. But they joined the server once we’ve already been in the lead in this matchup =)

Yes you wiped dz from eb. But by night caping? And also IF there is some alliance, i dont think everybody on both servers know about it.

What Catinka meant is that we could have gone for RoF with the nighttime coverage, be it in EB or BL, and we’ve always been prioritising downgrading Dzagonur properties, both last night in EB and throughout the week in their borderlands. During offpeak, we moved onto RoF only after Dzagonur. During peaktime, i feel it’s simply down to numbers, at least in EB, and the fact that when RoF get the upper hand they push GH, so we have to fall on defense, and when Dzago plays their cards, they push RoF, meaning we can push the same enemy from the other side.
This is how EB works.

Frejn, the troops that weren’t on EB were fighting the huge dzag zerg while your team was capping camps and sniped towers, its not like we were all fighting 5 GH on our borders.

That’s the beauty of a threeway mass PvP :p we had quite some situations when either opponent flooded the towers we’ve just taken to reflip them on their colour.

We fought VERY hard battles to hold our garrison at around 2AM GMT, then seeing a GH post a map picture here at about 4-5AM showing how he capped blue side of EB and our garrison while rof wasn’t there is kind of shameless.

We’re getting better in the primetime and we got a boost to our nighttime coverage, but our mornings were always pretty weak. If anyone out there still thinks of any kind of ‘alliance’ between GH and either server, just look at this little screen taken just a while ago – particularly notice the ongoing red expansion in EB.
Not complaining, don’t get me wrong, just finally disproving any alliances, treaties and other whatnots. It’s all just the WvW dynamics that one side sometimes gets doubleteamed.

