Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: pejot.4806


Aww, that’s me on that screenie, not in a very good shape :P
It was a nice hold in lord room, grats on that. Too bad that we had to cease the attack and go back to our border

Anya of the Mists
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Efreet.1895


Doesn’t anyone of you have some screenshots of EB in the afternoon? Still want to thank all Gunnars for your great help to defend against RoF. And not to forget, want to thank all from RoF for their help against GH. It’s been you that made it possible to keep our fortress :’-)

Oh, and not to forget thanks for all your homeland stuff we were allowed to take until you left us xD

Greetings from Dzagonur

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Kodel.4871


Well Krew have just gone to bed and surely enough left GH 6k points in the lead after an exhausting night of PvDoor’ing. They came up against 6 defenders in Mendon and Ogrewatch though so it took the 25 of them, wait for it…..4 hours to take those two towers. Another Xaoc all over, GH rises up a tier or so comes up against another night crew, Krew get fed up of the connection they have and leave them, then GH plummet back down to where they should be. I like even matches guys even if you win, how about you ditch the yanks and come fight us toe to toe on this huh?

Ceda Bloodeye – Ranger
Trullsengar – Elementalist
Arapay – Mesmer, Guild Leader RCG / Ring of Fire

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Hadan.2841


fully upgraded towers with max supply. you guys had 15-20 so give it a rest alrdy. we played during both servers primtimes these last two days and farmed plenty of kills. we have nothing to prove. u wouldnt happen to b tht funny warr with twilight now would u? lol. btw where u get 4 hrs? dont even think we were in wvw for tht long tonight lol

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

(edited by Hadan.2841)

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Genotix.6804


Well Krew have just gone to bed and surely enough left GH 6k points in the lead after an exhausting night of PvDoor’ing. They came up against 6 defenders in Mendon and Ogrewatch though so it took the 25 of them, wait for it…..4 hours to take those two towers. Another Xaoc all over, GH rises up a tier or so comes up against another night crew, Krew get fed up of the connection they have and leave them, then GH plummet back down to where they should be. I like even matches guys even if you win, how about you ditch the yanks and come fight us toe to toe on this huh?

Exactly what Thomas above me said.
You do know we have beat you without a night crew before right?
We have been nightcapped, morningcapped to oblivion before but that is the nature of the game mate.
As for Krew we are certainly happy to have them, nice guys and very good skills

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Vazir.5867


Hi to the D/D Ele from PI (RoF) and the P/D Thief from Ersch? (Dz) for a great 3-way fight at Hero’s Lodge yesterday, sadly I drew the short straw for being the warrior in this fight and I had to retreat to the safety of our campguards :P

Gunnar’s Hold · Draugur [Drgr] Brimhorn and yes I have a pink quaggan backpack

(edited by Vazir.5867)

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Steelo.4597


well having both enemy factions in our borderland 24/7 at the weekend was pretty exhausting too… and rewarding :d

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Night capping is part of the game and all, but its pretty pointless in tier 7 as your the only server with a night team and I’m actually pretty sure the Dzags would be on their way to a win if it wasn’t for [Krew].
I honestly don’t really understand the point of having a night capping guild in tier 7, GH just doesn’t have the population to cut it in tier 6 and it just makes this tier frustrating as we are always quite even on primetime, go to bed, and suddenly GH is leading. You can tell stories about being night capped and morning capped (how did that ever happen with Xaoc in your server?) but in the end, those are higher tier stories.
I know you will all be replying again seeing the fact I say your night team affects the score as some huge insult, but it does affect it and it doesn’t really fit in this tier imo. So before that happens… I don’t want to take away from the huge effort and quality of your day time players, I’m not trying to say Rof would win if it wasn’t for Krew or anything like that.
There is no denying that, at the moment, the only reason you are leading is because dzag and rof slept.

And thanks to everyone for the huge amount of fights on sunday, went from defending our borders to going for GH hills and back to our borders etc… Had some really nice fights!

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Steelo.4597


how about your morning/midday capping? should we tell everyone to leave the server that doesnt play between 7 pm and 11 pm? pointless whining..

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Could of figured you would go find excuses that don’t excist again, GH really can’t accept any form of comment without taking it as an insult and start crying out how someone is whining for stating a fact. Did we gain 10k points in the morning? Nope, did you? Yep
Its just insulting to Dzag and Rof to see GH claim it has no impact time and time again.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Steelo.4597


it has impact and its pointless whining about it.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Stating it in a topic thats suppose to be about this match up isn’t really whining, its just talking about the matchup which is the entire essence of this topic…
Its you that sees it as whining because you somehow feel offended by it or something.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Jathres.7236


Please don’t include us in your Argument Krosan, quite able to speak for ourself. We never did nor do complain about Nightcapping since it is just a part of WvW.

Fights at Prime time are fun and thats what WvW is really all about fun Fights not just some Random Number of Points.

Jathres BNF
Piken Square

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Magus.6543


Hi Krosan,

Last night at prime time – before our new NA guild logged on – appr. 06 pm to 11pm, GH held a score of +290 to +430. I hope this is answer enough to alot on your above post. GH will prove a high prime time tick more times during this week, don’t worry.

If it wasn’t for the very large gab in overall WvW rating, caused by RoF’s and DZ’s distance to GH, we in GH would move into tier 6.
Problem is we need to win with a large enough margin to actually gain points, because of your low points. By then, GH will be in tier 6.

The fights are still great, and nothing is easy fighting two brave and good servers. Thank you all.

- Insky, PRXM

Insky | Commander
Praxium [PRXM] | WvW guild on Gunnar’s Hold – Video collection under “Forum”

(edited by Magus.6543)

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


I honestly don’t really understand the point of having a night capping guild in tier 7

You’re saying it as if some kind of GH server council sought for an NA guild to boost the nightcapping strength and paid for their transfer, like with football teams. ‘Having a night capping guild’. There is no point to it – [Krew] were just looking for a new home and decided to join GH. End of story. The same was with [Xaoc], although we already see a huge rift between those two in terms of communication, cooperation and approach, for [Krew]‘s great advantage.
It’s pretty much the same as with any other transfering guild.

We have our nighttime boosted and we did tick highest during primetime yesterday evening, about 400 during EU evening. But everyone knows that our morning/noon-ish coverage is our weakest spot – right now we’re ticking least despite having Stonemist, and we often get back home around 4pm to see our towers and keeps downgraded. That’s also where the majority of Dzago points have been coming from lately, but you don’t seem to point that out.


Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Toxikthrash.2704


Last night at prime time – before our new NA guild logged on – appr. 06 pm to 11pm, GH held a score of +290 to +430. .

Sorry Insky but this is not true, Krew, DBU and CHvc took over DZ borders last night from about 7pm-9:30pm

Dishammer – Human Guardian of [CHvc]

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Rashmika Els.8215

Rashmika Els.8215

Well Krew have just gone to bed and surely enough left GH 6k points in the lead after an exhausting night of PvDoor’ing. They came up against 6 defenders in Mendon and Ogrewatch though so it took the 25 of them, wait for it…..4 hours to take those two towers. Another Xaoc all over, GH rises up a tier or so comes up against another night crew, Krew get fed up of the connection they have and leave them, then GH plummet back down to where they should be. I like even matches guys even if you win, how about you ditch the yanks and come fight us toe to toe on this huh?

I’m sure Krew can speak for themselves but you had way more than 6 people at mendons (I know because I was there). Yes they do a lot of night capping but thats about where the comparison with Xaoc ends.

They’ve been a great addition to GH, we’re very happy to have Krew here and they’re showing themselves to be a great group of folks.

As for the match itself, its been great so far. We’ve had a lot of good fights and hope to have plenty more over the coming week

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Drkn how does that ever seem like I’m saying it like you specifically recruited them? Everytime something remotely negative or unpositive is said about GH on these forums you basically get jumped by 5 people drawing everything out of context just because I didn’t say how great and awesome your server is. Even if I do say GH is a great server and has a very strong primetime someone will go and find something else I said, quote only that sentence, and start calling me out on it.
If anything I just wanted to know what drives [Krew] to come to EU tier 7. And its true, if it wasn’t for the point gap between GH and the other two you would probably be in tier 6, but you forget Miller’s and Drakkar their point gap was as big as yours and they totally dominated our tier, hence why I say I don’t think GH would stay in tier 6. Its not ment as an offence, but we’ve fought all three and GH isn’t even close to the amount of people they bring.

Anyway I guess we can just limit this topic to “good job guys” etc since anything that isn’t a clear compliment gets pulled out of context and you get 6 people quoting you saying the same thing. I had the wrong impression that this was also a place to discuss the matchup outside of saying how great everyone is.

Thanks to the people that actually replied without yelling "crying’ and actually used arguments, you all have your points and its these points I wanted to see. I’m still very happy with the stability GH provided in this tier, the fights have been amazing so far and I hope Rof learns allot from it.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Skaven Zverov.2984

Skaven Zverov.2984

I just want to add that it is fun fighting a balanced game, and it doesn’t matter to some if we are winning of losing, as long as it is tight game. For me, and some that i know that is what matters, tight, adrenaline filled fights and point scores.

Cya at the battlegrounds

White Flash of Gunnar’s Hold – Hennera Silentwind [CORE]

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Azkadelia.2490


First of all it was very nice to have RoF and GH simultaneously in our fortress for tea and cookies. Our Fortress may have looked a bit like swiss cheese (sry for that) but we managed to keep it eventually.

Night-capping…hmm…may be a part of the game…..but the huge leaps in points over night really kill the mood with a lot of people…the matchup really was fun this week until this morning

(mutters) I don’t want to start as blue again and again and again…

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: pejot.4806


I don’t want to start as blue again and again and again…

I will be more than happy to swap my red for your blue!

Anya of the Mists
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


If anything I just wanted to know what drives [Krew] to come to EU tier 7.

Finally the focal point of the issue, and an understandable question =) But that’s a question to [Krew], not ‘GH having a nighttime guild’ – i’m sure you see the difference.

I don’t think GH would stay in tier 6.

I don’t think so either, even with boosted nighttime. T6 is a scary place. You will still see us in T7 for more great fights, no worries.

Anyway, seeing that RoF had been pushing Dzago in their BL, we wiped blue from EB, at least for a time. Sucks to be second :p


Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Genotix.6804


Krosan you bring some valid points to the discusion but we have allready beat Millers and Drakkar aswell as Abandons several times.
We are not a hardcore sever that is why we couldn’t get past tier5.
We have several wvw fanatics though.
Thomas is right there is not such a huge difference at tiers 5-7 and servers go up and down all the time.
I have to say though that since the last time we faced you guys you have really improved. Better coverage and better strategy.
Good job goes to Dzagonur too. Really a decent server.
As we will probably face each other for more weeks let’s keep this thread civil as it was mostly the first week.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Jathres.7236


You can’t have Blue, i’m used to it now!

With a new Colour i would be attacking the wrong Camps over and over again :p

Jathres BNF
Piken Square

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Runty Choir.4893

Runty Choir.4893

I like how Krosan cries about [Krew], we defend ourselves and [Krew] then somehow we get accused of crying lol.

Victrixx [xVx]

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Kodel.4871


Ughh just saw a 700 supply tower go down because we had 8 people in all of EB, every time this happens I swear i’m not going to spend another 1.5g upgrading/escorting dolyaks and from now on i’m not going to. Far too much frustration and it makes me give too much of a kitten when you get 30 Americans swarm all over the tower.

I suppose I said some unecessary things and it’s mostly because of the cash i kept losing for nothing. GH you play the game as Anet gives it to you – genius free transfers after stopping them because they were a dim idea in the first place – an all. I can’t fault your server or those who join you, you fight well good luck HF.

Ceda Bloodeye – Ranger
Trullsengar – Elementalist
Arapay – Mesmer, Guild Leader RCG / Ring of Fire

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Magus.6543


Sorry Insky but this is not true, Krew, DBU and CHvc took over DZ borders last night from about 7pm-9:30pm

Ok, thanks for correction my friend. My point remains the same, we still have higher ticks in prime time :-)

- Insky

Insky | Commander
Praxium [PRXM] | WvW guild on Gunnar’s Hold – Video collection under “Forum”

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


I can understand the frustration from RoF’s end tbh. Gunnar’s has a very volatile population, when we are winning we seem to be everywhere – last night we had 2 queue’s and a huge force in both other zones – but when we are losing no one wants to play. Similar to when we were in T8 we were winning, but it was still close and had potential to swing either way… and then a night time guild joins* and everything changes. The gap widens quite quickly and more and more Gunnar’s pour into the fight. Hence why our primetime ticks are getting higher as well.

The volatile population is the greater issue, it’s simply that the night forces tweak the scores enough to swing that into action. Well, that and the loss of upgrades :P

Still, this is all somewhat flogging a dead yak, and getting out of hand, from all (well except Jathres who pops in to post amusing music with GW2 footage attached!).

*disclaimer: I am not blaming them for anything, and as said above Krew are nice people who fit into the community well, so no complaints from me.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


Ughh just saw a 700 supply tower go down because we had 8 people in all of EB, every time this happens I swear i’m not going to spend another 1.5g upgrading/escorting dolyaks and from now on i’m not going to. Far too much frustration and it makes me give too much of a kitten when you get 30 Americans swarm all over the tower.

It wasn’t the Americans around 9am~12pm GMT+1 earlier today, it was the ‘GH natives’, under my badge. We did have several [Krew] among them, but please don’t get tunneled into ‘blaming’ [Krew] for everything :p

Also, i see that my goal with downgrading t3 towers is slowly being reached :p


Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


I like how Yorric fails at having anything close to a discussion and always falls back to being a keyboard warrior. You should check out that major selective reading problem you have.
Shoutout to basically everyone else (besides [HT]) tho for getting further then acting like the biggest thing going in WvW today and actually discusses things.

I wouldn’t mind swapping to green as some PI still need garrison POI there but its not like taking that from GH is a walk in the park. :P

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Runty Choir.4893

Runty Choir.4893

Ok whatever ill just stop now ive clearly caused you some grief Krosan so ill let you calm down.

Victrixx [xVx]

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: MarkusParkus.8467


To the [ICON] Asura necro I was just having a 1vs1 with near RoF Bay.. apologies for the intruder, I asked them to stop with no response :/ Great fight anyway! not sure which way that was going!

Furious Scumbag, Raging Scumbag & Geologist Greywind
[NOX] & [Coma] – Gunnar’s Hold.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Kodel.4871


Also, i see that my goal with downgrading t3 towers is slowly being reached :p

Well there will be a few more wooden towers with dolyaks running for nothing into a 100 supply place from now on..and i’ll be richer
We can wait around the corner from you after you take it for 5 mins and circle cap everything like pro WvW’ers

Ceda Bloodeye – Ranger
Trullsengar – Elementalist
Arapay – Mesmer, Guild Leader RCG / Ring of Fire

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


A huge Dzag zerg just rampaged all over our borders, sucks being outmanned on your own border. =(
I came in just in time to defend the last tower we had, atleast we managed to take out the golems I guess. :P

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Hadan.2841


Currently germans own all of RoF bls, does that make them no good day cappers?!? As far as our reasoning to join GH, tht is none of your concern. We have our reasons and those on GH knw them and thats good enough for us. Yesturday we had a guild grp of about 20 on at 1pm our time. which would have been like 7pm your time and we helped GH take a +400ppt lead. What do you consider us then? a fair fight? Going “toe to toe” with you guys? You make it seem like we dont play during your guys primetime, we do, not with as many but we are there. As far as the night capping goes there is always fights around. truthfully, there is only at most an hour or 2 during our night where there is only 1-5 defenders on a map and we “PvD”. Outside of that we always tend to find a good grp of 20ish RoF or Dz who will fight us maybe 2 times and if you guys wipe more than once you leave the map. Sry i cant help morale on your part to get your guys to stick around and fight us.

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Goldhuman.3047


I have been on all weekend. started Friday in Gunnars borderlands where Dzag and ROf kept sending zergs but by 11pm me and a great load of guys got our lands back. We lost Garri and Bay and hills but in the end we got them all back.

Saturday I was with some more great guys and I was there when we took SM and lost it hour later Saturday afternoon.

Sunday I was on pretty much all day and helped defend SM all day with some great guys and some good commanders and I being a new commander am learning a lot.


GoldHuman/GoldBangBang, Lvl 80 Ele & Necro
Gunnars Hold/ Gunnars Scum Guild
We are recruiting for WVW and Guild Missions….

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


No offense, (and ofc there are small exceptions) but Dzagonur have to be the most boring server I’ve ever fought.. and sadly this is far from the first time I’ve had to do it.

Join zone, sweep, leave.

40 man groups with swirling winds galore. When you run out of rams kitten the gate down! I know this is fairly common across all servers atm but it’s an entirely different level with you guys. Often wonder if it’s a guild group or a pug as there’s usually a lot from one guild, all using swirling etc.. but bulk is still behaving like a pug.

Incredibly frustrating that no matter how well you prepare/defend/whatever, it’s blob rule. It seems you’re either all in the zone or none.

Urf. Not best time to post and this is a bit ranty, apologies…. just rather tired of it. I’ve enjoyed fighthing RoF (guilds or pugs) all week, but not this.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: MarkusParkus.8467


No offense, (and ofc there are small exceptions) but Dzagonur have to be the most boring server I’ve ever fought.. and sadly this is far from the first time I’ve had to do it.

Agreed, same tactics each day, call 50 people and PvD a gate even with defenders inside.
Funny that when you catch a DZ member solo or in small groups they waypoint or call in 5 friends straight away, They must need their hands held :P

RoF, I always enjoy being matched against you, great small fights everytime we meet.

Furious Scumbag, Raging Scumbag & Geologist Greywind
[NOX] & [Coma] – Gunnar’s Hold.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Jathres.7236


Dzagonur has a very small population. Right now many motivated people try to get more people into WvW and are doing much Training Zergs etc. Those will be blobs cause it is an easy Way to introduce WvW and getting Success.
That motivates people same as Neandramathal said about Gunnar. So simply same as on your Server. I don’t see any real logic why you whine about the same thing that happens on your own Server regarding your own Post.

Regarding People fleeing solo or in small Scale i can garantie that that happens on your Servers also quite a lot :p but there i agree with ThomasKreshant everybody is entitled their own Gamestyle that is fun for them. You can be disappointent in opponnents but hardly blame them for having their own Style of playing.

Jathres BNF
Piken Square

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Dzagonur has a very small population. Right now many motivated people try to get more people into WvW and are doing much Training Zergs etc. Those will be blobs cause it is an easy Way to introduce WvW and getting Success.
That motivates people same as Neandramathal said about Gunnar. So simply same as on your Server. I don’t see any real logic why you whine about the same thing that happens on your own Server regarding your own Post.

Regarding People fleeing solo or in small Scale i can garantie that that happens on your Servers also quite a lot :p but there i agree with ThomasKreshant everybody is entitled their own Gamestyle that is fun for them. You can be disappointent in opponnents but hardly blame them for having their own Style of playing.

Oh absolutely I agree it happens on all servers, but I would say to a lesser degree.

Almost every server I’ve met up to this point tends to have the pug zerg, and then guilds seperate. The guilds will be the ones to use tactics (Swirling/Veil/Whatever) but have far more manageable numbers, and the zerg will be numbers with no idea of what to do. Dzag seems to be just everyone together, so you get overwhelming numbers AND the tactics.

We enter your BL quite frequently and find it’s empty, we take a keep and start laying siege weapons… then suddenly outmanned appears, 40 guys arrive and either nuke gate with no siege or build a ton of cata’s and swirling winds it, then leave. It just gets… very tiresome, to know that there is nothing you are gonna do to keep them out.

Not so much whining (I still play the game and still do what I can) just blowing off some steam. Mostly we are 4 or so players trying to be a nusciance, be it roaming or taking and holding a tower, haven’t met your group yet as I think we tend to occupy different zones. Have lot’s of fun holding briar in RoF lately, it just sadly comes down to only a matter of time before the blob arrives.

Just hate the all or nothing No smaller attacks or defenses, there’s no one or there’s everyone. It’s certainly effective, just.. find it a tad boring as literally can’t defend against it without similar numbers.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

(edited by Neandramathal.9536)

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Steelo.4597


Its how you play this game to be maximum effective in this Tier imho, so Dz is doing it great. Aslong as you dont have 3 queues on a map its the best strategy to make a queue-sized zerg and clear every structure on every map in a row. untill enough defenders appear you have 2 keeps already at least. not only does it give a lot of gold and exp and loot, but also you cap much faster then others recap as they are usually trying to defend without much chance to success. then there is the usual zerg power like boons for everybody, people taking damage for each other, lots of healing and rezzing… it is THE meta of this game atm, especially for lower tiers.. so props to Dzago for it, you been scratching my morale indeed when you left the map so our people leave it too.. then return 15 minutes later with 50 people and take our keeps in 5 minutes wiping all our efforts to upgrade and siege from the map. well played… if we cant make an effort to organize a group to respond to such things the damage is on us.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

(edited by Steelo.4597)

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Jathres.7236


We are on Gunnar or RoF BL. Never Eternal almost never Homelands.

Jathres BNF
Piken Square

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Goldhuman.3047


I don’t get it. People are saying Dzag are rubbish or tactics awful yet they have a hell of a lot of points. Ok WVW is about capping. But they must be doing something right to be good. As past two weeks they always lead the fight and we have taken over, if I am right.

To be fair no matter what tactics people use I just the love the massive 2on 2 fights or 3on 3 fights. This wkend was a prime example and at one stage I got in my head Dzag and ROF were alliance as they both seem to be attacking us and Dzag even had Klovan, not for long tho ;-p.

Was good fighting no matter on tactics or how it was played. Was all in all great fun. Just need to sort Skill Lag now ;-p


GoldHuman/GoldBangBang, Lvl 80 Ele & Necro
Gunnars Hold/ Gunnars Scum Guild
We are recruiting for WVW and Guild Missions….

(edited by Goldhuman.3047)

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


I don’t get it. People are saying Dzag are rubbish or tactics awful yet they have a hell of a lot of points. Ok WVW is about capping. But they must be doing something right to be good. As past two weeks they always lead the fight and we have taken over, if I am right.

Not seen anyone say they’re rubbish? I just said they’re boring to fight :P

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Jathres.7236


Dzag seems to be just everyone together, so you get overwhelming numbers AND the tactics.

Actually that was praise :p

Jathres BNF
Piken Square

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Benn.1547


Anybody else actually like having the outmanned buff?. I personally love it since it basically means “Go jump into a zerg if you want, it doesn’t matter if you die! NO REPAIR COSTS” I used to have to jump naked into zergs but since the patch. Naked Ben is over!
P.S. Awesome fights BUT when the zerg stomps over my face can you at least dig me a grave? Thanks <3

Big Bad Ben | Asura Guardian

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Dzag seems to be just everyone together, so you get overwhelming numbers AND the tactics.

Actually that was praise :p

Was it? kitten I’ll go think of something else and come back

We should have some around friday evening btw, if you are still looking for the small scraps We probably won’t run into each other before then as we’ve been mostly in RoF Briar or Dza Hills this week lol.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Pintmaster.1326


Well, as a former Gunnar’s player, who is now in tier 3. I understand everyone’s frustration with blobs/zergs whatever. However it annoys me in every thread, the piken one also (many from piken complaining). Every server is different. Each server would prefer battles being fought on their own terms. So yeah, a 20 man guild would prefer facing a zerg of 30-40 players instead of 70. However how can they not understand that if the enemy does that they lose every single time?

Every server simply adapts to the strengths of others. I hear Dzagonur is able to constantly whirlwind their own siege. People in higher tiers have trouble doing so quite often still, so hats of to them if they cover the entire area you can countertreb against.

Coverage is just plain annoying, but thats how WvW works. So if it annoys you enough to complain about on the forums this often. Maybe consider moving to a higher tier where the differences in coverage can be more equal (if that’s not an option, why complain? Do so after you wrote a letter to Arenanet stating why they should change it, because noweone here wants to read it, almost everyone agrees.)

Lastly, if I annoy anyone by lurking in this thread and now posting. I’m sorry, but Gunnars still has many happy memories for me.

Edit: Yes, moving to a higher tier might mean (longer) queues, but thats the price you pay for coverage!

[HoB] Athyos

(edited by Pintmaster.1326)

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Kodel.4871


if that’s not an option, why complain? Do so after you wrote a letter to Arenanet stating why they should change it, because noweone here wants to read it, almost everyone agrees.

Well 4500 views tell me you are quite wrong in this. Whine, agree with whining, disagree with whining, hate this or love that, it’s all kind of the point and purpose of forums.

Ever see those threads with 5 posts in it all saying “yeah guys good fight on whatever map it was great”, then the next post agrees then the thread dies, how dull.

Oh well 3am time to join my fellow 5 die hard RoF’ers and repell the Krew hordes..or not

Ceda Bloodeye – Ranger
Trullsengar – Elementalist
Arapay – Mesmer, Guild Leader RCG / Ring of Fire

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Synda Raines.1836

Synda Raines.1836

That was some fun yesterday. And the days before, I really see no reason to complain this match up. Ok for some GH’ s night coverage is annoying, but its an inherent to wvw.

Special thanks to Dzagonur for the turky shoot yesterday evening outside your garrison gate opposite Quintin rofl. 3 Ballista, some ac’s and a Cata and you guys just kept coming. I Got close to 40 lootbags and even 2 rares. I dont know what you guys & galls where thinking.