Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Nidhogg.2950


Every week Gunnars Hold has a WvW meeting on the server mumble. Its not our custom to put details of that on the public forums but with the recent discussion about what goes on in Gunnars Hold Ill post one item.

Plans for Gunnars Hold.

Most of our community will continue to fight, we would rather go down the ladder together then rise up somewhere else. Some will wait to see how Gunnars develops before making a decision.

An effort has started to invite PvE-ers into WvW and help new people get started. As has been pointed out we have quality WvW-ers, we just lack numbers.

Community efforts to promote WvW and the Gunnars Hold Community will continue, apart from the tutorials given by veterans there is still the video contest.

Gunnars Hold is diminished but still strong.

A big thank you to all those still fighting alongside us, there are some hard fights ahead of us, but would you want it any other way?

Guildleader of Vitas, Gunnars Hold

(edited by Nidhogg.2950)

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Necrolust.6358


Lots of effort being put into this server as you can see.

Dissident Aggressors [DA] @ SFR

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Nidhogg.2950


We seem to have some new guilds who joined Gunnar. Welcome fellows and I hope you find us to your liking and stick around!

Gunnars still expects to go down a pairing, giving us time to recover and reorganise. Thanks for the kinds words from other servers who have experienced similar upheavals and are once again on the mend. Your advice has been heartening

Guess that we are lucky in that this is the first large upheaval. At least we parted on good terms with the ones who left. Other servers had this happen more often and not on friendly terms, if they can fight their way back up how can Gunnars fail to try the same?

To the new guilds, you are more than welcome in the weekly WvW meetings, they have proven to be very effective in the past as well as a laugh and a good place to get to know a lot of us!

Guildleader of Vitas, Gunnars Hold

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: incubi.5197


gunnars good people been here a few weeks and loving the community we do lack the number but we still get the job done and thats all that matters but i welcome everyone to come join and ill see you on the field of battle.

Commander Whips and Chains. Gunnars Hold

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017


I dint mean to dampen you spirits but you dont owe any loyalty to a piece of hardware, ts ultimately the community and friendship that you build thats more important. Looks like you are competetive serious and very passionate players . Theres no reason to constantly stress yourself over it..there are many such like minded many people on so many servers . Yet no one is willing to switch or collaborate.

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Displease.9780


Respect to those who stay and fight! You indeed have good PvPers and I wholeheartedly hope you get more guilds joining you.

Red Guard [RG]

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Jakeshipton.6520


Gamblit, just after that picture me and a group of what started as 5 people turned it from that score to us having the entire Gunnar’s borderland back in our control

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Thwap.7495


The fight continues. Yes, against overwhelmingly large numbers at prime time, somewhat dubious tactics and night-capping all over the shop off-peak it means the scores look lopsided. See previous reasons – we’re aware of it, it’s not exactly surprising to anyone. Steps are being taken to remedy it.

So, we’re going to continue rebuilding and getting stronger. Thank you for the support. Those on the realm who stumble across this post should definitely check out the Gunnar’s Hold Community Site – Mumble is free and makes WvW a lot more fun. Oh, and organised. Yes, co-ordinated (and fun). You aren’t required to speak or even own a microphone, even being able to listen helps enormously.

Those of you not on the realm, who are looking for a home, please look beyond the twonks with an axe to grind who are trolling and unrepresentative point totals – come and talk to us. GH isn’t full of bandwagon-jumpers or prima donna muppets flouncing around with their frocks over their heads if they don’t get to rofflestomp their way to victory – we’re a community.

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Gahn.8150


I advice you to reconsider your stay. With out the morning-noon players, you will be at the buttom of the WvW and among the other dead servers. You’ll be facing unorganized mobs of PuG players, most likely PvErs that WvW on occasion.

What’s exactly the point of your post? Awwww we are losing to sheer numbers in prime time so we need to jump ship?

No thx learn to fight against odds tbh, you’ll become a better player …

Gahn Lonewolf [TDA]
Norn Guardian

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

We seem to have had some US players join the server. I’m led to believe more are on the way. Chatting to their commander last night it looks like they will be a very welcome addition to the server.

This is probably a good time for people considering a server move to look very closely at GH. Although we’ve lost some good company, we’ve also lost a lot of deadwood, hangers-on and those that just simply don’t play well with others.

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Hengis.5417


During my map completion, I wandered aimlessely around WvWvW not having a clue what I was doing or why. Then about three or four weeks ago, when trying to get the last couple of places I needed, someone on Gunnars advertised the Gunnars-Hold form and mumble.

I don’t know what made me do it, but I joined the forum, set up the voice chat, and started initially just listening to what was going on.

To be honest, since then I have hardly set foot back in PVE!

There are some incredibly good players on Gunnars Hold, and if you can get on the forum and on the mumble, things really do start to make sense and to become much more fun.

I have learnt so much about WvWvW – escorting dolyaks, running supplies, holding keeps, ninja attacks with small groups, defending in Lords room agains overwhelming opposition, befriending the Quaggans, setting up siege of the right kind in the right place, distracting attention in one place whilst attacking another, Mesmer portals, and a million other things that rarely included running with the Zerg.

Fighting against overwhelming odds has pretty much been normal in the time I have been playing – and to be honest, it doesnt matter!

I’ve now got over 1000 WvW kills (OK I know its a tiny amount compared to the good players but it made me feel good when that notification popped up) got the Combat Healer title, and had generally had a great time playing with some really nice people.

If you are looking for a server where new players to WvW will be welcomed not ridiculed, helped to learn, and valued, then please consider coming to Gunnars Hold and joining our forum.

I really do think Gunnars Hold will endure and will rise again.

A proud member and occasional commander of:
Praxium – PRXM and The Gunnar’s Hold Community and

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Thronlun.7591


Just think its such a shame that so many guilds-some of whom I really expected better from- out there have such a complete lack of bottle and willingness to fight that they move to an easier server so they can see more points against where they play and see themselves higher on a leaderboard, which when it comes down to it is not all that important.

Also feel sorry for the guys on Piken. That is the guys that have been there for a while who are now having to put up with queues so they can get their guild all on the same map. Been there, done that(on Far Shiverpeaks) and it was not nice. We have been loving coming up against other guild groups frequently since the match up started, been nice coming up against old friends and enemies from HoB, Tainted, VII and fighting some new ones in there form of Afterlife and others. You guys have obviously got things fairly organised server wide. Its a shame that a bunch of freeloaders could potentially spoil that.

Guild Leader of Cantankerous [CNTK]

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Steelo.4597


enough to take a camp.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Gahn.8150


I advice you to reconsider your stay. With out the morning-noon players, you will be at the buttom of the WvW and among the other dead servers. You’ll be facing unorganized mobs of PuG players, most likely PvErs that WvW on occasion.

What’s exactly the point of your post? Awwww we are losing to sheer numbers in prime time so we need to jump ship?

No thx learn to fight against odds tbh, you’ll become a better player …

To let you know the situation of Gunnar’s forces at 11:26 CET. There were around 5 of us, on 4 maps.

I play on GH so i perfectly know the situation number wise, i do know also that 5 ppl are nuff to get things done (play guerrila warfare and move fast across the map in not an obvious circle) and earn points, Defo play smart and have your share of fun ^^

Gahn Lonewolf [TDA]
Norn Guardian

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Zgorzel.4902


I advice you to reconsider your stay. With out the morning-noon players, you will be at the buttom of the WvW and among the other dead servers. You’ll be facing unorganized mobs of PuG players, most likely PvErs that WvW on occasion.

What’s exactly the point of your post? Awwww we are losing to sheer numbers in prime time so we need to jump ship?

No thx learn to fight against odds tbh, you’ll become a better player …

To let you know the situation of Gunnar’s forces at 11:26 CET. There were around 5 of us, on 4 maps.

I don’t really see a problem. 11:26 CET is not even our prime time – most of GH players are at work at that time. So wow, we are losing points when fighting servers with more wvw players when we are at work. Shocking.

I got talked into coming to GH by a few friends from a different game. They mostly stoped playing, I joined a new guild and registered at GH unofficial forum. All I can say, that even when we are losing points, even when opponents control 90% of the map I am really enjoying myself. I know that to some more hardcore wvw players it sounds silly, but we really are having fun playing wvw on GH – people at mumble are talking, joking and the atmosphere is great.

Other servers often have great, big, wvw guilds with players that already know each other from different games – those players already know how to work together. We are still learning that – we also don’t have enough people to cover all wvw maps. We know it – and we accept it. Still I have no intention of leaving GH.

Many thanks to all those players from different servers (Piken, AM, AG,…) that has been encouraging us to keep fighting and continue building our community. GH is not giving up!

Also, all GH players – please remeber to check out . If You have ideas that could help our server, if You’re a guild leader that wants to advertise his guild or if You are simply looking for people for wvw runs, You can find it all there.

Midnight Mayhem [MM] – Gunnar’s Hold
Gunnar’s Hold Server Forum

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Nidhogg.2950


Gunnars Hold got mentioned here:

Nice to see us feature in a article where they seems impressed by our community :-)

Guildleader of Vitas, Gunnars Hold

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: vanash.2671


5 players are not enough to get things done. Not when everything is upgraded and the opposition have enough brains to be in a zone defending, the merest sniff of some action and it’s a 30 man zerg heading your way.

It’s still fun at times to hold them off, but more often than not you’re just wasting your time. The most fun I’ve had in a small group is in the jumping puzzles, sadly it’s a very selfish fun as it contributes nothing to the realm achievements…but then does capping a camp and holding it for 30 secs?

Saying 5 man groups can contribute on their own is fairydreamland in our current match up

BUT it’s still worth getting those 5 men/women/vegetarians to team up with another 5, and possibly another 5. Thats when you can start making a real difference in borderlands.

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Karast.1927


I agree with that. You can take camps with 5, and roll around a bit. But your not going to do much more than give the other servers something to take a back.

I’ve tried, and groups have succeeded (4 golems!!!) at ninja’ing upgraded towers, but after you take it, you can’t hold it. So your only other option is to go ninja another. But it doesn’t take long for them to find you and kill you when they have the entire map and waypoints at 2-3 of the keeps.

That’s why when I log into WvW in the late / early hours I am not looking at the point score unless if we actually have enough population to make a fight of it.

I just focus on having fun, killing people, and annoying them as much as possible.

Despite appearances PS and AM are just as bad as we are at guarding dolyaks. 3-4 people ganking dolyaks and harassing players can prevent keeps / towers from being upgraded.

The zergs typically wont come your way, unless if you take a supply camp or something.

Although there are typically more than 5 online. Between maps I have never seen below ~20.

But even with 20 when your trying to take a full upgraded tower, being defended by 20-30. It just doesn’t go well, unless if you have everyone, and your working together in mumble.

GH big problem in the early / late hours is we spend to much time focusing on EB, when point wise the borderlands are more important. ((the 30-40 on EB getting zerged by 50-60, will have a more even fight of it on a borderland and will be able to hold more)) You earn a lot more points, and get much better fights when you got all your populations focused on a borderland.

The other problem is when we do have keeps / towers and control a lot, we rarely upgrade anything, nor do we defend. So when we get to 5 minutes before point tally PS or AM just run by with 15-20 guys and a few golems and take all the towers and keeps without much of a fight. We of course take them back but the same thing happens again next point tally.

So even when we control a lot of the map we are not getting as many points as we could, and when numbers thin, we lose everything again since without upgrades / siege, even with defenders the towers / keeps fall.

You’ll notice with PS that there are guild groups that take the job of sitting on keeps / towers until the basic upgrades are in. Worker – Wall – Door and they’ll protect the nearby supply camps and upgrade them as well to speed up the upgrades.

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Teutooni.9572


enough to take a camp.

One player is enough to take a camp if there are no players defending it. Which is usually the case, if you sneak behind enemy lines and capture quickly.

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Nidhogg.2950


Tonight in EB upgrades got started in most places, good communication and cooperation, it was fun.

I do agree that while you can take a camp with 5, you cant defend it when the enemy comes to take it back with 30. but….numbers seemed to be up today, no outmanned buff in our primetime and we werent outnumbered more then 1 to 1.5

How was it in the borderlands? I mean, most of Gunnars is taking it easy in WvW this week because we felt it was better to reorganise in a lower tier (though Abbadon still deserves their 2nd place).

I had just expected us to go down in points faster, no complaints though

Guildleader of Vitas, Gunnars Hold

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: incubi.5197


so it looks as if im pullin not just my american guild but 1 one other as well we like the peak time for us and im sure gh will since its that perfect time of night in the eu but prime for us so look out piken gh is pulling some of us from the american severs to lay some smackdown too bad ull be asleep and wont see it hahahaha!

~like a whip in the dark not seen but heard~

Commander Whips and Chains. Gunnars Hold

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Corran.4957


Nid, from what I saw we had about 4 people in the other boardlands beyond GH and EB. Was horrid :p

Still, had a nice fight between 2 and 4am when took Lake with 5 of us, then sent 30 back to recap it. Then we took briar off them too whilst they retook lake. Then we went back to Lake and got zerged rotten. Then we returned again and just farmed the 15-20 people inside it that was scared of the 5 of us

Finished off by finally retaking it when the left to safe Bay from the Pikens. But then we probably lost it as the only 6 people in the zone loggged :P

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Xandax.1753


so it looks as if im pullin not just my american guild but 1 one other as well we like the peak time for us and im sure gh will since its that perfect time of night in the eu but prime for us so look out piken gh is pulling some of us from the american severs to lay some smackdown too bad ull be asleep and wont see it hahahaha!

~like a whip in the dark not seen but heard~

You will be most welcome. Whip ’em good, yank.

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Xandax.1753



That’s why when I log into WvW in the late / early hours I am not looking at the point score unless if we actually have enough population to make a fight of it.

I just focus on having fun, killing people, and annoying them as much as possible.

You’ll find that many players from G.H. don’t look at the score either. It’s meaningless for us. Most do – as you say – have fun killing and annoying.

The battle, not the war, is what we’ve fought for basically since day 1.

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: DylanLucas.6058


Gunnars Hold is dead WvW wise. We had 10 people in the EB and they were mostly from my guild

All im gonna say……

Creator of Pandion Knights [PK] GW2 – SFR (retired)

(edited by DylanLucas.6058)

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Phoebe Poison.4875

Phoebe Poison.4875

Now there, haven’t you heard your favourite prodigal sons are coming back?


Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Jimmy JimBob.2801

Jimmy JimBob.2801

Gunnars Hold is dead WvW wise. We had 10 people in the EB and they were mostly from my guild

All im gonna say……

Then dont play in EB either move where there’s more numbers or request more from elsewhere. This time last night we held most of Drakkar Borderlands, almost all of our own and our third of EB plus SM. Hardly dead.

We’ll be back

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Jupitus.4352


EB’s for kids :p

[MM]Jessopia – Soft and Very Squishy – Part of Gunnars Hold Community

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Thwap.7495


Gunnars Hold is dead WvW wise. We had 10 people in the EB and they were mostly from my guild

All im gonna say......

This is absolute, pure, unadulterated nonsense. Rumours of the demise of Gunnar’s Hold WvW are, as the saying goes, greatly exaggerated

You may have been fighting with ten people, in a single map - or at least you were only aware of ten. Declaring the death of a realm based upon the population of a single map, at a single point in time, on a single night is pretty myopic.

Particularly so this evening, when one of our opponents decided to declare a "training mission" for their new WvWers and zerg-rush their way around one side of our Borderlands. Not to be outdone, our *other* opponents decided to take this opportunity to hit the other side of our map. Brave, brave souls, one and all!

I’m guessing that you didn’t fancy that particular fight then Dylanlucas? Given that our Borderlands actually had a queue at one point (albeit a very short one) you would seem to be in a minority...much fun was had, many bags were looted. Hopefully we also helped our foe in their training - highlighting in particular that if you just zerg-rush your little herd of munchkins around the map and never do anything except overwhelm towers and camps with sheer numbers, then we can, and will, recapture them pretty quickly afterwards. Thanks for stopping by!

*blows kisses*

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Necrolust.6358


Gunnars Hold is dead WvW wise. We had 10 people in the EB and they were mostly from my guild

All im gonna say……

what a load of rubbish. this week I’ve seen more action and people than the last 3-4 weeks. gunnars is alive and kicking! very good fights from Underworld and Drakkar! :-)

Dissident Aggressors [DA] @ SFR

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

I <3 you guys…..

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

Gunnars Hold is dead WvW wise. We had 10 people in the EB and they were mostly from my guild

All im gonna say……

Chuckled at this. You’ve been spotted attacking fully upgraded keeps without any siege and running around in WvW with your commander badge on but not actually talking in team chat or attempting to coordinate, a negative point which you have levelled at others.

You’re probably getting out of the game what you’re putting in.

The server-wide comms offered by continued to be busy and lively. But then, you opted out of that too and asked for your account to be removed.

To re-engage with the community on GH perhaps a positive approach would prove beneficial. Then maybe it won’t seem quite so dead.

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Karast.1927


We seem to be doing better at night this week. Maybe 15-20 active on EB with another 10-15 on GH BL.

This population is fairly constant from 1-2 am GMT till about 6am GMT.

But when we do not have a commander online, and even when we do, we do not always defend keeps / towers and focus on retaking things rather than upgrading and defending.

We really need a few more people and guilds willing to put down the cash and the time to escort Dolyaks and upgrade / outfit keeps / tower / camps with siege.

As well as for those online to come and defend the towers we take so that we can hold them long enough for upgrades.

Having these keeps and towers fully upgraded with supply and siege really help when the big zergs start rolling out in the morning.

I’ve been running around and upgrading / guarding like a madman, but I can’t spend 4-5g a night on upgrades / siege every night, and I can’t run Dolyaks into 4 different towers on 2 different maps at the same time.

So we need a few more people beside the few of us already doing upgrades / guarding to start taking an interest.

It’s not very fun to spend an hour spending cash and running back and forth between towers with Dolyaks, as opposed to hitting towers and camps, but it’s far more important in the long run.

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Nidhogg.2950


Dylan, we have run into each other on that Battleground, teamed up briefly but got little response from you apart from that you do not like our server.

Nevertheless I asked the people in my group to build defensive siege to support your attacks and offered to cooperate with your people. After no response was made I eventually moved my group off towards other targets.

Im sorry to hear that you dont run into a lot of our people, Gunnars Hold does not have the population to fill all Battlegrounds, but talking in Team or Mumble means you often find people at all hours.

Communication is vital, even more so for smaller servers then the larger ones who can rely on numbers.

Feel free to send me a tell asking where most of our forces are, every day there are great fights to be had. Our German friends are tenacious and willing to spend a fortune on siege, Underworld seems to have less people then Gunnars but they have shown not to give up either.

Hope your experience will improve, there is more then just your guild, Pandoin Knights, fighting.

Guildleader of Vitas, Gunnars Hold

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Maevlynin.3280


Hopefully we also helped our foe in their training – highlighting in particular that if you just zerg-rush your little herd of munchkins around the map and never do anything except overwhelm towers and camps with sheer numbers, then we can, and will, recapture them pretty quickly afterwards. Thanks for stopping by!

blows kisses

sends them right back from said opponent
I am pretty sure you did. I wasn’t around during the newbie raid, which is a shame because I’m rather new at WvW myself. But I do in fact think it’s a good idea to explain things right where they are going to happen. I’m pretty sure that the guys who organised it all were pretty aware you would take it back after we stopped attacking you. The point, however, was to share some basic knowledge about the sports with people who probably know very little to nothing at all about it. The point was not to take all your keeps and defend these, yesterday. So yes, Thwap, you helped. As much as anyone would have helped. And it’s not like we don’t stand our ground at our own homelands, unless night time hits and/or you’re the opponent who is outnumbering us.

That said: I can hardly agree with the statement that Gunnars Hold is dead, WvW-wise. We’ve got far too much to do with you guys, which proves you’re alive and kicking hard. Keep up the good fights, and your head held high. If it wasn’t for the event weekend where we seemed to be more active in WvWvW than you or Underworld, things would be much closer now, and even harder to maintain.

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: spiritus.7983


Dylan, we have run into each other on that Battleground, teamed up briefly but got little response from you apart from that you do not like our server.

Nevertheless I asked the people in my group to build defensive siege to support your attacks and offered to cooperate with your people. After no response was made I eventually moved my group off towards other targets.

If thats the commander trolling lake, sunday…. LOL.

Signed: Evil

Evil, GH -Charr rule.
A Skritt is dumb. A group of Skritt are smart.
A Human is smart. A group of Humans are idiots.

Gunnars Hold Meeting last night

in WvW

Posted by: Andiana.6381


i’m gunnar’s and proud.

it’s a struggle right now, but we’re holding our own.