Gunnars Hold Reborn

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: vanash.2671


So, I guess many have seen the drama thread, and the subsequent trolling, re-trolling and tears etc. Anyway, that’s not what GH is about any more(or what it was about in the first place..)

Guilds have left for their own reasons, that will sort itself out in future match ups, when the two servers meet ( which will be epic )

What happens now for Gunnars? Well now we are in the process of pulling the server together. We have some fantastic leaders and commanders. We have some fantastic players and and guilds as well as still having a huge contingent of ex Prydwen/ Excalibur DAoC guys as always.

There is a gap to fill now, We’re confident that the WvW activity will greatly improve in the coming weeks. We have some fantastic tools available ( forums + unlimited mumble server available for everyone) and some very dedicated people willing to help get the server used to co-ordination.

We do still have a problem covering different time zones and could do with people from GMT 6 to +12 or GMT -4 to -8 timezones to join us. (& GMT1 or 2 based guilds interested in a decent challenge willing to work with some great guilds!)

What we can offer is a new optomistic outlook free of drama, some very tough fighting gmt prime timers to ensure any work done is not thrown away, and a team environment where everyone contributes where they can.

We are a server working to achieve goals for the server rather than for any alliance/guilds/individuals internet reputation.

Take advantage of the free transfers while you can. Server wide events are already being planned to help pull the community together.

If interested and want to know more about the plans for Gunnars Hold then please pop over to

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: Mushy.3964



Gunnar’s Hold has some of the nicest people I have met in my 12years of MMO’s, yes atm we lack in number’s & some people/guilds have jumped ship & all I can say about that is it’s made GH an even better place, we may go down in Ranks but as things settle down I’m sure others will see us as ‘The Place to be’ for a friendly strong community who play to have FUN even if we are been stomped by other Servers Night/Morning Raids.

Officer of Vitas
WvW Squad Leader

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


I think GH has great potential.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: dZeiP.5932



Community really is good and as soon as we get back on to a track, ranks will rocket high for sure!

GH has some nice guilds working towards common interests. Welcome to check it out!

Ser Roddrik – Warrior
Timo Taikuri – Mesmer
EXE (Executed), Piken Square

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: Badger.3279


I tried server about 2 weeks ago as allmy irl friends who play are on there, but I got bored of always seeing the You are in a que message when I tried to join any wvwvw

Boni dage – Engineer
Erom Em Tabfren – Asura Engineer (yeh I made a second one)

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: Corran.4957


Well 2 of 4 maps often have no queues currently. If there an event being run then that map may have a 15-30min queue. Nothing more though (unless you get buggy queue that keeps you in it whilst letting others ahead).

Basically there been no real server community, with all the server hopping going on it isnt a surprise… but now it has been decided we should actually make more of an effort in that regards. Just need people to get onto the official unofficial forum for GH and start using that and mumble in WvW zones so we can communicate quicker.

Unfortunately for the server, when I was sleeping I was nominated to run the first “Server WvW event” where various alliances have been invited. This will happen next week and details will be on the forum at the end of the first post. You do not have to be in a guild or an alliance to attend though. Get signed up to the forum and take it from there.

I will be using mumble to communicate if i remember to press the right key and dont transmit only to guild TS … but I will put some messages in /team also. I dont often run large scale raids as always been more focused on leading the guild team then the server as a whole. However people seem to like it when I do try to do a bit more so I am happy to step up for this and get us working together again.

Remember, this is a learning experience for everyone but if we stick together then we can achieve alot.

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Good job!

Visited the server forum, signed up, but need someone to create another guild tab with MARA for the WvW forum.

We got the mumble, and the war officer from Mara wil also attend the meeting/event.


54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Great fun today, loads of people joining in on mumble, actually got pretty organized, well sorta.. anyway.

for the numbers we had and the new players that joined, i would say we dit formitable, trying to take the garisson, and trough good teamwork actually securing it against DE and SP at the same time, as the underdog.

Trying to take hill’s.
Again having DE and SP on our necks, rushing our siege time after time when we dwindle in numbers, pushing for a long time to eventually have a group ninja it.

I really enjoyed it, and hope we will get to do it all over again, tomorrow, wich seeing our outmanned buff, we probably will do.


54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: vanash.2671


One of the strengths of this server is the ability to be extremely hardy and kick bottom when we work as a unit. Have seen us many times snatch victory from the jaws of almost certain defeat. It’s moments like that which make WvW on Gunnars pretty bloody special

(edited by vanash.2671)

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: nukedawhales.1862


well if “reborn” means hacking the orbs and cheating in wvw .. Gunnar is reborn. Congrats.

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: achilleez.2750


This was an absolutely shameful action and does not represent 99% of the players on Gunnars.

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: nukedawhales.1862


It was NOT “a” shameful action. You´ve stolen the orb the SECOND time TODAY. And you don´t even think of giving it back.. well at least the 1% of your server deffing the hold…

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: Brunners.7251


Is it Kodash they’re stealing the orb from?

Kodash had a problem the other week against Deso and SFR that a hacker transferred to their server to annoy SFR.

I wonder if it’s the same guy transferring to GH to annoy Kodash now.

Could just be a co-incidence though.

Acadamey Gaming EU [AG]
Sign Ups:

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: achilleez.2750


I’m sorry, I had no idea it had happened before. As I said in the apology thread, I and others wanted to return the orb to you but are apparently unable because of the hack. So I did the next best thing, stopped defending the Garrison and in fact logged off in disgust.

edit:- in answer to above post, yes it is Kodash.

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: Nexusneo.7964


Anyways it would be a sign of fairplay to drop down the keep to give us “our” orb that was stolen from askalion. We would do the same. It’s a shame that it is possible to hack orbs but all servers should stand together playing fair. And it should be the duty of all ppl on the battleground to report his own hacking player. We are trying to get the orb back and gunnars are deffing it with all they have. This is not really playing fair.

Guild: [WdR]
Server: Kodash

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: achilleez.2750


I don’t understand what you mean by “drop down the keep”.

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: nukedawhales.1862


i just joined the english forum to ask why you start hacking now, at the end of the week, you´ve lost anyway… and then i saw the post “Gunnar´s Reborn”, which was posted today. So i was wondering if there is a coincidence … new guilds/players on gunnar —- cheating..

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: nukedawhales.1862


he means .. don´t defend the keep and let us reclaim the orb.

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: Nexusneo.7964


Not defending the garrison and giving it to us that we can get the orb back. We will not defend the garrison to give you the chance to get it back.

Guild: [WdR]
Server: Kodash

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: achilleez.2750


As I’ve said before, as far as I know no-one actually knows who the hacker is as they did not speak in chat. As far as I know this thread was created because we recently had some upset between guilds on the server and some of them moved to Blacktide.

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: achilleez.2750


@Nexusneo I can only apologise again for I’ve said i personally logged off once I knew orb was hacked and could not be straight away returned.

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: Epoch.5396


If its the same hacker guy we had on SFR, the moment u give the orb back he will steal it again.


Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: nukedawhales.1862


if he does it again we´d have another chance to spot and report him. But anyway… besides this “hacking” action today i had a lot of fun playing vs your server. Especially last night.



Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: Brunners.7251


We would do the same. It’s a shame that it is possible to hack orbs but all servers should stand together playing fair. We are trying to get the orb back and gunnars are deffing it with all they have. This is not really playing fair.

Well that’s just not true.

The hacker that went to your server when you were against Desolation and SFR stole all the orbs for you guys constantly from Desolation and SFR and never once did you offer to give them back, so I have to call BS on that claim that you’d give it back.

Acadamey Gaming EU [AG]
Sign Ups:

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: nukedawhales.1862



I didn´t even know until now that there was a hacker on kodash (and I´m sure that I´m not the only one).

So maybe the lesson we learned today is that there should be a better communication between the three opposing server (in terms of “anti-hacking” and fairplay).

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: Brunners.7251



I didn´t even know until now that there was a hacker on kodash (and I´m sure that I´m not the only one).

So maybe the lesson we learned today is that there should be a better communication between the three opposing server (in terms of “anti-hacking” and fairplay).

It was very well reported and I even went over to the german forums to try and figure something out :P

I was met with a blanket “nope, can’t do that, don’t want to give you the keep” response.

So, yeah. :P

Acadamey Gaming EU [AG]
Sign Ups:

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: Mushy.3964



This thread was posted two days ago & not today.

Anyway as posted in this thread by Vex we are very sorry for what happend & I’m sure those that where defending Garrison did not know about the hack & where mostly those that got in Gunnar’s due to the fact that Myself & many others logged or left due to this Hack.

I would also like to point out that the last time Gunnar’s & Kodash met you yourself’s also had a player Hack a orb off our self’s (Gunnar’s) & as a result the borderland had to be reset about 1hr afterwards because Kodash wouldn’t hand it back.

Officer of Vitas
WvW Squad Leader

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: Nexusneo.7964


At least nobody of us want to fight with words against each others just because of 1 or 2 persons. I really don’t know that there was a hacker who claimed a orb for kodash. If it is true i am really sorry for it. It’s not our way to win with hacking orbs or something. We win or loose the match on the battlegrounds with all official elements of the game. If we the a hacker who claim a orb for kodash he will reported by us and i will organise to drop down the orb garrison. It’s easy to say Gunnars or other Servers are cheaters/hackers and we all know it’s just 1 or 2 persons or little groups. So we will not say something like that. We are sorry for your server and for the fairplay in WvW.

Hopefully it will not happen again.

Guild: [WdR]
Server: Kodash

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: nukedawhales.1862


@ Mushy

1) as i wrote above .. i didn´t knew that there was a hacker on kodash. I´m about to read the forum post on that right now.

2) I´ve been on Gunnar´s for about two hours in a small group of five. and we didn´t see a lot of gunnars running around. We were tapping the supply camps, when suddenly at about 5:30 pm cet about 30-40 gunnars appeared and started to capture the whole map (and killed me .. boohooo). And then our orb was going for a walk to your keep. To me it looked like a planned action of gunnar´s (suddenly there are many ppl+ hack / haven´t been on when the orb was hacked the first time). And why is no-one on Gunnar´s wondering why suddenly there is an orb in your keep, without any fight? (that´s how it looked from my side. I really don´t want to insult you or someone else who wasn´t part of this “theft”).

3) I didn´t ask you to return the orb.

4) Most likely the persons who care about it and getting upset about what i wrote are honest players.
So i want to apologize to all the fair players on gunnar´s for my first post.

And as I wrote some posts before… handshakes.. and please let us work together to report hackers.

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: vanash.2671


Did this really have to get dragged into THIS thread?

It’s quite obvious that this is not a server planned event so why accuse a whole server of cheating?

There’s another thread to deal with this. Rest assured if we identify the hacker they WILL be reported.

Think before you post drama in an unrelated thread.

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: Corran.4957


unfortunately van, im not surprised it was used to derail this thread.
If people with an orb hacking complant use the thread linked above I would be grateful as this is the first time I have known an orb to be hacked by gunnar’s and it is not an indication of our playstyle. We would rather fight hard and fair losing then to cheat our way to anything.

If the orb could be removed and handed over I would do so. The only chance of that is that you take the quaggans and hope the lightening destroys the alter. People paid alot of money to upgrade the garrison and may (or may not) be responsable for what happened and I dont want innocent people to lose their investment. Of course we could let you break down the doors, take the orb, and leave without taking the keep but organisation of that level wouldnt be possible (even with the new server mumble there are 90% not using it yet).

So, we cant resolve the situation currently. Your nightforce will take it back anyways which is good a thing for once. Again, we apologise it happened and if anyone in LoE finds out who done it I can assure you they will be reported… however we been in Barach Bay this evening so was clueless this even happened till now.


On topic. The mumble is begining to get used now. had about 30people from a single battleground in the channel today which is a good start. Decent amount of success on the BB frontier even though we generally were outnumbered. Was a good effort by everyone and Thank you to everyone both in and out of the RV alliance that helped make tonight enjoyable

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: Nexusneo.7964


The altar got destroyed and the orb was free. A player brought the orb outside after some minutes and let us kill him so we could save the stolen orb back to us. Thank you for the fairplay. Best wishes from Kodash.

Guild: [WdR]
Server: Kodash

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: Corran.4957


Glad to hear it. Exactly what I hoped the people would do. And thank you GH players. Once again you have proven our community is one of the best in terms of trying to win without any form of abuse

If anything this situation has actually re-enforced my will to stay with the people on the server as not even 1 cheat can stop us doing the right thing

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: Magnetic.7653


At this point, we’re just trying to get the server together. GH has a great userbase, regardless of the one point certain people keep dragging up.

The one thing that is infuriating me and i’m sure many others, is teh fact that server transfers are still free. It’s utterly and completely stupid to employ this system along with week-long matches.

We now have a huge member deficit courtesy of glory hunters, and all to suddenly too.

If you’re on the server, the best thing to do right now is go to and tell your friends about it. Get the details for Mumble and then jump on.

I have to stress this, even if you do not wish to talk, just joining to listen to what others are saying can make all the difference.

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: Elkantar.9460


Also Gunnars Hold has many Fair Players, Orb got Hacked, Person got reported. AND THEN!! no one of Kodash could believe it, they let themself hit by the Thunder to destroy the Altar and brought the Orb back!


Gunnars Hold you will come back no doubt about that! My wishes are with you
the little pesti Asura with the Mesmer Portal Raids

Also i cheered you when you entered Beach from Baruch on your Borderlands, just wanted to cheer you all the time but Kiss and the other 10 Guards of the open Gate didn’t liked my approval

Atleast, you have a good player base, some strong guilds, and you are fair players. When your Community Climate and organisation are as good as the rest, i guess we see us again! well atleast i hope so Would love you in higher Brackets where you deserve to be.

Charakter: Kindron
Server: Kodash

(edited by Elkantar.9460)

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: vanash.2671


GJ to all involved in returning the orb. Proof positive that GH is blossoming into a fantastic server community.!!

Also quick reminder that the server event WILL be happening next week (early part). Obviously can’t give details here so be sure to pop over to the GH forum as linked several times in this thread

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Just came in when after the orb got hacked, fought a bit, found out the game was ruined that day, and logged out.

It’s especially sour for GH because we were well on out way to get the orb anyway, Garisson was 2nd tier upgraded and on its way to 3rd.. and then some kitteningkittenkitten hacked.

game ruined, gghf

Other note: GH Great job yesterday! we did well under the circumstances.. again

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: vanash.2671


Our first server wide wvw meeting this eve, representatives from at least 25 guilds in attendance. Fantastic attitudes from all involved, everyone keen to move gunnars forward in terms of working as a unit and sharing strategies and information.

Really looking forward to the next match up as not only is the server at a key community growth and bonding point, but we’re likely to be matched with servers with similar timezone activity.

The server event should be epic, some nice plans suggested for it

Anyone looking for a good ego free community from any timezone might want to check us out this week

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: vanash.2671


Yet more orb hacking in our match ups. It’s obviously one person trolling surely people can see who is doing this and report them?

Will try and get people focused to pay attention should it happen again, as said before this has nothing to do with ‘cheating’ by GH. It’s one kid with nothing better to do than free transfer around the servers and troll. There needs to be a 1 week transfer cooldown at the very least imo.

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: vanash.2671


Hoping for a decent bit of opposition again in WvW. Was good fun in FR Bl’s yest even if outnumbered for most of the eve

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: Necrolust.6358


The server is coming back together again nicely. Big thanks to the people who have gotten the mumble, webby and general spirit up and running again.

Gunnars!!! to

Sign up for mumble and join the fun

Dissident Aggressors [DA] @ SFR

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: vanash.2671


Been a productive week I think. Server seems to be co-operating alot more and have had some fancastic fights with FR and Gandara.

Looking forward to meeting you guys again on our way back up in a couple of weeks

Our only downfall was coverage. So if you fancy hard fought battles with a never give up mentality and 0-10 min queues for WvW then consider coming to GH

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


You guys put up a HELL of a fight for a down fallen server! I had lots of fun fighting you guys myself and I wish you all good luck with future battles and such

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: MrMT.4061


I am encouraged to see this.

It’s been sad to see Gunnars sink to permanent last place; but I have also had some of the most entertaining battles since the game was launched over the past week. Real skin of the teeth stuff.

There are plenty of dedicated groups which win battles through perseverance, even if our lack of overall number means we lose the wars.

The main challenge is a defeatist mentality. In EB today, for example, we were holding onto our last tower. The reinforced gate had about 15% to go, but it was holdable with enough of a push.

And then someone started announcing the tower was lost. That it was all over. On 15%! So people who could have rallied to a glorious skin of the teeth defense ate pizza and chilled instead.

The way to get Gunnars Back is to encourage a never give up til you are dead mentality. It can be done.

(PS Also, please don’t match us against any more with 24/7 servers… for all our do or die mentality, we simply cant compete with them.)

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: vanash.2671


Well, so far this week has been great. Some very nice fights vs AG and AM. Although AG have been the better of the two in my honest opinion

As for Gunnars Hold as a server, things are coming together nicely, a good spirit in WvW, and we’re still dominant when we get people in the zones.

Had our second ‘event’ night yest which went well, had a bit of golem death squad fun…well sadly it was the golem squad that died due to an unlucky sandwich between AM holding a fully upgraded hills and AG attacking in force from the rear

All good fun though!

Any guilds looking for short Queues and an organised server that offers some great mid table mash ups should consider checking us out

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: Dina Van Heyr.3018

Dina Van Heyr.3018

from my point of view, we are much more organized then before and even better in combat.. but it still need a lot of improvements.. but I think, when we win this and we will .. nothing can stop us, after what we came through this week Gunnars’ will rise again

We are Gunnars’ and we hold !

Gunnars Hold Reborn

in WvW

Posted by: Mushy.3964


We have done really well this week it has been close all week between GH & AM with AG not too far behind. I have had some really good fights with both AM & AG with AG been just that little bit tougher (Underdogs always have more of a bite).

Gunnar’s are really coming together nicely & our WvW mumble has helped alot for getting quick responses & having some laughs as our commanders lead the masses to their deaths of a cliff.

Gunnar’s Unite, Gunnar’s shall Hold !

Officer of Vitas
WvW Squad Leader