GvG - Let them eat cake!

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: Wemil.7052


if Anet focus on this not only will more and more pre mades guilds or so called corporation join the game I will grow bigger and in the end maybe sponsors will want to made tournaments and price moneys can be reached more hardcore players will join the game to win matchsups gvg’s.

tournaments in clanbase, e sports can be created many will join few will leave everyone will be happy.

in the Arenas matchups between the guilds can be fought and in the normal WvW everyone can run with each other for the fun of it. everyone will be happy some hardcore guilds that I now of will be able to do their GvG’s with no skill lag what so ever and when they wanna run with other players they can too in WvW.

this game got soo kitten much potential it can go so far it can become far greater than cod 4 pro mod was when it was released soo many good tournaments can be created soo many will start play the game if Anet just decide to do something about Arenas and GvG’s.

(edited by Wemil.7052)

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: Khally.5103


I just want to add, please, if there is some sort of GvG in the future, let it not be in the mists, I hate having to use ridiculous sPvP builds instead of my PvE/WvW one.

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: WRod.3856


GUYS, you are asking Anet the wrong way. This is how you do it:

ANET, you have a lot of potential of making a LARGE amount of MONEY$. Guild Wars 2 is in need of a “Guild” pvp game we need an arena for gvg’s, the community will support this. also add different game types like, death match, ffa, capture the flag etc.

pay me later.

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: Wemil.7052


ahahaha +1.

also can you edit if they do it make tournaments they will bring sponsors from many tournament sites like cb, E sports suddently they will get lots of cash hardcore good gamers

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: Yaro.3251


Making a couple of larger, more open [and with ~25 team size in mind regarding landscape] maps for custom arenas, stripping them of CTF crap stuff and increasing team limit to 25 is basically all that needs to be done to make GvG fans a happy campers. For starters.

Of course there’s an issue of separation between sPvP and WvW balance but I think we can live with that for the time being.

Team Aggression [TA] – Golden Horde [GH]

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: ragas.1843


Keep this post alive

Micro[VcY]call center manager

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: Luiz Swordbreaker.6547

Luiz Swordbreaker.6547

This is something that really bugs me. ANet does an entire new arena with new mechanics for something that will last a couple weeks (Dragon Ball), but in 1 year, they can’t add a simple arena that would allow GvGs outside of WvW…
Really…we are not asking for anything fancy, just an open area with our regular skills.

[Scnd] Use Your Illusion

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: DanyK.3842


Make a GvG map, guild leaderboards and entering a game would cost 2000 gems… BOOM! Everyone happy.

Sir Dany | Twitch
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: lunoh.1963


while a GvG arena sounds interesting think about how many player on your server are doing active GvG 50 ? 75? 100? that just a small fraction of the people on the servers. I doubt Anet would put effort to create and balance something like GvG while they struggling already with the spvp/wvw balance.

Also as for now all the GvG vids go like that: we buff might, then jump in, jump out, jump in, jump out and then we either die or live. In my opinion GvG in its current state isn’t appealing enough to a broader mass, while it really almost comes down to: how good we are prepared and who has the better team composition. And yes of course someone will just post the gw2gvg site with 30-40 guilds making GvG but still its a BIG minority.

As we already read the current GvG is different from the GvG as in GW1, it is a playermade mode. If you want your own GvG arena you must make it more exciting(less a "who will zerg down the enemy first) and more popular with the broader mass.

(edited by lunoh.1963)

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: Zenjii.6819


GvG was one of the main draws for me in GW1, that and the Hall of Heros.

I think it’s interesting this game is called Guild Wars when you cannot even have guild battles. Sure guilds can fight in WvW but it’s not structured, there isn’t a goal or rank and pugs can ruin the fun.

Give us Guild Wars! Bring back guild ranks and Guild Halls. Also capes!

“Guild Wars” refers to the wars between the Human nations before the Charr invaded. It has nothing to do with wars between player guilds.

Burneth —Elementalist--Empyrean Knights [EK]— Sea of Sorrows

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: MartyPartys.9187


GvG was one of the main draws for me in GW1, that and the Hall of Heros.

I think it’s interesting this game is called Guild Wars when you cannot even have guild battles. Sure guilds can fight in WvW but it’s not structured, there isn’t a goal or rank and pugs can ruin the fun.

Give us Guild Wars! Bring back guild ranks and Guild Halls. Also capes!

“Guild Wars” refers to the wars between the Human nations before the Charr invaded. It has nothing to do with wars between player guilds.

This might be true, but the title of the game is really misleading for people that don’t know the lore.

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


GvG was one of the main draws for me in GW1, that and the Hall of Heros.

I think it’s interesting this game is called Guild Wars when you cannot even have guild battles. Sure guilds can fight in WvW but it’s not structured, there isn’t a goal or rank and pugs can ruin the fun.

Give us Guild Wars! Bring back guild ranks and Guild Halls. Also capes!

“Guild Wars” refers to the wars between the Human nations before the Charr invaded. It has nothing to do with wars between player guilds.

And yet GW1 had GvG…..

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Guild Wars 1 GvG was 8 on 8, it was like a sport. It had interesting plays, terrain, team splits, and mechanics that made it more than 8v8 combat. An individual’s contribution would stand out.

20v20 battles in Guild Wars 2 are like.. smashing bricks together. It’s too many people. It lasts minutes, the only way to tell who is winning is watching how many red arrows are where, there’s so many people you can’t even make out individuals on a team. Half of it seems to be decided by builds that it’s so formulaic I almost wanna call it PvE.

Guild Wars 1 had guilds up to 100 people but I think there was a reason we didn’t have 100v100 guild battles.

Guilds war in WvW over locations, I dunno why you guys are constantly so asinine about the game’s name. I hope no one ever lets you know that stars don’t actually war or trek.

Gate of Madness

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: The Goat.1940

The Goat.1940

while a GvG arena sounds interesting think about how many player on your server are doing active GvG 50 ? 75? 100? that just a small fraction of the people on the servers. I doubt Anet would put effort to create and balance something like GvG while they struggling already with the spvp/wvw balance.

A lot of guilds do not set up a structured GvG because there is not an official in game outlet. If Anet provided one, more guilds would participate. In addition, having an official GvG structure would draw more people into playing the game in general. As for balance they already balance for WvW, GvG would not need to be balanced separately.

Also as for now all the GvG vids go like that: we buff might, then jump in, jump out, jump in, jump out and then we either die or live. In my opinion GvG in its current state isn’t appealing enough to a broader mass, while it really almost comes down to: how good we are prepared and who has the better team composition. And yes of course someone will just post the gw2gvg site with 30-40 guilds making GvG but still its a BIG minority.

There is more strategy involved, I’m not going to go into detail but your view is very watered down and generalized. “BIG minority” lol u lost me there the creation of the leaderboard and guilds participating means there is a demand.

As we already read the current GvG is different from the GvG as in GW1, it is a playermade mode. If you want your own GvG arena you must make it more exciting(less a "who will zerg down the enemy first) and more popular with the broader mass.

WvW is not GvG, the guilds setting them up have to take up queue slots. Further, the matches can be griefed… not cool. Moreover, if Anet provides official structure for GvG they can enable additional modes. Not just and Arena. Let the dev team think outside the box on this one. Having more outlets for pvp guilds to have fun in is good for the long term health of the game.

Necrotic Sushi – Necro
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows

(edited by The Goat.1940)

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: Qwerty Azerty.1790

Qwerty Azerty.1790

would be awesome too have maps like wvw were guilds can fight eachother!

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: The Goat.1940

The Goat.1940

would be awesome too have maps like wvw were guilds can fight eachother!

not sure if seriouse or trolling lol, they have that it’s WvW, we need a smaller structured outlet with deferent modes: king of the hill, capture the flag, CTF with multiple area captures ect.

Necrotic Sushi – Necro
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: garull.8956


would be awesome too have maps like wvw were guilds can fight eachother!

not sure if seriouse or trolling lol, they have that it’s WvW, we need a smaller structured outlet with deferent modes: king of the hill, capture the flag, CTF with multiple area captures ect.

He probably meant from the same server.

Decisive Gg [NS]

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


would be awesome too have maps like wvw were guilds can fight eachother!

not sure if seriouse or trolling lol, they have that it’s WvW, we need a smaller structured outlet with deferent modes: king of the hill, capture the flag, CTF with multiple area captures ect.

King of the Hill? Isn’t that just defendin a fortified or elevated location? We already do that. As well as capturing multiple areas, we do that too. I guess we don’t rush into people’s bases and take their flags but we do rush into people’s bases.

Gate of Madness

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: The Goat.1940

The Goat.1940

would be awesome too have maps like wvw were guilds can fight eachother!

not sure if seriouse or trolling lol, they have that it’s WvW, we need a smaller structured outlet with deferent modes: king of the hill, capture the flag, CTF with multiple area captures ect.

King of the Hill? Isn’t that just defendin a fortified or elevated location? We already do that. As well as capturing multiple areas, we do that too. I guess we don’t rush into people’s bases and take their flags but we do rush into people’s bases.

no to all of the above; WvW is nothing like what GvG should be. WvW isn’t structured and has siege. WvW does not have capture the flag… period. WvW lasts a week and includes all members of a server. in opposite GvG should last idk… 20 min and only include guild members. I can go on and on about how WvW is nothing like what GvG should be.

Necrotic Sushi – Necro
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows

(edited by The Goat.1940)

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I would say it has spontaneous moments like that not involving siege.

I dunno, it’s just hard to take GvG as a game mode seriously as it is in Guild Wars 2. If I search YouTube for “guild wars 2 gvg 20v20”, I get this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5X9ERjoMcM . The first fight is 40 people fightin for 30 seconds.

Like, for fun? For training? Sure. As a separate game mode? No.

Gate of Madness

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: The Goat.1940

The Goat.1940

I would say it has spontaneous moments like that not involving siege.

I dunno, it’s just hard to take GvG as a game mode seriously as it is in Guild Wars 2. If I search YouTube for “guild wars 2 gvg 20v20”, I get this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5X9ERjoMcM . The first fight is 40 people fightin for 30 seconds.

Like, for fun? For training? Sure. As a separate game mode? No.

you base your entire perception of what GvG can be based on 1 YouTube video? grow an imagination plz!

Necrotic Sushi – Necro
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I would say it has spontaneous moments like that not involving siege.

I dunno, it’s just hard to take GvG as a game mode seriously as it is in Guild Wars 2. If I search YouTube for “guild wars 2 gvg 20v20”, I get this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5X9ERjoMcM . The first fight is 40 people fightin for 30 seconds.

Like, for fun? For training? Sure. As a separate game mode? No.

you base your entire perception of what GvG can be based on 1 YouTube video? grow an imagination plz!

You’re the one proposin a game mode! Burden of proof is on you! =) You’re free to tell me why it’s interestin to do or watch. So far all I’ve seen is stuff like “wah wah wah, the name has Guild Wars and Guild Wars 1 had 8v8 so now we need 20v20 in a complete different game”.

I get that some people are doin it but some people are doin WvW as quaggans too.

Gate of Madness

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: The Goat.1940

The Goat.1940

I would say it has spontaneous moments like that not involving siege.

I dunno, it’s just hard to take GvG as a game mode seriously as it is in Guild Wars 2. If I search YouTube for “guild wars 2 gvg 20v20”, I get this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5X9ERjoMcM . The first fight is 40 people fightin for 30 seconds.

Like, for fun? For training? Sure. As a separate game mode? No.

you base your entire perception of what GvG can be based on 1 YouTube video? grow an imagination plz!

You’re the one proposin a game mode! Burden of proof is on you! =) You’re free to tell me why it’s interestin to do or watch. So far all I’ve seen is stuff like “wah wah wah, the name has Guild Wars and Guild Wars 1 had 8v8 so now we need 20v20 in a complete different game”.

I get that some people are doin it but some people are doin WvW as quaggans too.

I provided examples, obviously you didn’t even read them or you did and your just trolling. I’m assuming the latter based in your standoffish attitude since your 1st post. with that said, don’t expect further responses as I consider your posts troll posts.

Necrotic Sushi – Necro
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I would say it has spontaneous moments like that not involving siege.

I dunno, it’s just hard to take GvG as a game mode seriously as it is in Guild Wars 2. If I search YouTube for “guild wars 2 gvg 20v20”, I get this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5X9ERjoMcM . The first fight is 40 people fightin for 30 seconds.

Like, for fun? For training? Sure. As a separate game mode? No.

you base your entire perception of what GvG can be based on 1 YouTube video? grow an imagination plz!

You’re the one proposin a game mode! Burden of proof is on you! =) You’re free to tell me why it’s interestin to do or watch. So far all I’ve seen is stuff like “wah wah wah, the name has Guild Wars and Guild Wars 1 had 8v8 so now we need 20v20 in a complete different game”.

I get that some people are doin it but some people are doin WvW as quaggans too.

I provided examples, obviously you didn’t even read them or you did and your just trolling. I’m assuming the latter based in your standoffish attitude since your 1st post. with that said, don’t expect further responses as I consider your posts troll posts.

I’ve gone back and reread your posts and I still feel the points I’ve stated are valid and I don’t have anythin new to add.

Gate of Madness

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: Furiousbeard.7602


GvG arena is very much needed.

Events are too easy to troll unless you have people from all three servers keeping it civil.

My hope is that you will be anle to use your wvw gear and it can allow up to 25v25.

FA Soldier of Fortune – Flashypants (20,078 WvW kills) http://m.youtube.com/user/Duppa81
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: etiolate.9185


I fully support GvG as an official mode. I think it would fill a need the game has, and also show players that there’s more than pure chaos in the large zerg combat. (Hint: We all aren’t just randomly running into each other and hoping for the best.)

They could probably build an area similar to the bottom of the Borderland maps for a decent arena map..

Zed Zebes – SBI Mesmer

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: Gao Gao.4973

Gao Gao.4973

i hope anet does this so all the gvg nerds will stop taking up space in the WvW (keyword here) borderlands.

Baiyun – Necromancer
Member of Talons [BT]
Fort Aspenwood

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: The Goat.1940

The Goat.1940

resurrection for official response! Dev team, let us eat cake!!!

Necrotic Sushi – Necro
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows