Hacked Orbs Deso/ Kodash/Seafarer - Getting to be a joke.

Hacked Orbs Deso/ Kodash/Seafarer - Getting to be a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Wrex.6798


For what, the tenth time this week our orb has been taken out of our keep and gone across the map in a record ten seconds.

Is it seriously that hard you Kodash or Seafarer’s to play fair? Or for Anet to fix this game breaking hack?

It’s bad enough that half the time you can’t even see the enemy (or since the ‘patch’ other team members) without letting these sorts of people go around ruining what used to be a pretty fun game.

Fix it


IRON Gaming Boss.

Hacked Orbs Deso/ Kodash/Seafarer - Getting to be a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Scotsman.6453


Right he took the orb, used hacks, we took the orb with hard work and what you do blame us. We have a right its unfair. This is ridiculous. So weished you have to right to blame us.

Hacked Orbs Deso/ Kodash/Seafarer - Getting to be a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Sniku.6837


I sugest to disable and delete orbs mechanic from this game,its a waste of time and an unfair bonus to the teams that have orbs

Hacked Orbs Deso/ Kodash/Seafarer - Getting to be a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Epoch.5396


No i hate what this guy is doing but its hardly Kodash and SFRs fault. Which is what the OP was saying.

We did all we could do to get this kitten banned. We even have large guilds boycotting wvw untill something is done about it. Then SFr is blamed for him stealing your Orb. Which you cant agree with.

Reading a post helps.


Hacked Orbs Deso/ Kodash/Seafarer - Getting to be a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Raap.9065


Is it still the same guy doing this?

Swift Mending – Guardian
Thorny Scrub – Thief

Hacked Orbs Deso/ Kodash/Seafarer - Getting to be a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: howie.4596


THE ONLY REASON why you even had the orb on seafarers is because it got hacked out of our garrison in the first place, so fucck off and stop crying about certain servers

Hacked Orbs Deso/ Kodash/Seafarer - Getting to be a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: MajorKong.8095


^True that. Anyone get the name and guild of the hacker?

Unless there’s a proper fix coming in shortly we really need a temporary band-aid solution. Perhaps disable them entirely or remove the stat bonuses.

Human Elementalist -The Iron Triangle [IRON]
My WvW review

(edited by MajorKong.8095)

Hacked Orbs Deso/ Kodash/Seafarer - Getting to be a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Pukknub.7368


I heard the orbs just are bugged. But I guess it is a possibility that some pathetic player used some hack to bug it.
However. You’re from desolation, right?

Oh yeah, and stop blaming servers. There are individual people hacking, possibly guilds too(?) But that doesn’t mean everyone does that / think it’s fine.
There’s nothing worse than cheaters imo.

Proud member of Velocity [VcY]

(edited by Pukknub.7368)

Hacked Orbs Deso/ Kodash/Seafarer - Getting to be a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Shodan.7026


Its getting to the point where I’m not sure whats the most annoying, people hacking the orbs, or the puerile threads that spring up afterwards blaming the entire server population for the action of a few.

Read http://pevepe.net/gw2forum/m/6083582/viewthread/4493938-orb-hack-cocobloco4617-edwardus-maximus . If you see someone hacking report/get their kitten name and screenshots (preferably fraps them as well). If they’re in one of our server alliance guilds they’ll get kicked from guild, banned from the server teamspeak and then stuck on our wall of shame. This is all we can do until Anet takes their head out of their kitten and starts banning people for hacking.
Or you could post yet another thread blaming an entire server for orb hacking as an excuse for why you’re not doing so well for points this week……………

Sho Dan – Asuri Guardian
Guild: Futilez [FU] (http://www.futilez.com)
Alliance: FUBAR (http://www.pevepe.net) – Seafarer’s Rest

Hacked Orbs Deso/ Kodash/Seafarer - Getting to be a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Shodan.7026


THE ONLY REASON why you even had the orb on seafarers is because it got hacked out of our garrison in the first place, so fucck off and stop crying about certain servers


grow up. I see people complaining about individuals, not servers.

Sho Dan – Asuri Guardian
Guild: Futilez [FU] (http://www.futilez.com)
Alliance: FUBAR (http://www.pevepe.net) – Seafarer’s Rest

Hacked Orbs Deso/ Kodash/Seafarer - Getting to be a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.6837



As this thread is an inflammatory one, it is now closed. If you think soomething should be looked into, please contact our customer support team or send an e-mail to exploits@arena.net.

Thank you.

(edited by Moderator.6837)