Hacking Fears - (Blackgate)

Hacking Fears - (Blackgate)

in WvW

Posted by: Lensar.4920


I’m not sure exactly what’s going on with people posting about hacking and so on. In my personal experience, people seem to have a knack for finding something to blame when they lose.

But an interesting thing happened to me tonight. I was out playing my warrior in WvW when, as usual, I bit off more than I could chew and I tried to flee back to the safety of the wall. I really didn’t think I’d make it, since I don’t usually have a lot of luck in escaping bad situations, but I gave it my best shot.

I hit Endure Pain (5 second damage immunity), as I switched to my horn for speed boost, I then hit Healing Signet and dodged forward a couple of times. It was close, but I managed to out distance my persuers except for one, who quickly died to me and a couple of others.

I then immediately got a tell from someone on my server, “How did you just disappear?”

I replied saying that I assuredly didn’t and that he probably mis-saw something or it was some server bug. He replied with, “Yes you did. Three different people saw you invis.”

At this point I told him to shove off, because I’m not one to suffer fools that gladly. But he told me he was going to report to anet and let them sort it out. I wished him good luck in his travels, well…more or less.

But my question is: What gives?

I feel like people seem to disappear in WvW all the time, and I just assume that everyone is playing a thief or it’s some other class that has that ability. But now I wonder if there isn’t something going on with the server that makes people appear to disappear when they really don’t?

I don’t think the guy that messaged me was being a punk; I suspect he truly saw me disappear on his screen and was worried I was up to no good. Is there something more to this than meets the eye?

Lensar – [End] Rasnel – 80 Warrior
Ascalons Requiem – Blackgate
Public Blackgate WvW Forum: http://bit.ly/X3Bifl

Hacking Fears - (Blackgate)

in WvW

Posted by: ChrisCervantes.3264


That is pretty strange. This too has also happened to me. In all honesty, i think it’s just a lag/glitch in the game that happens randomly. Possibly even having something to do with the graphic settings you currently have. Nothing bugged or hacking going on.

Hacking Fears - (Blackgate)

in WvW

Posted by: Yorkie.8950


He’s reporting you because he has…. Lag?

Hacking Fears - (Blackgate)

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


I’m sorry as i can’t help but laugh at the situation, it’s most likely a lag error on either ends, unless he was able to see everything (including all enemys/npc/friendlys) fluidly I don’t think he should be making such claims, and even if that was the case, its sometimes just render issues as we all know about by now i’m sure. and i’m sure it was him because if you were being chased down by a zerg that you say you were, then its most likely him laggin a split second.

Will you help me move?

Hacking Fears - (Blackgate)

in WvW

Posted by: Puz.8529


I am actually a bit worried about glitches as well. Twice in one hour I had a non Thief/Mesmer disappear on me while I was hitting them.

First one was a warrior trying to kill one of our guards. I jumped him, then at 30% he was just gone.. Poof

Then about 20 minutes later, a necro was hitting our supply camp, I ran out, shot him once on the run. Then again, poof…

Couldn’t report since without a target, no more name/account to be reported..

Puz – TDA

Hacking Fears - (Blackgate)

in WvW

Posted by: Umeil.5384


He prob saw you disapear knowing you not the thief class so reported u. If it was just server side or lag issues then there nothing to worry about if they do investigate the issue if not well then deal with the punishment.

Hacking Fears - (Blackgate)

in WvW

Posted by: Brunners.7251


I am actually a bit worried about glitches as well. Twice in one hour I had a non Thief/Mesmer disappear on me while I was hitting them.

First one was a warrior trying to kill one of our guards. I jumped him, then at 30% he was just gone.. Poof

Then about 20 minutes later, a necro was hitting our supply camp, I ran out, shot him once on the run. Then again, poof…

Couldn’t report since without a target, no more name/account to be reported..

That could be the old alt+f4 trick.

Acadamey Gaming EU [AG] twitch.tv/brunners90
Sign Ups: www.battlefy.com/academy-gaming
Website: www.academygamingnet.com

Hacking Fears - (Blackgate)

in WvW

Posted by: buzzkapow.8465


I’ve had groups of people just disappear on me. It’s definitely not my gaming rig, or my fiber optic internet. It’s a problem with the culling that seems to pop up at random. Entire group disappears, 20-30 secs later, they will fade back in exactly where they were, like nothing happened. Since this seems to happen with regular frequency, i chock it up as another failure on Anet’s end.

Hacking Fears - (Blackgate)

in WvW

Posted by: Baelish.9850


orb hacks aren’t due to lag. I don’t think people on T1 are blaming and losses, or having guilds decide to now play much this week because of you disappearing before death. Its actually very common and the guy who reported you is simply a tool.

But don’t lump this nonsense together with the larger outcry against orb-hacking. It’s plagued this match-up and caused some of the top guilds in T1 to lost enthusiasm and a few of the hardcore oceanic ones to just sit this one out. And it has nothing to do with you disappearing.

As for ‘people blaming losses on hacking’, I know you’re new to T1, but look up some of its history for the past 2 months. There have been bigger, better mass-ups of guilds on servers than you. JQ and HoD had the largest. And they were never accused this much of hacking. I’ve witnessed it myself and didn’t see the point of playing several hours late at night to simply recover something we had worked hard to earn.

Strike Force Commander
Stormbluff Isle
Toons: Monstadon, Blood and Shadow

Hacking Fears - (Blackgate)

in WvW

Posted by: Baelish.9850


I just want to add to that post that some of the coolest, most dedicated WvWers I’ve met over different servers are from Blackgate. And it has some of the best guilds in the world there now – anyone who goes out to fight them can attest to that.

I’m simply frustrated because on some of our other servers… we’re starting to see numbers wane in participation when an entire map’s efforts for an evening are wrecked by an exploit… and not only is it not acknowledged, but people say “who care”s.

We have tremendous respect for Blackgate and what they’ve accomplished… especially in terms of making the top 2 tiers more competitive and WvW more fun for all.

But it really sucks to see some of the most dedicated players and guilds on your server sitting a match out and the underlying issue get ignored. It’s okay… we’re going to live and we still love playing with you guys. We still have epic, fun fights with BG … but not as many as their should be.

BG players should realize that these few exploiters are hurting their OWN gameplay. Because if the other servers aren’t showing up as much… you don’t get a fierce, fun 3-way matchup.

You’ve organized harder than any server I’ve seen since HoD at the beginning. You deserve a matchup better than what these exploiters are giving you. It hurts people on both ends.

Strike Force Commander
Stormbluff Isle
Toons: Monstadon, Blood and Shadow

Hacking Fears - (Blackgate)

in WvW

Posted by: Cat Amiss.9463

Cat Amiss.9463

could have also been an ally mesmer bomb you, or like everyone else said lag…It’s been happening a lot lately with the culling getting worse and worse, have had where groups of only 5 appear and dissapear due to it even with my computer being able to outperform the games needs on every level

Just issues with the game and someone being stupid about it trying to report you lol

80 Elementalist – Sykotik Death
Leader of FEAR – Sanctum of Rall

Hacking Fears - (Blackgate)

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


there is a mesmer skill called mass invisibility, I wonder if this glitch is remotely related to that – not that a mesmer was present, but the game does have the mechanics for it.

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

Hacking Fears - (Blackgate)

in WvW

Posted by: Crawford.4135


I think it is a bit strange you would make this post. If you’re not worried about being banned or investigated, then why make this thread? (don’t change the subject)

To me you make yourself look more suspicious than the incident itself. Anyone accusing me of exploiting and reporting me — I have no concerns whatsoever.

Hacking Fears - (Blackgate)

in WvW

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


Sometimes, particularly in mass engagements, I’ve seen people just disappear from view, then later they fade back in, still doing whatever they were doing.

It’s like the culling decides to just randomly change who it was showing to me and who it wasn’t.

Hacking Fears - (Blackgate)

in WvW

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


Oh, BG is hacking again. Ban them all! /rollseyes

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

Hacking Fears - (Blackgate)

in WvW

Posted by: Kneemin.4235


I have reasons to believe that culling might not be the problem. Indeed I’ve had this happen a couple of times, but I’ve only ever noticed it when there were only a couple of people in view, sometimes only 1. I’ve also been in quite a few large-scale fights (with no lag) and yet most of the disappearing acts I see are fairly legitimate, but I’ve also noticed a few there. Perhaps there are just rendering issues? Perhaps people are blipping their internet which causes some kind of problem with Anet?

In EQ2, when pvp was new. I know people would throttle their internet to cause blip-lag which could cause long-range ‘porting’ (not actual but to another player it looks like you just blip forward a ton, or disappear entirely for a few seconds).

As to why it supposedly was affecting OP, I’m not sure, as they seem relatively unaware it happened so I suppose net throttling isn’t the issue, at least, in that case.

Hacking Fears - (Blackgate)

in WvW

Posted by: Snow Aeth.1937

Snow Aeth.1937

Let me explain to what most likely happened.
I’ve seen this happen in Lion’s Arch quite a lot when costume brawl just came out.

When you are in the middle part near the Mystic Forge of LA, with everyone fighting right there, and you go up the stairs just besides it.
Everyone in the middle part dissapears and simply does not load, you do not load for them either.
It is as if the servers have loading nodes at certain points which simply do not load anything past the area.
(Probably due to whatever it has to load in the new area you enter)

Now I assume you ran to somewhere that had npcs/other players there, which might cause the same effect

“I can outrun a centaur”
Hacking your orbs since 2/11

Hacking Fears - (Blackgate)

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

GW2 has issues rendering other players? Never heard’a!

Was doing some WvWvW today when a ranger disappeared right in front of me.

It was a small skirmish with six players involved.


Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

Hacking Fears - (Blackgate)

in WvW

Posted by: Dhar.6392


I have noticed the Rendering issues and I agree that ‘layering’ could be blamed for some of it. As mentioned, lag, fps, etc could also be factors. I don’t get bent out of shape for these kind of things. There are too many points of failure to blame it all on code abuses.

No, the hacking issues that have folks really upset are related to Orb steals- usually from a Keep that isn’t in breach or even contested; especially when the Event takes 30s or less start to finish.

Hacking Fears - (Blackgate)

in WvW

Posted by: Knasher.5607


I doubt it was culling as you’d need a larger force before that kicked in. It could have been lag or some sort of server glitch. I was escorting dollies the other day (I am a classy gentleman after all), and at one point the dolly teleported 2 meters down the road. At first I thought it might be something I said, perhaps one of my bad jokes that ran on for far too long, but in the end I decided it was most likely a glitch. If npcs can glitch around then it is reasonable to assume that people can inadvertently do it too.

I wouldn’t worry about it though. People who regularly hack will have tons and tons of reports against them and there is always going to be a certain rate of false positives (and angry people who can’t understand how they died). If you stay at having 1 report I doubt you’ll even make ANets radar.

Hacking Fears - (Blackgate)

in WvW

Posted by: Lensar.4920


I think it is a bit strange you would make this post. If you’re not worried about being banned or investigated, then why make this thread? (don’t change the subject)

And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn’t for you meddlin’ kids.

That would like a thief trying to quietly slip off into the darkness by loudly ringing a bell and juggling torches while dancing gangum style. Op..op..op..op!

But to answer your question, it’s both annoying and insulting to be accused of something like that, especially given how frequently I get rolled by SB/JQ while running around capping points solo or with one or two others.

The game becomes less fun if everyone starts assuming that everyone else is using some kind of cheat or hack.

Lensar – [End] Rasnel – 80 Warrior
Ascalons Requiem – Blackgate
Public Blackgate WvW Forum: http://bit.ly/X3Bifl

Hacking Fears - (Blackgate)

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Superior Runes of Infiltration stealth when you drop below 10% health. Just so people remember other classes can stealth too based on runes.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM – http://KnightGaming.enjin.com
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate