Hacking Needs More Attention Than Bots

Hacking Needs More Attention Than Bots

in WvW

Posted by: Crawford.4135


The other day while playing I ran into a player that used a hack to instantly kill a player. Ok, fine, but then this player bounced to another player and instantly killed the other player.

Suspicious? No. The player bounced to the first play and immediately bounced to the other player and instantly killing the other player within a second from the first player.

This player did not even care to hide the fact he/she one-shot people as they continued to do it through the even. This is sad.

Why are the makers of this game placing more concern on banning Bots than players blatantly going around and using hacks left and right? It took months for them to finally agree to remove the Orbs out of WvW due to the amount of exploitation — however the hack-injectors available for this game are massive and need desperate attention by the developers.

Games that use third party engines have always been a focal point for injectors that allow players to cheat in PVP situations, whether it be speed hack, melee speed animation hack (haste) and other hacks used against other players. I have lost so much interest in WvW due to the hacking by other players. I have had several friends ask “Hey you play Guild Wars 2, is it worth it?” Normally I would say “Yes, it’s a great game, and fun so go out and grab it”. To simply put it, I tell them to avoid the game and give it a few years or more.

I can’t tell them to purchase a game that is littered with hackers — I would be the first person they would turn to and yell at for wasting money on a game. If the developers are not able to put a stop to the hacking in this game, I can’t recommend it. I am honestly frustrated at the lack of response from the company that has placed more threat to those who Bot than those who Hack.

What’s worse is winning in WvW does not give the player any direct reward other than to brag on the forums “Our server beat yours!”. I don’t receive anything on Friday if my server was number 1. Friday comes, resets, and I rise and repeat every week. Hacking for this is just pointless for those who choose to do so.

I am at a loss here because the thought of logging in and trying to enjoy what I enjoy most, PVP aspects of the game, to only be knocked down by someone who resorted to hacking is just not my type of fun.

A customer (not a consumer)

Hacking Needs More Attention Than Bots

in WvW

Posted by: Phoenixfudge.5290


I have only seen one hacker before. He/she was teleporting sporadically while my party tried to kill him. We thought it was lag at first but there was no way he could have teleported that often at that rate.

Did you check the combat log after you were one shotted?

Hacking Needs More Attention Than Bots

in WvW

Posted by: kanikani.2430


I have seen maybe a few hackers in my time playing and to be honest they have accomplished little more then frustrating a few players.

The hacking problem is no where near the magnitude of the bot problem. So I would totally disagree, please fix bots first, hackers second (though they have similar roots). Botting affects the game economy, its why we now have some nerfs regarding to drops and all these things. Way more frustrating (and larger issues) then getting killed once by some punk kid hacker. Just report them when you see them.

Ishionna (80 Ele)

Hacking Needs More Attention Than Bots

in WvW

Posted by: Christos de Soufre.3802

Christos de Soufre.3802

Sounds like a glass cannon thief getting lucky on the crits against some scaled up or un-geared players.

Chris “Dawnheart” Aerinoh — Revenant, Guardian — Blackgate

Hacking Needs More Attention Than Bots

in WvW

Posted by: Cullan.9645


Sounds like a glass cannon thief getting lucky on the crits against some scaled up or un-geared players.

I would have to agree with you on that, my low level and un-geared ele and thief get one shotted all the time by thieves and sometimes warriors

Hacking Needs More Attention Than Bots

in WvW

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Plenty of teleport hacks in this game… Here is a little proof I recorded tonight. http://youtu.be/I10AdffQIn4
Stuff like this is why prices are so high on Trading Post Makes casual players unable to afford anything.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Hacking Needs More Attention Than Bots

in WvW

Posted by: Avatara.1042


Bots cost Anet more $$$, so that is their priority.

Hacking Needs More Attention Than Bots

in WvW

Posted by: ThaOwner.7560


seeing as hacks and whatnot only affect the PvP community anet will focus on what is messing with their market (bots lowering prices of T6 materials mostly) which affects the game as a whole.

Tybstra| Everything Purple [EP] | Maguuma

Hacking Needs More Attention Than Bots

in WvW

Posted by: Same.4687


This isn’t new. ANet is slow on the response and give 0 feedback.

Hence we don’t know if they are banning people or working on fixes.