Height issues with east keep on boarderlands

Height issues with east keep on boarderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

We have a lot of issues with the east keep in the boarder lands map. We find it almost impossible to siege the keep from the south without a massive numbers advantage. The problem is that with the placement of the gate that we can’t contest it with trebs. The keep and stairs are so high up the wall motors can out-range our trebs.

This is especially a problem because the cannon right of the door is high-up enough that it’s out of range of almost every attack, making it almost impossible to use rams of the door. Also it’s sort of ridiculous that they can constantly siege our spawn tower with trebs and we can’t stop them, but that’s another thread.

I’m not saying it’s impossible or anything. I’m not saying that we can never manage it. I just think it’s unnecessarily complicated the way the height differential limits the siege options in this one particular area.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”