Help me choose a WvW server
check out the recruitment forum and maybe go from there? I would say people will ask EU or NA first and then want to more about you are looking to get out of the experience. It is better to find a guild first imo and since you can guest all around in PvE use the opportunity to get to know some guilds before taking the transfer plunge. Most importantly, don’t give up on your outmanned world so easily, especially if this a rather recently formed opinion since this last month has been a lousy time to make any snap judgements about WvW populations and attitudes.
Hope you find what you are looking for out there. WvW can be a lovely addiction if you don’t require strong rewards other than fun times and smashing face with your buds. Cheers,
Xyleia Luxuria / Sweet Little Agony / Morning Glory Wine / Precious Illusionz /
Near Fanstastica /Ocean at the End / Blue Eyed Hexe / Andro Queen / Indie Cindee . . .
I’m pretty new to the WvW scenario so I don’t know much about it.
My current server seems really outnumbered and with some lack of organization, (my first impression)I used to play Warhammer online RvR, it seems similar to WvW, and I had a great experience with that. So I am looking for a server with more balanced numbers and a guild that is organized in WvW, and that doesn’t mind explaining why we are doing that move.
I don’t like just following the grouop around without knowing why that is important.Hope to listen from you guys. If it seems vague, just ask and I will try to complement.
Thanks in advance.
How important to you is winning? You can take your pick of any of the top 9 servers and they’re all fairly organised (more organised as you go higher up the tiers), but then, you’re asking for “balanced numbers”, which by the very nature of WvW, doesn’t exist.
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
Northern Shiverpeaks is doing quite well right now. We’re mid tier I believe and just moved up a tier this week and are doing well thus far. We have a multitude of guilds and some that are dedicated to WvW. My guild, Phoenix Battalion works currently with 3 other guilds on different nights and is working to start teaching guilds that are PvE oriented therroles in WvW to get our large PvE player base more involved. You can see a little about us at Northernshiverpeaks.org.
As for the guilds who are serious about WvW [Os] is a serious bunch who focus on open field rights and can bust zergs like Gallagher busts watermelons. [ZoS] runs a tight group who are always there to help take or defend an objective if you need them and again, who have the skills to bust just about any zerg or blob you come across. [TFG] is a dedicated group who always seems to be doing whatever it takes to make sure we are doing as well as we can in EBG.
Overall I’d say NSP is a good destination, you can find good sized fights with the servers we face, while also still being able to run smaller groups and find smaller groups to fight, it’s not always zerg battles. Check us out.
Lorynne – 80 Guardian
[PB] – NSP
Your best bet is to wait until the EotM hype settles down and the dedicated WvW’ers trickle back to their home matchups. Mainly to get a better picture of where each server stands – right now things are chaotic.