Help me with WvW please :)

Help me with WvW please :)

in WvW

Posted by: rastaah.9235



How do I do WvW? This sounds like a dumb question and maybe it is…..but I go in there and I usually just log out. Can someone sort of tell me the best way to get started….

Thanks so much!! I have been playing games since TEXT MUD’s so not a beginner but obviously this is presenting too much of a challenge for my feeble brain.

In WOW or even in the Halloween event pvp thingy’s I just follow people and figure it out (Or back in RIFT, DAOC etc.) But here I go in and its like ‘Ummm’ yea….’ and out I go.

Thanks for any tips on the best way to just jump in the fray…where is the fray actually?

Help me with WvW please :)

in WvW

Posted by: Knasher.5607



Starting out I’d advise you to head towards the commanders, choose one and right click on their profile pick and join their squad. Remember the name of their character and watch out for their orders in the chat window, otherwise just try and stay close to them and they will lead you into fights. A lot of the bigger WvW guilds use some sort of voice comms for coordination, so if you see people posting up teamspeak or mumble servers, feel free to join them. Try not to head around on your own, you will run into at least small groups and die quickly.

There are 4 types of capture points on a map, there are guards (which is a single guy standing on his own), supply camps (a couple of guards but no walls), towers (a single wall around a capture point) and keeps (two walls around a capture point). If you go into a supply camp, try and pick up supply and then use it to build siege when you need to.

Help me with WvW please :)

in WvW

Posted by: edamber.1549


Look at the map, the orange crossed swords is where the action is. Or jump down to the puzzle from your main keep.

Help me with WvW please :)

in WvW

Posted by: rastaah.9235


Ok will try it, I would think I’d figure that out but nope, I didn’t, will try again today and see if this works. I am sure I will be bait for a while.

Help me with WvW please :)

in WvW

Posted by: Zouron.8754


You could also try asking in map chat to find out which area is being attacked or where are people needed to either defend or take a point.

Look for commander icons on the map, maybe whisper them and ask if you could e any help – like take a small group and create diversions or assist them

Like I said above may be form a group of your own and start takin points

Help me with WvW please :)

in WvW

Posted by: Siofra Crumble.2098

Siofra Crumble.2098

Read this:

Every mechanic is explained in there and you’ll get a clearer picture of what you are supposed to be doing in WvW.

If you have more questions, I’d suggest talking with your server via /team or /map.

Have fun.

Help me with WvW please :)

in WvW

Posted by: Hsinimod.5784


Asking your server might get a lot of troll responses. Or people being too direct and not guiding enough. In my experiences, people love to help, but also don’t have time. So you get a mix of answers to sort through.

Use the wiki at first. And then look at the 4 maps to get familiar with names of points.

Then, make sure you run with a group, until you learn what you can do “solo”.

You also need to be careful of learning bad habits. Zerging in a circle is effective, but not teaching anything. Players often don’t know when or what is a good target. They hit the wrong places, waste resources, and get the enemies attention at a bad time.

Or, they do the opposite. Ignore key points, respond too slowly, or don’t help their server in the lesser activities (NPC camps are key, setting up siege in hard to destroy locations is key, and mining the jump puzzles is key, and all overlooked).

1 person doing a puzzle is blah. But if your server is able to get groups through timely, and back to fighting, you just geared up a bunch of players to lay siege. And if the community is doing that around the clock, then around the clock people are able and willing to keep doing it. It becomes part of the daily routine and a learned behavior.

Playing Devil’s Advocate since 1990.

Help me with WvW please :)

in WvW

Posted by: rastaah.9235


Thank you all very much!!!

Help me with WvW please :)

in WvW

Posted by: Dedo Pop.5084

Dedo Pop.5084

I know that it’s kind of a stupid answer but here it goes… If you chose to play WvW the best thing you can do is try and find a guild that focuses on this. I know that this is not mandatory but from personal experience i can tell that it rocks. I used to run around with 2-3 of my friends and it was all nice and all… but when we happen to meet a grp of the opposing factions, we were more likely to be stomped into the ground, than win the fight. If you join a well organized guild that fields 5-10+ people on a regular basis then you can really start enjoying the actual WvW. At least that’s how I feel about it and I bet there are people that feel exactly the opposite. I wish you all the best in your WvW adventures!

A one-eyed Pirate on leave in Seafarer’s Rest.

Help me with WvW please :)

in WvW

Posted by: Unknown.2796


How to “get started” on world vs world.

Just to clarify the “general idea” behind world vs world; The servers gain points over time by holding camps, towers & keeps. These points will be added to the progress bar you can view by hitting B on your keyboard or the tower icon at the top left of the screen. As soon as the progress bar reaches 100% there will be an amount of % added to one of these bonuses. The bonuses apply to the entire server (so for WvW & PvE).

If you are totally new to World vs World it’s a good idea to stick with others. Most of the time you can see on the map (or mini-map) where the action is going on through 2 orange crossed swords, these indicate there is pvp in that area. When these appear at an enemy point (camp, tower or keep) that could mean that it is your or the other server (that doesn’t own it) attacking that specific point.

Commanders, they might or might not be always active but when a person has this title active he/she will appear on the map as a blue icon so you can follow the person around. The easy way to join the person is to open the large map and left click on the blue icon, this will pop up “join squad” which allows you to use the chat command “/squad” to directly communicate with the person and others that also joined. You can see if you joined the squad by opening your party window, this will also allow you to leave the squad.

The other general chat commands are /map and /team, these can be used to communicate with everyone on the map. I highly recommend to ask if there are any parties to join as it will be only a party that shows all members on the map. This doesn’t happen when joining a squad.

Another tip would be before you leave the safe zone, open the map and have a good look at what your server owns across all maps, this can give a general idea of how your server is doing and where your server is focusing on at that moment.

I hope this helps a bit. ^^

ps. do not take supply from towers or keeps, it delays upgrades.

Location, location, location.