Help to pick my correct class...

Help to pick my correct class...

in WvW

Posted by: Armoret.3714


Hi everyone (sorry for my bad English :S), i need some help picking a class, i like warriors and guardians, and i have both, but i dont have the time to play both… so, i have to pick one of them and keep it. i want to play WvW, and id like the idea of be immortal so i play the guardian, but i was read about guardians in Wvw and i don’t like be focused to a buffer class, i like to be difficult to kill and do some damage, i dont care about heal allies or buff allies i want to go and kill any enemy to cross my way xD

If i dont care about “helping allies” is more viable play a warrior? or the guardian is best choice to me?

i was play the 2 classes until lvl 50, and i like the 2, but i dont know how play it in WvW so is for that i ask here…

i repeat, i dont have the time to play the 2 classes, so please help me here :S


Help to pick my correct class...

in WvW

Posted by: Xcom.1926


Won’t go wrong with a Warrior, good overall class in PvP, WvW and PvE.

Help to pick my correct class...

in WvW

Posted by: Armoret.3714


i like to go GS/Hammer, in the both class…i dont know if this change anything…

Help to pick my correct class...

in WvW

Posted by: Sobat.8650


No one is going to force you to be a support guardian in WvW, feel free to stick to smashing stuff if you like it.

Help to pick my correct class...

in WvW

Posted by: Armoret.3714


i know i can go how i want, but if i dont care about healing or supporting people, i care only on be difficult to kill i kill people,is guardian or warrior my best choice?

Help to pick my correct class...

in WvW

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


Guardian > Warrior, imo

It also depends on what you like to do in wvw. If you like roaming thief would be optimal, but out of the two you listed warrior is better at roaming. Guardian is great at zerging and group fights, though. Also arguably tankier.

Help to pick my correct class...

in WvW

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Definetly warrior seems to be the better choice. Because as a guard you are expected to tank while you support your allies.

Warriors with a good build can be very hard to kill , have great mobility to escape or chase down enemies and have great crowd control and dps. But this needs to be paired up with your skill and control on the class.

Commander Nachonix

Help to pick my correct class...

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I have to agree with the above, If you’re about the front line damage over support go with warrior, However in wvw i strong advise against GS on warrior, Most of the skills are a kitten and a half to land time to time, and your main damage skill almost NEVER get the full damage out (HB)

Isle Of Janthir

Help to pick my correct class...

in WvW

Posted by: Armoret.3714


so if the warrior is the best option what weapons r the best choice?

Help to pick my correct class...

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


so if the warrior is the best option what weapons r the best choice?

Zerg wise? Hammer and Sword/Warhorn. You can trait for warhorn to remove conditions and hammer has crazy initializing CC.

I cant speak roaming, Most roaming warriors I see run a Mace/Shield and Great sword and run the Healing/Stun warrior build :P

Isle Of Janthir

Help to pick my correct class...

in WvW

Posted by: FirstInfantry.2795


Warrior mace/warhorn (recommended) or mace/sheild and greatsword, you can outrun whatever zerg out there so long as you turn of auto target make sure you have your leaps bulls charge and stability is a must have. I see guardians able to tank 5 players but do no damage and never can outrun a group chasing them. Whereas a warrior can potentially kill a player before they even react quite easily with mace stuns, and still outrun enemy zergs.

Help to pick my correct class...

in WvW

Posted by: clint.5681


Ill have you know that I run full beserker armor on my gaurd with knight trinks and a zerker amulet and i am kitten near impossible to kill, high dmg and have great condition removal because of shouts. You really cant go wrong with either class, War is ANETs favorite class tho so you might be better off with that.

It all really depends on which you have more fun playing with.

Rangir Dangir – Ranger | Mr. Ragr- Guardian| Sneak Stab – Thief | Mr. Ragir- Warrior
[url=https://] [/url]

Help to pick my correct class...

in WvW

Posted by: Armoret.3714


well, thx for the advises, i was playing the guardian and the warrior, and this is i like most,
the warrior i like to play it with doble axe and Hamer, and the guardian with greatsword and hammer, i enjoy the guardian with greatsword and shield/mace and the warrior with axe/shield, but the other weapons combination dont go with me, so if i like to play this clases with that weapons, which option is the most viable for WvW, sorry for the insistence, but i realy need to be sure for no regret in the future, like i said in the beggining, i dont really have much time to play…

Help to pick my correct class...

in WvW

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

There is no wrong class you can play.

Guardian is your boon fighter. These Regens, stability, protection, etc are extremely useful and powerful in the CC centric meta. Add in the fact they can share it around is even better. They are amazing in zergs, and often use Hammer and Staff. Hammer loads you with some CC and the best access to a blast finisher in the game. Tag every field you see – lightning gives swiftness, fire might, dark weakness to enemies (extremely powerful debuff in fights), water heals everyone, etc. Staff gives aoe swiftness, 12 stacks of might for pre-fight, line of warding (amazing), and auto is pretty much a guaranteed swath of bags as you’ll tag everything. GS works well too and is key for a retaliation build guardian… it also gives you one of the most fun combos in the game – GS5 twice (Binding Blade) to pull your target to you and then quickly swap to Hammer and press 5 again (Ring of Warding). So fun stopping people running to the safety of keeps or away in general as your party pounces on them (and I’ve died due to that combo too T-T).

Warrior pretty much has no weapon combo that sucks. Double Axe on warrior is one of the most damaging weapon sets in the game. Auto hits like a truck, whirling axes is still great aoe DPS even after it’s nerf, and the burst attack is a massive spike. Unfortunately while you may win face tank melee brawls, with no gap closers or CC it’s also easy to kite. It wins in PvE, but you may have difficulty with it in WvW. Hammer is one of your CC tools. With weaken, cripple, and three interrupt moves, it’s quite nice. It isn’t the DPS house of some of the other weapons (though Merciless Hammer trait puts it up there when the target is weakened), but it’s popular for a reason. I would suggest that if you’re running with a large group or zerg to prioritize the hammer’s burst skill (F1) for blast finishers rather than stuns (so use it no matter how many ticks of adren you have). All other weapons have uses too – Mace is more CC along with blocks along with Shield. Sword is a gap closer with OH sword being access to perma bleeds and perma torment. GS is one of the best mobility weapons in the game – and also still amazing DPS. A common tactic is to use Mace/Shield to CC the target to land the GS Hundred Blades. Or to have it handy to run from any fight you can’t handle.

I know that isn’t organized well, but the short answer is you can’t go wrong. Both have slightly different playstyles, but both are effective in WvW. I could go on for a while on tactics and play types for both, but really the best thing to say is to just play. Redoing traits only cost 3s and their are tons of forum posts and videos of gameplay if you want to follow meta.

Good luck and enjoy!