Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Recently.1043


If there’s really an alliance between SB and HoD (i’m from SB) then they forgot to tell all of us playing about it. I’m usually fighting off HoD like 95% of the time when im playing WvWvW, and we only bother with JQ when they get frisky and try to mess with us. Other than that its a constant back and forth battle with HoD the vast majority of the time.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Vulpix.4580


My 2 Cents:

Right now HOD is the most organized, beastly server in WvW gamewide.

They have better comms, they consistently get larger organized groups out (large groups of single guilds instead of small groups of many guilds).

So they maul face. So both Stormbluff and Jade are trying to play for second place. More or less accepting that HOD is going to win and trying to knock the other server down out of the matchup.

Really, Jade and Storm should be teaming up to fight HOD. That’s how 3 way matchup realm wars are supposed to work; the weaker teams group up to fight the stronger. This is how it worked in DAOC.

Why isn’t this happening in WvW so far? IMO it’s the matchmaking system. We aren’t “stuck” with our matchups, so we are not given the normal incentives to work together to knock the strongest faction down a peg.

TLDR: Stormbluff and Jade SHOULD be ignoring eachother and both fighting HOD. In DAOC this is how it would have happened. That it’s not happening is a somewhat troubling sign of how the incentives are working in the WvW server matchup system.

This. Believe it or not, HoD has an alliance made up of several guilds including Oceanic ones, and the guilds have allocated timings for each guild to take care of WvW. When other guilds in the alliance appear during another guild’s time slot, the guilds help out each other.

Ever seen a HoD guild harassing dolyaks while another guild builds up a strategic treb to starve out the keep we’re targeting and prevent them from getting supplies for repairs? This is how we roll. So is someone going to tell us that we’re doing something illegal and against the rules?

i doubt it. such things never happened.

It happened on Monday. Such fun was had.

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Arctix.1758


Whew, for all that complaining about JQ’s issues, you SBI people sure do talk alot of empty garbage. Fact is… SBI, you alone, aren’t that good considering the bracket we’re in. The points themselves don’t mean anything, it’s always going to be a toss up between first and third and who’s pushing who. The random few that post here are so easy to hop on and chime in. Funny how quick you SBI people are to call JQ people whiners, and ride that bandwagon. You say that when we push to Umber, you’re able to push all the way back near our overlook? Where’s the Henge zerg on your other keeps/towers? Oh that’s right…you don’t have that issue. What you’re trying to say is that while Henge is pushing us near Mendon’s we’re still taking our stuff back from you, pushing them out, and rushing back to defend against your push again and end up taking your supply camp near Durious? Happens every night. At least HoD is able to hold the Mendon’s / Anz for longer then 10 minutes, even with both zergs on our turf. You guys just run to Durious and hope HoD pushes hard.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, HoD isn’t good. The guilds on HoD are good. See what happens when they log off? SBI and JQ lack that same coordination. Although when given the opportunity of not being attacked by both sides, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see who comes out on top.

Also, lol @ /team. Silly JQians. ..and yes. I do the puzzle for those Badges.


Commander Arctix (Arctx) [Team Legacy] Human Warrior
DAoC, EQ2, WoW, AoC, L2, UO <freerps> <myth>
<wrath> <banda> <insurrection> <jaded>

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Strange.9607


And within minutes we’re back to


[CRS]Strange Tw (Mesmer)
Member of Henge of Denravi

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


If they capped the populations and didnt let HoD have massive population advantage I would say any server can compete with them. When its primetime and numbers are sort of close SBI is within shouting distance with the score ticks, usually around 250 to 230 or so and even JQQ is around 200, its just in those hours where no one is one for SBI and JQQ and Hod is walking around empty maps and is ticking 400-440 a tick and we are ticking less than 150 is where it gets out of control and they look ‘dominant’.

Scores are clearly based on player numbers and lack of players on some servers during different times.

I thought for a short while they were just better than us until I realized they could have more people on a map than us and JQQ combined, then it all made sense. Problem s the numbers are only close for 5 or 6 hours out of the day, so considering that getting beat by 40K points in 4 days isnt too horrible. Still doesnt make it ‘good’ PvP, but it puts it in perspective a little bit.

There is a Cap in every map..

Yeah its shared,, so there is no cap PER SERVER that I have seen. If the cap on a map is say 400 people there is nothing that says one server can’t have all 400 from what I can tell.

I play from 5 AM to 12 AM west coast time. Not straight through but those are the times I am in there. So I see the massive switches in populations and when the core goes from being fairly even to completely lopsided. If one map has a very balanced number then the fighting is relatively decent and probably close to what anet envisioned. Right now for example 5 AM west coast 8 Am east coast SBI (technically a west coast server) doesnt have that many people in there. Thats why the score is now 445, 135, 130. Maps are swarming with HoD and SBI and JQQ presence are next to nothing.

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, HoD isn’t good. The guilds on HoD are good. See what happens when they log off? SBI and JQ lack that same coordination. Although when given the opportunity of not being attacked by both sides, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see who comes out on top.

Whew, for all that complaining about JQ’s issues, you SBI people sure do talk alot of empty garbage. Fact is… SBI, you alone, aren’t that good considering the bracket we’re in. The points themselves don’t mean anything, it’s always going to be a toss up between first and third and who’s pushing who.

If some of the guilds on HOD are good and those are the guilds that are in WvW all the time guess what???? HOD is good. I fail to see why you guys can’t suck it up and quit QQing. Again I haven’t ever seen a server cry so much and boast how good they are, and they would be top server but poor them is getting picked on by everyone.

And you know for sucking completely SBI isn’t doing to bad with a 20k point lead on you. But thats obviously only because henge is helping us and only attacking you. Some time slots suck others are great. So you are top in points during the day, great pat yourself on the back as we have very little people in WvW during that time. However during prime time when we are ahead of you 85% of the time we have 45 minute queues.

Here is what you guys need to do seriously. Coordinate it if you have to but make sure you come in third next matchup in a few days. Hell take a week off of WvW if that is what it takes. Drop down to the 7,8,9th bracket and you can happily steamroll again for two weeks and strut around about how awesome you are for facerolling the map.

Either that or start one of these threads every time we are matched against you so we can at least get entertainment during the match because fighting you guys sure doesn’t provide any.

(edited by Syphen.1980)

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Arctix.1758


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, HoD isn’t good. The guilds on HoD are good. See what happens when they log off? SBI and JQ lack that same coordination. Although when given the opportunity of not being attacked by both sides, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see who comes out on top.

Whew, for all that complaining about JQ’s issues, you SBI people sure do talk alot of empty garbage. Fact is… SBI, you alone, aren’t that good considering the bracket we’re in. The points themselves don’t mean anything, it’s always going to be a toss up between first and third and who’s pushing who.

If some of the guilds on HOD are good and those are the guilds that are in WvW all the time guess what???? HOD is good. I fail to see why you guys can’t suck it up and quit QQing. Again I haven’t ever seen a server cry so much and boast how good they are, and they would be top server but poor them is getting picked on by everyone.

And you know for sucking completely SBI isn’t doing to bad with a 20k point lead on you. But thats obviously only because henge is helping us and only attacking you. Some time slots suck others are great. So you are top in points during the day, great pat yourself on the back as we have very little people in WvW during that time. However during prime time when we are ahead of you 85% of the time we have 45 minute queues.

Here is what you guys need to do seriously. Coordinate it if you have to but make sure you come in third next matchup in a few days. Hell take a week off of WvW if that is what it takes. Drop down to the 7,8,9th bracket and you can happily steamroll again for two weeks and strut around about how awesome you are for facerolling the map.

Either that or start one of these threads every time we are matched against you so we can at least get entertainment during the match because fighting you guys sure doesn’t provide any.

Obviously, you still don’t understand the fundamentals of wvw / frontier (ala daoc). The only reason SBI has anything on us, is because HoD is always pushing into JQ. I’ve yet to see a strong push from HoD to SBI. Secondly, I say that it’s the guilds, because if either Titan Alliance or the daoc guild PRX ever transferred off, the server that they would transfer to would be just as good, because as a guild they’re more organized. HoD’s stragglers aren’t good, which is why when the main guilds that run the wvw log off, they get owned.

Give me an EB situation where the circumstances are different, and JQ doesn’t have HoD and SBI in their area at the same time, and the two (HoD and SBI are fighting) where JQ is terrible? In fact, tell me a solitary time in EB since this match up, where either of the two wasn’t pushing in JQ and instead on each other where JQ was rolled? This isn’t QQing, these are facts, and I’ll stand corrected if you show me a situation in EB otherwise. Until then, stop being trolled by JQ’s “third place” lead while we’re fighting off both servers.

Commander Arctix (Arctx) [Team Legacy] Human Warrior
DAoC, EQ2, WoW, AoC, L2, UO <freerps> <myth>
<wrath> <banda> <insurrection> <jaded>

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, HoD isn’t good. The guilds on HoD are good. See what happens when they log off? SBI and JQ lack that same coordination. Although when given the opportunity of not being attacked by both sides, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see who comes out on top.

So let me see if I translate this wrong and please correct me if I do since I really want to make sure I understand right. Your saying send in your scrubs instead of decent players and we can win?

I cannot speak to EB because I don’t play on that map at any time during the day. I soley work on the blue SBI borderlands and that is it. Every time I have seen the EB during my US prime time it is always 3 way with everyone holding equal amounts. I have never seen a sweep of EB during this match during prime time.

Because you are on now I am assuming you play this time zone and not prime time?

(edited by Syphen.1980)

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: anpanman.9462


If common, the second server and the third server struggle jointly and push down the first server .
but Stormbluff takes sides with the first server .

this game is end.

Stormbluff has a grudge against having been defeated by JQ.

Stormbluff is incompetent.
Stormbluff is incompetent.

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: FrizzFreston.5290


Arctix, go build more Siege in the EB jumping puzzle with the rest of JQ. LOL

I mean, all this complaining? It’s fairly pointless if half your map is in the puzzle.
I give them a good laugh (and myself a good challenge) and go in there just for some laughs with the joke-krewe of JQ.

As of this moment there’s even a siege golem in the puzzle.

“It isn’t working!” CL4P-TP
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Arctix.1758


Just because I post on here now doesn’t mean I’m playing atm..at work. lol

@FrizzFreston – Are you trying to be dumb? I only go to the puzzle late at night for small group pvp. A concept I’m sure you don’t know about. You must be someone I was trolling down there.. hmm.

Commander Arctix (Arctx) [Team Legacy] Human Warrior
DAoC, EQ2, WoW, AoC, L2, UO <freerps> <myth>
<wrath> <banda> <insurrection> <jaded>

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


If common, the second server and the third server struggle jointly and push down the first server .
but Stormbluff takes sides with the first server .

this game is end.

Stormbluff has a grudge against having been defeated by JQ.

Stormbluff is incompetent.
Stormbluff is incompetent.

So you want us to ally with you so we can carry you against HoD and help you push them out of the top three? I will consult with our guild leaders and discuss this but your protection money must be paid immediately and on time.

We were pretty much kicking henge around on SBI borderlands last night untill JQQ got onto the map. You took the tower by AB (because we helped kill the HoD and didn’t ninja in behind you and take it). I sugested taking it for lulz and to see the QQ on this thread but the commander said to let you guys have it so you could get a foothold. And then do you guys attack HoD with us? No you join in and attack us while we are defending against HoD. You could have had the lower half of the map and pushed HoD all the way back to Askalon keep while they were busy trying to take Garrison from us and repel our siege on Askelon but instead you tunnel visioned on SBI and pushed us while HoD was pushing back from us Ninjaing AB from them.

So your alliance with HoD is totally unacceptable and I demand you attack HoD from now on in SBI borderlands instead of us. This alliance will not be tollerated between you and HoD.

(edited by Syphen.1980)

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: FrizzFreston.5290


Ehhh lol? xD
It’s was more a notion that your oh so awesome server’s focus is a bit off there. =P Tactics? Wut? Siege that puzzle! OMg we’re losing? How could that be? They must be working together, starts internet rumour of HoD and SBI working together.

That’s pretty much my view on it. It’s fun all this drama, but it just shows to me there’s little else you can do about HoD winning. Guilds or no.

Also I go in there specifically because it’s funny, if I actually want to get anywhere I would just give up and play the battles and capture 1 or 2 supply camps with 2-3 people. :P Or the ogres. (Guerilla tactics ftw)

“It isn’t working!” CL4P-TP
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Arctix.1758


Ehhh lol? xD
It’s was more a notion that your oh so awesome server’s focus is a bit off there. =P Tactics? Wut? Siege that puzzle! OMg we’re losing? How could that be? They must be working together, starts internet rumour of HoD and SBI working together.

That’s pretty much my view on it. It’s fun all this drama, but it just shows to me there’s little else you can do about HoD winning. Guilds or no.

Also I go in there specifically because it’s funny, if I actually want to get anywhere I would just give up and play the battles and capture 1 or 2 supply camps with 2-3 people. :P Or the ogres. (Guerilla tactics ftw)

Yep. You don’t get it. First of all I didn’t start this thread, Secondly when I posted about doing small pvp in the puzzle, we were leading occupancy on the map.kitten I know it’s a tough concept for you to understand, but riding the coattails of the guilds that run your server isn’t a “tactic”

Commander Arctix (Arctx) [Team Legacy] Human Warrior
DAoC, EQ2, WoW, AoC, L2, UO <freerps> <myth>
<wrath> <banda> <insurrection> <jaded>

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Proven.2854


Last night, on Henge Borderlands, SBI and JQ pushed HoD off of all encampments by the end of prime time. They owned nothing in their own Borderlands.

Time is running out, but the match isn’t over yet. Let’s just beat HoD already. Both of us.

Call me Smith.

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Slayer Lord.5023

Slayer Lord.5023

Now seeing things from the JQ side, its very fishy to say the least. If SBI isn’t allied with HoD, then HoD should be crushed off the maps. Every time we fight one, the other comes. You would think they would attack while the other distracted. Instead, both are attacking JQ all the time.

I noticed that when pugs or whoever from SBI would attack HoD territory, they would take it. Yet the main force of either server is always on JQ. Either it’s and alliance or SBI is afraid of HoD.

Jade Quarry Server


Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


@Slayer Lord

Or you guys just suck and need a server alliance with us to win against HoD. But I am just guessing so who knows.

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Boggler.7519


Sandbox War makes for some creative strategies, embrace it rather than complaining about it. Most servers have two or three zergy guilds. One in each borderland and one big zergy guild in Eternal, time to make frenemies while you take down your enemies.

I’ve decided to stop doing what I am capable of doing and instead do what I love most.

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Jedbacca.6297


I am one of the team leads from SBI, I’d just like to have a couple things pointed out.

-As SBI, we refuse to ally up with any other server, there’s something about ego’s in there somewhere, and something about being able to do it yourself

-SBI is not always on JQ’s keeps, we only attack something that will get us points, trust me a lot of hitting JQ is only because it’s easy points for the most part due to lack of defenses. Usually only small number like 20 are donated to work on JQ items

-SBI recognizes the skill level of defense that HoD poses against us, and they are a constant threat, especially when they are in their organized zerg formation. Trust me, we are trying to decrypt the encoded message that is HoD. It’s been a hell of a lot of fun trying to run strat against the HoD keeps especially when a random zerg that was balled up behind a door just pop out, that’s pretty cute, thanks HoD for the tactic, we returned the favor a couple times

-SBI’s main concern is HoD, we want number 1, plain and simple, the way I see it, we had JQ by 20k points last time I checked. The goal we are looking at is to wipe HoD off the map and take the number 1 in points. We have no interest in being number 3 or lower for that matter, our players are mentally geared for this type of warfare and love it. There has been a few times where we actually held #1 point tick for a period of time and are looking to wash rinse repeat on that.

-SBI team leads also recognize effective strats that are implemented by JQ as well, although from looking at these types of accusations I may start adopting the terminology of JQQ by some of my cohorts.

So, I ask those of you who are scarily assuming quite a bit about my server to reconsider your thought process and truly evaluate your situation and look inward. The team leads on our server do not look to blame anyone if we fail at an objective, but to improve from our mistakes to make us stronger as a unit and climb higher on the totem pole (Yes, like a stripper I know what you were thinking).

Minister Jed/Jedsus Saves GM of Strike Force[SF]
www.strikeforceguild.com – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry www.jadequarry.com