Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable
@Tarinis.6054 It seems to me your the uneducated person or you play a completely different time than I do or a different map. I am always on SBI Borderlands at prime time US. Not sure when you play or what map you play on but you sir are incorect in your assumptions in every matter.
@Strange.9607 has it right a few threads above yours in that your keeps are much softer targets than HOD’s simply because you don’t build up defenses. We attacked Askelion the other night on Sunday simply to keep HOD from wiping you off the map so we wouldn’t be focussed by the full zerg (your welcome btw). As soon as we attacked Askelion we had the outer door to half with two rams going and then the entirety of the HOD force showed up and pushed us out. Meanwhile you guys had a chance to regain your foothold on the map. (again your welcome btw).
So really claim superiority all you want but when your mindless zerg runs headlong into seige choke points and wonders why they get wiped out over and over figure it out. The reason we kept Daws all night on SBI borderlands is because we upgraded the hell out of it when it was our only tower on the map then made our push on everything else. By the time I logged off we had reclaimed our whole northern half of the map.
@Tarinis.6054 It seems to me your the uneducated person or you play a completely different time than I do or a different map. I am always on SBI Borderlands at prime time US. Not sure when you play or what map you play on but you sir are incorect in your assumptions in every matter.
@Strange.9607 has it right a few threads above yours in that your keeps are much softer targets than HOD’s simply because you don’t build up defenses. We attacked Askelion the other night on Sunday simply to keep HOD from wiping you off the map so we wouldn’t be focussed by the full zerg (your welcome btw). As soon as we attacked Askelion we had the outer door to half with two rams going and then the entirety of the HOD force showed up and pushed us out. Meanwhile you guys had a chance to regain your foothold on the map. (again your welcome btw).
So really claim superiority all you want but when your mindless zerg runs headlong into seige choke points and wonders why they get wiped out over and over figure it out. The reason we kept Daws all night on SBI borderlands is because we upgraded the hell out of it when it was our only tower on the map then made our push on everything else. By the time I logged off we had reclaimed our whole northern half of the map.
HOD borderlands?
“JQ QQing yet I could count at least 20+ of them in the jumping puzzle, many of which were camping beast pit for hours. Jumping puzzle won’t get you ahead.”
Blame AN for putting PVE content in a PVP zone, then limiting population. PVE people are encouraged to not PVP and take up slots.
@Tarinis.6054 It seems to me your the uneducated person or you play a completely different time than I do or a different map. I am always on SBI Borderlands at prime time US. Not sure when you play or what map you play on but you sir are incorect in your assumptions in every matter.
@Strange.9607 has it right a few threads above yours in that your keeps are much softer targets than HOD’s simply because you don’t build up defenses. We attacked Askelion the other night on Sunday simply to keep HOD from wiping you off the map so we wouldn’t be focussed by the full zerg (your welcome btw). As soon as we attacked Askelion we had the outer door to half with two rams going and then the entirety of the HOD force showed up and pushed us out. Meanwhile you guys had a chance to regain your foothold on the map. (again your welcome btw).
So really claim superiority all you want but when your mindless zerg runs headlong into seige choke points and wonders why they get wiped out over and over figure it out. The reason we kept Daws all night on SBI borderlands is because we upgraded the hell out of it when it was our only tower on the map then made our push on everything else. By the time I logged off we had reclaimed our whole northern half of the map.
HOD borderlands?
No as I stated I am always on SBI borderlands as is most of my guild.
Server alliances lol…
I love hearing JQ players complain about a que. Here on henge I have been in que every night since friday 6pm-10pm pacific with out a pop. Today is tuesday. I predict HoD will fall to ET due to less than 10% of TA ever getting on the map at the same time. No offense to the millitia but the ques are going to take HoD down.
And yesterday we were owning the kitten out of both HoD and SBI. THe night crews taking back everything we do is unfortunate
At what point where you owning yesterday? I was on all day and HoD consistently had a 300+ PPT.
Yea bang up job, i logged on and we had a 400 point lead, my officers in there scoping kitten out were like"its dead jim" …so we had a nice relaxing night of PvE(not really i pugged arah and it was an ordeal withkitten who cant follow directions and jump)
guys, SI knows they can’t beat HoD. Of course their only opponent is JQ. Btw, SI really hates JQ because they were miserable fighting with JQ in WvW past few weeks without HoD’s help
Complaining that server alliances can’t get on to win it for the world. Good stuff. I iwsh I could get a server alliance.
I think it is funny that JQ says they are superior. This is solid fact today. When SBI took Stonemist. We have had it held for 3+ hours now at the time of this post. We had all of Henge, and all of JQ coming in, from two sides. We held off both servers. Sure, it was prettykittenhectic, but we still held off two servers. Want to say you have better PvP now JQ? This proves it wrong.
Anyway, the simple fact is there is NO ALLIANCE between the servers. Perhaps between the guilds on the servers. Such as a guild on JQ being allied with a guild on HoD. Which has been proven I believe, in the past. That is possible. But not an Entire server. And when it truly comes down do it, it will always be a 3 way battle. Even the alliances will break just so someone can gain the upper hand.
I do have mad respect for HoD. Tough fighters. JQ, I really wish they would stop QQing.
Also we need to get this thread closed due to massive butthurt.
Formerly [QT] Questionable Tactics
I love hearing JQ players complain about a que. Here on henge I have been in que every night since friday 6pm-10pm pacific with out a pop. Today is tuesday. I predict HoD will fall to ET due to less than 10% of TA ever getting on the map at the same time. No offense to the millitia but the ques are going to take HoD down.
I have a feeling ET is going to get smashed next week. They are essentially a whole week behind the meta game and strat/tactics since they are farming their current match-up. It’s obvious how much better HoD’s “millitia” has gotten and SBI as well just this week. ET is going to be playing a match they are unprepared for. They can’t expect to skip practice for a week and think they’re going to do well with tactics evolving so fast atm.
(edited by Lifeline.4062)
I love hearing JQ players complain about a que. Here on henge I have been in que every night since friday 6pm-10pm pacific with out a pop. Today is tuesday. I predict HoD will fall to ET due to less than 10% of TA ever getting on the map at the same time. No offense to the millitia but the ques are going to take HoD down.
I have a feeling ET is going to get smashed next week. They are essentially a whole week behind the meta game and strat/tactics since they are farming their current match-up. It’s obvious how much better HoD’s “millitia” has gotten and SBI as well just this week. ET is going to be playing a match they are unprepared for.
I pray for them.
Formerly [QT] Questionable Tactics
I have a feeling ET is going to get smashed next week. They are essentially a whole week behind the meta game and strat/tactics since they are farming their current match-up. It’s obvious how much better HoD’s “millitia” has gotten and SBI as well just this week. ET is going to be playing a match they are unprepared for.
I agree. The 24 hour format is played significantly differently than the week long format. JQ is getting beat because they still clutch to 24 hour format tactics.
Aliances will happen stop QQing reason why they added 3 servers so no one server will be OP people need to pick up on this team together to take out the big force but instead people wanna cry on forums about. learn to pvp people and stop crying
Past few days we’ve been fighting off both JQ and SBI in JQ Borderlands. If there is an alliance someone needs to tell us both because we’ve been battering each other and fighting over camps and towers bad.
Heck the other night they had us shut out and locked into DB with no supplies or nothing left both hammering us from each side while SBI roamed with a big zerg cutting off reinforcements and JQ shyly attacked our keep from the north only to run with their 20+ people from our 5 person force at the sight of us.
I don’t think it has anything to do with a non-existant alliance between us and SBI that is why JQ is 3rd place. I think it’s because JQ has unorganized zergs that turn tail and run at the smallest sign of opposition. If they stood their ground and fought more often they would be doing better imo. SBI is actually much better organized and puts up a much better fight and they don’t have a habit of running away from fights they greatly outnumber. I’ve been pretty impressed with them.
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]
“JQ QQing yet I could count at least 20+ of them in the jumping puzzle, many of which were camping beast pit for hours. Jumping puzzle won’t get you ahead.”
Blame AN for putting PVE content in a PVP zone, then limiting population. PVE people are encouraged to not PVP and take up slots.
I highly disagree, the jumping puzzles are core for WvW. Every serious WvW player should be doing them daily. Not only can they be run in a short amount of time, but completing them gets you free blueprints, heck you can get golems and trebs from it. All of those free blueprints out on the field help a lot especially if everyone does it. so them camping it and preventing the other teams from finishing actually helps them keep free siege equipment off the field. It’s a good strategy.
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]
badges of honor gets you blue prints too >.> i farmed 500 badges sololy from killing in WvW i hate the JP and think its a waste of time when ppl ask for help in there.. the only time i go in there is when ihere the rich orichalcum is in the front then i leave and go back to WvW..
jumping puzzle, grub, mosquitoes event and anything other then the neutral mob camps are useless and annoys me when ppl are killing them when everything around them is being attacked by the enemy…
The PvE content is part of WvW, Thats the way it was designed. Mobs around towers give tower defenders something to do other than sit on top of the tower idle. They are still close enough to get in the tower and on siege if an assault comes if they are paying any attention at all.
The Jumping puzzles are a source of free blueprints. Not everybody spends hours grinding gold to afford that kind of stuff, and real defenders (the people who usually need things like arrow carts) don’t get badges of honor reinforcing towers like the hit and run groups do. I defend ogrewatch more often than not on JQ. Those defenses that were there around 12 noon eastern us time today? I built them, every one of them, myself, because nobody else on JQ cares to defend a tower. From the tower upgrades to the ballista to the arrow carts, if it wasn’t for those free blueprints I would have been broke long ago.
Camping the jumping puzzle is a viable strat, but we don’t need more than 3 people with an arrow cart doing it, more is ridiculous. Maybe people would be happier if ANet just put a population cap on the puzzle? Put a queue on it, limit it to something like 10 per team, like everything else.
Why is this moronic thread still going? People still think HoD has an alliance with another server? You’ve got to be kidding me.
If JQQ spent as much time organizing their fighting force as they do cooking up convoluted conspiracy theories, they might actually have a shot in the top tier.
I saw just the opposite last Saturday night. HoD and JQ pummeling SB on HoD borderland. Avoiding each other- not even bothering to contest for any tower/supply/keep that wasn’t SB. About the only time I saw them skirmish with each other was by accident when we were down to one supply camp.
It’s screwed up, but that’s how it goes sometimes. My guild just picked another borderland to work on. The alliances are there… but they aren’t ‘everywhere’… not yet.
If JQQ spent as much time organizing their fighting force as they do cooking up convoluted conspiracy theories, they might actually have a shot in the top tier.
Haha, JQQ. I like that new name.
I saw just the opposite last Saturday night. HoD and JQ pummeling SB on HoD borderland. Avoiding each other- not even bothering to contest for any tower/supply/keep that wasn’t SB. About the only time I saw them skirmish with each other was by accident when we were down to one supply camp.
It’s screwed up, but that’s how it goes sometimes. My guild just picked another borderland to work on. The alliances are there… but they aren’t ‘everywhere’… not yet.
When things like that happen it’s mostly coincidences that the two zergs meet at one point, and they don’t wish to engage each other. I’ve seen it happen when a SB and HOD zerg meeting near a keep and pummeling the keep, but not wanting to engage each other.
No. SBI is a joke when it comes to pvp. You must be dreaming. Like I said, the ONLY time, JQ has to lay off SBI is when we’re getting reamed by HoD while we’re focusing on you, which happens most of the time. SBI is not good in pvp compared to JQ. You’re only benefit, and the ONLY reason SBI is number two atm, is because we’re dealing with HoD at the same time as being close to you in numbers.
EDIT: Actually, you guys aren’t bad at zerging the Jump Puzzle…lol..
you have the nerve to call us a joke when you took Stonemist castle twice today and never kept it more then 30mins and the second time your noob left no one in it to defend and lost it in less then 5 minutes….
Played in recent WvWvW, and I SURELY didn’t get the feeling we are partying with SBI…
I honestly wouldn’t mind server alliances if there were more than 3 servers in a single match. On one hand, Alliances both small scale and large scale are part of the game, whether partying up or forming massive guilds, as is diplomacy. On the other hand, you should be able to bring your own allies into the fight if the other servers are ganging up.
Cross server cooperation, if it exist, is a natural product of 3 way pvp. Such alliances, whether long or short term, have existed in every human conflict in which more than two parties are involved. This is not the same as two competitors fixing a match, which could constitute an abuse of the system. I play on JQ, and I’d rather see diplomatic efforts to break up any alliances that exist or shrewd strategists preservering in the face of such alliances than accusing HoD and SI of violating some code of conduct.
That said, right now WvWvW does not adequately reward one side dominance. There should be a strong incentive for one side to dominate both other competitors, more than just a linear scaling. That way, you could form cross-server alliances if you want, but the material benefit of a guaranteed second place would be trivial. Even in that situation, you will have short term alliances of the losing sides trying to overthrow the winning one, but it might discourage players from settling for second place.
There’s no question that HoD is colluding with Stormbluff. They’re both currently working together to take out shad in green borderlands.
Not cheating. Just weaksauce. A serious game flaw imo. (Yes I’m aware this was intentional. That’s what separates a design flaw from a defect.)
So let me get this straight Shad is your only keep on the map and you don’t expect to be pushed off. Now that is funny. You are right we should just leave you poor souls alone and leave the map so you can have all our stuff. Would that make the pain go away for you? Tell me where the bad invader touched you.
I think its hilareous that JQ is the only server that QQ’s when they lose and obviously noone is better than them unless they double team.
Here is my advice to JQ, give up throw the match for a month then you will be the bottom bracket and you can win with your oh so uber elite skills.
Grow up and learn to play and stop whining when you lose.
You dumb? The reason we had one keep is that Henge and Shadow colluded to cut off supplies in both directions. That’s what I’m complaining about.
Please deny it. Please deny that both servers coordinated an attack. You can’t? Figures.
And I can tell by your reaction that you’re frustrated with the way JQ has been handing you yourkitten since we organized. I guess I can’t blame you for seeking help from another server.
(edited by blink.4239)
I’m on Stormbluff and thing you are being overly paranoid o.0… never heard of this so called alliance..
anyway this thread can be closed? JQ have cemented their reputation now.. can we move along and start capping MORE of their stuff? :p
Was in W3 (or world cubed lol) earlier and JQ had NOTHING, i mean Zilch, its like they just gave up and went home. a couple of hours in they started to get a few points back but for a while the pie chart was just green and blue.
I LOVE fighting HoD, they dont cry in the forums AND they pose a substantial challenge, so with JQ all but out of the picture, we could get at it hammer and tongs. Just a shame we were not as organised as we could of been. oh well.
(edited by Karicus.8356)
My 2 Cents:
Right now HOD is the most organized, beastly server in WvW gamewide.
They have better comms, they consistently get larger organized groups out (large groups of single guilds instead of small groups of many guilds).
So they maul face. So both Stormbluff and Jade are trying to play for second place. More or less accepting that HOD is going to win and trying to knock the other server down out of the matchup.
Really, Jade and Storm should be teaming up to fight HOD. That’s how 3 way matchup realm wars are supposed to work; the weaker teams group up to fight the stronger. This is how it worked in DAOC.
Why isn’t this happening in WvW so far? IMO it’s the matchmaking system. We aren’t “stuck” with our matchups, so we are not given the normal incentives to work together to knock the strongest faction down a peg.
TLDR: Stormbluff and Jade SHOULD be ignoring eachother and both fighting HOD. In DAOC this is how it would have happened. That it’s not happening is a somewhat troubling sign of how the incentives are working in the WvW server matchup system.
Yeah, I always queue on SBI Borderlands and I’ll say it for the third or fourth time: get over yourselves and play smart already. I’m at the point of raging when all you do on that map is zerg the crap out of SBI stuff when HoD is wide open because of how occupied they are with us. HoD IS WINNING POINT LEAD ON YOU WHY ARE YOU NOT TAKING THEIR STUFF? All you ever do is trade keeps and towers with HoD for a bit while they’re doing the actual heavy-lifting attacks on heavily-defended fortifications, then crumple into a little ball the second the Henge you ignored decides that you’re a juicier target than the SBI that owns nearly nothing.
And tonight, I deliberately told my guys to cut you a break. We had one of our commanders in Redbriar wiping out the HoD defenses that you had failed for 3 straight days to touch. We HELPED YOU get back your border tower. We want you in the fight to put the hurt on Henge, seriously. What do you do with that chance we intentionally gave you? You mobbed Ascension Bay, mobbed Godslore, then tried to mob Woodhaven…all while Henge was taking forever capturing our Garrison then failing to push any further. That was a free assault on Greenlake. That was a guaranteed hold of Greenwater. That was all the time in the world to be attacking Askalion and taking the map’s orb.
Quit being blinded by your blood feud and play the 3-way to your advantage. Taking our stuff when Henge is still leading is the definition of self-destructive, and it’s no surprise to me at this point that we are leading you by almost the same margin Henge is leading us.
The Tough Love Critic (http://toughlovecritic.wordpress.com)
Tack Scylla, Tack, Morina Duathi
My 2 Cents:
Right now HOD is the most organized, beastly server in WvW gamewide.
They have better comms, they consistently get larger organized groups out (large groups of single guilds instead of small groups of many guilds).
So they maul face. So both Stormbluff and Jade are trying to play for second place. More or less accepting that HOD is going to win and trying to knock the other server down out of the matchup.
Really, Jade and Storm should be teaming up to fight HOD. That’s how 3 way matchup realm wars are supposed to work; the weaker teams group up to fight the stronger. This is how it worked in DAOC.
Why isn’t this happening in WvW so far? IMO it’s the matchmaking system. We aren’t “stuck” with our matchups, so we are not given the normal incentives to work together to knock the strongest faction down a peg.
TLDR: Stormbluff and Jade SHOULD be ignoring eachother and both fighting HOD. In DAOC this is how it would have happened. That it’s not happening is a somewhat troubling sign of how the incentives are working in the WvW server matchup system.
This is 100% wrong. There are many of us at SBI that adamantly believe we can outplay HoD. We have proven this in the past in EB with some really well organized sieges. Over time, we will get better as people in TS3 learn who can lead and who cannot. As well as getting more people into TS3.
tl;dr We’re not playing for second place. never.
Also going to +1 on the fact that we’re not playing for second. We’ve exceeded HoD’s point gain total numerous times during primetime, we just lose it when JQ goes Blood Feud or off-peak people aren’t playing as well.
The Tough Love Critic (http://toughlovecritic.wordpress.com)
Tack Scylla, Tack, Morina Duathi
My 2 Cents:
Right now HOD is the most organized, beastly server in WvW gamewide.
They have better comms, they consistently get larger organized groups out (large groups of single guilds instead of small groups of many guilds).
So they maul face. So both Stormbluff and Jade are trying to play for second place. More or less accepting that HOD is going to win and trying to knock the other server down out of the matchup.
Really, Jade and Storm should be teaming up to fight HOD. That’s how 3 way matchup realm wars are supposed to work; the weaker teams group up to fight the stronger. This is how it worked in DAOC.
Why isn’t this happening in WvW so far? IMO it’s the matchmaking system. We aren’t “stuck” with our matchups, so we are not given the normal incentives to work together to knock the strongest faction down a peg.
TLDR: Stormbluff and Jade SHOULD be ignoring eachother and both fighting HOD. In DAOC this is how it would have happened. That it’s not happening is a somewhat troubling sign of how the incentives are working in the WvW server matchup system.
Overall I highly doubt SBI will ever ignore JQ, unless they are pushed back to spawn and HoD is fighting SBI.
On EB SBI when they try to be nice and ignore all of JQ, tends to have JQ thinking they can roll up with 30people, drop 2 flame rams, and take a tower right next to the spawn+ kill the grub.
Sadly today I found them lit them up with an arrow cart.(Along with my party)
They came back a bit later, with a siege golem…Lit them up again.
The 3-4 left living ran back and my 5 man pty chased them, to find more on the grub, and we killed all JQ’s.
Moral is Leave JQ to fend, they will mess with SBI 90% of the time.
Angering SBI and we take their towers/supply camps, then after we chill out a bit, we go back to HoD only.
Today JQ took Umber in EB.
SBI turned took it back, took pangloss, ogrewatch.
We would have taken Overlook, and veloka, but one of our trebs got SM wall down.
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
ah.. so there thread topic is about people accusing HoD allying with SbI against JQ, and yet people are calling for SbI and JQ alliance to crush HoD…
emmm… i wonder who is in an alliance now ….
- believe me , we at HoD ally with no one… we crush all our enemies….
Archeage = Farmville with PK
- believe me , we at HoD ally with no one… we crush all our enemies….
Couldn’t say it better.
(Though sometimes my enemies, enemy make very good cannon fodder)
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
Hey people SBI player here (Rajiin of [CaLM] before the storm) and i can add 2 things to this post.
1 we are NOT in an alliance with HOD, i mean my guild if we get into a three way team fight we always concentrate HOD for the simple fact they are more of a threat (sorry JQ that sounds mean, but your tactics always break down within mminutes)
2 I am the person that is always chasing down JQ players (not JQ players in general, just a specific 3…. or if 1 manages to kill me in a 1v1 >=D)
oh and in an addition to the HOD players here it’s been really fun fighting you guys, your tactics are solid and i have seen people on your srerver actually defend a place! you have no idea the hedaches i’ve had trying to get people to defend a location..
and JQ you guys do actually have skilled players (hence the reason i have to hunt them down) the only issue you guys have is really (what looks like either lack of communication or you just love to overextend)
and if you’re one of those JQ players been hunting down >=) im not going to stop!
anyway look forward to fighting with/against all of you again in Wv3….. and be cautions a storm is coming.
Alliances were going to happen. Anet said this – what’s lame, is that the US powerhouse server is making them.
Makes me glad to be playing on EU side.
Meh. If I were the team being beat by an alliance I would sure be annoyed and possibly really ticked off, so I totally understand.
That being said, if I look at it objectively, I can totally understand and even appreciate alliances. It really adds a special element to the game (one day I might rue these words if I find myself being backed into a corner by two servers shaking hands).
When I read the OP comment, I thought “Have you ever watched survivor?”. These alliances only last so long as to serve the element of the game. Part of the GAME might just be to make alliances when they need to be made. This might put people who are NOT on vent/mumble at a disadvantage, however if you are communicating with your /team then hopefully you can still be kept in the loop.
Nonetheless, alliances will benefit 2 worlds to the detriment of one, but in the end, those two worlds who had an alliance will eventually square off. And if they score high enough, they will be matched against other servers as conniving as theirs.
But the bottom line is alliances are truly and completely natural when it comes to battle and war. To ask to omit them would just be wrong on so many levels. The players make WvW what it is, and if the players want to cooperate and then wage war, it just makes for riveting action. I really hope to get to experience this aspect, and do indeed hope that I am not on the receiving end, though that is most likely inevitable. Bring it on.
(edited by Mandar.9813)
Alliances were expected and even commented on as an exciting dynamic to WvWvW by the developers a while back. Their understanding of it was servers would team up on the winning server in an attempt to subdue them from demolishing both servers. It balances it out.
It’s happened on my server where two servers would team up on us because previously we utterly destroyed them. It worked too and we got hammered.
If they capped the populations and didnt let HoD have massive population advantage I would say any server can compete with them. When its primetime and numbers are sort of close SBI is within shouting distance with the score ticks, usually around 250 to 230 or so and even JQQ is around 200, its just in those hours where no one is one for SBI and JQQ and Hod is walking around empty maps and is ticking 400-440 a tick and we are ticking less than 150 is where it gets out of control and they look ‘dominant’.
Scores are clearly based on player numbers and lack of players on some servers during different times.
I thought for a short while they were just better than us until I realized they could have more people on a map than us and JQQ combined, then it all made sense. Problem s the numbers are only close for 5 or 6 hours out of the day, so considering that getting beat by 40K points in 4 days isnt too horrible. Still doesnt make it ‘good’ PvP, but it puts it in perspective a little bit.
I agree Rodarin. The match has been fairly even during prime times, but come late night early morning HOD will be up 150+ points.
I have to give props to HOD on SBI isle tonight on 09/19 you guys gave us a serious run for our money up north and it was a lot of fun fighting you guys. I have to say the highlight of my night though was while we were attacking Askelion Keep we had some of our guys go over and ninja AB right out from under you :-D
Of course thatkitten you off and you pushed out out of garrison and dawns while JQQ took AB and pushed on Woodhaven. But it was oh so worth it :-D
/toast to HOD for actually being a challenge at least in primetime for me on SBI borderlands
:-( at JQQ
If they capped the populations and didnt let HoD have massive population advantage I would say any server can compete with them. When its primetime and numbers are sort of close SBI is within shouting distance with the score ticks, usually around 250 to 230 or so and even JQQ is around 200, its just in those hours where no one is one for SBI and JQQ and Hod is walking around empty maps and is ticking 400-440 a tick and we are ticking less than 150 is where it gets out of control and they look ‘dominant’.
Scores are clearly based on player numbers and lack of players on some servers during different times.
I thought for a short while they were just better than us until I realized they could have more people on a map than us and JQQ combined, then it all made sense. Problem s the numbers are only close for 5 or 6 hours out of the day, so considering that getting beat by 40K points in 4 days isnt too horrible. Still doesnt make it ‘good’ PvP, but it puts it in perspective a little bit.
There is a Cap in every map..
Kopiousiudai – Thief
Canadian Pizza – Warrior
I find it ironic that SBI and HoD are both complaining about JQ claiming they have an alliance. Patting each other on the back, giving each other high fives. Oh what was this thread called again? lol.
My 2 Cents:
Right now HOD is the most organized, beastly server in WvW gamewide.
They have better comms, they consistently get larger organized groups out (large groups of single guilds instead of small groups of many guilds).
So they maul face. So both Stormbluff and Jade are trying to play for second place. More or less accepting that HOD is going to win and trying to knock the other server down out of the matchup.
Really, Jade and Storm should be teaming up to fight HOD. That’s how 3 way matchup realm wars are supposed to work; the weaker teams group up to fight the stronger. This is how it worked in DAOC.
Why isn’t this happening in WvW so far? IMO it’s the matchmaking system. We aren’t “stuck” with our matchups, so we are not given the normal incentives to work together to knock the strongest faction down a peg.
TLDR: Stormbluff and Jade SHOULD be ignoring eachother and both fighting HOD. In DAOC this is how it would have happened. That it’s not happening is a somewhat troubling sign of how the incentives are working in the WvW server matchup system.
This. Believe it or not, HoD has an alliance made up of several guilds including Oceanic ones, and the guilds have allocated timings for each guild to take care of WvW. When other guilds in the alliance appear during another guild’s time slot, the guilds help out each other.
Ever seen a HoD guild harassing dolyaks while another guild builds up a strategic treb to starve out the keep we’re targeting and prevent them from getting supplies for repairs? This is how we roll. So is someone going to tell us that we’re doing something illegal and against the rules?
I find it ironic that SBI and HoD are both complaining about JQ claiming they have an alliance. Patting each other on the back, giving each other high fives. Oh what was this thread called again? lol.
Why wouldn’t one server show respect for another which actually puts up a fight and doesn’t come to the forums crying about an “alliance” which is non existent?
It’s been said, and shown time and time again that all 3 servers have no alliance, and they fight one another.
All this thread’s OP is doing, is adding to the disrespect JQ server receive’s by making a thread crying wolf that there is an alliance, when JQ clearly can see SBI attack HoD every day, and vice versa.
On another note, someone needs to fraps when we take a 10-15man group to Pangloss, and wait for 30-50+ JQ’s to arrive.
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
My 2 Cents:
Right now HOD is the most organized, beastly server in WvW gamewide.
They have better comms, they consistently get larger organized groups out (large groups of single guilds instead of small groups of many guilds).
So they maul face. So both Stormbluff and Jade are trying to play for second place. More or less accepting that HOD is going to win and trying to knock the other server down out of the matchup.
Really, Jade and Storm should be teaming up to fight HOD. That’s how 3 way matchup realm wars are supposed to work; the weaker teams group up to fight the stronger. This is how it worked in DAOC.
Why isn’t this happening in WvW so far? IMO it’s the matchmaking system. We aren’t “stuck” with our matchups, so we are not given the normal incentives to work together to knock the strongest faction down a peg.
TLDR: Stormbluff and Jade SHOULD be ignoring eachother and both fighting HOD. In DAOC this is how it would have happened. That it’s not happening is a somewhat troubling sign of how the incentives are working in the WvW server matchup system.
This. Believe it or not, HoD has an alliance made up of several guilds including Oceanic ones, and the guilds have allocated timings for each guild to take care of WvW. When other guilds in the alliance appear during another guild’s time slot, the guilds help out each other.
Ever seen a HoD guild harassing dolyaks while another guild builds up a strategic treb to starve out the keep we’re targeting and prevent them from getting supplies for repairs? This is how we roll. So is someone going to tell us that we’re doing something illegal and against the rules?
i doubt it. such things never happened.
Titan Alliance, Henge of Denravi