Ruins of Surmia
Highest Death count
Ruins of Surmia
If people concentrated on WvW instead of kicking defenceless cats, they might just be able to increase their fightclub win/loss percentage to over 20%
Ignicity – 80 Necromancer
Unreal Aussies [uA] – Isle of Janthir
Stop scaring the peeps out there!
How do you expect getting more peeps on our server with this amount of deaths.
On a side note.
Yesterday evening we, 6 Biloumans and 1 add, charged into 30+ Vabis. We died of course but still had a lot of kills and loot bags. The key for our success is
→ Spam f when you charge and keep spamming it till you die!
Errr , what does that have to be with asking for you death count ? :p
Also I’m in the second last ranked server in EU where we are outnumbered almost ALL the time. And I don’t care about dying and paying repair costs, cause I have fun going into 5 vs 1 fights or 15 vs 5.
Ruins of Surmia
We’re on the same server, if you haven’t noticed yet. :P
I know, Siftariel right ?
I was talking about ignicity’s comment.
Ruins of Surmia
Nidwina, healing Sylvari Mesmer.
Errr , what does that have to be with asking for you death count ? :p.
I was talking about ignicity’s comment.
I dunno. What does claiming “If you meet me 1v1 8 chances out of 10 I will kick your kitten” have to do with it?
Ignicity – 80 Necromancer
Unreal Aussies [uA] – Isle of Janthir
(edited by Ignicity.7938)
That is: Me making excuses for the high death count and to prevent others from saying that I have so many deaths because I just am “bad”.
I have an ele btw.
Again: Topic is: Death counts, Can you go higher ?
Ruins of Surmia
Death count as in how many times you’ve died? No clue. but I also do alot of suicide missions so that prob doesn’t help my stats…though I do tend to make it out alive often.
Or is this WvW kills? If so, I have about 5,000.
do /deaths then you’ll know how many deaths you have .
Ruins of Surmia
stuck @ 1650 deaths still...×.x
So you have me beat still.(which is scary to say the least)
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
I know a thief who has 1700 deaths, so do your best! xD
Ruins of Surmia
you guys make me feel good about myself lol
379 death on my mesmer
I have 272 deaths (mine) & over 1500 kills.
So better than 5:1 ratio.
surely that ratio is best to determine your overall worth in wvw?
~ nothing is constant but change~
Currently: 3619 kills ~ all for Piken Square
Lol.?oh yeah, my death count been raising steadily this mth. Been Zerg down frequently .
~We Are Deadly When Required~
2131 wvw kills, and 265 deaths
1266 deaths and 15584 kills, with an elementalist glass cannon (dual daggers or dagger+focus), always in the front line, in front of the tanks xD
Dolcebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist twink lvl 60 on Augury Rock
You get a kill for everything you tag, so it’s not really kb/d ratio. Kill credit in a party, with a zerg with a good ranged + AoE class will tilt this significantly.
Kills is also by account while deaths is by character.
I’m rounding 900ish, suddenly all those suicide runs into keeps or “scouting” seem to be worth it =p
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.
786 deaths, 6932 wvw kills (only have 1 character)
probably less than 100 deaths are pve/falling off cliffs
Jaunty Chaps [LAD]
K:D ratio is stupid in WvW as u only have to tag the guy once to get the kill. 13k kills, 1k deaths.
379 deaths, 2736 kills. Most of those deaths are from cliffs; I think we can all agree they are seriously broken. Almost as bad as thieves.
also L80 Ele/Necro/Mesmer
Everyone should have more kills than deaths…. by a huge margin.
Why? Because multiple people get credit for a kill when an enemy goes down.
I was hoping there would be an achievement for 1,000,000 deaths and a title like… Epic Fail
Leader of Cryptic Gaze[iSpy]
Evermoor Alliance (iSpy, JAWA, WAR) – Dragonbrand
around 7000 kills and 300 deaths on 3 chars
no WvW to play on my server recently
blow them out for 2 weeks in a row
if you are worried about falling from cliffs, you should roll the anti cliff class, necro. Necros are the underdog, but they can reduce falling by 50%!
if you are worried about falling from cliffs, you should roll the anti cliff class, necro. Necros are the underdog, but they can reduce falling by 50%!
Every class (except Elementalist) can reduce falling by 50%
Sign Ups:
if you are worried about falling from cliffs, you should roll the anti cliff class, necro. Necros are the underdog, but they can reduce falling by 50%!
Every class (except Elementalist) can reduce falling by 50%
Sadly yeah, but the cliff deaths weren’t that numerous though, maybe 100-150 ?
Ruins of Surmia