HoD "Gathering on the Green" Event

HoD "Gathering on the Green" Event

in WvW

Posted by: Talia.7412


Since the announcement of free transfers for all medium populated servers, Henge of Denravi has seen a surge of inquiries into our environment, community and the methods by which we’ve organized WvWvW.

In order to cater to the interest, satisfy the questions that server-surfing guilds might have concerning our server, and also to welcome all guilds transferring in, HoD will be holding a “Gathering on the Green” event – Reckoner’s WP, The Grove in HoD – 30th March Saturday, 9:30am Server Time, 12:30pm EDT, 4:30pm GMT, 12:30am GMT +8, 2:30am GMT +10

Basically, this will be a meet-and-greet session open to anyone who has a question, or who would like to experience the community of HoD. Simple door gifts will be given to early birds as a “thank you” for your interest.

The itinerary for the event is as follows, shown in server time, and subject to change:
09:30am – Meeting start. HoD guild call out.
09:40am – HoD Community Site and Mumble.
09:50am – HoD PvE collaborations.
10:10am – HoD WvW collaborations and alliance introduction.
10:30am – Floor open to questions

We hope to see you there, and appreciate the time you took to read this post.

+ For more on HoD, read this thread https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Henge-of-Denravi-welcomes-you/first#post1715480


Charter Vanguard [CV], on HoD since the betas

HoD "Gathering on the Green" Event

in WvW

Posted by: Dogskins.1259


I’ll give it the old college try coming from work.

Btw, the WvW here is by far more evenly matched from what I have seen.

Possum Jankins – Suicide Bomber Engineer [VLK] HoD /// [RoT] Yak’s Bend

Just look for the black bearded human.

HoD "Gathering on the Green" Event

in WvW

Posted by: Seraphx.4152


I will be there!
Thanks Talia for organizing this.

“I’m Zimme”
Henge Of Denravi

HoD "Gathering on the Green" Event

in WvW

Posted by: Tempus.7391


Looking forward to seeing everybody there!

HoD "Gathering on the Green" Event

in WvW

Posted by: Nauyaro.4892


Anyone chance someone can get some video of this event with the highlights? Sounds very interesting to me but I have some Easter activities at this time.

Will pass on the info to [TOT] though.


Jovek – 80 Sylvari Guardian
[VLK] Valkyria Immortalis
Henge of Denravi