HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Scebster.8063


Well lets just get started I am from ET and I am seeing whats going on currently in EB and the borderlands and “les be honest” SBI and ET both have instant Ques into EB, yeah I said INSTANT Ques to EB. HoD however does not, which is where they’re strength comes in. We at ET are the ONLY low/medium population server that is this close to the top we fought hard all weekend long but lets face reality, we cant stay awake 24/7 and have 150 people in each zone like HoD can, SBI cant either. HoD is such a HUGE server with large alliances and “Bandwagoners” yeah there are a lot there you cant deny it, that they have the fortunate advantage over anyone they go up against. Personally I do play for Ruin and let me tell you we had a great time this weekend those of us like myself that were just loving to play a new game that isn’t world of warcraft. I havent had this much fun in a video game in quite some time. I applaud everyone that fought this weekend and who played to have a good time ( and eh of course try to win as well xD). This being said it is still Monday and there is a lot of gameplay left untill Friday so we will see what the outcome is. Once again thank you again for the fun weekend cant wait for more fun to be had in the coming week ahead of us.

HoD +310 (with stonemist) 72,192
SBI + 210 100,453
ET +95 78,799

Current score we shall see in about 5-6 hours when the prime time logs in for ET and our very small player base night crew logs in later tonight.

Bottom line thank you for the weekend guys from a legit player to another. Hats Off

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Brome.7036


Ruin has over 2000 members. YOu do realize that is 25% more than the whole TA? Thats just ruin, not to mention AA. IF between the 2 you can not get 24/7 coverage you have only yourselves to blame

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Lesco.2963


I appreciate your update at the bottom of your post. I am a ruin player on ET and I would really like to come help out, but I am in class for the next few hours. 4.5 more days to go and we are still in it!

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Scebster.8063


2000 members that are MAJORITY American players. Alot of them like myself are just casual players and dont play for huge gain we play for fun so why would I force myself to stay awake 24/7 as a casual player when I have work and preparing to do for bigger things in my life? This wasnt a post to bash on anyone or stir up the pot and here you come in here and start to cause problems. I was just telling people what the update was and that I had a good time fighting this weekend. Here you come with a bad attitude. xD please relax

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: shortcake.8659


~6am-4pm, HoD is just going to cap everything on each weeknight. During those hours they have more players than ET/SBI combined.

some terrible idiot in [pre]

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Scebster.8063


lol exactly my point, thank you for agreeing with me.

(edited by Moderator)

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Lesco.2963


I am watching a stream of an SBI player and it seems that ET has been basically wiped off of the maps. http://www.twitch.tv/thedaz We have such a small sliver of the pie right now.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: dre.8973


4 hours is instant? (SBI )

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Smallpoxx.6935


We coming for that orb in Dreadfall Bay next SBI.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Smallpoxx.6935


Bring JQ back they were more of a challenge then ET.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Lifeline.4062


Logged in to check the current score and this is where it was at

HoD – 425
SBI – 195
ET – 75

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Scebster.8063


No our guild hasn’t given up. We are still fighting in EB and in SBI borderlands. Those are our territories to my understanding it was AA responsibility to handle Red and Green borderlands at all times and where are they? Not playing right now because they arent online we own the ONLY red on the map we are holding up to our side of the deal. We are doing our part the best of our ability but as it comes down to it well its just obvious what was going on. We dont have the people that HoD and SBI has so this is whats going on. You would be STUPID not to admit that the 2 servers dwarve ours. Also collectively HoD has more people in all borderlands than both of our servers COMBINED. Please just being realistic here at the same time attempting to remained civilized. Cement you obviously have some growing up to do.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: mangocheesecake.1487


I think SBI and ET proved their point (that they can beat HoD) during the weekend, I myself slept super early so i can wake up at 4~5am and fill in our weaker shifts. There are a couple of people I see on TS doing the same. Fact is that we can’t do that during the week, but it just mean we need to recruit more offpeak players so eventually we can be a strong 24/7 server.

Terrifying Kitties | SBI | Recruiting Active Players for WvW and PvE
PM Carme, Soji, Taper, or Mrsowrd in game

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Cement.6472


lol iam 39 , i was part of ruin for the first month (but i dont play for 2nd) and you didnt answer any of my questions …. were u told by archaos not to attack sbi amd only hie henge ? and is he in Teamspeak right now crying about the AAlliance? and how many times have you heard “but what is blue doing” in voip? Ruin cant win cant do kitten unless they zerg(outnumber) there leader has an ego that must be feed so this week after seeing he couldnt win his ego needed to be feed by the fact that he knew henge wouldnt win. so he played for 2nd or 3rd he didnt care as long as henge didnt finish first. this was his view and his view alone the rest of the asencion alliance was playing to win…. AA will leave Ruins’ server soon nobody wants to be associatedwith it.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Smallpoxx.6935


ET isn’t ready to play with the big boys yet.

And as far as people saying HoD lost during the weekend….This isn’t a 24 hr sprint this is a week long marathon.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: shortcake.8659


ET isn’t ready to play with the big boys yet.

And as far as people saying HoD lost during the weekend….This isn’t a 24 hr sprint this is a week long marathon.

this guy must be an ARMA member happy his bad guild can actually cap things when they have a 4-5x number advantage since they can’t with 2-3×.

some terrible idiot in [pre]

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


look, the whole reason why the score has even changed is because of this


yes, zero downtime in EB, always queues, which means that a majority of people end up in queues for 2 hours will go to the borderlands anyway.

SBI and ET both have significant dropoff in player queues at the same time that HoD is full.

lets face it, you could have the best guild in the world, but playing with 20 people trying to take all of the objectives spread out over 4 different maps versus entirely full maps of people taking everything back. doesn’t work. if you believe that its easy to win with small numbers, then please, transfer off of hendge and go prove it when you don’t have numbers backing.

until then, don’t claim that other servers simply win due to numbers alone (the ruin zerg?? lol) and then can’t do anything without the numbers, when you hide behind numbers 24/7

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Smallpoxx.6935


ET isn’t ready to play with the big boys yet.

And as far as people saying HoD lost during the weekend….This isn’t a 24 hr sprint this is a week long marathon.

this guy must be an ARMA member happy his bad guild can actually cap things when they have a 4-5x number advantage since they can’t with 2-3×.

Not in ARMA however I was watching that SBI stream where kids were making fun of them. Id prefer to be is a smaller more chilled guild instead of one of these egomaniac elietist guilds.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: FrizzFreston.5290


Well, if HoD has an advantage during the week because of being a big more international server, then ET has a huge advantage during the weekend, since they can get all their guilds in WvW. WHich HoD cant.
For HoD:
Weekend = More randoms
Week = More structure

For ET
Weekend = More people in guilds and more structured play.
Week = emptiness.

So yeah, ET has an advantage in the weekend because they’re a small server, where as being a big server in the weekend is a disadvantage.

Disclaimer: (which going to be ignored I’m sure) It’s all relative, meaning I never said how big these advantages are. I think its a significant advantage though.

“It isn’t working!” CL4P-TP
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


You do realise that Ruin does nothing for ET except give them a bad name, the only reason they are doing well in WvW is because of the “Team Legacy” Alliance.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Ascension.8465


You do realise that Ruin does nothing for ET except give them a bad name, the only reason they are doing well in WvW is because of the “Team Legacy” Alliance.

All I ask for is proof. Without all the guilds and members on the server working together one guilds work means nothing. Without Legacy help in borderlands and Ruin is also there supporting in the borderlands when needed. Following Legacy lead in their areas. But to say its all them is just plain silly, its not Ruin Its not Team Legacy its EVERYONE from Pugs to giant guilds. Its a team game learn that.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Cyclonite.5786


HoD is such a HUGE server with large alliances and “Bandwagoners” yeah there are a lot there you cant deny it, that they have the fortunate advantage over anyone they go up against.

That’s true. What are you going to do about it? If Ascension Alliance was smart they would recruit some off hour guilds to ET.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Smallpoxx.6935


SBI and ET think they want to be #1 but its hard up here at the top it really is.

1) Everyone will flock to you server being you are the new #1 and your Que’s will go threw the roof half your guild will be in a 4 hr que trying to get to you. The problem with this is they try to bring all of there garbage losing strats to your server and get really mad in chat when no one does what they say.

2) The #2 and #3 servers will tag team you 2v1 while making BS claims on the forums they are not.

3) Elitest guilds will act like they are better they anyone else there and will call anyone not in there guild “pugs” if you say anything to a member of one of these guilds prepare to be attacked in chat by all of them.

4) For every 5 people playing WvW on HoD there is 1 person farming mats / PVE mobs.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Ben K.6238

Ben K.6238

Sounds like the same thing you face anywhere. Getting tag-teamed is just what happens when you’re ahead on the scoreboard. Now ET has a good hold on second place they’d want to make sure SBI’s lead doesn’t get too big – and that’s exactly what they did last night, the anvil to HoD’s hammer.

The rest of the week should be nice and messy.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Lofty.8759


Sounds like the same thing you face anywhere. Getting tag-teamed is just what happens when you’re ahead on the scoreboard. Now ET has a good hold on second place they’d want to make sure SBI’s lead doesn’t get too big – and that’s exactly what they did last night, the anvil to HoD’s hammer.

The rest of the week should be nice and messy.

ET doesnt have a hold on 2nd place, we’re about to pass them. LOL.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


You do realise that Ruin does nothing for ET except give them a bad name, the only reason they are doing well in WvW is because of the “Team Legacy” Alliance.

you must get bent over by door to door salesman all the time don’t you. believing anything and everything by word of mouth.

the fact of the matter is, its a joint effort by the entire server and the guilds involved. and as far as ruin/tl/aa is concerned. there is a split between them for responsibility.

you will mostly see TL/AA in the RB and GB with the other guilds. and ruin covers EB and BB. most of the screenshots that people post would confirm this as well lol. sorry to burst your bubble

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


Your complaining about hod night capping everything yet, its perfect strategy when both servers both focus them so they cant even make a move during prime time putting them in 3rd… BUT OH HEAVEN FORBID THEY TAKE ADVANTAGE WHEN BOTH SERVERS CANT BOTH POUND ON THEM AT THE SAME TIME.

I’m sorry but thats just lame to complain about them using the time they have when you guys are weaker.

Because you know as well as everyone else ET could really care less about SBI and SBI really dont care about ET…. you guys are focused on crushing hod…. there may be no verbal communication or truce between you but your forces aren’t actively trying to crush SBI nor was SBI trying to crush ET you were both going after HoD at the same time basically ignoring each other….. They are now taking advantage of your weak night game to make up lost time/point when they got hammered by two good servers.

Just like when they got double teamed…. its strategy. I heard ruin/ET boasting about getting more oceanic players and such as well in a thread long since past in another forums…. so no complaining because others are trying to get night coverage as well…. and if you had it you wouldn’t be complaining.

(edited by Namu.5712)

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Aedgyth.4790


HoD is such a HUGE server with large alliances and “Bandwagoners” yeah there are a lot there you cant deny it, that they have the fortunate advantage over anyone they go up against.

That’s true. What are you going to do about it? If Ascension Alliance was smart they would recruit some off hour guilds to ET.

As mentioned HoDs Total Alliance members combined is still smaller than Ruins guild. Where they got it right was recruiting guilds that could slot into a 24/7 game coverage.

If AA had been smart, instead of transferring to ET – they should have moved to one of the Oceanic servers – I am not sure their thinking behind not doing this, but looking at the W3 queue charts – that’s where a NA alliance is going to find the best home.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


I think SBI and ET proved their point (that they can beat HoD) during the weekend, I myself slept super early so i can wake up at 4~5am and fill in our weaker shifts. There are a couple of people I see on TS doing the same. Fact is that we can’t do that during the week, but it just mean we need to recruit more offpeak players so eventually we can be a strong 24/7 server.

What you dont understand though is when your server gets big, primetime means our powerhouse guilds and alliances cant get in to wvwvw against other structured guilds. Because our ques are full of pugs that just do whatever (sometimes).

At night and during the week we do better because we are able to get more of our alliance in and take things back.

Just wait till over half your guild online during a wvwvw reset cant get in to secure a foothold for like the first 4-5 hours. You will change your tune im sure because its very frustrating… okay guys they are resetting…… OKAY ITS UP GO GO GO…… wtf que… not even 3 seconds after a reset… and not even half our alliance got in lol.

Where as on a samller server like ET/SBI your strong guilds get in no problem to do their thing 500 premade vs 200 premade and 300 randoms…. guess who has the winning advantage now do the same for ET and you both focus on the server that couldn’t get all their good players in because of its size…. congrats you want a cookie for winning a weekend fight? because its the next 5 days that matter not the first 2.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: SKYeXile.2716


HoD is such a HUGE server with large alliances and “Bandwagoners” yeah there are a lot there you cant deny it, that they have the fortunate advantage over anyone they go up against.

That’s true. What are you going to do about it? If Ascension Alliance was smart they would recruit some off hour guilds to ET.

Id like to hear that sales pitch, "yea bros come with us to ET, Ruin is here, but im sure things will be sweet. "

Xile | TRF – GM | [AU] Trf-guild.com – Now Recruiting.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Tali.4259


Hopefully the trolls and hooligans, who have all week complained and QQ’ed about SBI and ET focusing on HoD, have paid attention to this thread. There was a reason to focus HoD hard over the weekend. Everyone on both servers knew that come Sunday night all bets were off. You get the points you can and deny them the points when you can because we have more dead times than they do and although we had 2 1/2 days to focus them, they have all week to regain ground and still come out on top.

So for the few but vocal that screamed ZOMG ALLIANCE QQ CHANGE MY DIAPER PLOX…….hopefully the method to the madness now makes sense.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


You do realise that Ruin does nothing for ET except give them a bad name, the only reason they are doing well in WvW is because of the “Team Legacy” Alliance.

All I ask for is proof. Without all the guilds and members on the server working together one guilds work means nothing. Without Legacy help in borderlands and Ruin is also there supporting in the borderlands when needed. Following Legacy lead in their areas. But to say its all them is just plain silly, its not Ruin Its not Team Legacy its EVERYONE from Pugs to giant guilds. Its a team game learn that.

Hopefully they leave one day and you will see what I mean.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


Hopefully the trolls and hooligans, who have all week complained and QQ’ed about SBI and ET focusing on HoD, have paid attention to this thread. There was a reason to focus HoD hard over the weekend. Everyone on both servers knew that come Sunday night all bets were off. You get the points you can and deny them the points when you can because we have more dead times than they do and although we had 2 1/2 days to focus them, they have all week to regain ground and still come out on top.

So for the few but vocal that screamed ZOMG ALLIANCE QQ CHANGE MY DIAPER PLOX…….hopefully the method to the madness now makes sense.

The fact that HoD maintained a 200ish point tick throughout the weekend with 2 servers chomping at the bit to smash them is impressive in itself as well.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Tali.4259


Hopefully the trolls and hooligans, who have all week complained and QQ’ed about SBI and ET focusing on HoD, have paid attention to this thread. There was a reason to focus HoD hard over the weekend. Everyone on both servers knew that come Sunday night all bets were off. You get the points you can and deny them the points when you can because we have more dead times than they do and although we had 2 1/2 days to focus them, they have all week to regain ground and still come out on top.

So for the few but vocal that screamed ZOMG ALLIANCE QQ CHANGE MY DIAPER PLOX…….hopefully the method to the madness now makes sense.

The fact that HoD maintained a 200ish point tick throughout the weekend with 2 servers chomping at the bit to smash them is impressive in itself as well.

Don’t get me wrong, there is no discredit to HoD at all. Amazing server and I personally have respect for them. The point was made to the QQ’ers, even a few from our own server who swore up and down we had an alliance with ET…..when if they were the strategical genuises they raved they were, they would have realized the intent had squat to do with allying with ET and more focused on winning what we could, while we could.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


Hopefully the trolls and hooligans, who have all week complained and QQ’ed about SBI and ET focusing on HoD, have paid attention to this thread. There was a reason to focus HoD hard over the weekend. Everyone on both servers knew that come Sunday night all bets were off. You get the points you can and deny them the points when you can because we have more dead times than they do and although we had 2 1/2 days to focus them, they have all week to regain ground and still come out on top.

So for the few but vocal that screamed ZOMG ALLIANCE QQ CHANGE MY DIAPER PLOX…….hopefully the method to the madness now makes sense.

The fact that HoD maintained a 200ish point tick throughout the weekend with 2 servers chomping at the bit to smash them is impressive in itself as well.

Don’t get me wrong, there is no discredit to HoD at all. Amazing server and I personally have respect for them. The point was made to the QQ’ers, even a few from our own server who swore up and down we had an alliance with ET…..when if they were the strategical genuises they raved they were, they would have realized the intent had squat to do with allying with ET and more focused on winning what we could, while we could.

Right I dont think there was any hey lets team up and kill HoD it was more like SBI: Okay guys pressure hod hard we aren’t really worried about ET.
ET: ZOMG KILL HOD WE HATE THEM /ERAGE /enter ruin zerg and stream bandwagoners.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


Score is a meaningless way to evaluate servers. All it tells you is who has more off-prime players.

HoD for example typically loses at prime time but makes it up by taking over the whole map every morning.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Nevron.9413


Score is a meaningless way to evaluate servers. All it tells you is who has more off-prime players.

HoD for example typically loses at prime time but makes it up by taking over the whole map every morning.

You just made it painfully obvious you’ve never played against HoD during NA prime-time.

Guild – Shadow of Apophis [SoA]

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Quarion.2538


Ruin has over 2000 members. YOu do realize that is 25% more than the whole TA? Thats just ruin, not to mention AA. IF between the 2 you can not get 24/7 coverage you have only yourselves to blame

Correction at gild meetings we have 500 online. an avg of 150 at primetime. We can’t carry the server. TL barely has more than 20 online at once so ya.

Quarian – Officer/Diplomat – RUIN
80 – Elementalist
(EU) Desolation

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


Well your numbers are a lil off they have a lil over 1000 player and most of them are casual and mia they get maybe 50-150 players in wvw peak hours. Of those player only one has any idea whats going on archaos and if he is not on nothing gets done in that guild.

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


Case in point right now SBI is attacking our north gate at garrison and ET attacking on the opposite side.


HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Elaithe.6874


Ahhh Ruin! The guild that bandwagoned AA and doubles their numbers and TAs. What’s hilarious is how they transfer off of NSP because there are too many people and than complain how they can’t win because they don’t have enough people. HILARIOUS!

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


@Elaithe lol I think its hilarious that that you guys exploited your way to 1st. Get lives ! I think its hilarious your welfare team got point lead while the real men were at work; the lead your losing now. HILARIOUS!

EDIT: A lead your going to lose to a low-med pop server.

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

(edited by Thesilentflute.8761)

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


Im sorry but if you are on SBI or ET you have no place to talk down to HoD when both servers are just hammering them to try and beat them lol.

We lose at primetime? of course and heres why…. if your gonna talk smack about a server at least beat them legit by yourself. Note the time stamps on these screen shots, and then tell me that you think SBI/ET are not out for blood lol nor that they are basically ignoring each other and just focusing on HoD…. I see them fight each other if they go inot their little zone of attack during sieging HoD but thats it.

HoD is literally fending off two servers at the same time, the fact that they are staying in the game point tick wise….. If HoD gets third in this match up its only because they were outnumbered every prime time encounter by 2 top tier servers…. which is just fine, if thats how you want to get your wins. But doesn’t give you any right to talk smack about them when they are still on par with both servers while being singled out by both servers.

(edited by Namu.5712)

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


All I am saying is you guys are pro. keep up the good work.

Edit: @namu didnt you guys give JQ a nick name for crying about somthing like this. Lets see HQD?

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

(edited by Thesilentflute.8761)

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: MrPicklez.6473


Makes me lol. Never even been in a match vs ET, but it’s funny to think that the same zerg guild from Kil’Jaeden and Warhammer thought that they had any talent. Must really suck for them having a population cap at their primtime so they can’t get all 500 members into BG.
lololol, owned.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Gankfest.4965


ET lacks EU guilds… Something we are currently aware of and working on. How many of these threads are going to be created? There is already a few other HoD + SBI + ET threads… Please use search in the future.

Gankfest™ ~ <PRX> ~ JQ
80 ~ Thief/Guardian

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Isomyr.6319


I`d just like to state that the imbalance in oceanic / asian is not down to numbers.

- SBI has Warmachine and Evil both of which are massive,(combined these two guilds have more members than the entirety of TA) structured and well organised guilds in that timezone.

- AA has Res, Nocturne, OGC, Harlequin, FOO and Conquest + I believe a Filipino alliance. which equates to far more in sheer numbers than TA can field in these timezones.

- TA have a single European guild to cover us from Asia to US logon. The other major difference is that all of TA are W3 focussed all of the time whereas I believe the AA oceanic guilds spread their activities.

Bottom line all 3 of the servers have the numbers in non US hours if they apply themselves to W3.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: CardboardBox.6087


“HoD is literally fending off two servers at the same time, the fact that they are staying in the game point tick wise….. If HoD gets third in this match up its only because they were outnumbered every prime time encounter by 2 top tier servers…. which is just fine, if thats how you want to get your wins.”

@Namu. obviously henge never speaks about their massive night weekday advantages where they have more night players during oceanic hours than both SBI and ET combined. They conveniently forget how big an advantage they have. They simply focus on things that don’t go their way.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


“HoD is literally fending off two servers at the same time, the fact that they are staying in the game point tick wise….. If HoD gets third in this match up its only because they were outnumbered every prime time encounter by 2 top tier servers…. which is just fine, if thats how you want to get your wins.”

@Namu. obviously henge never speaks about their massive night weekday advantages where they have more night players during oceanic hours than both SBI and ET combined. They conveniently forget how big an advantage they have. They simply focus on things that don’t go their way.

Wrong HoD doesn’t say anything really about winning or losing… the majority of us just like the pvp. and 2v1 in this match up has been loads of fun. What I dont like is the fact that people seem to think since HoD is losing atm during primetime hours that they are some how lesser and this and that. But really we are just outnumbered primetime when 2 servers are focusing us. ET has alot of off hours players as well… and are actively trying to get more. SBI also has a huge off time base… the difference is those off time players aren’t as dedicated to WvW as the HoD night crews.

HoD holds as much as they can during the day while getting hammered by two servers, then clean up and take back at night.

Little side note ive never seen SBI at night with a outmanned buff. Only ET. So really its not that we have more combined, your night players just aren’t that dedicated. Dont know what to say. Just how the game is played and designed… same with the double teaming going on right now, its all part of the design. Roll with it or dont.

HoD+SBI+ET here comes the power house.

in WvW

Posted by: CardboardBox.6087


“HoD is literally fending off two servers at the same time, the fact that they are staying in the game point tick wise….. If HoD gets third in this match up its only because they were outnumbered every prime time encounter by 2 top tier servers…. which is just fine, if thats how you want to get your wins.”

@Namu. obviously henge never speaks about their massive night weekday advantages where they have more night players during oceanic hours than both SBI and ET combined. They conveniently forget how big an advantage they have. They simply focus on things that don’t go their way.

Wrong HoD doesn’t say anything really about winning or losing… the majority of us just like the pvp. and 2v1 in this match up has been loads of fun. What I dont like is the fact that people seem to think since HoD is losing atm during primetime hours that they are some how lesser and this and that. But really we are just outnumbered primetime when 2 servers are focusing us. ET has alot of off hours players as well… and are actively trying to get more. SBI also has a huge off time base… the difference is those off time players aren’t as dedicated to WvW as the HoD night crews.

HoD holds as much as they can during the day while getting hammered by two servers, then clean up and take back at night.

Little side note ive never seen SBI at night with a outmanned buff. Only ET. So really its not that we have more combined, your night players just aren’t that dedicated. Dont know what to say. Just how the game is played and designed… same with the double teaming going on right now, its all part of the design. Roll with it or dont.

define primetime hours because i was on SBI borderlands 3 hours ago at 7pm est and we had nothing. at one point we took ascension bay only to have SBI zerg us and take it from us within a few minutes and then push as back to our spawn. I’d hardly count that as them helping us in any way.