HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)
Thats nothing new… just logged off since it was spawn camp in EB with hod in the keep and sbi just sitting in the field next to it. not attacking on another just watching. We push up to the keep; thin out hod after 10 or so min, push them to the gate and finally sbi moves up to hit our side. few minutes later reinforcements from hod come the long way around the fort and go right up to the gate and sbi backs off.
Its not new; mostly its stupid pugs playing follow the blue dot kitten dot needs to be removed so people actually pay attention instead of following a map icon. (I laugh when I watch a force from any side run off a cliff to death following the dot… I mean really when did people become hamsters?
did you sbi remember last week what eb and hod borderlands looked like? Hod only had the starting zone and sbi had the castle and hod control points were legit split between you two
Boarderlands are for orbs, EB is for points. EB is always queued on top game servers.
uber fail, only fooling the nubs
gangbang is a strategy, just matter of picking the weak to kill.
I like how when the tables are turned SBI QQ’s just like HoD did last weekend… what happened to that prime time dominance?
You’d think this Namu guy would spend more time in game trying to improve than posting on the forums but apparently he’s content with backpedaling in circles and giving the enemy team loot bags while making HoD look like a bunch of idiots.
Borderlands is important when EB turns into a stalemate to counteract whoever holds SM point wise. No idea why anyone would deem it any less important than EB, it’s just a glorified zerging-ground.
Nah, it was the one that pounded on and took your garrison in your home map.
Ugh that bumrush sucked.
I was the one firing arrows into it. I think I got like two before my arrow cart mysteriously blew up (it was still at full health and there were no golems up there yet)
On the plus side of that, it was 3 AM and I should have been in bed, so that gave me a reason to leave.
Borderlands is important when EB turns into a stalemate to counteract whoever holds SM point wise. No idea why anyone would deem it any less important than EB, it’s just a glorified zerging-ground.
There’s points in time where EB isn’t a boring stalemate? It’s just the map where the worst of the worst always queue because it’s completely mindless.
You’d think this Namu guy would spend more time in game trying to improve than posting on the forums but apparently he’s content with backpedaling in circles and giving the enemy team loot bags while making HoD look like a bunch of idiots.
What you talking about? Im a spy Im not on the front lies I waste supply in towers, flame ram extraordinaire.
Don’t be jelly.
Nice fight on JQB a few hours ago, when we took our garrison back from HoD. I didn’t think we’d manage it, but we did. The follow up against When Golems Attack to defend it comes a nice close second.
Special shout out to the giant zerg of HoD that killed me outside the citadel when I was at an arrow cart. I lold for a good ten minutes.
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]
yes a few ppl on SBI are crying in a corner right now after last week, but after last night forum posting from JQ even more have stop crying and decided if we can’t have 1st we’re taking JQ down with us after your trashing talking really PO’d us so if you feel like we’re 2v1ing you
we are, though idk why HoD is going after you
On part of SBI i leave you with how we truely feel right now about JQ
(edited by Bunnehboo.6025)
What? HoD was never a small server, large PvP guilds from GW1 and WoW chose to roll on it back during Beta.
Actually they were on GoM in beta and chose HoD minutes before the servers first went live and kept it a secret. People didn’t realize they were even there for the first few days. it was a small server at the very start but as we dominated the population skyrocketed as people we beat started coming over to be on the winning team. that’s when the queues got to outrageous times like 5+ hours to get into any map.
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]
yes a few ppl on SBI are crying in a corner right now after last week, but after last night forum posting from JQ even more have stop crying and decided if we can’t have 1st we’re taking JQ down with us after your trashing talking really PO’d us so if you feel like we’re 2v1ing you
we are, though idk why HoD is going after you
On part of SBI i leave you with how we truely feel right now about JQ
They’re not, at least from what we’ve seen within the last hour. They’re working together now.
yes a few ppl on SBI are crying in a corner right now after last week, but after last night forum posting from JQ even more have stop crying and decided if we can’t have 1st we’re taking JQ down with us after your trashing talking really PO’d us so if you feel like we’re 2v1ing you
we are, though idk why HoD is going after you
On part of SBI i leave you with how we truely feel right now about JQ
http://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/12/4/18/kRl6YvzVDki8STDyAXV0QQ2.gifThey’re not, at least from what we’ve seen within the last hour. They’re working together now.
Check your map again. I was on 20 minutes ago and we were only pushing HoD on their borderlands, our borderlands were split between HoD and SBI, SBI’s borderlands were mostly held by SBI and HoD, and SBI was being pushed out of eternal by HoD and us. So in short, we were double teaming you on one map and you were double teaming us on two.
Interested in discussing WvW strategy? Contact me in-game.
here is the latest scores
Moka Akasheya – 80 Norn Ranger
Parasight Eve – 80 Human Guardian
What happened to “Points taken from JQ last longer”, eh SBI?
You can’t really blame Jade Quarry from preferring not to have SBI on the map if it can be avoided. Just less people around to get stabbed in the back from.
As an HoD player, I actually liked the 1v2 action last week vs SBI and ET, or at least what seemed like 1v2 in EB. Some people were upset but there’s absolutely no fun in overpowering the opposition all the time, whether it be by having the fortune of housing a large night population or just outplaying your opponent. I thought we were going to lose and I actually hoped we would so it would flush some of the fair weather players out to either SBI or ET. If I was on SBI or JQ I’d hope that we could work together to smash HoD then turn around stab the other in the back and take home the win. But that’s just me. If one server shows themselves to dominant, for any reason, other servers SHOULD team up and take them down, regardless of how you may think it looks.
If I was on SBI or JQ I’d hope that we could work together to smash HoD then turn around stab the other in the back and take home the win. But that’s just me. If one server shows themselves to dominant, for any reason, other servers SHOULD team up and take them down, regardless of how you may think it looks.
Your statement presumes some reasonable degree of global strategic thinking on SBI and JQ. The problem is both servers fall far short in this department.
Just this morning/last night, we (JQ) lost the orb we’ve been holding on your borderlands. Why? Because apparently, no one was manning the keep holding it. Instead, our crew was off picking at SBI’s already pitiful holdings on the map.
Similarly, on our own borderlands last night, HoD was beating down and took our garrison, which was near-impossible to defend due to SBI zergs making loops around the upper section of the map, capturing camps and towers. SBI could have been attacking your holdings from the south with an eye for the orb you hold in the Bay, but I have yet to see such an effort.
The problem seems twofold: first, too many people don’t understand what objectives are strategically important (orbs, Orbs, ORBS); and second, too many people would prefer to hit the nearest easy-looking target rather than focus on long-term strategic gain. Until both servers shape up in this area, I don’t see HoD falling from its throne.
(Side note: ET seems to have much better focus/direction than JQ or SBI and my guess is they would be a real contender for #1 if they could mass people at the appropriate times).
Interested in discussing WvW strategy? Contact me in-game.
Come on SBI, you guys are going to drop if this continues…
Don’t keep going for ogrewatch, split some pressure to us, we don’t mind. There was plenty Golanta harassment, till this week. No fighting no Karma dudes!
Srsly, we had done all we could to help you get 2nd, it’s all up to yall now. I mean, we been pounding the crap out of JQ all weekend, and you haven’t even attempted Klovan/Jeffifer, what’s going on? Do you really want us to cap valley?
Anyway, night crew is ON. Get ready.
and I want to add this for half of the Henge that play EB
We REALLY don’t mind SBI being blue. We know all your moves, and you probably know all ours. It worked well so far, more karma for everybody.
Kill red, that’s what first tier game is all about. Keep that on switch guys. You Kan Dew eeT!
lol if boobzookas previous 2 post dont prove teh alliance then idk what will…
Moka Akasheya – 80 Norn Ranger
Parasight Eve – 80 Human Guardian
Boobzooka is a new transfer to HoD who only came here to farm Karma with his commander tag on. You’re terrible at calls, just turn off your commander tag already…
Sea of Sorrows
He is 1 guy. There is only 1-2 commanders in HoD EB that people actually listen too. I won’t speak for everyone else on the server like other people here presume to do but I assure you we attack SBI plenty. In fact my guild and I prefer fighting SBI over JQ and ET.
Nice fight on JQB a few hours ago, when we took our garrison back from HoD. I didn’t think we’d manage it, but we did. The follow up against When Golems Attack to defend it comes a nice close second.
Special shout out to the giant zerg of HoD that killed me outside the citadel when I was at an arrow cart. I lold for a good ten minutes.
We fought hard to keep that garrison, and again to try and take it back.
Props to JQ. I can honestly say that you guys are putting up a much better fight than ET in Red BL.
Dear SBI,
Stop pushing JQ and go after HoD. They’re in first place, they have the orbs, and the land. We should double up on them instead of each other. Don’t listen to nameless nobodies in team chat telling you to gang up on red or blue — they’re HoD spies! HoD will keep exploiting this dumb squabble over second place in order to keep us both down until we start working together.
WvWvW is designed for 2 vs 1 so why people complain about it baffles me.
Good fights everyone having fun.
WvWvW is designed for 2 vs 1 so why people complain about it baffles me.
Good fights everyone having fun.
Yes. a 2 vs 1 against the realm with the most points. Thx.
aeroh tell jq to stop coming to our supply camps at the last 3 minutes to point tick them and trash talking on forums then maybe we’ll talk but since thats not going to happen
k thx bai?
and why is HoD coming into our spawn? excuse my language but seriousness your server must be flooded with kitten
im on the forums i hear fighting around me while im in the spawn tab in i see five HoD tryign to attack me what do i do knock them off the cliff leaving the fifth one to run away O__o ok…. thanks for the badges
With regards to all the people going on and on about teaming up honestly get over it every day 2 servers will be attacking one server at the same time does not mean they have alliances. 2 hours ago SBI and JQ were hammering HoD for a while, now JQ and HoD is DPing SBI in both SBI border and EBG this will always happen at times get over it, Find another excuse as to why you are losing other than pointing the finger and saying “oh server A and server B team up all the time against us” If only the forums had an anti-spam measure like in game chat to prevent more of these posts about teaming up. Eventually anet will get sick of people calling out and just start temp banning people calling out servers for teaming.
(below is my excuse why were failing:P)
Last 10 hours theres been no queue for EBG or borderlands pretty sad week for SBI
Necro Class Lead for Night Shift [NS]
(edited by Stenia.9623)
Right. It’s understood that in a 3 way fight that most of the time someone is going to be getting double-teamed. However, we’re suppose to gang up on the realm with the most points. Otherwise, what’s the point of WvWvW? If we’re just going to double up on whoever is the weakest at the moment, instead of the strongest, then why even have WvWvW? Just pit two servers against each other and call it a day.
However, we’re suppose to gang up on the realm with the most points. Otherwise, what’s the point of WvWvW?
Tell this to SBI. There was some sentiment in JQ in favor of at least détente with SBI to free up efforts to counter Henge.
However SBI just stuck the knife in every time you looked away from them.
This time the agreement is to expect it and not hesitate to hit them.
Yeah, I wish we’d had more time to go after HoD, but it was mostly chasing SBI around the map. We’ll see what the week brings.
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]
Man….that was frustrating. I can definitely say that everyone bashing SBI about being stupid is correct. I was trying to get people to ignore JQ and beat down HoD but nobody would even come close to listening.
Even the [WM] commanders were raiding JQ! What in the world is going on? Do we have some weird rivalry with JQ that is worth throwing the match or what? It really feels like all we are trying to do is screw you guys and I have no idea why…
If anyone on SBI knows wtf is wrong with us? Why are some of our top guilds just running commando attacks on JQ instead of HoD when HoD is winning by a significant amount?
I’d really like to know.
[CO] Cryptic Omen
The reason most of SBI is hitting JQ instead of HoD is because news of JQ’s smack-talking and jeering at SBI is finally making the rounds on the server. And people are understandably kitten about it. So they literally only see red (hoooooo) and go after JQ.
Some have been trying to get a team up going between JQ and SBI, as Judas said above, but people aren’t having it because A) They think JQ is going to stab them in the back at the drop of a hat and B) Because of all the jeering and smacktalking. So I’m not sure how this is going to go down.
The reason most of SBI is hitting JQ instead of HoD is because news of JQ’s smack-talking and jeering at SBI is finally making the rounds on the server. And people are understandably kitten about it. So they literally only see red (hoooooo) and go after JQ.
Some have been trying to get a team up going between JQ and SBI, as Judas said above, but people aren’t having it because A) They think JQ is going to stab them in the back at the drop of a hat and
Because of all the jeering and smacktalking. So I’m not sure how this is going to go down.
Well that’s really lame. I was hoping this game would stay good-natured and fun-for-all at least a little longer than that :’(
I don’t even want a team up, just some simple freakin’ battle logic would suffice.
[CO] Cryptic Omen
Man….that was frustrating. I can definitely say that everyone bashing SBI about being stupid is correct. I was trying to get people to ignore JQ and beat down HoD but nobody would even come close to listening.
Even the [WM] commanders were raiding JQ! What in the world is going on? Do we have some weird rivalry with JQ that is worth throwing the match or what? It really feels like all we are trying to do is screw you guys and I have no idea why…
If anyone on SBI knows wtf is wrong with us? Why are some of our top guilds just running commando attacks on JQ instead of HoD when HoD is winning by a significant amount?
I’d really like to know.
Well most members on SBI hold a grudge against JQ because around a month ago there were forum posts on gw2guru showing screenshots of JQ refusing to attack HoD and also several posts of ET and JQ guilds making alliances. The screenshots were questionable however even so the main force for those servers did not play along however most people on SBI still don’t care and just mark all members from that server being bad hence all the stupid only attack JQ when we play them strats which results in HoD facerolling anything we own, Be nice if our server did wake up and move on as it was only a guild off the server and not the server as a whole
Necro Class Lead for Night Shift [NS]
The idea I’ve gotten is that two weeks ago, SBI thought they were pretty good when they went up against HoD and JQ. They were pulling second and seemed to have figured that the next week if they focused on HoD, they’d be bound to win. And for the weekend after that match started, it even looked like they were right. They had a major point lead, all three orbs, etc. Then Sunday night rolled around and HoD pretty much shredded them overnight. And then again repeatedly, for the rest of the week.
During the first week, there was a lot of complaining about on JQ’s side about SBI working with HoD. While that wasn’t true, I think there’s a kernel of accuracy there. JQ, as a server, went through twice as many matches against HoD in the 24-hour battles as SBI did and thus, probably developed a much healthier respect for how much better HoD is than everyone else. SBI, not so much. As a result, JQ was willing to expend a majority of its effort fighting HoD (ET has been similarly focused in their matches), while SBI had a fairly even split of effort between HoD and JQ. This naturally lead to the complaints of 2v1 from JQ. The match ended with JQ sorely kitten off at SBI for a bunch of talking down, JQQ, etc.
Now, two weeks later, SBI has finally gotten a proper taste of what HoD can bring to the table and took a bad enough beating that their queues have apparently fallen off. From JQ’s perspective, this is vindication. Returned taunting from a kitten off opponent is hardly unexpected, especially when SBI is currently in third (demonstrating that, in fact, SBI is not any better than JQ/ET and plays a far second to HoD).
This analysis involves a lot of guesswork though, so I could be wrong on a variety of points.
With all that said, I saw some good action from SBI tonight on the JQ borderlands. JQ and SBI were both pushing toward HoD’s keep from opposite sides, where they currently hold map’s orb. Aside from some supply camp trading, both sides kept the majority of their pressure on HoD. Sadly, even after four hours, it seems that neither side has gotten past the outer walls of the keep, which just goes to show how strong HoD is (and especially this late at night). But focusing on key objectives instead of squabbling over towers (from both sides) is a big improvement. Here’s to hoping that the gap between HoD and everyone else closes in the coming weeks.
Interested in discussing WvW strategy? Contact me in-game.
Uh…..nice novel?
SBI wvw queues have been nearly instant all this week. It kind of means…..you know…that no one is really playing? WvW isn’t about real strategy its just about having huge numbers. If there are no numbers there won’t be much progress.
Simply put, after last weeks match. Waking up on monday morning to see all of their effort undone. Many SBI players found it rather pointless to keep doing WvW if their efforts were worthless in the end.
What you misunderstand is that its not about winning, before there were no complaints about what place you ranked in. It was purely about fun, its more about being competitive. And there is nothing competitive above going against a doors and npcs while real people sleep at night. And personally I do not blame them.
I hope Anet adds a smaller scale server pvp. Maybe similar the AB from GW1 but server vs server vs server. Or even something like the old JQ maps could work.
Windows 10
as SBI players, I, and many on the server have mixed feelings about these matchups.
things we liked: the intense pvp and real action that’s challenging. When it was Henge, JQ, v SBI prime time, we were ok w/ that. Sure, alot of times it felt like JQ and Henge were teaming against us. For example henge trebbing us 24/7 at keeps that JQ was trying to take. Always have JQ pushing down on us even when henge is pushing deep into their territory. But we still managed to hold our own and fight tooth and nail. The scores are usually pretty even with us in first or second.
and then… 5am -12pm rolls around… even the night owls have to sleep sometime. Henge just has a full queue throughout the night while our server sleeps. Basically all 3 maps turn henge. So weekdays, we get home from school/work, look on the map – and all our hard work from the night before has disappeared. henge owns everything and has a huge lead. Then we take it all back and recover some of our lead during prime time, but rinse and repeat during the day.
That has been the pattern, and it’s quite discouraging. Because no matter how hard we try and even when we are #1 during the Weekend and during prime time, we do not have enough stay-at-home gamers or oceanic to fill the queues during the weekdays – resulting in us losing all point leads.
and personally, i’m still wondering why SBI and JQ are cat fighting each other and giving henge the opp to get even a bigger lead. 2nd and 3rd place isn’t much to fight over…
I like all these assumptions that HoD has 24/7 ques and that no one else is on at night vs HoD lol.
Good stuff.
It was a dark time for Tyria. The evil dragon Zhaitan has awakened, sending waves of his minions in an invasion of both Charr and Human lands. The attacks are unrelenting, never allowing the brave defenders of both races time to regroup and recuperate. The only hope for both the Charr and Human races seemed to be to unite, but previous years of warfare between the two races have led to a bitter animosity between them. The Charr renegades and Human separatists have sabotaged all attempts at a truce as well, forcing both races into a two-front war neither looks able to survive.
Breaking news! Divinity’s Reach has been sacked by Zhaitan’s minions! Despite brave defending against insurmountable odds, the capital region of the Humans were overran completely. The humans bravely fought back to regain their foothold on the capital, but the news has shocked both the Charr and Human in several of the outlying regions into realizing the threat that Zhaitan poses to them all. Reluctantly turning their blades away from each other, they focus on the greater enemy. Will this be able to be maintained and even foster into a lasting truce? To be continued…
Yeah, I really don’t give a crap about the night capping excuse. The fact is that I was on tonight during prime time and we were playing like idiots with a grudge against the second place server.
Their number aren’t what’s losing this match. We are letting them win and sticking ourselves in third place with nothing but our own stupidity.
Whatever the case, I’ll keep hammering away at HoD kitten attack the winners!) and see if I can get anyone to join me. The match isn’t over yet! :-D
[CO] Cryptic Omen
Some of you guys don’t seem to be thinking very tactically.
“omg we should double team HoD!”
What do you gain from that?
The fight is for second place, and everyone insisting on trying to 2v1 HoD is comprising that sound tactic. for an unsound one, that has HoD already in a large lead, that will likely only grow, and relies on 2 servers that have vested interest in fighting each other, to cooperate.
If SBI takes a keep from JQ its a 50 pp swing. If SBI takes a keep from HoD its only 25 pp SBI catchs up to JQ.
The fight is for second place
This explains the SBI strategy in a nutshell.
Its also the reason JQ isnt going to hold off on fighting SBI.
As others have said, when JQ DOES fight Henge, they get back-stabbed by organised guilds like WM dropping siege on the back-field rather than fight Henge.
There are five days left in this match. Plenty of time for either JQ or SBI to take first place.
But beyond points, it’s in everyone’s best interest to see HoD drop in the rankings a bit. So that all the people who keep flocking to HoD will go to another server and spread the population around.
SBI has had unusually short queues from the very start of this match. Most of the borderlands were instant join for a fairly significant portion of the afternoon on Saturday, which was surprising. I’d guess it’s a combination of other games coming out this past week + burnout over the fights in tier 1; it’s obvious from this thread that a lot of SBI players are disheartened over their coverage compared to HoD’s.
As far as SBI/JQ backstabbing and who started what, eh. The same thing was said a couple weeks ago when JQ was in the match, and both servers started attacking each other early on in either case. Tier 1 is always going to be a fight for second place until another server emerges with coverage that is equal to HoD’s. I’d say last week proved that after the focus on keeping HoD in third completely fell apart once the weekend was over.
(edited by Maderas.9741)
EB gets into stalemate if you want it to go that way. Simply move people around and things open up themselves, and that’s the fundamental responsibly of commanders/command group.
For you commanders out there that are having a hard time, always remember that karma is what everyone wants. Give people what they want, and they will follow you into the most horrible sandwiching. They will wipe with you, and they will group on your as soon as they rez. Because you give them what they want.
Also, when that guy spent 24 silver calls 5% on a wall, act on it, don’t dishearten your fellow players. When everyone work for the same goal, everyone can have a good time.