HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


Only YOU want it for Karma. Please just go back from whatever server you came from, your Karma farming with Commander icon on is leading the HoD militia to their deaths for no other reason than YOU want Karma.

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Navaris.5087


There’s a special place in Straits of Devastation named “Lone Post” for those that want Karma.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Brassnautilus.2941


umm, we also capped 2/3 of the map and made 2/3 of the points….

The difference is, when we take a keep, we actually cap it and cap all the towers belonged to that faction.
When you guys spent 8 hours assaulting red keep and failed to pass the inner wall, you ruined the fun for all others in EB during that 8 hours, that’s the fact.

Let’s throw away karma, and what we want? We want points. If you want to play with your guild people and run 10 men, 20 men militia that does nothing more than draining 1/4 of the supplies, then please, by all means, move to a smaller server, where you WILL actually be able to queue everyone in.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Brassnautilus.2941


There’s a special place in Straits of Devastation named “Lone Post” for those that want Karma.

when you time it right and cap everything by end of each round, you gain karma for yourself as well as points for your realm, double the reward, that’s all.

AEing mobs take no skill.

My point is that you need to reward players (or help them gain rewards) so they feel the time spent was meaningful. If you aren’t willing to do that, then don’t command, simple.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: JonnyJoce.1258


anyways back to what this thread is about


Jade QQuary
Moka Akasheya – 80 Norn Ranger
Parasight Eve – 80 Human Guardian

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


SBI has treated both the HOD v. JQ v. SB matches as a “fight for second place”.

Deal with it.

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: rndmize.9274



r n dmize…

Uh…..nice novel?

It was meant for the people discussing the issues between JQ and SBI. If four paragraphs of text is too much for you, you could… I dunno… skip it?

SBI wvw queues have been nearly instant all this week. It kind of means…..you know…that no one is really playing?

I kind of… you know… mentioned that.

WvW isn’t about real strategy its just about having huge numbers. If there are no numbers there won’t be much progress.

There’s plenty of good strategy in WvW. And from the queue charts that were posted, HoD’s numbers at night are better, but they aren’t all that much better. HoD is, in the end, actually very good.

What you misunderstand is that its not about winning, before there were no complaints about what place you ranked in. It was purely about fun, its more about being competitive. And there is nothing competitive above going against a doors and npcs while real people sleep at night. And personally I do not blame them.

Last I checked, for a lot of people it is about winning. If it was purely about fun, why did you queues drop? The mechanics of WvW don’t change much if you’re winning or losing, and it’s generally enjoyable unless you’re pushed back to spawn.

As for being competitive, there’s a sticky at the top of this forum that basically says “nightcapping is a valid tactic”. If you want to be competitive at the highest level, organize. Have commanders rotate shifts. Recruit off-peak people and guilds. The devs have said that if you want things to be nice and fair and even, there’s sPVP, and that WvW is meant to balance itself.

Jade Quarry | Feign Disorder | Guardian
Interested in discussing WvW strategy? Contact me in-game.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: JonnyJoce.1258


who was there for teh golem attack on sm lol good times


Jade QQuary
Moka Akasheya – 80 Norn Ranger
Parasight Eve – 80 Human Guardian

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Aza.2105


Last I checked, for a lot of people it is about winning. If it was purely about fun, why did you queues drop? The mechanics of WvW don’t change much if you’re winning or losing, and it’s generally enjoyable unless you’re pushed back to spawn.

This is probably the dumbest thing someone can ask me, I’ll leave you to your own devices and perhaps you can figure this elusive question out.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: rook.4625


Last night was good times with PRX!

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: mangarrage.1062


Rndmize sorry bro but you are pretty far from reality. I cannot even believe you typed what you did
WvW ranking is all about zerging and night capping, there isn’t a stragedy to be used when a guild is a 24/7 zerg. Now a less populated server there is alot more stragedy to it because you in essence have to try to accomplish more with less, but really, lol

Night capping isn’t a valid stradegy because it requires no stragedy. If you approach a tower that is empty what brilliant stragedy is concocted exactly to successfully take that tower?

And you use words like compete and highest level.
Capping empty towers isn’t compeition, and highest level really means highest population, highest amount of coverage, and highest amount of transfers to, but what is doesn’t mean is highest level as in operating at a level better then everyone else

Do you honestly think the “highest skilled players and guilds” just so happen to be on the highest populated servers?

Do you honestly think that the lowest populated server will be able to recruit more people to actually compete in their prime time and recruit guild to their off peak time and rise out of the bottom and be in the top tier?

Cmon really?

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Chewy.9263


Rndmize sorry bro but you are pretty far from reality. I cannot even believe you typed what you did
WvW ranking is all about zerging and night capping, there isn’t a stragedy to be used when a guild is a 24/7 zerg. Now a less populated server there is alot more stragedy to it because you in essence have to try to accomplish more with less, but really, lol

Night capping isn’t a valid stradegy because it requires no stragedy. If you approach a tower that is empty what brilliant stragedy is concocted exactly to successfully take that tower?

And you use words like compete and highest level.
Capping empty towers isn’t compeition, and highest level really means highest population, highest amount of coverage, and highest amount of transfers to, but what is doesn’t mean is highest level as in operating at a level better then everyone else

Do you honestly think the “highest skilled players and guilds” just so happen to be on the highest populated servers?

Do you honestly think that the lowest populated server will be able to recruit more people to actually compete in their prime time and recruit guild to their off peak time and rise out of the bottom and be in the top tier?

Cmon really?

Are you honestly QQing about nightcapping in this thread? Take it to the official one.


HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Binafus.8153


If it was not for night capping every server would beat HOD, is this really how every server feels except HOD?

Don’t matter that SBI got pushed off the map in EB during NA prime time last night, it is all becuase of night capping.

Daoc had 24 hour 3 way matches and many people still think it was one of the best games for WvW and back then people would say you guys only got a relic becuase you had a raid at 5am. The response would be “Well yea that is why we scheduled a raid at 5am.” People did not say they need to change the rules of the game where you can not take a relic at 5am.

There is a set rules in WvWvW on scoring, there is a ladder that is transparent the way it works, if you can not beat someone look at your team.

It seems to me the games have not changed it is the players, they seem to want to blame someone or something if they can not win.

Take some responsibilty, put on your big boy pants and stop blaming others when you do not win.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


@Binafus – Yes all other servers are filled with super leet pvp gods and the only reason the HoD scrubs win is because they have teh zerg on their side.

SBI has given up, apparently a couple weeks of losing and they take their ball and go home.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Vexus.5423


If it was not for night capping every server would beat HOD, is this really how every server feels except HOD?

Don’t matter that SBI got pushed off the map in EB during NA prime time last night, it is all becuase of night capping.

Daoc had 24 hour 3 way matches and many people still think it was one of the best games for WvW and back then people would say you guys only got a relic becuase you had a raid at 5am. The response would be “Well yea that is why we scheduled a raid at 5am.” People did not say they need to change the rules of the game where you can not take a relic at 5am.

There is a set rules in WvWvW on scoring, there is a ladder that is transparent the way it works, if you can not beat someone look at your team.

It seems to me the games have not changed it is the players, they seem to want to blame someone or something if they can not win.

Take some responsibilty, put on your big boy pants and stop blaming others when you do not win.

Well said man, and excellent DOAC reference. Same can be said about EVE where similar tactics ensue.

Hate to say it as this is a game, but there really is a liberal mindset plaguing the lands, overflowing into the gaming world. No longer should you have to actually try in a game. They want continues and save points and progress not lost because of a mistake.

GW2 gives plenty of the ‘casual’ environment in the PvE world, but when it comes to the PvP they are unforgiving as it should be. You step into WvW knowing there’s going to be people using every single ability they can find to beat you. That means tons of QQ from those folks who are still sucking at the kitten’s teet. A word to those folks; become better. Become more than you are. Practice, develop tactics, recruit others for your cause. Or fall into the same cesspool which is ‘participation awards’.

SBI enjoy the 2nd tier but I think ET is going to own you next week.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Arreyanne.2683


What I find amazing is all the SBI tears about being doubled teamed. In the Henge map last night we were too kitten busy keeping Henge out of Garrison for over 2 hours?

Saw one of your zerg groups on the Island with the NPC quaggan. Can’t say that the 2xing isnt happening on other maps, but on Henge except for Saturday night we have pretty much left you guys alone trying to stop the HoD train.

So cry all you want, it’s basically how we felt the last time this match up.

And after looking at all the stuff Henged owned vs the map at 2AM CST when I logged on at 10AM CST. I feel your pain SBI concerning the night capping you’ve been screaming about for two weeks

(edited by Arreyanne.2683)

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Drazgul.3904


Tired of reading these forums seeing QQing about nightcapping and various other crap. Fact of the matter is HoD held its own last week vs SBI and ET attacking simultaneously right from the beginning of the match-up. Now I understand those are legal tactics and I’m cool with that, but HoD still prevailed. HoD is on the roll again this week cleaning up SBI and JQ. In SBI border HoD has held the Garrison for quite lengthy periods, during peak times, and fighting both SBI and JQ. That Lord’s room is a total b*tch, right fellas? LOL

I think it’s time for SBI to sit in the 2nd tier for a little while and bolster their ranks. Maybe get a win under their belts? Right now you guys appear frazzled and punch-drunk. JQ took their turn down there and they came back with some vigor this week.

I felt like I was tearing thru wet tissue paper fighting SBI in their borderlands last night. You guys turn tail and run at the first inkling of an HoD zerg, counter-offensive, or slight response. It’s honestly embarrassing to witness and I’m embarrassed for you. And finally, thanks for the badge donations anyways! Enjoy tier 2.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Zin.6170


As a JQ player, I don’t really care about night capping. It happens, so what? I enjoy the primetime play and that is all that matters.

I also appreciate the people that have started organizing all of us. It makes it more fun to an extent. That extent being zerg vs. zerg where my framerate goes down like a kardashian at a naacp convention.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Judas.5432


I kind of agree, Drazgul. If what I saw from us this weekend was any example of how the rest of the week is going to go, we definitely deserve a downgrade. I’d love to see us rally, mind you, but I feel like there’s something missing or misplaced this week.

We were on fire last weekend but it seems to have dampened and gone out. I can tell you that SBI has little to no cohesion. I would hop on last week and team chat would be full of people talking about where to go, what was happening, where people were needed, and what the plan was.

This weekend, people were chatting. Some were complaining a bit about JQ. Some were saying where we were being attacked. The difference was that nobody was talking about what we were going to do about it. There were no strategics being discussed so that the guildless pubbies would know what to do. There was little to no leadership.

I don’t know what happened but it’s like I switched servers without going anywhere. {chuckle}

Maybe a week in tier 2 will slap us in the face and help us regain our momentum and drive.

……………..not that I’m going to stop fighting my kitten off, though ;-)

Judas – Kaineng
[CO] Cryptic Omen

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Jedbacca.6297


Judas, you should hit me up brah. I’ll give you the inner workings on how the other team leads work on our server. Typically every map we step on to as a team we have coordinated in under an hour and under control…typically not all the time.. I think you’ve seen first hand what happens when I touch a map

Minister Jed/Jedsus Saves GM of Strike Force[SF]
www.strikeforceguild.com – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry www.jadequarry.com

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Strange.9607


my 2 cents

If you are a HoD commander and you think that the zerg is in it for the karma points, then you should take off your commander badge and go PVE.

HoD is currently where we are at right now because of a reason.

[CRS]Strange Tw (Mesmer)
Member of Henge of Denravi

(edited by Strange.9607)

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: MikeB.3857


What Strange.9607 said. If you want karma, you can get it 10x faster in pve. If you are in WvW, you are there to dominate. You are not there for Karma.

Revered – [REVD]
Maizen Blue – Thief

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Eve.1029


o please… for weeks from the 5am on, if you go to the maps, particularly borderlands we have that outnumbered buff that gives 30% extras to stuff. Yeah this week we lacking numbers even in prime time because people already know what’s going to happen.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Karicus.8356


Like to get something straight before i post; Im NOT against night capping in anyway; everyone, in any part of the world has the right to play the game at whatever time they can.

I mostly play on SBI borderlands and although we have had some awesome fights against HoD, I’m starting to loose respect for them and in a way, gaining more for JQQ and ET. shocked

HoD have a huge off peak population, yeh we know this shrug and (as pointed out before ) have nothing against that. What I do have an issue with is the prime time HoD crew just seemingly laying back and chillin’. There seems to be an attitude of “whatever, we loose stuff but our night crew will get it back..meh” and so they hide in their well supplied and upgraded keeps, curtsy of their night crews, and occasionally poke their heads out when someone either knocks on their door or its point tally time and they try to take supply camps ready for the timer tick.

They did try to knock on one of our unupgraded norther towers with three cats and a zerg, got wiped, which was surprising as they seemed to out number us and dint come back. I was sat there expecting a HoD push and a huge fight but no, they hid in the keep behind their steel walls until 2 mins left on timer to take back camps and ran off.

I dont mind loosing if we can have some great battles in the mean time but HoD seem to be loosing their drive and its because they dont need to fight, let the night crew cap and just sit there.. that’s real dull..

ET and JQQ on the other hand are starting to put up some real resistance. SBi, Et and JQQ dont have the huge nigh crew and have to fight tooth and nail for everything they get and after the first two match ups with JQQ qqing I think they have started to pull together, some respect is transfer from HoD to JQQ here (may even stop calling them JQQ!).

Fights against the top 4 servers are now a fight between three! HoD will dominate and only because of their so commonly called ‘night crew’ so their ability to play or achievements are being brushed aside and ignored whereas the real fight is now for second place between JQQ, SBI and ET. These three servers seem to actually want something and fight hard for it so cudos to all three.

Fighting HoD in BL seems to be a fight for supply camp trading. Although some good xp and karma can be had from it, it gets a little tiresome. Needless to say, for the past few days I have given up on W3 and decided to venture into PvE, I do keep checking the scores however and that is now mostly, not to see how we’re doing against HoD but how the third place server (ET or JQQ) are doing against US.

There is NO fight for gold any more, only the fight for silver.

Stormbluff Isle – The Brewery

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Strange.9607


What you’re seeing in most probably the core WvWvW ers taking a break when things stablize.

I know my guild has activity in WvWvW quite a bit less than usual when the situation isn’t as exciting.

[CRS]Strange Tw (Mesmer)
Member of Henge of Denravi

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: rndmize.9274


Last I checked, for a lot of people it is about winning. If it was purely about fun, why did you queues drop? The mechanics of WvW don’t change much if you’re winning or losing, and it’s generally enjoyable unless you’re pushed back to spawn.

This is probably the dumbest thing someone can ask me, I’ll leave you to your own devices and perhaps you can figure this elusive question out.

I didn’t ask you. Here, let me help you out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhetorical_question

It looks like several others already addressed most of your points, but I take particular beef with the idea that there’s no strategy. There’s plenty, and it exists on multiple levels. It just requires some preparation, planning, and coordination to do.

For an obvious example of strategy, I was on the Henge borderlands Friday evening. We captured the orb HoD had in their garrison after several direct failed direct assaults on the keep by doing the following: launching an attack on the outer right wall of garrison, staging a retreat to the tower we held nearby to bait HoD’s forces out, and then leaving them to assault our tower while we rounded to the garrison water gate and did a rush job to seize the keep and orb.

For an example of strategy on a different level, last week SBI had all three orbs as late as Sunday evening. If they’d worked out some planning and coordination, they could have pulled all their forces off EB to hold the orbs in the borderlands (I strongly suspect they had enough people to field full crews on at least two borderlands if not all three). Even if they could only have held two of the orbs overnight, this would have been a tremendous advantage for the crew that came on the next day. Let’s further note that defenders have some major advantages in guild Art of War bonuses. Had they dropped full sets of 12 hour bonuses on the keeps where they held the orbs at 12 AM PST, that would have been a strong boon for the night crews, equivalent roughly to a fourth orb.

None of this strikes me as impossible to arrange or even particularly difficult if you have some way to communicate with a majority of your WvW players. JQ’s TS usually has at least half the people on a map in it, and we don’t strike me as the most coordinated of servers.

As a final point, I feel that HoD primarily wins through use of good strategy. They established the importance orbs much earlier than other servers, I believe they were the first to use mesmer portals, and they play for the long haul. I suspect every other US server would have given up the match as lost after the heavy weekend beating HoD got in last week’s match: no orbs, constant 2v1, SBI far ahead in points. HoD did not, and came back for a massive win. Their night crew strikes me as merely the most obvious strong point among many.

Until the other servers start planning out ways to deal with HoD’s advantages, maximize their own strengths and minimize their weaknesses (this is called strategy), we’ll continue to see more of the same.

Jade Quarry | Feign Disorder | Guardian
Interested in discussing WvW strategy? Contact me in-game.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Karicus.8356


I’ll admit, im only seeing USA prime time, SBI Bl activity and (apart from the score sheet) first hand experience from two days ago after which i calmly walked into PvE. Things may have changed or be seen differently by other people, the above post is only what I feel. Take it or leave it

Stormbluff Isle – The Brewery

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Judas.5432


I’ll definitely give you a whisper, Jedbacca. My play-time will be sporadic throughout the week due to work and family but I’ll look for you :-)

Judas – Kaineng
[CO] Cryptic Omen

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Wrath x CrAzY.5741

Wrath x CrAzY.5741

As someone coming from PvE into WvWvW (representing SBI) this past week, I have only a few words for you all.

In the SBI Lands this (past?) week (JQ was not in the rotation), we had one solid pack of 30-40 running, and one man scouting all the HoD held areas, with no real coordinated effort. I never saw any double teaming between us, or HoD for that matter, and said third server, or really any of the third servers players in general, it seemed to be our small band getting wiped by a much larger HoD force over and over. Our one commander eventually grew tired and left, and it turned into a circus.

At one point, maybe 20-30 Asiatic Persons (I personally have no knowledge of their languages or character differences to determine where they were from) got on, and I followed them down to the fort (?) on the lake in the West. They hit the walls, took a look at the mass of HoD players attacking, swam around behind said HoD players, and wiped every last one of them within maybe, MAYBE 30 seconds. I don’t recall seeing a single person escape, except one valiant Asura (mesmer I think), with a TA (?) tag who tried very hard and futilely to hold whatever camp thing we then took. I’d say the only problem for SBI is a lack of coordination among ourselves and a lack of players, my three guildies and I all got into WvWvW as soon as we hit the button to get in line.

No offense HoD players, the TA (I think was the Tag I constantly saw over my dead body) people have their kitten in line and destroyed our small force every time we saw them, even when we had them outnumbered, but they rest of you are like a huge mob of unruly Kindergartners running around, and you did, far and away, have a numerical advantage.

All this coming from an inexperienced WvWvW player, so take my observations as you wish. That was the only time I have ever played WvWvW, and it was in a few hour block.

(edited by Wrath x CrAzY.5741)

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Zierk.4289


Screenshot of the mists.


Zierk [VA] Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
Vigiliant Addiction – Multi-Gaming Community

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: SKYeXile.2716


I do so enjoy waking up and having a hearty breakfast…of tears.

Anyway looking forward to tonight when you guys forget that the server comes back up after the restart and we pacman you with a +500 score.

Xile | TRF – GM | [AU] Trf-guild.com – Now Recruiting.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: keelaunaw.3285


i dont understand what your qq is here. you have a lazy shift? you want to see what a typical score is on MY server?

N. Shiverpeaks – 135,000
Anvil Rock – 33,000
Borlis – 30,000

NSP controls all 3 orbs, and it is well known that they use hacks in their wvwvw. we have gone against them at least 2x and got slaughtered both times that i recall. a typical one is; last night we happened to get our orb back for about 1/2hr, then when they sent in a grp to take it again, after their player grabbed it and ran off, he disappeared completely from the map. we had no way at all to know where that person was so we had absolutely no chance to get it back before they were safe. needless to say a few mins after it appeared in their fort, all nice and guarded w reinforced walls etc. again.
we have good players, so on an even playing field we would give anyone a good fight. but when youre up against people who cheat to win, seem proud of it and keep getting away with it, it makes this game not much fun.

Never got bored with an MMO faster than GW2. Took 4mos.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Barab.9016


I do so enjoy waking up and having a hearty breakfast…of tears.

Anyway looking forward to tonight when you guys forget that the server comes back up after the restart and we pacman you with a +500 score.

You stay classy, Titan Alliance. I’m Ron Burgundy?

Kurthos “When Jade Quarry awakens, they will ask themselves, when were we ever asleep?”

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: SKYeXile.2716


This classy word is foreign to me.

Xile | TRF – GM | [AU] Trf-guild.com – Now Recruiting.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Houdii.2563


<< Definition of classy.

Houdii Hoo

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: blink.4239


I was bummed by the fact that ArenaNet screwed JQ out of three golems. But it pleases me to know that HOD wasted five golems (I think the sixth got away) trying to take bay.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Kolly.9872


and finally Tuesday has come
good morning SBI and JQ


Thief might not be as strong as last year
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


and finally Tuesday has come
good morning SBI and JQ

ouch, good morning indeed.

Least they can have fun fighting to reclaim stuff.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Drazgul.3904


Like to get something straight before i post; Im NOT against night capping in anyway; everyone, in any part of the world has the right to play the game at whatever time they can.

I mostly play on SBI borderlands and although we have had some awesome fights against HoD, I’m starting to loose respect for them and in a way, gaining more for JQQ and ET. shocked

HoD have a huge off peak population, yeh we know this shrug and (as pointed out before ) have nothing against that. What I do have an issue with is the prime time HoD crew just seemingly laying back and chillin’. There seems to be an attitude of “whatever, we loose stuff but our night crew will get it back..meh” and so they hide in their well supplied and upgraded keeps, curtsy of their night crews, and occasionally poke their heads out when someone either knocks on their door or its point tally time and they try to take supply camps ready for the timer tick.

They did try to knock on one of our unupgraded norther towers with three cats and a zerg, got wiped, which was surprising as they seemed to out number us and dint come back. I was sat there expecting a HoD push and a huge fight but no, they hid in the keep behind their steel walls until 2 mins left on timer to take back camps and ran off.

I dont mind loosing if we can have some great battles in the mean time but HoD seem to be loosing their drive and its because they dont need to fight, let the night crew cap and just sit there.. that’s real dull..

ET and JQQ on the other hand are starting to put up some real resistance. SBi, Et and JQQ dont have the huge nigh crew and have to fight tooth and nail for everything they get and after the first two match ups with JQQ qqing I think they have started to pull together, some respect is transfer from HoD to JQQ here (may even stop calling them JQQ!).

Fights against the top 4 servers are now a fight between three! HoD will dominate and only because of their so commonly called ‘night crew’ so their ability to play or achievements are being brushed aside and ignored whereas the real fight is now for second place between JQQ, SBI and ET. These three servers seem to actually want something and fight hard for it so cudos to all three.

Fighting HoD in BL seems to be a fight for supply camp trading. Although some good xp and karma can be had from it, it gets a little tiresome. Needless to say, for the past few days I have given up on W3 and decided to venture into PvE, I do keep checking the scores however and that is now mostly, not to see how we’re doing against HoD but how the third place server (ET or JQQ) are doing against US.

There is NO fight for gold any more, only the fight for silver.

QQ moar and keep cheering for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place. You’d probably do yourself and your server good if you’d shy away from WvWvW. I’m betting you’re probably one of the paper mache players I was talking about in my earlier post, i.e. soft as wet tissue paper. Your attitude certainly reflects that to be true.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Brassnautilus.2941


well, we took the valley door down bout 2 hours after blink’s post, but took a lot of rams, whole lot of rams.

JQ just been superb at building sieges, and in that sense, SBI got outplayed this week.
But look at the brightside dudes, you’ll bounce right back into red keep, and you can spank some people for a change.

and all that talk about nightcapping, just get over it. Until SBI keep went down, it was full on. Once people start to spam in lion arch that your faction had no hold in EB, of course people stopped queuing.
Nightcapping happens on boarderlands, i’m not denying that, but where point come from, aka. EB, well, just go nightcap some CD towers and you’ll see.

Anet does not care about this “controversy” for a reason. They watch all the games you know, esp the top tier ones. Only 17 games total…

(edited by Brassnautilus.2941)

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Karicus.8356


@Drazgul – LOLZ…. some one not like it when truth be stated hmmmm :p pats head sympathetically keep riding those coat tails, free Karma FTW! :p

Stormbluff Isle – The Brewery

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Brassnautilus.2941


What I do have an issue with is the prime time HoD crew just seemingly laying back and chillin’. There seems to be an attitude of “whatever, we loose stuff but our night crew will get it back..meh” and so they hide in their well supplied and upgraded keeps, curtsy of their night crews, and occasionally poke their heads out when someone either knocks on their door or its point tally time and they try to take supply camps ready for the timer tick.

also, you guys have to build up from upgrade wiped keep and towers

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: urzen.7096


Well the good news is we JQ retook a lot of stuff. 10am


Sanctum of Rall

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Swift.3812


At least my guild (CRS) in HoD isn’t as active as last few days. Tbh, alway winning wvw is kinda boring.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Nabrok.9023


At least my guild (CRS) in HoD isn’t as active as last few days. Tbh, alway winning wvw is kinda boring.

Come to Crystal Desert!

“I’m not a PvE, WvW, or PvP player – I am a Guild Wars 2 player”
Tarnished Coast – Dissentient [DIS]
All classes

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Swift.3812


btw, JQ mesmer cheated to get second orb. somehow they got in and destroyed a thing that holds the orb. They couldn’t take it out, so the orb is still inside of our keep while all of our gate/wall were undamaged. In order to make the orb active, we have to put it in Garrison in your boarderland.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Kolly.9872


Well the good news is we JQ retook a lot of stuff. 10am

yeah urzen, do it every day for a couple of weeks and always against the same server nightcapping you and then come here and post your feelings..
SBI could also try and retake if not all, just some part of the map, indeed is what we did for the past 2 weeks, but it become kinda boring when every morning you have lost everything and the only thing to do is to restart over and over again.
I still play wvw but I don’t care at all at who is owning the full map, I play for fun cos my guild is still playing and having fun there but I don’t complain people that don’t play anymore cos the score is totally broken… and it’s only tuesday

Thief might not be as strong as last year
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Binafus.8153


Ever thought maybe the night players sit around and say man it is not fair they Day Cap our forts and towers every day.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Drazgul.3904


@Drazgul – LOLZ…. some one not like it when truth be stated hmmmm :p pats head sympathetically keep riding those coat tails, free Karma FTW! :p

:) No Karma for you. Like I said, fighting SBI is getting free Karma. Enjoy Tier 2, toughen up, and maybe we will see you in 2 weeks? How’s that for truth?

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: sledgehammer.9570


Vizunah Square will totaly destroy HoD. Ive been in their WvW for the past 2 weeks (as member of Far Shiverpeaks). Now these guys know what they are doing during all times, peak time(French players) and night time(French Canadians). Its not only about the numbers but also about their skill level, they are insanely well co-ordinated, run a certain teamcomp that is unbeatable and it almost seems like they tell every single ‘noob’ to stop playing WvW on their server.