Home land security
Since Anet took the “Home Border” concept and split it over three maps I can’t see anything like this working.
Against this on a pure "let them play where they want" perspective.
I don’t think the idea itself is bad, it could be one way of "gating" fights, which I think could be a good idea. But forcing players to play on BL or EBG when they don’t want to is bad.
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”
A cool idea but I think it would be way too frustrating if implemented. Perhaps if something other than population cap was earned? Some way the borderlands helped out in the fight on EBG? Perhaps a way to non-manually transfer supply from one keep to another or some upgrades that unlock when the homeland is secured.
While i like the idea to encourage ppl to play more on the borderlands i doubt that this would work.
It would just increase the queue in eb.
You can’t fore ppl to to do things they dont like. In some points gamers are like pets or skrit, if you want them to do something they naturaly wouldn’t do, you have to bait and reward them, not threat them with punishment.
If you want ppl to play on the new maps (that most ppl don’t like) you have to give them special rewards that are better than the rewards in EBG (that most ppl like way better than the new maps).
My biggest issue with your idea is that it would force some ppl to do the “dirty job”, the playing in the unbeloved maps, so OTHERS can enjoy EBG. And in this issue i already see a big toxic bomb for the communitys. Some ppl will say “fine. today we go to a BL and tomorrow we go EBG and someone else goes BL” but there will be a ton of selfisch ppl that would still refuse to play thew new maps and stay in EBG.
So if a server has superior coverage, they can attack another servers home BG and spawn camp them to keep them from being able to even enter other maps?
sounds awesome. /s
One syndrome longtime WvW players, is to think that everything can be strategically combined. I prefer to think that the population of the servers is something that really is out of my control. No rules, no limites, anyone can play on map on its desires. I must be prepared for what lies ahead.