First of all I wrote this post on my own website:
I explained in there in what way Heart of Thorns has affected WvW imo. It’s not just about the map, but mostly about how WvW players in general are affected by the changes to the mechanics of WvW. It’s a long read, so I’ll try to explain some of my main concerns in here. It’s also not my intention to be negative about WvW, but I do want to share the concerns I’m having at this moment. I also posted this in the constructive feedback sticky, because I really think it’s important the core problems of WvW after HoT gets solved.
In WvW before HoT I was usually raiding with my guild, 10-20 people, mostly fighting other even sized or larger groups either in open field or scrims. If needed we would go help defend, cap or switch borders. When not running with my guild I was either following a commander doing the same or sometimes just roaming or scouting a bit. Never really went to EB, to blobby, or EotM, to much EotM. I really had a lot of fun in the borders. Running around looking for open field fights, scrims or fights to defend structures. Sometimes just roaming with a small group, capping camps, scouting a bit and always joined in the fights over a Bay, Hills or Garri with a waypoint.
With the Desert borderland and the changes in game mechanis the way we used to play WvW has changed massively. I basically just run to places where might be some people to fight (and I basically mean running because they are hard to find), getting walls pop up in my face, searching for routes to go up or down, and most important, fighting against the lag). Commanders are hard to find and usually it takes to long to get there, so I just leave.
There is less room for open field fights, less need to cap, defend or scout, less random encounters. The only thing that hasn’t changed that much is karmatraining a border with a full zone blob. Also something that really is a problem atm is the lag. The game is absolutely laggy when fighting, if the Oasis event is up its even impossible to just run around without lagging insanely.
The map is to large, design flawed, structures to far apart, no reason to defend T3 keeps with waypoints, and if Garri is contested you can just recap instead of defending. That Oasis event in the middle requires you to kill PvE creatures, just so you can grab that thing and give it to a NPC, all of this in the middle of to much lag. It’s also way to overpowered at the moment. A large group will have no problem doing the event, but they won’t have any problem capping all the structures anyways. The smaller groups (I really do see potential in there for small scale fights in the center) won’t benifit at all from the laser thing.
There is no need to defend a T3 Bay or Hills for a commander to tag up (especially outside of prime time), people jumping in looking for some action will leave because of no commander, so even less need for a commander to tag up. Roamers will have to much time searching for other roamers, so they will play less as well. Scouting and upgrading basically has been removed because there is no need to anymore (besides who should a scout ask for help when there’s no one running on the maps?)
There is no need to cap camps or escort dollies, cause the structures will get upgraded anyways. There is also no need to cap them to stop an enemy objective from getting upgraded. So roaming around is not so much fun after this.
The buffs usefull in WvW are locked behind upgrading the guild, which involves a lot of time and gold, and is basically impossible to achieve for smaller guilds within a reasonable timespan (and don’t forget the smaller guilds are the ones benefitting most of these upgrades).
I never played WvW te expect loot or wxp, the best rewards have been the fights and the thrill of (almost) winning a seemingly impossible battle like outnumbered fights or a threeway at Garri. It would have been nice if the rewards were buffed a bit, and maybe even special WvW only skins or drops.
I really don’t like how the elite specs are working within WvW, the only way to get them is by ranking up, wich again means the best way is to start karmatraining and capping things (not by doing what I like to do, which is fighting). Those chests you can switch out to your other characters, but the proofs are soulbound. Both my main characters already have the elite specs fully unlocked, with the others I’m forced to run around in either PvE or WvW (and hoping that I will rank up enough again). This also goes for the double classes I have, all of my guards need to endlessly grind them.
So what will I be doing if it stays like this? I’ll probably still go to the borders (because I still don’t really like EB) but not for as long or as often as I did before. I already find myself playing more PvE than before but I also tend to AFK in Lion’s Arch or just not be in game at all.
Some up of the things I think will be needed to fix WvW:
Get rid of the lag
Focus on fights, take the playstyle of all of the different types of WvW players into consideration (pugs, guilds, roamers and scouts), it’s not a PvE map and people only joining WvW occasionally shouldn’t be the ones WvW is designed for.
Downscale the size of the map, make it so that the towers actually are worth it strategically, less verticality and chockepoints, remove the gimmicks like earth walls and turrets.
Change the auto-upgrading system: Have dollies actually count, player interference needed and waypoints at T3 keeps.
Change the Oasis event rewards: Just have one gate downgraded, a buff like the old Bloodlust or just a big chest in the center.
Redo the guild upgrades, make +5 one of the easiest accesible upgrades.
Change the way the elite specs work. Either have them unlocked completely when entering WvW or at least make those chests stackable or the proof of heroics accountbound.
Redo the reward system, improve the quality of loot (not just blues and greens in rank up chests), have a few seperate skinsets only available in WvW (buyable with badges) or some rare weapon/skins that only drop in WvW.
Having the Desert borderland in rotation with the Alpine border and maybe a new map might help a bit as well (as long as the problems above are also adressed)