How Season/Tournament Rewards should be

How Season/Tournament Rewards should be

in WvW

Posted by: Lucey.1452


The current way tournament rewards are set is not ideal to say the least. You should not be rewarded for choosing the correct server when you first started playing. Why does some who does the bare minimum on Jade Quarry deserve a better reward than someone who is protecting dolyaks, sieging up, defending and overall grinding for 8 hours a day? They don’t. As we have it, the current system promotes server stacking to the top 3 expected servers for each league. As well, players in only the top 5 servers will get access to the new weapon skins after this first tournament (they look absolutely sick btw). I guess it is too late to change this for now, but for tournaments in the future I suggest a different reward system that should mitigate the issues of server stacking and provide an acceptable rewards system for all players.

Proposed System
Have different tiers of rewards for your overall participation:
First Tier
This is for the AP hunters and PvE’ers. Completing it will provide a chest containing the 300 tickets so you can get the mistforged weapon or any of the other available prizes. This tier should only take 10 hours over 9 weeks to complete with very modest requirements that anyone can accomplish. This way the people who don’t want to be in WvW can be finished early. This will be the only tier with Achievement Points awarded so no one feels like they have to grind past this point.

Second Tier
This tier is for the WvW militia who typically run in EBG a few hours every week anyways. Expected time to complete this tier should take 40-50 hours. After completion the player should receive a chest containing an ascended weapon set and 100 tickets. This will be no extra work for the people who’s primary focus in the game is WvW, but will give them a nice bonus to being there. Also, achievement hunters will not be miffed because there are no AP’s to be gained here and there is nothing you can’t get more efficiently by playing PvE.

Third Tier
This one is for the hardcore players. The one’s who are doing overtime…the elite of the elite. Time to obtain should be at least 120hrs if not 150. You will receive a chest containing an ascended armor piece with the stats of your choosing, 200 tickets (to make the 2nd mistforged weapon) and a cosmetic skin that is completely unique to WvW. Some people might be upset that they can not obtain this skin but considering how many skins require LS participation it is only fair.

As a disclaimer all numbers are fairly arbitrary as this is just used as an example of the participation tiering system, but I think you get the idea.

Now, some people might be upset that they don’t get anything for coming first in the tournament and thus this doesn’t reward the concerted effort of a server to win. However, this system integrates well with the current system. For instance you can provide additional rewards at the end of the tournament based on your servers placement and the reward tier that you achieved. For instance, someone who is on the 3rd place server and completed reward tier 2 can get the bronze dolyak finisher (tier 1 3rd place reward) and 200 tickets (tier 2 3rd place reward), while someone who is on the 5th place server and completed tier 3 receives no finisher (tier 1 5th place reward), 100 tickets (tier 2 5th place reward) and 300 tickets (tier 3 5th place reward).

Please post any comments and suggestions. If enough people support suggest a system we could potentially turn this into a legitimate proposal to ANet about how to properly reward WvW.

Professional Bag Farmer and Under Bridge Resider