How about WvWvWvWvW?

How about WvWvWvWvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


How about redesigning the WvW maps to allow server battles between five servers simultaneously rather than 3 and just reduce the number of players allowed in WvW at a single time per server to maintain the same total player cap?

- Less players per server means there will be even longer queues for the “bandwagon” servers and cause more guilds to switch to lower population servers resulting in an increase in overall server competitiveness.

- A lot of battles right now end up with one server absolutely destroying the other two after a few days and these servers are often capable of holding their lead even in a 2v1 situation. But could a server hold off in 3v1? How about 4v1? Not likely, and if Anet plans on eventually having 2 week battles, having a 5 server slug fest may be more viable.

- Chaos is fun, what do you think the appeal of free for all mode in most pvp games is? Right now you may say oh server a is attacking DB, server b has only a few guys on.. I guess lets go defend DB. But what if instead you had kitten!!! server a has a treb taking out db wall, server c is taking all our supply camps, server d has a golem zerg headed towards our garrison, and it doesn’t even matter that server b only has a few guys because we are still screwed!

Let me know your thoughts, suggestions, or hatred of this topic below!

How about WvWvWvWvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Youniverse.4395


That would be awesome but unfortunately that would require the complete redesign of all the WvWvW maps. I just don’t see that happening.

How about WvWvWvWvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Dokunai.8470


This sounds fun but the problem of pushing people out of the “bandwagon” servers by increasing the number of servers in a matchup without increasing player cap would make it so that there would be less people playing wvw overall.

For example, lets say there are 15 servers, 5 maps, and a 100 player cap per server per map. This would allow 300 players on a map and 1,500 players in total to be in wvw at once. But if there were 5 servers per map while maintaining a max of 300 players on that map, only 60 players from each server would be able to play at a time and a max of 900 players in wvw at any given time. This may be effective in moving players out of the more crowded servers but makes it so that only 900 players can enjoy wvw at once. This then makes it hard for some to play during the prime time.

With 5 servers per map, players loyal to their larger servers may not want to leave and have to wait through even longer queue times while players loyal to their smaller servers with a convenient wait time of 0 minutes may suddenly find that they now have to wait a half an hour to get in because all of the players from the larger servers now want to get in to the smaller ones.

But I do agree that server population imbalance makes some of the match-ups unfair and that a chaotic fights are pretty fun. If lag wasn’t a problem, it would be fun if all servers in NA are on one map fighting for glory (along with incentives to join smaller servers).

How about WvWvWvWvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


That would be awesome but unfortunately that would require the complete redesign of all the WvWvW maps. I just don’t see that happening.

True, but considering they will be coming out with several expansions, each of which will contain completely new maps designed from scratch I don’t think it’s unreasonable for them to redesign two maps (since borderlands are all the same) if it will improve game play.

How about WvWvWvWvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Rhongomyniad.5081


The only thing I don’t like is the map populations being limited …

I would love to see 5vW or 7vW but even larger caps and more epic maps.

The solution to WvW Q times whether due to bandwagon transfers or a growing PVE=>WvW community can only be solved with a higher player cap on these maps I feel.