How can avoid PvP in the Mists? This is not a troll thread.

How can avoid PvP in the Mists? This is not a troll thread.

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1740


Every time I log in to go to WvW and explore the waypoints, points of interest, jumping puzzles, skill points and vistas, I am met with a boring and imbalance zergfest (where I am categorically always outnumbered). It’s just terrible. Every time I get attacked, I end up just stunlocked or slowed inside a giant cluster of effects inside a red circle on the floor, and just always hit ALT+F4. Seriously, this isn’t fun without a large guild to hide inside to stop this terrible PvP experience.

So my question/suggestion is, have you considered letting people go to the mists as observers or under protection from attack? I’d rather complete the Norn 1-15 area a hundred more times than have to go in WvW and get facerolled by larger numbers constantly. Seriously, I just want the exploration points – not the terrible PvP.

“We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2,
no one enjoys that, no one finds it fun.” – Colin Johanson
R.I.P. in piece, Guild Wars 2, August 2012 – September 2012

How can avoid PvP in the Mists? This is not a troll thread.

in WvW

Posted by: Gunza.4273


I don’t know if you’re a gem buyer or a gold → gem trader, but when you open black lion chests, you get tonics that will turn you into an animal or creature or something thats not a normal Player character. I’ve had great success using these (especially the owl) to traverse places in WvW without being attacked, as most people just think, “oh look, a birdy” and don’t really read the name plate.

Reyna Soulstrum – [DBD] – SoR

How can avoid PvP in the Mists? This is not a troll thread.

in WvW

Posted by: Impossible Odds.4627

Impossible Odds.4627

Ye’d best start believin’ in troll threads… you made one!

More seriously, no. WvW isn’t meant to be the same kind of PvP as sPvP. Anyone with working fingers is supposed to be equally effective, as the bulk of the fighting comes from participating in zergs and manning siege weapons, neither of which requires a tremendous amount of skill to do.

I do, however, thoroughly enjoy the unorganized minor zerg-v-zerg that occurs around towers. With only about 20 people on each side, and the fact that most people are only concerned with one immediate target, it’s actually rare for you to get spammed down by the entire enemy zerg. It sounds weird, but the 15-20 v 15-20 skirmishes are your best bet for structured PvP in WvW.

But it just sounds like you dislike WvW, and that’s fine; not everyone is going to enjoy it.

How can avoid PvP in the Mists? This is not a troll thread.

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1740


Ye’d best start believin’ in troll threads… you made one!

More seriously, no. WvW isn’t meant to be the same kind of PvP as sPvP. Anyone with working fingers is supposed to be equally effective, as the bulk of the fighting comes from participating in zergs and manning siege weapons, neither of which requires a tremendous amount of skill to do.

I do, however, thoroughly enjoy the unorganized minor zerg-v-zerg that occurs around towers. With only about 20 people on each side, and the fact that most people are only concerned with one immediate target, it’s actually rare for you to get spammed down by the entire enemy zerg. It sounds weird, but the 15-20 v 15-20 skirmishes are your best bet for structured PvP in WvW.

But it just sounds like you dislike WvW, and that’s fine; not everyone is going to enjoy it.

None of your post makes sense or is relevant to what I am talking about. Read it again if you are having trouble, it’s about wanting to explore but having to suffer the terrible PvP experience of always being outnumbered.

As for the tonic suggestion, I may try it out, thanks.

“We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2,
no one enjoys that, no one finds it fun.” – Colin Johanson
R.I.P. in piece, Guild Wars 2, August 2012 – September 2012

How can avoid PvP in the Mists? This is not a troll thread.

in WvW

Posted by: Jellal.5470


out run them or go with a group it’s the only way

How can avoid PvP in the Mists? This is not a troll thread.

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Run a high mobility build so you can run away from anything trying to kill you. Slot for movement and condition removal, keep aware and dont get caught. Also only travel to things you own and stay away from the enemy team enterances.

After you get your POI and Vistas, please leave, and make room for people who actually want to pvp in this format.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

How can avoid PvP in the Mists? This is not a troll thread.

in WvW

Posted by: DeadStretch.5601


It’s very simple really. Stay away from the golden crossed swords and anything the enemy has captured, aka stay in your own server’s colored territory.

WvW is three servers fighting for land. If you venture out into that land it’s your own fault. Want to explore areas you haven’t been to? Follow the crowd and hope they go to where you want.

How can avoid PvP in the Mists? This is not a troll thread.

in WvW

Posted by: Suddle D.9412

Suddle D.9412

Wait, what? The Mists is the zone for Structured PVP, why would you go there to avoid PVP? If you mean the WvW maps, then well thats how WvW goes, its not a PVE zone, its PVP. Over time you will be able to unlock more vistas and SP’s….

How can avoid PvP in the Mists? This is not a troll thread.

in WvW

Posted by: Mistalya.4812


Are you 80? Do you have 100% map completion? Do you have all the skill points on the normal PvE map? Do you have all the vistas?

If you don’t want to PvP then don’t go into the pvp zone. Go finish the PvE content before you come crying about how PvP needs to be changed because you got owned in a fight.

How can avoid PvP in the Mists? This is not a troll thread.

in WvW

Posted by: Kaden.3162


0_o you want protection in a battleground…..riiiight

so heres how it works, there are areas that have good farming, whether it be resources or mobs, keep an eye out for enemies and you WILL be safe.

farm resources when in the safety of your own armies.

those places have good resources because of the risk/reward, if it was a cakewalk there would be a problem.

atm id say its super easy to get the explore and resources, ive already finished all but one battleground, and the last ones about 70% complete.

like the others said as well, you got your wording wrong, which is dangerous on the internet man lol, Mist is structured PVP, what your doing is not Mist or PvP its WvW or battlegrounds, big difference.

How can avoid PvP in the Mists? This is not a troll thread.

in WvW

Posted by: Kaden.3162


I don’t know if you’re a gem buyer or a gold -> gem trader, but when you open black lion chests, you get tonics that will turn you into an animal or creature or something thats not a normal Player character. I’ve had great success using these (especially the owl) to traverse places in WvW without being attacked, as most people just think, “oh look, a birdy” and don’t really read the name plate.

i would have killed you in a heartbeat, how bad does a player have to be to walk past a owl with the name plate “invader” on it 0_0
da owls be invading !!!

How can avoid PvP in the Mists? This is not a troll thread.

in WvW

Posted by: Amulrei.4973


And this, dear reader, is why we have excessive queues in WvW.

Next we will be having people who want to be immune to attack in SPvP maps so they can go around and give other players fashion advice about their armour.

How can avoid PvP in the Mists? This is not a troll thread.

in WvW

Posted by: ConterK.3972


Lol i had to work mykitten off leading groups of people to capture towers and keeps.. JUST because i needed a Vista or a POI..
and you want to just.. walk pass people and get them??.. riiighhhtt…

I don’t know if you’re a gem buyer or a gold -> gem trader, but when you open black lion chests, you get tonics that will turn you into an animal or creature or something thats not a normal Player character. I’ve had great success using these (especially the owl) to traverse places in WvW without being attacked, as most people just think, “oh look, a birdy” and don’t really read the name plate.

Lol.. i didnt knew they had this in the gemstore.. but i do always kill those freakin birds/mosquitos/rats/etc.. Bahahahahaha!!!

Lol.. i didnt knew they had this in the gemstore.. but i do always kill those freakin birds/mosquitos/rats/etc.. Bahahahahaha!!!

And this, dear reader, is why we have excessive queues in WvW.

Next we will be having people who want to be immune to attack in SPvP maps so they can go around and give other players fashion advice about their armour.

ROFLMAO.. hahahahahahaa +1!!

(edited by ConterK.3972)

How can avoid PvP in the Mists? This is not a troll thread.

in WvW

Posted by: ecwoodrow.7034


I’d rather them remove these from the WvW map. Or just give them to everyone automatically once they enter the Mists (and yes, WvW map is a part of the Mists from a lore perspective afaik)

Atsug Em – [RvR] – lvl 80 Engineer – IoJ
Tryggon Gathol – [RvR] – lvl 80 Warrior – IoJ
Sechnal – [RvR] – lvl 80 Ranger – IoJ

How can avoid PvP in the Mists? This is not a troll thread.

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


No, you can not get this for WvW. One, you are driving up the queues for everyone else, and two, having such a mode would allow scouts to move around with impunity giving constant updates on enemy movements == VERY BAD.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

How can avoid PvP in the Mists? This is not a troll thread.

in WvW

Posted by: Ksielvin.1587


I don’t know if you’re a gem buyer or a gold -> gem trader, but when you open black lion chests, you get tonics that will turn you into an animal or creature or something thats not a normal Player character. I’ve had great success using these (especially the owl) to traverse places in WvW without being attacked, as most people just think, “oh look, a birdy” and don’t really read the name plate.

So that’s what those people were trying to do.

I’ve seen this twice. Someone using a tonic who won’t even fight back when I kill them. One was an owl, ok. The other was trying to do this as an ooze… hardly conspicious.

I’d hope any competent WvW player has Show All Player Names option on but most people probably aren’t competent so it might work.

How can avoid PvP in the Mists? This is not a troll thread.

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


i thought the tooltip on shapechange tonics said not useable in WvW