Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
How can their be such huge mobility gaps?
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
Because some classes are faster than others?
these builds.. why are they different?
Northern Shiverpeaks
let’s delete all the classes and just make one which is as good as everyone else at everything
Everyone should just reroll a warrior and call it a day.
How can their be such huge mobility gaps?
Actually, its a good question…seeing as speed boost is capped at 33%…
Its hardware…someone with a better computer than you loads everything faster and so always appears a little ahead…it often happens after you waypoint the commander is like miles away…
Everyone should just reroll a warrior and call it a day.
Just ‘cause they have the highest hit points, highest damage, highest mobility, highest armour, and best resistances to CC doesn’t mean their support is very good. We’ll fix their support in the next patch.
This is post is just for jokes.. but might have an inkling of truth to it.
The issue I have is classes that shouldn’t have high mobility are instead the most mobile classes in the game. I mean can any class catch a Warrior? Maybe a Thief, but even that’s pushing it.
Warriors are the best long-distance sprinters but several classes have faster gap closers.
Why the gap? It`s a long standing tradition, like this fairly accurate depiction from GW1 shows.
Everyone should just reroll a warrior and call it a day.
Just ‘cause they have the highest hit points, highest damage, highest mobility, highest armour, and best resistances to CC doesn’t mean their support is very good. We’ll fix their support in the next patch.
This is post is just for jokes.. but might have an inkling of truth to it.
Well seeing as they are making some shouts better for the warrior you might now be far from it =)
Everyone should just reroll a warrior and call it a day.
Just ‘cause they have the highest hit points, highest damage, highest mobility, highest armour, and best resistances to CC doesn’t mean their support is very good. We’ll fix their support in the next patch.
This is post is just for jokes.. but might have an inkling of truth to it.
Well seeing as they are making some shouts better for the warrior you might now be far from it =)
Yes, that is what I alluded to =)
Everyone should just reroll a warrior and call it a day.
Just ‘cause they have the highest hit points, highest damage, highest mobility, highest armour, and best resistances to CC doesn’t mean their support is very good. We’ll fix their support in the next patch.
This is post is just for jokes.. but might have an inkling of truth to it.
Well seeing as they are making some shouts better for the warrior you might now be far from it =)
Yes, that is what I alluded to =)
Next up, deleting all other classes.
Edit: In all seriousness though, I hope the 15th balance patch really does bring all the other classes up to par, or at least nerfs warrior slightly while bringing other classes up.
As much as I love dashing halfway across the map and then /laughing while my opponent tries to desperately catch up to me or cc me while i’m totally immune to it, it’s never made sense to me that a dude in heavy armor can move that fast. From a technical standpoint it doesn’t make any sense. I’m not even going to get into how much it bothers me that I can swim while in full platemail, that bothers me enough that I take off my armor when I jump in the water. The squishier classes should have the best mobility because they don’t have heavy armor weighing them down, and they need it more anyway since they can’t soak up all that damage. A guy in heavy armor should move slowly. There’s a reason why knights rode horses into battle, you cant exactly sprint across the battlefield in a full suit of armor. In other words, take away my weapon and utility mobility on my warrior and give me a pony. I’ll name it Buttercup.
(edited by Nikkinella.8254)
It would be nice if all classes were given a speed signet, or give an under used class an AoE speed signet. I only say this because, if it was Rangers and Thieves I would understand the scouting aspect of the signet, but lets face it, Necro’s and Ele’s are not really scouting classes so if they can justify giving these two classes the signets then everyone should have them. As for ability mobility, some classes need boosts others need to be toned down.
every class that doesn’t have the passive 25% signet can build for swiftness with 80%+ uptime.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Only idiots think mobility is solely todo with movement speed…
I personally think leaps dashes and charges should not be influenced by swiftness or passive movement speed buffs. That would make things a little more even.
Nar: I love that it will take me time and money to
reach the same level I’m at right now… …said no one, ever.
every class that doesn’t have the passive 25% signet can build for swiftness with 80%+ uptime.
But are restricted to a weapon type. thats 2-5 abilities vs. 1 utility. If its good enough for a Necro then it should be fine for everyone.
my points was that everyone has at least one option to get their movement speed to 25%+ if they want to prioritize for that. Some of those options are better/easier than others… and that’s kind of the whole point to having classes and builds.
Northern Shiverpeaks
The issue I have is classes that shouldn’t have high mobility are instead the most mobile classes in the game. I mean can any class catch a Warrior? Maybe a Thief, but even that’s pushing it.
Wanted to test this out and actually did. With a full mobility build I was able run 2-3 laps around SM at a warriors pace. But if I messed up one skill or timed it wrong he was gone and out of sight on my screen. My warrior friend managed to stack 3mins of swiftness. While I was able to get the occasional 10sec from steal.
Conditions (cripple / immobilize) just melted off the warrior. While I was having to work strictly on my cool downs (that I had to use to keep up with this warrior). We later tested a guardian #2 Chains of light on scepter lasted less than .5 seconds on him. It was literally non existent and did not effect him one bit.
ANet said thieves should be the most mobile class. I think we can all agree on that a thief should have the most mobility (I personally think its unfair we can hit like a truck and then poof away leaving you going… what just happened but that is off topic). The mobility of a warrior is way to high in my opinion while the mobility of other classes are way to low. I personally do not run the 25% movement speed (did for this test) because it is a waste of an utility in my honest opinion.
TL:DR: You are lazy Anyways mobility on classes need to be fixed. A thief can catch a warrior on certain occasions if they are specced for it. But are unable to do anything after they catch them (unable to slow / kill). Fix the slow class slow the fast classes.
(Note: I understand both classes were specced for full mobility at the time)
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.
my points was that everyone has at least one option to get their movement speed to 25%+ if they want to prioritize for that. Some of those options are better/easier than others… and that’s kind of the whole point to having classes and builds.
I do agree with you, Its more about the fact that there is 2 classes that a speed signet doesn’t really fit with. Nothing against those classes and I’m not suggesting it should be taken away, I just don’t see the logic to give it to them in the first place. If were using this logic every class should have the option of a passive 25% boost.
But now were off topic, as I said some classes need a boost to mobility others need to have it toned down.
Warrior heavy armor, such good defense, nerf pl0x!
Armor mitigates so little damage it is next to useless. Difference between heavy and light ain’t that big. Protection is still way better than any armor. And guess what warriors don’t have protection.
Warriors always been a class designed around move in and out quickly while delivering burst. Why they got health pool + armor? Because they do the same as a thief, except they don’t have so many ports or stealth to mitigate damage with. They must all absorb it.
Mobility/armor/health is nothing wrong with the warrior. Good thief or mesmer still kills a warrior in 1on1. Especially the bad ones running around these days.
Healing signet is strong, a solution could be that it ticks every 3seconds, so you get 1.2k health each 3 seconds back. Reducing the frequency makes it less hard to burst a warrior down.
But warriors are pretty balanced right now in WvW atleast.
Who needs nerfs?
-Necro, really really strong in zergs as in solo fights
Who needs buffs?
-Ele, got hit to hard and need a few tweaks/buffs
-Guardian, for their solo play. They are in a bad position in 1on1 fights. They either die or kill nothing
-Ranger, they have been bad since day one and are free lootbags whenever I see one.
-Engineer, need a buff for their group play.
-Mesmer in group play
Balanced classes?
-Engineer, really strong when well played. Only in small scale tho
-Warriors, in a good position for solo as group fights
-Guardians for group fights
-Mesmer for solo fights
-Thiefs for solo, small scale
That is a small overview over the balance in WvW at the moment
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU
Warrior heavy armor, such good defense, nerf pl0x!
Armor mitigates so little damage it is next to useless. Difference between heavy and light ain’t that big. Protection is still way better than any armor. And guess what warriors don’t have protection.
Warriors always been a class designed around move in and out quickly while delivering burst. Why they got health pool + armor? Because they do the same as a thief, except they don’t have so many ports or stealth to mitigate damage with. They must all absorb it.
Mobility/armor/health is nothing wrong with the warrior. Good thief or mesmer still kills a warrior in 1on1. Especially the bad ones running around these days.
Healing signet is strong, a solution could be that it ticks every 3seconds, so you get 1.2k health each 3 seconds back. Reducing the frequency makes it less hard to burst a warrior down.
But warriors are pretty balanced right now in WvW atleast.
Who needs nerfs?
-Necro, really really strong in zergs as in solo fightsWho needs buffs?
-Ele, got hit to hard and need a few tweaks/buffs
-Guardian, for their solo play. They are in a bad position in 1on1 fights. They either die or kill nothing
-Ranger, they have been bad since day one and are free lootbags whenever I see one.
-Engineer, need a buff for their group play.
-Mesmer in group playBalanced classes?
-Engineer, really strong when well played. Only in small scale tho
-Warriors, in a good position for solo as group fights
-Guardians for group fights
-Mesmer for solo fights
-Thiefs for solo, small scaleThat is a small overview over the balance in WvW at the moment
Warriors are not the least bit balanced. Are you kidding me? They’re stupidly overpowered now. You should see the vids me and my guild made using our warriors. we can /sleep in arrow cart and cannon fire with 10+ people beating on us and not die or even drop below half health. You’re a fool if you think warrior isn’t ridiculously overpowered now and in need of severe nerfs. no other class is capable of doing anywhere near what warrior can do. And you’re wrong about armor being meaningless. it does help me anyway. I barely any damage from even the burstiest builds.
1 class – call it … pixel. 1 race – call it HAL.
Give it 1 weapon – pointy stick with 1 ability – poke for 1 dmg
Sounds fun.
Because some classes are faster than others?
yeah…. Thieves and Warriors. …And they get the highest Spike capacity (next to condi Mancers) on top of that. …. Make no mistake guys… This is not a PvP issue…
This is a PvE balance split issue. Don’t complain to Devon about it … talk to Sharp.
Warriors are the best long-distance sprinters but several classes have faster gap closers.
Extremely skilled Ele’s and Rangers … which might as well be pink fluffy unicorns given how uncommon they are …. CAN keep up with the Warriors. Yes… I’ve been that warrior’s Ankle-biter who literally beat on ’em non-stop (in Valks /w Fury+Prec stacks/food) last night all the way from Lake…. to Bay… canine snaring, sword chain which also includes a snare, swap to Spider, path of scares, crippling talon, drop muddy terrain, even ENTANGLE does absolutley NOTHING.
And by Nothing, I mean the rest of my guild might try to range these warriors down but I’m not even slowing them down with all of these skills that they seem to be completely IMMUNE TO so pretty quickly it just turns into me alone not even doing enough DPS to overcome their healing sig with all melee-attacks. ….and yeah they need to be immune to it in sPvP ESPORTS LAND so they can keep doing dale earnharndt laps around the cap points and not be the absolute worst class in sPvP.
But this isn’t sPvP. They have banners and might stacking and Paragon-Tier group shouting and Mob-Cleaving and nearly as much overall group utility as Mesmers (the SLOWEST class in the game). …. yeah we get it, Warrior is only a shadow of it’s former self in whatever it is people plays instead of H.A. in this game. But this isn’t HA. This isn’t even GvG. ….They’re also easy mode in Dungeons as well because of this crap while engies & rangers and necros get kicked by the dozens simply b/c they’re not warriors.
Do you know WHY there’s so few skilled Eles and Rangers???
It’s b/b they’re not allowed to play with everyone else long enough to GET BETTER.
Anyone with a glimmer of hope, is told to roll a different class, or they figure it out on their own (and just go invis spam thief instead) which is even worse.
(edited by ilr.9675)
^This guy gets it. As much fun as I had on my warrior, i’m getting extremely bored with it. Playing the same class all the time gets boring. But as things are now, I have no reason to play any of my alts. Warrior is just exponentially better at everything every other class can do without having to sacrifice anything like the other classes have to. I want to actually have a reason to play my other classes, but if I do, i’m gimping myself by not playing as warrior. Cuz warrior is simply, hands down the best at everything and doesn’t have to sacrifice anything. The people who are saying that warriors are weak in any part of the game are just terrible players using terrible builds.
I’d want warrior either nerfed so it does have to sacrifice something like other classes do (if anyone else wants damage they need to sacrifice defense, or mobility, or condition cleansing. warrior gets everything in 1 package with no sacrifices) or i’d want all the other classes brought up to warrior’s level of effectiveness.
Warriors are the best long-distance sprinters but several classes have faster gap closers.
Nop. A Greatsword/sword-warhorn Ranger is.
Swoop —-→ weapon swap —-→ #2sword’s skill (with camera usage) —-—> #5 warhorn’s skill (swiftness), and all that with 25% run speed signet.
How can their be such huge mobility gaps?
Because this game was designed and balanced around tiny capture point maps where sitting in an even tinier cricle is the main goal.
Warriors are not the least bit balanced. Are you kidding me? They’re stupidly overpowered now. You should see the vids me and my guild made using our warriors. we can /sleep in arrow cart and cannon fire with 10+ people beating on us and not die or even drop below half health. You’re a fool if you think warrior isn’t ridiculously overpowered now and in need of severe nerfs. no other class is capable of doing anywhere near what warrior can do. And you’re wrong about armor being meaningless. it does help me anyway. I barely any damage from even the burstiest builds.
Are your guild have any chances to meet SoR in incoming league matches? I really want to see your superior lootba…. emm, warriors tanking 10+ people and sleeping under proper arrowcart fire.
25 charracters
I’m not sure if everyone who is wondering why the Warrior has the highest mobility in game ever played another MMO. Warriors generally have those sorts of mobilities, the difference here is that in GW2 you don’t have to dash towards an target, giving you the option of running away with it.
I believe every class should be able to spec, at some cost, for mobility, some classes can’t. Please fix.
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)
Warrior movement skills need to get a Ride-the-Lightning treatment.
Warrior movement skills need to get a Ride-the-Lightning treatment.
So it will give same movement speed, immunity to slow effects and immunity to tons of CC while traveling? I’m ok with that.
25 charracters
The issue I have is classes that shouldn’t have high mobility are instead the most mobile classes in the game. I mean can any class catch a Warrior? Maybe a Thief, but even that’s pushing it.
Yes, but only with CC and shutdown (and using a Mesmer of all classes )
Warrior movement skills need to get a Ride-the-Lightning treatment.
So it will give same movement speed, immunity to slow effects and immunity to tons of CC while traveling? I’m ok with that.
You would seriously take a 40sec cooldown Rush just to bypass the cripple/chill which every Warrior and their dog are virtually immune to anyway?
Because as far as that “immunity to tons of CC” goes, yeah RTL doesnt do any of that. You can get immobilized, knocked, blown, stunned, etc right out of RTL.
The issue I have is classes that shouldn’t have high mobility are instead the most mobile classes in the game. I mean can any class catch a Warrior? Maybe a Thief, but even that’s pushing it.
Yes, but only with CC and shutdown (and using a Mesmer of all classes
He wasn’t even trying to escape and had a longbow. GS/S/W warrior? You’d be pushed back with a boom as he goes over sonic barrier
(edited by Yaro.3251)
Why warrior is the fastest and not an adventurer profession I do not understand.
Warriors are the best long-distance sprinters but several classes have faster gap closers.
Nop. A Greatsword/sword-warhorn Ranger is.
Swoop —--> weapon swap —--> #2sword’s skill (with camera usage) —-—> #5 warhorn’s skill (swiftness), and all that with 25% run speed signet.
Which gives you less than 2000 distance while warrior with 3 skills goes over 2000. Without camera acrobatics.
This became about the warrior, but really it’s just a bad idea for balance to make classes permanently or near-permanently faster than others.
Fairness aside, what it promotes is ganking and running over fighting, and most people come to PvP to fight.
Interesting points. The way I see it toning down mobility should be a priority given the nerfs to snare coming up. I do not expect this to happen but many of the reasons class X should not be fast are long gone in the zerg v zerg environment.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
Because some classes are faster than others?
Yea but for some classes it really doesn’t make sense why they would be imbued with such gifts of mobility. /cough Warrior.
NSP | Os Guild Master
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I laughed when I read this title. I play a P/D condi thief, and i didnt want to sacrifice my builds effectiveness by traiting into, or adding a speed skill JUST so i could catch runners. Instead i just take it as a compliment. They may be better at swiftness and GS physics than I, but I give myself a little pat on the back whenever I have to sit back and watch a mesmer stumble around for every speed skill it doesn’t have to avoid my pvp rabbit finisher
(edited by ryan.6217)