How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

in WvW

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745


The EB JP is actually pretty easy to get through, at least on the tier I’m in. If you’re having trouble, just use the stealth fountains. There’s 3 of them. Ofc, that screws you for the dark room, but eh, most people won’t attack in the dark room since they’re also using torches to get through…at least in my experience. You can also use the stealth fountains + mad king’s back piece as your light source, that way you won’t have to remove the stealth to get thru the dark room.

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


At least legendary rewards are tangible. You can show them off to someone. “Prestige” of racking up player kills is unverifiable. There’s no way for another person to objectively tell how many people you’ve killed.

I can confirm this. I put my legendary rewards and my PvP kills on my resume. Recruiters were suitably impressed with my legendary reward but demanded references (which I could not provide) on my PvP kills.

Also, I pick up lots of chicks with the line, “Hey, baby…wanna see my legendary item?”

I just get punched when I tell people how many kills I have.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

(edited by Porky.5021)

How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

in WvW

Posted by: gabal.4520


I remember when there was peace in Eternal Battlegrounds Jumping Puzzle – one server was dominating and held all 3 keeps on map.

Infidelija, boatswain of Bloody Pirates [YARR], lvl 80 elementalist
hobby: busting Trebuchettes
Gandara server

How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Fortunately I’ve met a lot of intelligent people who realize it’s a waste of time fighting in JPs. We just cautiously move around each other and we both benefit. Enemy or not, in the long run cooperation pays off.

Those who fight in JPs are pretty much tools of Anet. They fight….because Anet tells them to. Because the other guy is red. Meaning if their own teammates were red they would mindlessly go into a berserk rage and try to kill or die themselves. Can’t reason with these guys.

Unfortunately irrational people end up ruining it for those who are more sensible. Lots of us come to WvW just for the badges and we all benefit by getting what we want. In addition, killing someone actually has a pretty kittenty badge drop rate. The risk/reward ratio is extremely poor.

So for those who fight “just because it’s red”, consider that you’re being manipulated. You fight just because you’re told to fight. You say it’s a PvP map. So what? It doesn’t force you to do anything. If you feel compelled to be belligerent just because of a color…well then you’re a tool. It’s as simple as that.

So I’ve learnt that when I do JPs as a mesmer, I equip my focus and coolly pull off the ledge those who attack me. I’m not interested in killing them – not worth my time. They’re just annoyances to be gotten rid of when they come between me and my badges.

So please – don’t waste my time attacking me in JPs. Be a bit sensible and we’ll all get what we came here for without any pesky situations along the way.

So according to your reasoning we shouldnt fight each other at all in WvW, we should just take our share of keeps and towers and then just take turns flipping SM against the NPC’s. Because fighting other people in a WvW zone is being ‘manipulated’ by anet.

Just like killing NPC’s in a PvE zone is getting ‘manipulated’ by anet. And you call others tools?

I kill people in the JP’s because thats where I often find the best small group, non-lol-zerg fights. The traps, the cliffs all help make the fights very tactical at times.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

in WvW

Posted by: hex.3218


I’m going to butt in here and say that if you’ve managed to keep the peace in ANY WvW JP for longer than a few minutes, KUDOS to you! That would never happen in our matches. I can’t imagine anyone being able to tone down their dislike for each other long enough. lol

I tell you what, I don’t like the idea of Peace very much, but if a group of mesmers from both side were porting and told me ‘only if you don’t kill anyone’, I’d behave myself…

until I got the port and then BAM!!! EVERYONE OFF MY LEDGE!!! HAHAHAHA.

Just kidding. Great job with the peace thing. If ever we meet in game, I’ll respect the peace,

Calm Little Buddy

How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

in WvW

Posted by: kash.9213


Give us your fractals with Ascended gear to pvp in (give us even a little of what’s done for pve) and you can have our jumping puzzle.


How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

in WvW

Posted by: Gisei.5749


It’s probably been said, but if you kill every enemy, then there will be no more fighting. Peace.

~Sorrow’s Furnace~

How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

in WvW

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Fortunately I’ve met a lot of intelligent people who realize it’s a waste of time fighting in JPs. We just cautiously move around each other and we both benefit. Enemy or not, in the long run cooperation pays off.

Those who fight in JPs are pretty much tools of Anet. They fight….because Anet tells them to. Because the other guy is red. Meaning if their own teammates were red they would mindlessly go into a berserk rage and try to kill or die themselves. Can’t reason with these guys.

Unfortunately irrational people end up ruining it for those who are more sensible. Lots of us come to WvW just for the badges and we all benefit by getting what we want. In addition, killing someone actually has a pretty kittenty badge drop rate. The risk/reward ratio is extremely poor.

So for those who fight “just because it’s red”, consider that you’re being manipulated. You fight just because you’re told to fight. You say it’s a PvP map. So what? It doesn’t force you to do anything. If you feel compelled to be belligerent just because of a color…well then you’re a tool. It’s as simple as that.

So I’ve learnt that when I do JPs as a mesmer, I equip my focus and coolly pull off the ledge those who attack me. I’m not interested in killing them – not worth my time. They’re just annoyances to be gotten rid of when they come between me and my badges.

So please – don’t waste my time attacking me in JPs. Be a bit sensible and we’ll all get what we came here for without any pesky situations along the way.

So according to your reasoning we shouldnt fight each other at all in WvW, we should just take our share of keeps and towers and then just take turns flipping SM against the NPC’s. Because fighting other people in a WvW zone is being ‘manipulated’ by anet.

Just like killing NPC’s in a PvE zone is getting ‘manipulated’ by anet. And you call others tools?

I kill people in the JP’s because thats where I often find the best small group, non-lol-zerg fights. The traps, the cliffs all help make the fights very tactical at times.

Killing NPCs in a PvE zone gives you loot. You directly benefit from it. Fighting each other in WvW brings no benefit. There’s a difference.

Indeed, taking turns holding keeps in WvW is the best way to maximize your rewards with least headache. But as I said before, irrational people will likely spoil it for the rest of us.

Doing something for no benefit to yourself just because you’re told to do it is the very definition of a tool.

How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

in WvW

Posted by: Gondram.8365


I would just like to point out (if it hasn’t been said already) that it is called the “Gift of Battle.” BATTLE, not “jumping,” or “peaceful relations,” or “appropriately placed mesmer portals;” it’s BATTLE.

Anybody who wants to grind the puzzle for badges without actually engaging in any battle anywhere is not playing the game as intended. This wouldn’t normally bother me (unless so many people are there that the rest of the map’s population is lessened) but to actually COMPLAIN that there are some of us who like to deny the enemy servers free siege is insulting.

WvW is not PvE; to quote Anet it is “PvP combat on an epic scale.” There is no reason the enemy should allowed to obtain an advantage (siege etc.) for any reason. Period. If you want cooperation the event chains in Orr (or elsewhere) are great for that.

This response also applies to those who complain about getting duels interrupted; that’s what sPvP is for. :-)

Gondram – D/D Aurashare Elementalist
Kinsman Redeemer – Hammer/Shout Warrior
Proud Member of Opposition – Jade Quarry Oldtimer

How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

in WvW

Posted by: CrassBippy.4619


Fortunately I’ve met a lot of intelligent people who realize it’s a waste of time fighting in JPs. We just cautiously move around each other and we both benefit. Enemy or not, in the long run cooperation pays off.

Those who fight in JPs are pretty much tools of Anet. They fight….because Anet tells them to. Because the other guy is red. Meaning if their own teammates were red they would mindlessly go into a berserk rage and try to kill or die themselves. Can’t reason with these guys.

Unfortunately irrational people end up ruining it for those who are more sensible. Lots of us come to WvW just for the badges and we all benefit by getting what we want. In addition, killing someone actually has a pretty kittenty badge drop rate. The risk/reward ratio is extremely poor.

So for those who fight “just because it’s red”, consider that you’re being manipulated. You fight just because you’re told to fight. You say it’s a PvP map. So what? It doesn’t force you to do anything. If you feel compelled to be belligerent just because of a color…well then you’re a tool. It’s as simple as that.

So I’ve learnt that when I do JPs as a mesmer, I equip my focus and coolly pull off the ledge those who attack me. I’m not interested in killing them – not worth my time. They’re just annoyances to be gotten rid of when they come between me and my badges.

So please – don’t waste my time attacking me in JPs. Be a bit sensible and we’ll all get what we came here for without any pesky situations along the way.

So according to your reasoning we shouldnt fight each other at all in WvW, we should just take our share of keeps and towers and then just take turns flipping SM against the NPC’s. Because fighting other people in a WvW zone is being ‘manipulated’ by anet.

Just like killing NPC’s in a PvE zone is getting ‘manipulated’ by anet. And you call others tools?

I kill people in the JP’s because thats where I often find the best small group, non-lol-zerg fights. The traps, the cliffs all help make the fights very tactical at times.

Killing NPCs in a PvE zone gives you loot. You directly benefit from it. Fighting each other in WvW brings no benefit. There’s a difference.

Indeed, taking turns holding keeps in WvW is the best way to maximize your rewards with least headache. But as I said before, irrational people will likely spoil it for the rest of us.

Doing something for no benefit to yourself just because you’re told to do it is the very definition of a tool.

You’re so wrong, lots of us enjoy Pvp because its dynamic, takes alot more skill and character planning and overall fun. we get alot out of it, we don’t care about shiny swords or twirly rainbow staves. We want to Pvp In our Pvp areas

Bi Furious [Fist] YB

How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

in WvW

Posted by: KnattyDreads.1856


I object to the premise this thread was founded on, in its entirety.

-Emhry Bay-
Call of Fate [CoF]

How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

in WvW

Posted by: Gondram.8365


Killing NPCs in a PvE zone gives you loot. You directly benefit from it. Fighting each other in WvW brings no benefit.

Absolutely incorrect. It’s obvious you’ve never actually fought anyone in WvW (or are just spouting BS, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt).

If you really want badges I get more from farming the jumping puzzles than I do from actually completing them. There is a lot of benefit, even if the only reason one is in WvW is to grind the Gift of Battle.

The only way it is “rational” to not fight in the jumping puzzle (from a reward standpoint) is if you are really unskilled and melt before the enemy. I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt again and assume you’re just mis-defining “rational” and are actually pretty decent at the game.

Gondram – D/D Aurashare Elementalist
Kinsman Redeemer – Hammer/Shout Warrior
Proud Member of Opposition – Jade Quarry Oldtimer

How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

in WvW

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Killing NPCs in a PvE zone gives you loot. You directly benefit from it. Fighting each other in WvW brings no benefit.

Absolutely incorrect. It’s obvious you’ve never actually fought anyone in WvW (or are just spouting BS, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt).

If you really want badges I get more from farming the jumping puzzles than I do from actually completing them. There is a lot of benefit, even if the only reason one is in WvW is to grind the Gift of Battle.

The only way it is “rational” to not fight in the jumping puzzle (from a reward standpoint) is if you are really unskilled and melt before the enemy. I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt again and assume you’re just mis-defining “rational” and are actually pretty decent at the game.

My badge drop rate from killing people is horrible. Also, I don’t have to sit and wait for people to come. I can complete the entire thing in less than 10 minutes and get a guaranteed drop of 3-6 badges. I repeat this three times for three maps and it’s a very good reward ratio for the time spent there.

How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

in WvW

Posted by: kash.9213


Killing NPCs in a PvE zone gives you loot. You directly benefit from it. Fighting each other in WvW brings no benefit. There’s a difference.

I’m certain plenty of people have directly benefited from the loot you’ve dropped. Fighting each other in w3 brings benefit, not at the same rate as pve, but it’s basically the same system, except that we’re actually playing with friends and building a server community instead of sleeping through dungeons or botting across Orr.


How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

in WvW

Posted by: Iavra.8510


less than 10 minutes and get a guaranteed drop of 3-6 badges.

3 badges in 10 minutes? That is…not really that much compared to what you could get when actually playing the game or even tried to get access to an organized WvW guild.

How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


I have long said that WvW JPs (along with all SPs and POIs) need a qualified PPT objective worthy of their capture and defense. If there is no PPT objective associated with a geographic location, then it is broadly considered fluff.

As to the specifics of the original post…

OMG, get over it. You are no longer in T6-T8.

The roflstomping honeymoon is over. The era of going six days a week owning all the maps is over. It’s time you hardened up…and way past time that you realized that there are players in the game called “the enemy”… and they want and should be trying to pound you right out of WvW.

Aside from the silliness of carebear sentimentality… it’s just plain stupid. WHY?!? Why give your enemy free siege, free badges, free anything? Did I say stupid? Tactically stupid. Strategically stupid. Are you getting the message?

In the strongest terms, I encourage your enemies to take advantage of your generosity… and after garland dancing and singing campfire songs… to facemelt all the fluffies into a demoralized pile of quivering goo.

Nash Equilibrium is working against you. Non-cooperative theory is working against you. N-person game theory and imperfect information also work against you.

You can continue and take the blue pill… or, take the red pill and join the rest of us.

How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

in WvW

Posted by: ShinjoNaomi.1896


My oh my…
This entire thread is a perfect snapshot of the PvE vs PvP argument… The jumping puzzles in WvW just bring out the worst in people, I swear…

To the OP…
It’s a PvP zone, kid. While it’s nice to think that others will leave you alone and peace will hold sway in a Jumping puzzle while you run through it, the truth of the matter is, in the end it /is/ a PvP zone. They are well within their rights to attack you there. And really, coming here and making a tread about it does not help, and only gives fuel to the forum warriors and trolls…

To those responding negatively to the OP…
The reputation you all keep perpetuating… Angry little PvPers will be angry as they ‘Drink the bittersweet QQ of PvE Carebears!!’ and who for some reason can derive no pleasure from a game at all unless they are mindlessly slaughtering other people and then bragging about just how big they think their kittens are…
Really, the more I hear this silly type of nonsense the less I actually hear what they are saying, and instead just hear, ‘Ooo OOO! AHH AHH! >jumping up and down, chest-thumping!< LOOKIT MY BANANAAA!!’

Sore losers are bad, but sore winners are even worse, really…

“If half as many people were half as brave in real life as they were online…
… The human race would never have to worry about be oppressed again.”
I think trolls should have their computers smashed. ’Its all part of the game. U mad bro?’

How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

in WvW

Posted by: titanlectro.5029


My oh my…
This entire thread is a perfect snapshot of the PvE vs PvP argument… The jumping puzzles in WvW just bring out the worst in people, I swear…

To the OP…
It’s a PvP zone, kid. While it’s nice to think that others will leave you alone and peace will hold sway in a Jumping puzzle while you run through it, the truth of the matter is, in the end it /is/ a PvP zone. They are well within their rights to attack you there. And really, coming here and making a tread about it does not help, and only gives fuel to the forum warriors and trolls…

To those responding negatively to the OP…
The reputation you all keep perpetuating… Angry little PvPers will be angry as they ‘Drink the bittersweet QQ of PvE Carebears!!’ and who for some reason can derive no pleasure from a game at all unless they are mindlessly slaughtering other people and then bragging about just how big they think their kittens are…
Really, the more I hear this silly type of nonsense the less I actually hear what they are saying, and instead just hear, ‘Ooo OOO! AHH AHH! >jumping up and down, chest-thumping!< LOOKIT MY BANANAAA!!’

Sore losers are bad, but sore winners are even worse, really…

Shhh…. your going to kill this most entertaining thread with all those correct ideas and logic and stuff. Brb, getting more popcorn.

Gate of Madness | Leader – Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is my Trahearne’s story

How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

in WvW

Posted by: amberlin.5124


[snip]To the OP…
[snip]To those responding negatively to the OP…

What is most amusing about your contribution is that you are completely clueless as to who you are “coaching.” And then there is the hypocrisy of your own forum warrior baiting…

“Do unto others as they do unto you… with lots of butter and sugar.” <— for the popcorn.

How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

in WvW

Posted by: ShinjoNaomi.1896


[snip]To the OP…
[snip]To those responding negatively to the OP…

What is most amusing about your contribution is that you are completely clueless as to who you are “coaching.” And then there is the hypocrisy of your own forum warrior baiting…

“Do unto others as they do unto you… with lots of butter and sugar.” <— for the popcorn.

What is even more amusing is your assumption…
Quite the contrary… I know exactly the kind of people I am ‘coaching’, as you put it. The same type of people you run into again and again… The forum names change over the years, but the childish arguments are always the same…
Odd how you refer to it though…
Exactly how am I ‘coaching’ anyone?
The OP brought an already much talked about (and argued) subject to the forums. And like always when it involves the subject of Player vs Player, the ‘My-way-is-better-then-yours’ attitudes quickly spiraled things downward into the usual trolling of the subject…

One hardly need to look too far in these very forums to see how my point about PvEers vs PvPers gets proven over and over again… ad infinitum and ad nauseum…

But, by all means… call me a hypocrite and continue to prove me right…

“If half as many people were half as brave in real life as they were online…
… The human race would never have to worry about be oppressed again.”
I think trolls should have their computers smashed. ’Its all part of the game. U mad bro?’

How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


Killing NPCs in a PvE zone gives you loot. You directly benefit from it. Fighting each other in WvW brings no benefit.

Absolutely incorrect. It’s obvious you’ve never actually fought anyone in WvW (or are just spouting BS, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt).

If you really want badges I get more from farming the jumping puzzles than I do from actually completing them. There is a lot of benefit, even if the only reason one is in WvW is to grind the Gift of Battle.

The only way it is “rational” to not fight in the jumping puzzle (from a reward standpoint) is if you are really unskilled and melt before the enemy. I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt again and assume you’re just mis-defining “rational” and are actually pretty decent at the game.

My badge drop rate from killing people is horrible. Also, I don’t have to sit and wait for people to come. I can complete the entire thing in less than 10 minutes and get a guaranteed drop of 3-6 badges. I repeat this three times for three maps and it’s a very good reward ratio for the time spent there.

I think I found a game that would be better suited for you than this one:

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

in WvW

Posted by: Genocide.4506


But JP is awesome when we kill the guys climbing it knowing that they were trying so hard to jump up top for the drops… and also mentioning ruinous is like nothing since we rarely go to the JP

Blackgate thief :)

(edited by Genocide.4506)

How can we better preserve times of JP Peace?

in WvW

Posted by: hex.3218


I only kill enemies at the JP is a can guarantee they will FALL in the process. It’s so much more fun if they fall, not just die on the ground. Let’s the kiddies on the ground know that mr kitten is waiting up top like Donkey Kong with the fire barrel! YEAH! Me! Me! Me!

Calm Little Buddy