How do I create a zerg with commander?

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: coffen.5471


So I recently put down 30$ to get gems. I converted them to gold and bought commander for WvW zerging. I’m having a very hard time gathering people. I’ve look around for help with creating the zerg, but they all talk about how to command, not how to create a zerg. So I’m asking for your help

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


You have to get in your servers TS.

Then you have to spend time developing a relationship with the regular pick up group players.

Then you have to earn a reputation as someone who knows how to group them together, place siege in proper locations, and ask the right professions to cast the correct skills at the correct time.

Then you have a start. A few months of that and you might get zergs following you.

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: coffen.5471


You have to get in your servers TS.

Then you have to spend time developing a relationship with the regular pick up group players.

Then you have to earn a reputation as someone who knows how to group them together, place siege in proper locations, and ask the right professions to cast the correct skills at the correct time.

Then you have a start. A few months of that and you might get zergs following you.

I’ve thought of onto jumping onto TS, the problem though is I’m a pretty young gamer. I want to try my best to stay away from TS because my high voice and the fact people won’t take me seriously. Ill probably try at some point, and thanks for the feedback!

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: Buy Some Apples.6390

Buy Some Apples.6390

1) Tag up
2a) Do stuff good
2b) Use TS
3) Spam teamchat to join up on you.
4) Do more good stuff good

It all ready depends on how much you win if you want to create a random zerg.
Even really good commanders can lose their zerg if the enemy zerg is better. Player get bored of wipes and leave.

Complained about WvW before it became cool.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


I’ve thought of onto jumping onto TS, the problem though is I’m a pretty young gamer. I want to try my best to stay away from TS because my high voice and the fact people won’t take me seriously. Ill probably try at some point, and thanks for the feedback!

Problem is, that makes it so that you wont gather much people. With TS its often bad enough, but without TS and you loose one battle poof zerg is gone. People are kind of petty that way. GW2 is so mature now that players often only follow known commanders or not play at all. Yesterday on reset we a queue of 130 on EB… and no queue on the borders. Guess what type of commander was on EB and how many where on the borders?

If you really want to pug zerg, I advice daytime EB zerging and border hopping when no one else that lead is on. In primetime, a border with few guilds will probably work, but you’re probably looking at getting 20-30 people unless its a true blob server (half of which will leave as soon as you retreat). EB on primetime without the commander on TS is going to be… painful. Taking over a zerg when a familiar commander leaves is another option, but again its not so certain that will last long. If you are good, then they will follow at least for a while.

Well, all this apply on a high tier server at least. If its low tier, I suppose it doesnt matter much.

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

I think the most important thing is to get a core group around you. Join a guild. Get some guildies and run together often.

The best commanders are rarely out there solo. They have people around them making them look good. They have a party of friends/guildies that assist them. And keep them alive.

Plus when pugs see a core group running with the commander they’re more likely to join in.

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: Reverence.6915


How to create a Zerg; tag up and do kitten. People will gravitate towards you and eventually you’ll get a zerg

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


1. Tag up
2. There’s bound to be SOME players that follow you
3. Do stuff.. successfully
4. Always repeat your commands in Team + Say chat so the zerg knows (some may not pay attention and will have better chance of seeing if the Say chat bubble pops up)
5. More people will begin to follow you, especially if you’re successfully killing/capping/defending correctly etc
6. Communicate friendly with your zerg; don’t just bluntly tell them what to do. Things may get stale if so.

And yeah. Keep doing that and players will get to ‘know’ you and will be more inclined to follow/form a zerg with you.

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: TyPin.9860


You have to get in your servers TS.

Then you have to spend time developing a relationship with the regular pick up group players.

Then you have to earn a reputation as someone who knows how to group them together, place siege in proper locations, and ask the right professions to cast the correct skills at the correct time.

Then you have a start. A few months of that and you might get zergs following you.

I’ve thought of onto jumping onto TS, the problem though is I’m a pretty young gamer. I want to try my best to stay away from TS because my high voice and the fact people won’t take me seriously. Ill probably try at some point, and thanks for the feedback!

Just tell’em you were a girl, and all gamers will run after your every step^^

No seriously. If you are competent at what you’re doing, it shouldn’t be a problem that you are still young. Try to hop on TS, let ppl get to know you. I’d go with the open approach.

You might just wanna start as a havoc/roaming commander with a small gathering of ppl, but once you are more successful more ppl will join you.

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: Zetsumei.4975


You have to get in your servers TS.

Then you have to spend time developing a relationship with the regular pick up group players.

Then you have to earn a reputation as someone who knows how to group them together, place siege in proper locations, and ask the right professions to cast the correct skills at the correct time.

Then you have a start. A few months of that and you might get zergs following you.

I’ve thought of onto jumping onto TS, the problem though is I’m a pretty young gamer. I want to try my best to stay away from TS because my high voice and the fact people won’t take me seriously. Ill probably try at some point, and thanks for the feedback!

Use a voice changer add on :P

Kurodaraku – Necromancer | Kuroshikon – Ranger
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Join a wvw guild, or even a pvx guild that does some wvw (people are more willing to follow a guild tag they recognize). There’s a lot of siege placement and limitations to learn, as well as when to fight or flee. As others have said, “pug” commanders tend to lose people when they lose too many fights or can’t capture objectives. Be active in chat, even if you’re not commanding, so people start to recognize you.

Just for some perspective: how long have you been playing? What rank are you in wvw? How long have you been on your current server?

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: Fannwong.3059



What Apple said. Points are spot on.

About TS, if you type really fast and crazy you can get people to read but it takes a lot of effort and touch typist speed.

People follow you because of loot. The more loot and fun you give the zerg, the more they will follow. When you have been at it for 14-21 days, it’s likely you’ll form a zerg pretty fast.

However, people don’t want to wipe, one or 2 wipes and your zerg will disappear.


1) Tag up
2a) Do stuff good
2b) Use TS
3) Spam teamchat to join up on you.
4) Do more good stuff good

It all ready depends on how much you win if you want to create a random zerg.
Even really good commanders can lose their zerg if the enemy zerg is better. Player get bored of wipes and leave.

[SoX] – JQ

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: Dean Calaway.9718

Dean Calaway.9718

So I recently put down 30$ to get gems. I converted them to gold and bought commander for WvW zerging. I’m having a very hard time gathering people. I’ve look around for help with creating the zerg, but they all talk about how to command, not how to create a zerg. So I’m asking for your help

Well you just make sure you go to a server that has everyone and their mother pilling up to get on 3, 4, 5 v 1 fights, and they’ll come like mots to that shiny 30$ tag you bought.

Like this. They’re so happy they’re even laughing, #winning!

You should see them running away from 1v1’s though…


Victoria Cross [VC] – Desolation [EU]

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: lioka qiao.8734

lioka qiao.8734

Tag up
“lets go cap things”
Take camps and low level towers.
Karma train goes choo choo
you have a zerg.

Once you have a zerg:
Avoid combat unless you outnumber the enemy
Avoid using waypoints at any time unless absolutely necessary… at least 40% of zerglings are incapable of using a waypoint on command.
Try not to wipe.
Use field siege (build ballistas and arrow cards to give you an advantage at towers or open combat)

Little red Lioka

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


Id also add in, it will take time. Ive just returned myself but i can tell you before i quit a while back i had a list of commanders id follow off a cliff, a list id follow until things got messy, and a list that i wouldnt touch with a 10 foot stick.

It takes time to build up trust with the nameless masses you want to follow you in to battle. So tag up show them you know what you are doing and wont get them needlessly killed over and over, and the zerglings will follow.

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-

(edited by Wryscher.1432)

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: Mo Mo.1947

Mo Mo.1947

You need to build respect and notoriety. Tons of us have tags but we don’t all lead zergs. The tag is an organization tool. It let’s people know where you are. After people know where you are, they have to come to think you’re worth following.

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Id also add in, it will take time. Ive just returned myself but i can tell you before i quit a while back i had a list of commanders id follow off a cliff, a list id follow until things got messy, and a list that i wouldnt touch with a 10 foot stick.

It takes time to build up trust with the nameless masses you want to follow you in to battle. So tag up show them you know what you are doing and wont get them needlessly killed over and over, and the zerglings will follow.

I also keep list of commanders I would follow in WvW…. If you are in a guild see if other commanders would be willing to mentor you – that also helps to build confidence not just for the zerg but for yourself. Or check on your TS server for any commander who would mentor.

I ran with one group (IoJ server) who were mentoring a pretty young commander and we had an absolutely fabulous time. We listened to him on TS as well, so we knew he was young. He was actually better than a lot of adults and he had was great at keeping up morale and had us laughing so much as we went (kid could have been a professional comedian he was that good, lol). Overall it was a very successful day with him and I would run with him anytime now.

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: RodOfDeath.5247


Basically what Aerinndis said. I find the best commanders are just fun to follow, don’t get frustrated if we get annihilated, and just keep spirits up. Raging in TS and being negative is not going to get you anywhere. You’ll find pugs don’t mind wiping…it’s part of the game and it happens. If you have the guts to tag up and lead, just live and learn. You’re not going to go out there and zerg bust right out of the gates, just learn from your mistakes and have a thick skin. There’s always gonna be that one player in map chat keyboard mashing about how awful your decision making is, ignore that jabroni and you’ll mess up time to time, just learn as always.

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: GROMIT.7829


1- Go to EB at any time ofthe day.
2- Tag up up if there is no one.
3- Watch all the EB tryhards come worship their god the blue dorito.
4- Cap some stuff for an hour and give them a few fights.
5- You now have a blob.
6- Go to any border you like.
7- Don’t do what every other comm does and sit on EB thinking they are helping the tick.


How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Offering coffee and cookies usually works too…

“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


So I recently put down 30$ to get gems. I converted them to gold and bought commander for WvW zerging. I’m having a very hard time gathering people. I’ve look around for help with creating the zerg, but they all talk about how to command, not how to create a zerg. So I’m asking for your help

From what I have observed, people;

  • gather when you are successful and
  • disperse when you wipe.

Success in this case can be

  • winning battles or
  • capturing objectives

A lot of PUG commanders avoid fair-looking battles and go for objectives instead because if they lose the battles, they lose their zerg.

One of the best ways to create a zerg is to begin by recapturing objectives on your home map. This is nice and safe when there are few enemies around and you gather people up like a candy floss machine.

[edit: I just read the other replies and realise that I repeated lioka qiao.8734’s comment – I will take this as confirmation!]

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


A successful Commander avoids enemy zergs or protacted sieges..he goes for the fast objective conquest and only gives battle when numbers are on his side.

Winning all the time is the secret.

A defeat always lead some people to logoff. Continuous victories are addictive and people never logoff…they phone to work and call for a sick day to keep playing.

“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: Diederick.7906


You have to get in your servers TS.

Then you have to spend time developing a relationship with the regular pick up group players.

Then you have to earn a reputation as someone who knows how to group them together, place siege in proper locations, and ask the right professions to cast the correct skills at the correct time.

Then you have a start. A few months of that and you might get zergs following you.

I’ve thought of onto jumping onto TS, the problem though is I’m a pretty young gamer. I want to try my best to stay away from TS because my high voice and the fact people won’t take me seriously. Ill probably try at some point, and thanks for the feedback!

Use a voice changer add on :P

This would probably solve your problem xD

How do I create a zerg with commander?

in WvW

Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860

One Prarie Outpost.4860

I’ve thought of onto jumping onto TS, the problem though is I’m a pretty young gamer. I want to try my best to stay away from TS because my high voice and the fact people won’t take me seriously. Ill probably try at some point, and thanks for the feedback!

Try this: