How do you counter a portal bomb

How do you counter a portal bomb

in WvW

Posted by: Waking.6052


As has been said, I think when Anet finally decides to get rid of culling and just let the player set the data rate, portal will stop being an annoyance and simply be a tactic. Like the thief’s ability to roam and kill vulnerable enemies, and the guardian’s ability to stay alive forever, and he elementalist’s versatility, each profession is OP at something. The Mesmer can portal, that’s one of two unique skills they bring to large scale combat and both of these skills are support.

Anyway, how do you counter a portal?

Guardian Commander “The Lord Saves”
Mesmer Commander “The Lord Knows”
Fort Aspenwood

How do you counter a portal bomb

in WvW

Posted by: buki.3108


Spread out. They will disperse allowing you to pick them off.

How do you counter a portal bomb

in WvW

Posted by: Christos de Soufre.3802

Christos de Soufre.3802

I like to drop Wall of Reflection and/or Shelter right on top of enemy portals as soon as I see them. Just for teh lolz.

Chris “Dawnheart” Aerinoh — Revenant, Guardian — Blackgate

How do you counter a portal bomb

in WvW

Posted by: TrashHunterz.4751


Immediatly start aoeing and placing cc on the portal. If u manage to do that with enough people they wil die real fast.

Server: Desolation
Main: Elementalist.

How do you counter a portal bomb

in WvW

Posted by: RockonHarder.7235


IF you see a mezmer run at the group CC him really fast. stop the Bomb before it even happens.

Deathmonger esq lvl 80 necro
DB forever!!

How do you counter a portal bomb

in WvW

Posted by: Ashlov.3819


Rolling Ring of Earth and Fire

Chuck Chuck Bobuck – Dwarec Mercs [DM] – NA Guild on Sanctum of Rall

How do you counter a portal bomb

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


IF you see a mezmer run at the group CC him really fast. stop the Bomb before it even happens.

Yeah, good luck finding the mesmer in the zerg xD

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

How do you counter a portal bomb

in WvW

Posted by: Surbrus.6942


IF you see a mezmer run at the group CC him really fast. stop the Bomb before it even happens.

Why not just AoE and CC the portal and get a bunch of easy kills? That way you can kill off a lot of your enemies, allowing you to make a counter push against a lot fewer enemies.

Immediatly start aoeing and placing cc on the portal. If u manage to do that with enough people they wil die real fast.

How do you counter a portal bomb

in WvW

Posted by: snacktime.1082


Portal bombs themselves are not that hard to counter. Aoe, spread out, etc… What makes them deadly is when you have a well organized guild on voice comms portal bombing the average zerg.

Really, it’s not the portal bomb that’s killing you, you are just getting outplayed. Adapt or die.

Well organized guild groups will more often then not wipe portal bombs just as easily as they use them to wipe others. It really is the organization and teamwork that makes the difference.

How do you counter a portal bomb

in WvW

Posted by: snacktime.1082


To follow up on the theme that it’s not so much the portal bomb itself.

A good group will stay close together. When they drop the bomb and attack they will all have protection, regen, and condition removal going, as well as aoe stability. Likewise they are applying all sorts of conditions on the zerg, and most definitely confusion and retaliation.

The average zerg dropping a portal bomb is completely different. Most of the time no stability, everyone doing their own thing and trying to be the hero rather then paying attention to what’s going on around them and working as a team.

The portal bomb does give a distinct advantage to organized teams over a zerg. No doubt about that. It plays to their strengths, which is why is seems overpowered to some.

How do you counter a portal bomb

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Guardian hammer skill number 5. Ring of warding.
Makes a ring around them that they can’t walk through. trapping them in the ball.

When you see the portal you just jump and ring it.
Problem solved.
Free tokens.

kitten face attached)


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

How do you counter a portal bomb

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Flee, regroup and do counter attack. Of course depends how early you see it.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

(edited by Junkpile.7439)

How do you counter a portal bomb

in WvW

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


I just use veil and mass invisibility to sneak into the middle of a zerg and deploy my portal.


How do you counter a portal bomb

in WvW

Posted by: Adaneshade.2409


QQ like a sissy on the forums until ANet nerfs portals?? :-P

But seriously, use light fields and blast finishers to proc retaliation on your raid and the portal bombers blow themselves up ;-D


How do you counter a portal bomb

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


You can’t counter them. Working as intended.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

How do you counter a portal bomb

in WvW

Posted by: Deehorsey.9816


To follow up on the theme that it’s not so much the portal bomb itself.

A good group will stay close together. When they drop the bomb and attack they will all have protection, regen, and condition removal going, as well as aoe stability. Likewise they are applying all sorts of conditions on the zerg, and most definitely confusion and retaliation.

The average zerg dropping a portal bomb is completely different. Most of the time no stability, everyone doing their own thing and trying to be the hero rather then paying attention to what’s going on around them and working as a team.

The portal bomb does give a distinct advantage to organized teams over a zerg. No doubt about that. It plays to their strengths, which is why is seems overpowered to some.


What makes the strategy less viable, though, is the cap on boons and/or fields which effect a maximum of 5 friendly players (there may be exceptions). Of course they will have barriers on their stack, so the best offensive counter is using non-projectile type attacks.

Defensively.. you might be screwed. It is a bomb, after all.

Deehorsey – Sylvari Support Elementalist
Deemode – Human Tank Guardian