How do you explain the WvW reward?

How do you explain the WvW reward?

in WvW

Posted by: Vatlaaw Fierceshot.5713

Vatlaaw Fierceshot.5713

It’s almost like they’re afraid to reward people for their time spent as it might take away from the incentive to buy gems.

How do you explain the WvW reward?

in WvW

Posted by: Ghrimboff.6357


Considering the effort that went into getting the achievements I think an ascended weapon would have been more appropriate.

really ? i did those acheivements without even caring about them, was the easiest title i’ve ever earned, you guys need to slack down on the QQ

[KWBH] The Foo Fighter
SBI Commander

How do you explain the WvW reward?

in WvW

Posted by: SleepingDragon.1596


There was hardly any effort put into those achievements. Most of them you end up doing if you were doing your dailies. What’s there to complain about? It’s a well given out reward and too generous of Anet to reward players for doing what they been doing anyways. Look on the bright side. At least some of the people gets some kind of bragging rights?

-S o S-

How do you explain the WvW reward?

in WvW

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Considering the effort that went into getting the achievements I think an ascended weapon would have been more appropriate.

really ? i did those acheivements without even caring about them, was the easiest title i’ve ever earned, you guys need to slack down on the QQ

Titles…. expanding the list of things the majority of WvW’rs don’t give a crap about? And now EVERYONE has EXACTLY THE SAME ONE o.O

How do you explain the WvW reward?

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I for one am glad the rewards were crap. Being on a server that rarely ever had a queue before was great. Getting stuck waiting because of all the pve achievement hunters who don’t give a flying crap about wvw otherwise, and have never once stepped foot inside it before leagues started, sucked. I hated the extra people wasting supplies and being nothing more than rally bait for the enemies. Hopefully now that all the pvers know the rewards suck, there will be less of them next season.

How do you explain the WvW reward?

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


i mean i could have spent the entire season in spvp and gotten prettier and permanent finishers. i could have run every dungeon each path instead of wvw and made a lot of gold. i could have run fractal and get way more out of it, but no we all competed and worked very hard.

i wouldnt even think about giving the lowest server that lost every game such an awful reward. we all worked hard and yes there are servers that won and should get something special for that, but what they gave us is an insult.

i make more than that on a reset night( apart form the exotic as this one barely ever drops)

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

How do you explain the WvW reward?

in WvW

Posted by: Cottontail.8526


All that for a mini dolyak and 8 levels of exp.
Didn’t even get ectos off the 5 rares I salvaged.

And then I used the wxp jug and got an exotic in the reward chest just as a slap in the face. Which I salvaged and also got nothing from it. No luck, nothing. The ultimate kitten.

How do you explain the WvW reward?

in WvW

Posted by: Bubbles.1047


I knew the reward was going to be terrible, so I never bothered going for the meta. I did get it though, simply by playing WvW for the past 7 weeks. So, some extra stuff for playing what I normally play anyway, don’t mind if I do.

How do you explain the WvW reward?

in WvW

Posted by: Shiren.9532


It’s not that different from a normal Living Story reward which Season 1 is supposed to emulate. A bunch of achievement points, a title and a unique item (mini pet or back item). It shouldn’t ever be like the Karka Queen chests which were horribly OP rewards.

Don’t forget you get chests for individual tracks (with crappy rewards inside them too). All up this rewards isn’t much different from the Living Story, in some ways it’s better. When you put it into perspective, a lot of the dissatisfaction is just false entitlement.

How do you explain the WvW reward?

in WvW

Posted by: Crawler.8754


Did anyone of u really expect Anet not to fail kitten anything?
Anet has turned from a great developer into a very big pile of kitten.
Fracture – Fail, WvW – Fail, Toxic bullkitten – Epic fail and not to mention the light flamekissed armor
Do i get censored because anet doesnt want to face the truth?

How do you explain the WvW reward?

in WvW

Posted by: Harvest.2506


There was hardly any effort put into those achievements. Most of them you end up doing if you were doing your dailies. What’s there to complain about? It’s a well given out reward and too generous of Anet to reward players for doing what they been doing anyways. Look on the bright side. At least some of the people gets some kind of bragging rights?

While just doing the achievements unlocked the chest. That’s not the problem. The issue is that we were lead to believe that the rewards at the end were tied to the overall performance of our servers. yet Gold league rewards aren’t that much better than bronze, the finishers aren’t perma, and there is nothing distingusing for doing the longest meta in the games history at all.

How do you explain the WvW reward?

in WvW

Posted by: TPMN.1483


I believed the reward was fair and just.

Considering many worlds and players could achieve these in a few hours (in some cases)- awarding items such as precursors (which I have seen demanded) would have been unfair to many players. We know of individuals with (>3000 hrs of play) and thousands of gold dropped into the MF without one.

The balance of the rewards is in-par with other living story rewards.
Even if the rewards are scaled up a little (1g – for first, 0.75g second, 0.5g – third) would have still been over the top.

[MYTH] The Mythical Dragons -PvX

How do you explain the WvW reward?

in WvW

Posted by: naphack.9346


Just how hard is it to give one of these as a reward?

Both would be feasible, stand out from the common rewards and be a reason to actually win the next season.
I will happily put my Urchin’s needles onto some condition specced spear gun using char of mine, but seriously, that thing is like 1.8 gold, that’s NOTHING.
As for the rewards while completing these achievements, aside from a couple of ectos and a single piece of exotic armor, I got nothing. I had more luck gambling with the mystic forge than grinding those achievements.

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

How do you explain the WvW reward?

in WvW

Posted by: Chilli.2976


I don’t understand why people are crying over the rewards, either you like it or you don’t.

How do you explain the WvW reward?

in WvW

Posted by: Manuelito.6081


I had thought the finisher would have been a permanent finisher or permanent until the next season when or if it changed hands to a new server. This is what should have been given as the meta reward for winning.

A nice skin would have also been great since living story hands them out every time a dolyak farts.

I would also have thought a better WXP reward, badges and some laurels would be included.

Unfortunately, I’m not surprised what was given.

I could not agree more with this.
It should have been:
1- Something to show off (perma finisher or until next season, special dye, a back item or similar, etc.)
2- Rewards related to WvW. For 500 Achievement Points I get 250 Badges of Honour…but for 7 weeks of WvW I receive none (this is just an example)

I am sure this will have an impact on an eventual WvW Season 2. It is not about the big rewards (if you want a precursor go farm it in PvE) it is more about a bit of recognition and show off (which is important in a game were cosmetics are 90% of it) for keeping it going for 7 weeks (or until the meta achievement, as you like).

Hardcore WvWers will play WvW anyway (until a better/newer game comes out, I guess), but the new wave of WvW casuals will not be attracted that much. I repeat it: a small exclusive thing like a skin, dye, a perm finisher or whatever (like in every two-weeks living story patch) would have been more than sufficient to make the large majority of players happy. Only a few hoped for fat loot.

I will not holding my breath for a Season 2


(edited by Manuelito.6081)

How do you explain the WvW reward?

in WvW

Posted by: Offair.2563


I’ve made constructive comments in other threads only to have them trashed.

Play WvW because you enjoy it, not for some carrot in the distance. I got a title and some extra goodies I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise,

Best comment ive read so far, play wvw for the content and not for some rewards, beside that wvw loot always been terrible so what did ppl expect??

Big Babou, Ranger for life.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.

How do you explain the WvW reward?

in WvW

Posted by: Righteous.4307


I’ve made constructive comments in other threads only to have them trashed.

Play WvW because you enjoy it, not for some carrot in the distance. I got a title and some extra goodies I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise,

Best comment ive read so far, play wvw for the content and not for some rewards, beside that wvw loot always been terrible so what did ppl expect??

Just because it has been bad in the past doesnt mean it will always/should be that way. Furthermore this logic is flawed. One could just as easily say, “You play PvE for fun not for the reward. PvE should have little/no reward.” The truth is that WvW, PvE, and PvP should be all be both fun as well as rewarding.

[MU] Barnabas Hale
HoD Commander