How do you get kills in WvW?
15 chars……………
what class are you?
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade
what class are you?
1) You tag kills better in a group. Beg people to join a party.
2) The best tagging classes do big AoE, with range, and just enough damage. I’m happy with ele and ranger.
what class are you?
It’s rather easy, use ground targeting Wells as well as Epidemic and the staff as you main weapon. You should be able to get you kills within a few minutes if you are running with a zerg, you don’t even need to be in a group.
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)
As Necromancer just join a zerg using berserker gear, staff, power/DS build, Epidemic/ground target wells, and Lich.
Set marks on top of enemy zergs, target an enemy with lots of conditions and use Epidemic (or a group and use wells), pop into Lich to outright explode people (that you’ve previously chilled, or are being CCed by others).
Orisletum [TFH] – 80 Necromancer
Oriscalamitas [TFH] – 80 Engineer
If you’re lucky, you can get on an arrow cart as a group attacks a tower/keep. If not, be where the fights are, defend what’s being attacked. It usually doesn’t take me more than two to three sessions.
If you want to be an a hole then just farm the jumping puzzles with a bit of siege and a couple friends
other then that just make sure to get a few hits on people that are downed, life transfer in ds is a good skill as it aoe targets people around you.. axe has a skill that hits people around you hard enough to get credit as well
Eriena of JQ-warrior forever
I farm FS and Kodash @ their spawn.
Siege weapons will do the trick.
Find someone with a shiny blue cat-herding icon that doesn’t suck and follow them.
55 kills lol? I take around 150-200 kills in 2 hours.And i play shortbow ranger O.O
Hehehe This is how you kill in wvwvw
Farming zergs with smal team, getting hunderds of badges in a few hours.
If I want to finish the monthly I’m going to need another 55 kills in WvW, but they seem to come so rarely. How can I make sure I get more kills in WvW?
I’m not so good at PvP; I pick up most of my kills by finishing off enemy that my teammates have downed. I.e., go to the fight with friends and colleagues.