How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: Pulan.4507


Select them, right-click potrait and you can report anyone.

How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: laffingseals.5934



How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: Corew.8932


Intresting.. wonder if this is considered a “valid tactic”, infiltrators/saboteurs ;p

How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: Turukano.3106


How can they drain supply? Where did they put it in? Repairing walls is not a crime, while it might not be very wise to do at that time. You won’t be able to report them for that.

Maybe, if they build up a couple of siege rams next to the supply depot for no reason, you’ll have success reporting.

How you’d report them? No idea.

[center]Karn Aanug [KA][/center]

How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: Cal.1985


No its “exploit” – exploiting the free world transfers against the current three matched servers.

Cal Dae | Tainted | Piken Square

How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: Tyrshar.1782


Sadly, whether this was intentional or not, it demonstrates the flaws of the supply design. Chat is constantly filled with people saying, “Don’t pull supplies from ‘X’!!!” Inevitably, random lazy person who do not want to go to the supply camps pull from the base and stunt the growth of the base. What’s just as bad is that your server cannot place any punishment on people who willingly do this. Not only does this put the base in a bad position, it’s a huge slap in the face to the person who spent the gold and karma to upgrade the base.

Bases should have two stockpiles of supplies. One stockpile is used exclusively by the base and is filled solely by yaks. Another supply is a reserve that individuals can dump extra supplies in and is freely accessible to all. Of course, both stockpiles would have limits, but this would address people purposefully stunting the growth of keeps (which is an ever-increasing problem). Keeps would pull from their supply stockpile the necessary materials to build upgrades.

Side note #1:
It’s my personal opinion that upgrades should not cost gold/karma, but rather are built based solely on “time” held (and, of course, ample supply from yaks). The capturing force members would have a 3-minute window (after lord defeat) to cast their vote for priority of upgrades; they captured it so they should have direct input on its progression. At the end of 3-minutes, the votes are tallied and the keep begins pulling supplies from its stockpile to begin building (ties could be resolved by coin toss). The reason I suggest this alternative is that with the current system many players feel punished for investing in keeps; there is no server-shared responsibility of covering costs. Using time as resource means that the server has a collective interest in protecting the keep to ensure all upgrades are built.

Side note #2:
Blueprints should be available for purchase by karma and environment drops (not gold). Making siege equipment purchasable by gold caters victory to the wealthiest (and likely most populated) server. Gold should not be a factor beyond repair bills (yes, there should be some negative effect associated with death to make it meaningful.)

Side note #3:
Mobs (not event associated) and harvest nodes should be meaningful if they are present in WvW. Make them drop supply (or use them for other events). Nothing says fun like waiting in line to grab supplies at a camp while 10+ people hover over the crates. At least I could do something productive in killing all the useless mobs to gain supply while I wait.

If Anet needs a gold sink, they can put in backpacks that allow players to gather 5/10/15 more resources, and expire after a set time duration or death. This would be a constant money sink (which is helpful although not required).

I have a ton of other suggestions, but I am already veering off topic. In short, there are issues that need to be addressed before WvW is really balanced out. It’s only been a month so there will be growing pains; it is understandable.

(edited by Tyrshar.1782)

How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: Kolly.9872


Sadly, whether this was intentional or not, it demonstrates the flaws of the supply design. Chat is constantly filled with people saying, “Don’t pull supplies from ‘X’!!!” Inevitably, random lazy person who do not want to go to the supply camps pull from the base and stunt the growth of the base. What’s just as bad is that your server cannot place any punishment on people who willingly do this. Not only does this put the base in a bad position, it’s a huge slap in the face to the person who spent the gold and karma to upgrade the base.

what about making supply from towers\keeps\castle only pullable when that tower\keep\castle is under attack? maybe it could fix the problem a little? I also hate screaming in chat “do not take supply from the tower”

Thief might not be as strong as last year
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!

How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: Vena.8436


what about making supply from towers\keeps\castle only pullable when that tower\keep\castle is under attack? maybe it could fix the problem a little? I also hate screaming in chat “do not take supply from the tower”

No, because at times of sieges, running to a nearby stacked tower (full on supply) for supply is a viable and necessary tactic. Take, for instance, XHills. Its being sieged from the north and you need supply immediately but, unfortunately, XWater has been tapped out by the constant train of people getting supply. Ahh, but only a few feet away, is XLake, and its been fully upgraded and has 700/700 supply. You’ll want to tap into that as (a.) XLake is safe and has more than enough supply, (b.) XHills is an important position.

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

Valid tactic. Ask Anet yourself. How ever they also said that when they stop free transfers, the transfers cooldown will be also longer to reduce such instances. But it is still allowed.

How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


Its not a valid tactic because it is not a tactic at all, they aren’t infiltrators or sabatours. You can do nothing to stop them and implementing any kind of penalty or vote kick system would just get abused.

There is no skill in switching to a server to take up a WvW spot and run around completely out of danger wasting the most valueable resource.

Valid Tactic is just a bs cover for something they probally didnt even realize people would do. Otherwise they would have just made it so when you do a server transfer u cant WvW till after reset.

Free server transfers are meant for people to try out different homeworlds and ensure they can play with their friends not for people to hop around so they can constantly be on the winning WvW team or to ruin other servers games by dumping supplies or giving up orbs.

To me this is no different then the karma vendors, ppl have found a mistake with how the game is and are continuing to exploit it. To try and say tht its a tatic because its WvW is just garbage.

Just make it so you can free transfer as much as you want but you have to wait a week before you can transfer BACK to a server you left

How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: Tyrshar.1782


It’s obvious people are abusing the system, and it highlights one of the flaws of the current system. While I like and admire Anet, the current WvWvW setup is clunky and really should be changed to a more elegant system (one that does not foster abuse of any kind, and requires server cooperation and not individuals’ gold to keep bases upgraded).

How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: Kay of Sauvage.9837

Kay of Sauvage.9837

I’m not surprised. I actually recognized one of the names (Epiks) as someone who I remember was giving instructions in team/map chat that were exactly the opposite of what the rest of us were saying, with the obvious intent to cause disorder and confusion, or to just be difficult in a childish way. That’s in addition to some other general pessimistic and disparaging remarks, so I think he’s just unhappy/bored and is taking it out on everyone, rather than him being an infiltrator working for the enemy team.

How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: Wraithowl.8257


Crispeh beat me to it. A valid tactic should have one or more viable counters (not including using the same cheat/exploit/griefing behavior) that allow for you to stop or compensate for it. Right now, there’s nothing that can be done to stop people engaging in this waste of resources.

Wraithowl – Norn Guardian, Zwash – Asura Ranger,
Swash – Human Necro, Swarsh – Char Thief
Fist of the North – SBI

How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: zerospin.8604


It’s obvious people are abusing the system, and it highlights one of the flaws of the current system. While I like and admire Anet, the current WvWvW setup is clunky and really should be changed to a more elegant system (one that does not foster abuse of any kind, and requires server cooperation and not individuals’ gold to keep bases upgraded).

Yeah I hear you, however a system that does not allow for abuse of any kind does not exist. Not in any game and certainly not in the real world. All one can do is try to design a system that minimizes abuse and provides mechanisms to deal with it. However, these mechanisms are likely to be used for abuse as well so it is somewhat futile. Example from the real world: the police force. Created to prevent abuse, yet it does abuse the innocent often as well. Same thing with the courts, government, etc etc. Everything humans do can inherently be abused or used for abuse. That certainly goes for games designed by us flawed humans :P

How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: Tyrshar.1782


There are some good suggestions in other threads, although there are many different issues regarding WvWvW. I’ve given alternative solutions for the supply and upgrade issues in other threads attempting to be somewhat constructive.

One big issue is a server’s economy. Do they have a lot of “wealthy” players? If so, then they will certainly have an edge in WvWvW (siege is very costly). WvWvW should not rely on spending gold on an individual basis to bolster keeps and buying seige. Instead that burden should be shared across all participating WvWvW players. The problem is that WvWvW has a very big economic impact, and I am sure any change would be scrutinized. Right now, WvWvW is a tremendous gold sink and is designed to pull money out of the economy that is not recycled. If they don’t have a gold sink at “end game”, then gold will rapidly lose value and cause economic issues (currently lower level players only garner so much money from heart quests and drops). Alternative solutions to “requesting” gold from players could be a WvWvW tax (not optimal, but just throwing it out there), backpacks to carry additional supplies, consumables, skins/textures, buying upgrade sigil/marks that cost both gold and karma, etc. I feel bad for those dedicated few that dump 5g in a few hours and the rest of the server contributes nothing. The game is young, only time will tell where all this is headed.

How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

Anet have made a ruling on it. You can complain and argue about it until you’re blue in the face. Nothing is going to change. Just you getting madder.

I don’t like it either. But that’s the way the cookie crumbles. Can’t go against the game moderators.

How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: grizzlebizzle.9371


Once they start charging for transfers it will solve the problem. People aren’t gonna blow that much cash or gold on gems to perform unnecessary repairs to walls on an enemy server for a day then transfer back. The problem is not the supply system. It is that WvW and free unlimited transfers are not really compatible.

How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: Tyrshar.1782


Whether the pulling of supplies is intentional or not, the system is designed poorly. On CD we have people (some possibly just not bright) that will pull supplies from our keeps because they are too lazy to get it from the supply camps. Yes, eventually (hopefully) these people will understand what they are doing is wrong, but the supply system shouldn’t be designed that it is necessary to “constantly” spam, “do NOT pull supplies from X!!!” This also makes a big assumption that people are listening to zone chat, and not in some other tab or in la-la land. There are alternative to the current system, and, frankly, they make much more sense than what is currently implemented (and, as a bonus, avoids potential abuse).

(edited by Tyrshar.1782)

How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: Aria.4817


Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I have on rare occasion taken supplies to repair or even help build something for that keep/tower/castle etc.

Did not realize until now that those supplies directly effected when upgrade would happen, I normally take from supply camps but sometimes in midst of battle you take what you can get!

Aria Treedove (SDL)
Darkhaven NA Server
(semi noob wvw)

How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: Hux.8739


Only players of the claiming guild should be able to pull supply from a tower or keep.

Huxer(EC) Economic Collapse
Asura Warrior

How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: RecycledBill.5701


Only players of the claiming guild should be able to pull supply from a tower or keep.

Definitely do not agree with this. Half the time the claiming guild is not at the tower, camp, etc and non-guild members must use the resources to defend. I think a better approach would be to have an upgrade option that gives the guild a special supply stash that only they can access, perhaps it activates a second supply rout from the nearest camp.

How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


Epiks does it on purpose. he’s been doing it for at least two weeks. He’s been told time and time again why he shouldn’t pull supplies from the keeps and towers, yet he continues to do it. I’ve named him in chat myself as the one stealing supply from DB when we were trying to get the walls upgraded.

I agree with Hux.8739, only the guild who has claimed should be able to pull supply. Can’t tell you the number of times my guild has spent a gold or more trying to upgrade towers only to have epiks and a few like him completely drain the supply depot so no upgrades get through.

It’s a form of griefing. It shouldn’t be allowed.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

How do you report people purposefully draining supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: willwill.9318


Like any traitor, you kill them…

Oh wait, you’re not allowed to because it’d break lore…. <DDH>