How i love youtube: World vs World vs Moose [Fanvideo]

How i love youtube: World vs World vs Moose [Fanvideo]

in WvW

Posted by: Apocalypse.5239


nice work in that wvwvw and some good Laughs.
Only if you want to watch.
lvl 80 Charr Warrior part of Twin.

How i love youtube: World vs World vs Moose [Fanvideo]

in WvW

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


So far, this is probably my favorite GW2 video. The music I think clinches it.


Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

How i love youtube: World vs World vs Moose [Fanvideo]

in WvW

Posted by: Apocalypse.5239


ya its good to see ppl have fun and laughs.
Only if you want to watch.
lvl 80 Charr Warrior part of Twin.

How i love youtube: World vs World vs Moose [Fanvideo]

in WvW

Posted by: rice.5376


Ah, that made my day; Note to self, do not watch funny videos in a public bathroom, people will think you are weird laughing.

Bacon, Bacon, BACON!
Bubônix: Engy
Server: Maguuma Guild: [PYRO]

How i love youtube: World vs World vs Moose [Fanvideo]

in WvW

Posted by: romerise.6942


How i love youtube: World vs World vs Moose [Fanvideo]

in WvW

Posted by: SpaceLord.4590


I dont know what was more fun to watch…the guy who Alt-F4d or the ones jumping off the cliffs lol

Well played and thanks for the laugh.

Haaaa Key Puck (80) Norn Mesmer (80) Asura Engineer-Protocol [PRO]
Devona’s Rest

How i love youtube: World vs World vs Moose [Fanvideo]

in WvW

Posted by: Manoa.5897


Ah, that made my day; Note to self, do not watch funny videos in a public bathroom, people will think you are weird laughing.

I have to admit that my first thought in this thread was, “I certainly hope he wasn’t in the public restroom for the WHOLE video! If so, eat moar fiber!”

Hilarious video, love it!

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

How i love youtube: World vs World vs Moose [Fanvideo]

in WvW

Posted by: Assassinin.4963


Ha ha … this is funny kitten. This is what gaming should be about, worry-free fun via player innovation. This bring back my wow memory when we had all the stealth char (rogue and druid) cloaked inside the flag room waiting for that solo enemy to come steal our flag. When that solo enemy entered into the deep end of the room, all 8 of us uncloaked and surround him. He probably kitten in his pants and do a /beg on this surprise ambush and we had the laugh of our time. Those were the days.

How i love youtube: World vs World vs Moose [Fanvideo]

in WvW

Posted by: Apocalypse.5239


I dont know what was more fun to watch…the guy who Alt-F4d or the ones jumping off the cliffs lol

Well played and thanks for the laugh.

i say both.
Only if you want to watch.
lvl 80 Charr Warrior part of Twin.

How i love youtube: World vs World vs Moose [Fanvideo]

in WvW

Posted by: Scyp.6173


I approve of this tactic.

Awesome idea, awesome video.

Now all ANet has to do is create a zerg tonic so worlds can properly zerg on each other.

Man, I love this video.

Thordaric / Crackx / Isjtarr

Ring of Fire

How i love youtube: World vs World vs Moose [Fanvideo]

in WvW

Posted by: Apocalypse.5239


all where missing now is a Cow.
Only if you want to watch.
lvl 80 Charr Warrior part of Twin.

How i love youtube: World vs World vs Moose [Fanvideo]

in WvW

Posted by: naphack.9346


Next time visit some Skritt before doing it and grab a bunch of stones to throw around.
I meann, you can place siege, so you should be able to throw stones too!

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

How i love youtube: World vs World vs Moose [Fanvideo]

in WvW

Posted by: Coolmoos.8546


Confused as to why this video is in here…

Moose one was awesome…

Atriese 80 Thief – Os Guild [Os] – Northern Shiverpeaks

How i love youtube: World vs World vs Moose [Fanvideo]

in WvW

Posted by: Apocalypse.5239


Next time visit some Skritt before doing it and grab a bunch of stones to throw around.
I meann, you can place siege, so you should be able to throw stones too!

Moose + a rock toss = epic fight. aka run they have rocks.
Only if you want to watch.
lvl 80 Charr Warrior part of Twin.