How long will Linking last?
The idea of linked servers is basically this:
Server A is bigger then server B and both are bigger then server C. Now we link server E to server B (B+E) so they together are about same size as server A. We also links erver D to server C (C+D) so they too have combined population same as servers A and B+E.
So there is no “linked servers fight only other servers with links too”. As long server A remains bigger then servers B and C, they should never get another server linked to them as this would only increase population difference.
persuade your people to destack willingly, thats the manual intervention linking needs to be successful than the more sinister reduce map capacity program
Gate of Madness
I can’t see Anet changing linking soon. It has helped fix some of the population issues that existed when it was first introduced, and there are a number of players who actually like the variation of being on a linked server and changing every two months.
You can’t expect to see only single servers matched together. In NA this would be Blackgate, Jade Quarry and Fort Aspenwood matched together – permanently. I’m not convinced the players would like that for ever.
Permanent linking would also be a problem. Anet currently moves linked servers around to try to make populations more balanced based on data they don’t share. Permanent linking would prevent this and could lead to more unbalanced matches than we see now. It would also in effect be merging the linked servers into the host servers: you are therefore suggesting deleting 12 servers and there are a fair number of players on those linked servers who would be very unhappy about this.
I’d like to see them either unlink servers for a round or add another tier. I’m getting tired of the blobs and ktrain mentality.
Quaggan OP [QOP], League of Extraordinary Siegers [LEXS]
Ehmry Bay
it is pretty much a permanent fixture of the game . think they will not change it . in the case of wvw honestly believe it be more better to let servers be fully unlinked and let it goes its way . if some servers grow fine if some get smaller fine too .
other side of the coin pve stand points
even tho mega servers make it good for doing world boss events and them painful meta events . at least that part of it works well for it .
other wise while its nice to see other players and all . given the salt in the game it being
how that is it would be nice to have at least 2 servers stand by them selfs independent of mega server system for thos that want to do pve in a less populated map .
but yet sadly that can not happen at all and nor will it happen even if they re wrote the code it still will not work at all thus stuck with mega servers for life .
Does it really cause frustration… or keep us going by shaking things up?
Because the linkings still cause a ruckus every other month instead of stagnate the tiers. It’s just a continuous cycle now – T3 server gets linked because it’s “weak”, the new link pair skyrocket to the top shifting everything on it’s way, the link pair become T1 and is now considered “strong”… so it gets unlinked and plummeth in the tiers because it can no longer fight T1. At around T3 it stabilize and then is considered “weak” again and… it gets a new link. Cycle repeats.
So it’s just a matter of picking your fetish – do you want to be a lava lamp or a stagnant puddle of stinking water?