How many classes have "stealth" ?

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: Hardist.3104


So I was just wondering as to how many classes actually have stealth or something they can use to get away from the enemy unseen. Lately a LOT of players I am fighting with suddenly disappear and there is no way I can find them again. Even when I immediately go into my death shroud and enable my life transfer skill, I don’t seem to hit anything.

Am I just fighting one and the same class over and over? Or are they just closing their clients or something? It’s just really annoying.

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: Haralin.1473


Every Class is able to stealth in some circumstances (combofields). But this is only a short time.

Thieves are the only one i never see again

Haralin Engineer

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: Waterbear.2764


You might be experiencing the super secret alt+f4 stealth that has been rising in popularity lately.

Though off hand, direct stealths that I know of are thieves, engineers (the kit on elixer s), mesmers, and rangers have a trait that “camaflouges” under certain conditions. Other than that, any blast/leap in a smoke combo field grants stealth.

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: Turkman.1089


As far as I know Thiefs and Mesmers are the only ones who have mutliple stealth abilities to keep them invisible for some time. Rangers can be traited so that they get a very short stealth on getting incapacitated, if I recall correctly. And there are combos that can grant stealth (Smoke field + blast finisher is area stealth and smoke field & leap finisher is single stealth).

Stealth is really wicked on thieves with particular stealth builds. They can remain invisible for so long it’s really a pain in the kitten and also affecting the game as they can literally keep a point like a supply camp from going to the attackers for what feels like an eternity because they’re standing in the cap circle stealthed. They will just pop out of stealth for one second and hit somebody and then rinse and repeat for minutes. And the culling problem also keeps you from doing something against this, as the thief is visible so short you must really be lucky to get some attack off on him. I hope this perma-stealth issue will get adjusted accordingly.

But I assume the thing you’re encountering could be people who realise they are about to lose the fight and chicken out of the fight via alt-f4. This saves them the reair costs and you won’t get loot or credit for a kill.

Abaddon’s Mouth
[DP] Diamond Pirates

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: darkrequiem.6258


I’m pretty sure that there’s only the two.

1. Thief – stealth is their survival mechanic. They are also able to provide it to other people but it has an obvious AoE circle. After they attack from stealth there is a 3 second revealed debuff before they can return to stealth but rendering in WvW makes this a bit problematic. If they are fleeing with you then they can chain together 20 seconds with very little effort, provided they have the initiative (it’s like a cost to use ability system) to do so.

2. Mesmer – They have 3 stealth abilities. Decoy creates a clone at their current position (provided they have a target) and gives stealth for 3 seconds. Veil is a line aoe that grants 4 seconds stealth to any friendly character that walks through it. Mass Invisibility grants 5 seconds of stealth to every friendly player within a 1200 radius but has a really obvious charge up of raising their main weapon into the air.

The best means to deal with stealth is aoe abilities. As a necromancer you should be setting up marks and wells since they’re invisible, not invulnerable.

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: iorlas.6721


Mesmer also has – Desperate Decoy…Cloak and leave a clone at 25% health.The Prestige..Dissapear in a cloud of smoke reappear 3 seconds later…

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Anyone with 6 runes of infiltration on 10% hp.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: aKIRA.7123


thief, mesmer, ranger trait, engineer (i honestly dont know how, but ive seen at least 3…probably trait), and last tier of rune of infiltration for anyone

Azuna Hatsue | Sonya Hayashi
Jaunty Chaps [LAD]

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Engineer got a trait like ranger that make them invis on CC.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: WreckSC.1835


I suppose if you are going for a full list then the Norn Racial elite of Snow Leopard Form has a stealth ability so any class if it’s Norn technically has the potential to stealth however:

a) You would probably notice the sudden change to a large white cat first / after.
b) It’s not exactly the world’s greatest elite ability, so the vast majority of Norn will probably be running a class elite rather than one of their racial elites (they can have situational uses I guess)

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


Engineer got a trait like ranger that make them invis on CC.

engies have:
trait for invisibility on immobilize
thrown elixir S which randomly gives either stability or stealth
thrown elixir U which can randomly give confusion/stealth wall
thrown elixir U which can randomly give smoke screen and be used as a combo field for stealth

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: psirca.9452


Mesmer also has – Desperate Decoy…Cloak and leave a clone at 25% health.The Prestige..Dissapear in a cloud of smoke reappear 3 seconds later…

Just to clarify deperate decoy doesn’t proc until about 10% health even though it says 25%.

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: Sylosi.6503


Engineer got a trait like ranger that make them invis on CC.

engies have:
trait for invisibility on immobilize
thrown elixir S which randomly gives either stability or stealth
thrown elixir U which can randomly give confusion/stealth wall
thrown elixir U which can randomly give smoke screen and be used as a combo field for stealth

And smoke fields from the bomb kit + flame turret.

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: Jacklo.4230


While being chased down, I have occasionally opened up the map and ported back to the keep if out of combat. That might cause some confusion to some players.

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: emoleas.4309


Engineer has a buttload of blast finisher and 2 smoke fields.

You can get up to 15 seconds of stealth solo with bomb kit + thumper turret + healing turret + (rocket boots). I pick rocket boots as my last blast finisher so I can get behind enemy lines more quickly … the 900 range jump is nice.

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: iorlas.6721


Mesmer also has – Desperate Decoy…Cloak and leave a clone at 25% health.The Prestige..Dissapear in a cloud of smoke reappear 3 seconds later…

Just to clarify deperate decoy doesn’t proc until about 10% health even though it says 25%.

Ya know i have never noticed that tho i try not to get that low.

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: FireRunner.9481


I know your frustration and the answer is two classes: Thief and Mesmer. Yes, the Ranger can have a stealth under very odd situations. But, 99.9% of the time the Ranger does not have stealth.

Stealth in PvP is very overpowered. So many Thieves and Mesmers have escaped death by using their stealth and Thieves are the worse since they have two they can use back to back.

It is HIGHLY overpowered.

80 Asura Ranger – Commander

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: Creslin.1758


Here is a bit of a breakdown of who can stealth in GW2…

1. Thieves – Very high stealth capability. A thief has a very large amount of skills that give him and/or others stealth, AND combo fields + finishers that result in area stealth. As such, a thief can keep stealth up for a long time, and can get back to stealth very quickly once it wears off…dependent on spec of course.

2. Mesmers – Medium stealth capability. Mesmers have a few skills that cause stealth, and one trait. They can’t really stay in stealth that long, and it’s mainly used for escape or sneaking up on an enemy unawares.

3. Engineers – Low stealth capability. Engies have smoke fields and blast finishers that can result in stealth. A smart engy may use stealth to escape, but it’s unlikely that you’ll see an engy stealthing left and right like a thief, or even a mesmer.

4. Rangers, Norns – Very low stealth capability. Rangers have a trait that stealths them when they are CC’d, but I think it has a long cooldown. Norns can stealth in their snow leopard form…but it’s really not anything considerable.

5. Everyone else – Anyone can be stealthed by another class or by doing a blast finisher in a smoke field. But they cannot cause or receive stealth without help.

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: Velron.3729


The people disappearing and never coming back is usually alt+f4, not stealth.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: katsu.4052

NA | Sea of Sorrows

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

With rendering issues, every class has stealth.

Anet make Rev great again.

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: Lensar.4920


While being chased down, I have occasionally opened up the map and ported back to the keep if out of combat. That might cause some confusion to some players.

That’s a good point that I’ve never really thought of. People always seem to inexplicably disappear when I am chasing them down and maybe this is exactly what they are doing.

They probably need to make some changes to things like portal and logging out after recently being in combat. I’m pretty sure that portals, log outs, and Alt+F4s, were never intended to be used as escape abilities.

Lensar – [End] Rasnel – 80 Warrior
Ascalons Requiem – Blackgate
Public Blackgate WvW Forum:

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

Yea there’s also waypoints. If you can stay out of range of attacks and avoid damage long enough you can leave combat and port to a way point. Not difficult as an elementalist, just switch to air, activate swiftness and run around long enough to use a waypoint.

Anet make Rev great again.

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: DrXer.2918


I’m getting a full set rune of infiltration just so I can pull the near death escape.
BTW, anyone know how long that stealth lasts?

Xryl Xyn, Tsarcasm, SoR

(edited by DrXer.2918)

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: Ranc.7192


I dont think the infiltration makes you stealth, I think it turns you into mist for like 3-5 sec,

Rexir-80 Guardian
Guild- [EMP]
Server-Jade Quarry

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: Jacklo.4230


While being chased down, I have occasionally opened up the map and ported back to the keep if out of combat. That might cause some confusion to some players.

That’s a good point that I’ve never really thought of. People always seem to inexplicably disappear when I am chasing them down and maybe this is exactly what they are doing.

They probably need to make some changes to things like portal and logging out after recently being in combat. I’m pretty sure that portals, log outs, and Alt+F4s, were never intended to be used as escape abilities.

I don’t agree with Alt F4, but I don’t think it’s a problem using a waypoint while out of combat.
Let me put it this way… the times I used a waypoint, I was already out of combat and could easily have kept running and gaining distance. My stealth timers were probably renewed as well.
Whether I stealth or not, I have to create a certain amount of distance before losing combat. If you haven’t got me with a stun or whatever before that time, you already lost me.
We don’t need to add an extra timer for being “recently in combat”. You already had that chance while I was making my break. Or maybe you was never close enough to begin with?

I don’t want to run the length of the map just to regroup.

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


Don’t forget about PVE items you can use in WvW for some fun affects.

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: ravic.3742


Don’t forget about PVE items you can use in WvW for some fun affects.

You can no longer use most PvE items in WvW.

One thing that I do love using is 6x Superior Rune of Infiltration. While using all 6 pieces, you gain a few seconds of stealth when you are hit below 10% health (90 second CD). It has saved my life many times.

Khaej – 80 Norn Engineer
Ouroboros Protocol [OP] – Dragonbrand

How many classes have "stealth" ?

in WvW

Posted by: Magni.2835


I dont think the infiltration makes you stealth, I think it turns you into mist for like 3-5 sec,

Infiltration is stealth and another one is mist, I think it’s Vampirism.

It’s rare that the stealth will go off and you survive because usually there are a couple of extra hits incoming.

A couple of tips when dealing with thieves and the rendering issue
-the black swirl animation when they come out of stealth displays even though the character hasn’t rendered
-tab target will target them if they aren’t stealthed and the target indicators will display, showing you where they are