You can read the first part here…
Ok to continue on my quest to hopefully open the eyes of Anet here goes….
1.) You may or may not understand or agree that without 20 or so committed WVW’ers WVW becomes broken but its true. When people come to WVW and there is no tag or worst yet very few players most of them just leave (logout or go pve). The idea that every server needs the egotistical player that does nothing but WVW at least 90% of the time is just a fact, I have seen it and lived it since launch of gw2 and dealt with it in daoc also. Without them WVW dies off. Based on this knowledge and knowing us WVW fanatics basically have no life and spend most of our awake time in front of a pc running around a virtual world, it would seem obvious that certain things are needed to make it enjoyable for them. Things like an environment that mimics the outside world that people like us seldom experience. Just to name a few… sunshine, green fields of grass, birds etc, trees, streams, ponds, lakes. One of the things that makes EB nice is it mimics the real world more so than any other map. EB is pleasant and at times downright visually stimulating. The new BL maps on the other hand feel dark, dead and fake and leave me feeling somewhat depressed. Nothing about the new BL maps fills my need for stimulation of the real world that I lack because of spending all my time if front of a PC. Add to that they have pve mechanics in them and flowing lava and portals and layouts that are confusing just adds to my play time dissatisfaction with the new BL map. FYI did you know snow on the ground gives and uplifting feeling to players, a feeling of being refreshed. Brown dirt and dark rocky walls with no vegetation is not uplifting! This again may seem petty but people like an environment for reasons sometimes they don’t even realize, especially if they spend 10 hours a day in that environment. Why do you think Las Vegas uses the colors of blue and red in most of their casinos or why do they pump oxygen into the casinos? Its because they understand the importance of environment.
This has been said before but I don’t feel Anet gets it or how important it is. WVW IS ABOUT PEOPLE not AI, gimmicks or pve meta events. Those things just irritate the kitten out of committed WVW’ers. Please give us an environment that is pleasant to play in and the game doesn’t get in the way of doing what WVW’ers do (fight other players and protect our assets).
You give me a server with 20 committed WVW’ers and I will show you a WVW server that has life to it. A place that casuals can come into and know that someone will be there to play with them. If you read the first part of this article you will understand some of the other reasons WVW has lost the fanatic WVW’ers that make it work.
2.)Where are the easy to kill mobs for my stacks? Another seemingly petty thing but in EB its fairly easy to run out from the base portal and kill 25 mobs and get my stacks but in the new BL’s it’s a hassle. Just another petty thing. Wonder how many petty things equals a big thing? BTW why can’t my stacks travel with me as I change WVW maps? Is it asking to much to make the game a tad more enjoyable for people?
3.)Portals… why do I feel Anet thinks being able to move around an WVW map should be difficult. Why can’t we have 2-4 portals strategically located around the map for people to use. Portals that can’t be contested. People want to be able to get around in a WVW fairly quickly so they can follow the action. Doesn’t mean if you added some outter map edge towers that we have to be able to port to them directly but we should be able to get to the garri or the keeps fairly fast. Players should have to fight to take those assets not ninja them with contesting a portal or just knowing people can’t respond fast enough. Ninja taking a tower is fine but not a garri, keep or the likes of sm.
4.) Why you burning up my processor doing needless things. The little dots that have been added to the mini map showing enemy movement is just wasting bandwidth and adds really nothing to the game. Its hard to believe you committed devs to coding this up.
5.) Anet at launch had the best WVW out there and it was packed so what happened? This may seem surprisingly simple but it was just about population balance and that’s it. There was nothing wrong with the maps or the mechanics of WVW at gw2 launch and was a ton of fun. Yes the maps need to be bigger and yes a few bugs like hacking into towers or sm lord needed to be fixed and still do but why did Anet feel that WVW needed a huge overhaul like the new BL maps. WVW wasn’t broke just needed some loving in the right places and some bugs fixed that have been around forever. Whats the old saying… “Don’t fix it if it ain’t broke”. I just don’t get Anets thinking in this area of the game. Anet failed to address the biggest WVW problem of population balance and instead added new maps with a pve feel and an environment that feels dead and dreary in hopes to giving WVW a shot in the arm so to speak. The thing is yes WVW will probably get some new players but by fixing what wasn’t broke and ignoring what was broke have we really gained anything other than taking a few bucks from a lot of people. Seems Anet is dead set on shooting themselves in the foot. Read part one for my suggestions to the biggest problem in WVW population balance.
Ok its late and this Oleman is getting tired, this enough food for thought for now. I sure hope gw2 WVW doesn’t die it has been such an enjoyment for me and many others over the last 3 years. Or maybe I should say I hope that one day soon I can login and find that WVW has become fun again.
Part Three:
(edited by Noob.5908)