How to kill a sandbox, the no names way
Yeah, they need to reveal names, at least on death. I get that they don’t want to hurt players’ tender feelings, or want to cut down on hate tells from enemy players, but that IMO is what makes PvP communities last longer – that sense that you can actually communicate with the opposing side, be it friendly or unfriendly.
And maybe have downed state do 0 damage to enemy players (it can stay in PvE, but in PvP it’s just downright counter-competitive at this point)… :\
I have to agree, there is way too much hand holding in WvW. I’m getting bored because every action in the game feels predetermined and the course of combat is linear and simple. You can always predict where and how the fighting is going to happen simply by looking at the ownership of the map.
I always invisioned a Free-for-all battleground, that is as extensive as the PVE world. Where guild can capture their own fortresses, that grant bonuses to players in both PVE and PVP. A game where players make their own dynamic fun, and aren’t coerced and guided into simply chasing and attacking the next stronghold en route to the bottom of the map.
They had already revealed back in Alpha that the PvP would be nameless like it was in Dark Age of Camelot. In DAoC we could figure out the name of the person who killed us or we fought by looking at the Combat Log which GW2 kindly covered up as well. However, you can still click on someone to report them and see their Anet ID so it’s not completely anonymous in GW2.
WvW is supposed to be about your part within the server as a whole and not your individual achievements in the grand scheme of things. This was all laid out well beforehand so if you’re complaining about it now, then you really missed the boat.
That battleground you allude too here was a game called Shadowbane. I was there for roughly 2 years representing a small group that joined TBW/OPP (Apologies to the few of you who remember the guild tags because I do not wish to discuss the old days. It is for reference only). That game and its mechanics never reached full potential. I know for a fact that one of the Shadowbane staff joined Star Wars of the Old Republic development team. Funny that both of those two games had similar population trends. =P Dark Ages of Camelot was also a close equivalent to what you mention but both DAoC & SB had serious rendering issues when high numbers [50+} of avatars were on screen using combat animations in the viewable area. This was the main impediment to this style of gaming. Using game breaking mechanics to get an edge (hacks, cheats) happened in those early years as well. It only took a few exploiters to reduce the gameplay of thousands. Little has changed in 10 years of MMO player combat if you take the long view perspective with over a decade of time spent watching the developments. Pick your poison but the system doesn’t change. No one yet has creativity/tenacity/money to dislodge the old system and create anew (this is how culture/art works). @Arena Net: you did not create a new system on the ashes of the old. I’ve seen the variations on the theme. We all know that true gaming revolution only arrives when the system is entirely remade. No software engineer will ever achieve this. It must come from the artistic types with those liberal arts degrees we deride. Enjoy your stagnation =P
I renounce my hibernation and return.
Sea of Sorrows survivor – Currently on Blackgate
You and I must have played different versions of DAoC. 11 years ago in RvR we didn’t have the issues with rendering that GW2 has now. When they did the full revamp about 6-7 years ago we didn’t have those issues either. During relic raids with hundreds of people on screen it wasn’t a slide show or something I couldn’t pick my targets easily out in. Shadowbane and Warhammer were completely different stories though as SB couldn’t handle anything very well over 50 people like you said and WAR started to fall apart once you got closer to 100 people. That is why WAR removed Fortresses and lowered City Siege instance caps, but the Keep sieges still showed you just how problematic the engine could get.
I never got a chance to try Darkfall and see how well it handled large-scale pvp. Although, I heard with their relaunch they are going to make things more inclusive and instanced similar to WoW.
GW2 does need to do something about the culling issues within the game because someone messed up somewhere between the coding and the networking.
I have never got one tell from an enemy nor have I sent messages to them.
I don’t want that process to be easier.
Getting into a 3 minute argument about who did what isn’t going to get anything done faster in combat.
What good would names do but let people name and shame or make accusations. Sounds like drama I can avoid. I’m not going to win every battle and I won’t lose every one either but I don’t want to have to search the forum for the arguments I should be participating in related to my character or the jabs.
Maybe you have never been chosen to be chased?
I was chased in Warhammer by no less than 5 guilds.
They whispered me constantly with insults so intensely that my ignore list was always full of their rants because I couldn’t keep all their alts on ignore. They opened up a ventrilo server to rant about me and invited me. They went behind everything I posted in open chat and the forums insulting it. Every battle I joined with any of their people they blamed me for any loss but never complained when we won. They would still whisper nasty things just because they could.
I played a damage and healer hybrid and they didn’t like that. They thought I should be healing only. That was the lone reason they invested so much time in stalking me and making it known. My screen was pink with tells within 1 minute of logging in, it started to disrupt my normal chat. These were in every other way complete strangers, it was only some of their other guildies that didn’t like what they were doing that told me it was 5 guilds that were allied doing it.
Even your own side can be puds, I don’t expect the enemy to be more gracious.
So far things are fine here. People don’t really push the barriers and go out of their way to antagonize. Works for me. I didn’t stop playing the game because of them but it certainly is an experience I remember as possible in games. You can’t ever guess someone’s commitment to be a kitten.
(edited by psirca.9452)
Maybe you have never been chosen to be chased?
I was chased in Warhammer by no less than 5 guilds.
They whispered me constantly with insults so intensely that my ignore list was always full of their rants because I couldn’t keep all their alts on ignore. They opened up a ventrilo server to rant about me and invited me. They went behind everything I posted in open chat and the forums insulting it. Every battle I joined with any of their people they blamed me for any loss but never complained when we won. They would still whisper nasty things just because they could.Reason?
I played a damage and healer hybrid and they didn’t like that. They thought I should be healing only. That was the lone reason they invested so much time in stalking me and making it known. My screen was pink with tells within 1 minute of logging in, it started to disrupt my normal chat. These were in every other way complete strangers, it was only some of their other guildies that didn’t like what they were doing that told me it was 5 guilds that were allied doing it.
Ouch, that’s mean and shouldn’t happen in GW2.
No real corrolation but I’m constantly chased and griefed by Liandel and Alanna. Alanna is cute but Liandel is just mean. It’s a fact that if Liandel couldn’t see my name she wouldn’t be able to do what she does to me.
Kalvix on the other hand got chased over and over again by a KoTBS in S&B. Another example why being able to recognize others isn’t a good thing.
That sounds like an Archmage to me : )
Hiya! Highbeams from WAR here.. So I know what he’s talking about!
I always enjoyed names so I could recognize people who actually tested me and put up serious fights. In DAoC Stealther Wars it was nice because you started to recognize people by playstyle and areas, so you knew where to go for a good fight or when to expect 5 other stealthers to AJ you. In WAR I played on Bechafen, Praag, and finally Dark Crag (all forced moves) and got to fight against some wonderful people. You start to recognize people and know how they are going to approach you solo or grouped. WoW was the same way prior to Battlegroups and even then on a PvP server I recognized people for these same patterns.
Knowing the names can be bad for people who simply don’t want to trashed or punklogged on, but it can also the the other side of the coin where people recognize for being a solid player, honorable fighter, etc. I’ve made quite a few good friends over the years from people who were my enemies in the games I’ve played.
“That sounds like an Archmage to me : )
Hiya! Highbeams from WAR here.. So I know what he’s talking about!"
lol shaman, not surprised it hit the other side too, now we are in a game without that nasty trinity
And maybe have downed state do 0 damage to enemy players (it can stay in PvE, but in PvP it’s just downright counter-competitive at this point)… :\
+1 to this.
Dont lie to yourselves, DAOC had plenty of rendering issues and slideshow gameplay when there were more than 50 people on a screen. I love people and their rose colored glasses.
Whats with the uproar over names? If you clowns want some real pvp then go play sPvP/tPvP and show off your leet skills.
" Dark Ages of Camelot was also a close equivalent to what you mention but both DAoC & SB had serious rendering issues when high numbers [50+} of avatars were on screen using combat animations in the viewable area."
At least you could see all of those enemies. lol.
Tarnished Coast
I couldn’t really care less about opposing player’s names, sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, most of the time in WvW one group outnumbers / outgears the other in an encounter, so really who cares.
The only time I have actually missed being able to talk easily, directly and to all the enemy present it when one side was so outnumbered they were largely stuck at spawn (yes I know they can go the side paths), so it might of been of fun doing a few 1v1. 2v2, etc.
But as most MMOs playerbases have shown repeatedly (especially these days) that as a generalisation they act like kids (of the immature variety), it hardly seems suprising they are now treated as kids.
Well, where are we going from here? What is the future of open world, dynamic Realm vs Realm PVP? Does anyone care to speculate when/if Anet will make the improvements needed to get WvW up to snuff? It seems Anet hasn’t shown WvW much attention or concern.
Honestly not sure if Anet really cares about the WvW. I pretty much stopped playing until some attention is given to it though. Honestly its pretty discouraging to see them reply everywhere but pretty much totally ignore the WvW boards.
I mean seriously all the wasted time with the halloween fluff could of been out into productive ventures….
I’m cool with peeps seeing my name, but I know the minute I drop a poor portal and kill everyone a /dance just isn’t enough it’s on the forums of take that xxx character etc… as if the lame posturing and blame game stuff in the server threads didn’t already kinda suck.
Also like at least half or more of the replies here are anonymous posters, don’t know what server, character profession etc they play. So I’m skeptical from an anon type players saying yeah reveal names.
the only ones who would eally be noticed on regular basis are in 1v1 type stuff, and high profile professions like thief, mes, commanders, etc…
Also I think it’s bad enough our server is getting tells atm that they are being reported when found legitimately hiding in a keep not 5 minutes after a breach. Our Mesmer get tells, or the commander getting lame tells about don’t attack us or else /lol. I get random group invites when it’s slipped on TS that im planted somewhere to find where I am by blue dot… oh yeah I’ll take one by saying fell for it once, lol on me. Got asaked by another server hey how did you get int he keep, I said how thinking it was a server-mate making sure i wasn’t cheating, bam within minutes of revealing intel guess who comes swimmin by… I also don’t fall for that anymore, but you can see inter server comms during the battle just endanger opsec.
That stuff would just get worse. We don’t need tell hell drama in Wv3 IMO.
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.
(edited by Arani.9057)
The corner cases of someone sending tells you dont want are easily stopped with block.
I have people in my guild that came from the opposite faction in previous games as we had fun fighting each other.
Players are the content in a sandbox, playing vs great players and those rematches are why people like pvp.
This game is a pale sad shadow of what it has the potential to be, it is too bad really.
With no subs our ability to vote is very limited, but if they want to sell xpacks to more than just people playing it as a single player pve game, they need to address names.
What are your arguments in favor of names?
You’ve posted twice now dooger with no reasoning as to how it will benefit us to know our enemy’s name. We know how it can be used as an annoyance mechanism but how would it BENEFIT W3. To sway an audience to think your way, you have to give reasons behind it and be willing to stand beside those reasons.
If it’s just that you want names to be able to talk crap about bad players or laugh at people you beat over and over, that isn’t a benefit but since you are tight lipped about why you personally want to see their names, that’s all I can think of. Do you want people to make other players into demi-gods, to have them talked of a way like – don’t go near jujibeans, they cheat and don’t stay to solo fight or don’t fight purdlepinker, they never die and are overpowered, look I have 23 videos of them. Nerf their profession, they play too good.
My W3 isn’t a sandbox, there are new ppl all the time. Some names I know, lots I don’t and I can see their names all the time.
(edited by psirca.9452)
If you don’t understand how knowing your enemy will make an MMO better, I give up.
If I ran 100 bots in WvW I’m pretty sure it’d go unnoticed by the general GW2 playerbase, that’s not a good thing.
The corner cases of someone sending tells you dont want are easily stopped with block.
I have people in my guild that came from the opposite faction in previous games as we had fun fighting each other.
Players are the content in a sandbox, playing vs great players and those rematches are why people like pvp.
This game is a pale sad shadow of what it has the potential to be, it is too bad really.
With no subs our ability to vote is very limited, but if they want to sell xpacks to more than just people playing it as a single player pve game, they need to address names.
How am I to block someone who hasn’t sent the tell yet. And block is a reactionary work around not a preemptive one. You block AFTER they have already harassed you. A commander can’t pre-block the people sending him tells from the other side during the fight. The Mesmer can’t Pre-block group invites or tells form other-side trying to figure out where they are…
There are genuine opsec issues that just saying colorful yet meaningless “pale shadow” descriptions doesn’t counter.
the players who DON’T want to be known are likely spec ops types or deserve their privacy choice. If you wanna be known put your char/server in your sig and start making friends.
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.
Friends? I want the enemy I encounter to fear me, I want the ability to make a reputation, I want to remember people I fight, I want to remember epics fights against certain guilds.
Friends? I want the enemy I encounter to fear me, I want the ability to make a reputation, I want to remember people I fight, I want to remember epics fights against certain guilds.
You have 2/3 in place.
You can foster a reputation in your own community, they see your name and how you interact in chat and/or strategies you suggest or don’t. Your enemy will always dislike you, don’t think they keep track of your many accomplishments and you can frighten them off. They will always try to kill you – reputation known or not – if your reputation is good enough as a competitor, maybe you will always be target #1. If someone beats you once, they may target you again in a zerg, is that really what you want, someone that picks out those that they are specced to kill and repeat it? Then you will be here saying they are singling me out and rushing me because they know my name, then what.
You can see the enemy guilds and they can see your guild tags.
That 1/3 you want will cause so much drama, it is best left out and if you reaaaally just have to know who you are fighting… there is always clicking them and finding out. You have the tools to make it 3/3 you just want to make it easier but making it easier makes griefing easier too.
(edited by psirca.9452)
^ that’s great np, no criticism for reals.
And like I said I have no problem peeps seeing my name, which is why it even says what BL I’m assigned to, but you shouldn’t be able to spam invites to me to either see where I am or cause distraction when I’m hiding in a keep. You shouldn’t be able to harass me by threatening to report me and all my kind for our legit actions, not should be able to send me tells at all in Wv3 that causes distractions from my mission.
My counter is it makes harassing and griefing easier than it already is across servers. get the ability for enemies to know your name, and then they know your name…
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.
cannons.8190:That makes sense in tPvP, but not WvW. If you think you’re good by stomping in WvW, then head on over to tPvP for a very rude awakening.
Come play a real RvR game like DAoC and you will be in for the rude awakening. WvW is a joke at the moment, tPvP is all about certain classes and specs, it didn’t interest me in GW1, WoW or GW2.
and this is when everyone stops taking the entire thread seriosuly /lol
Anyways I’ve not seen PvP like EVE since once your stuff is gone it’s gone for starters… So if I want pure “sandbox”, that’s where I’ll be not here crying about a dead game being so awesome… it died.
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.
I don’t care what my enemies’ names are. If they are not from the Coast, they’re nothing but barbaric invader scum, they probably don’t even use names where they’re from, just grunting sounds or something.
That aside, I heard there were Archmages in this thread? It has been entirely too long since I ah.. Enjoyed one.
married to Railspike the Red Alpha Golem
[PiNK] Toast Forever.
To the enemy, you are just one of many opponents.
To your allies, your name and reputation is yours to mold.
If you want the trash talking elitist chest thumping bravado nonsense, go to sPvP and earn your stripes.
WvW is about communities waging war, not rambo winning battles.
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.
To the enemy, you are just one of many opponents.
To your allies, your name and reputation is yours to mold.If you want the trash talking elitist chest thumping bravado nonsense, go to sPvP and earn your stripes.
WvW is about communities waging war, not rambo winning battles.
I am talking teams being able to play against other good players and be able to recruit other good players.
PvA players will not play for much past getting leveled and geared up.
NFL is about teams, but its great performances by great players that are fun to watch.
To the enemy, you are just one of many opponents.
To your allies, your name and reputation is yours to mold.If you want the trash talking elitist chest thumping bravado nonsense, go to sPvP and earn your stripes.
WvW is about communities waging war, not rambo winning battles.
I am talking teams being able to play against other good players and be able to recruit other good players.
PvA players will not play for much past getting leveled and geared up.
NFL is about teams, but its great performances by great players that are fun to watch.
What you want already exists. It’s called Tournament PvP. You can even build a whole guild around it.
WvW is designed to keep the focus on the Server, and beneath that the Guild (via guild tags). Individual recognition serves no purpose in WvW, and the inclusion of names would make nothing better.
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.
To the enemy, you are just one of many opponents.
To your allies, your name and reputation is yours to mold.If you want the trash talking elitist chest thumping bravado nonsense, go to sPvP and earn your stripes.
WvW is about communities waging war, not rambo winning battles.
I am talking teams being able to play against other good players and be able to recruit other good players.
PvA players will not play for much past getting leveled and geared up.
NFL is about teams, but its great performances by great players that are fun to watch.
What you want already exists. It’s called Tournament PvP. You can even build a whole guild around it.
WvW is designed to keep the focus on the Server, and beneath that the Guild (via guild tags). Individual recognition serves no purpose in WvW, and the inclusion of names would make nothing better.
Without going off topic tpvp is not worth playing in its current state.
back to world v world, every has an opinion, and names had a solid place in all previous rvr titles, and it does here too.
Community Coordinator
Hello everyone,
please keep in mind that these are the official Guild Wars 2 forums.
Please refrain from discussing other games and their features, which has nothing to do with Guild Wars 2. For that reason, several posts have been removed in this thread.
I would argue that names do not have a place in WvW, and that the choice to exclude them as much as possible was a good one that will only strengthen the game.
If you include names, server cohesion means nothing. The game will degrade over time, and WvW will cease to be about server warfare in favor of gank squad competitions.
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.
I have never got one tell from an enemy nor have I sent messages to them.
I don’t want that process to be easier.
Getting into a 3 minute argument about who did what isn’t going to get anything done faster in combat.What good would names do but let people name and shame or make accusations. Sounds like drama I can avoid. I’m not going to win every battle and I won’t lose every one either but I don’t want to have to search the forum for the arguments I should be participating in related to my character or the jabs.
Maybe you have never been chosen to be chased?
I was chased in Warhammer by no less than 5 guilds.
They whispered me constantly with insults so intensely that my ignore list was always full of their rants because I couldn’t keep all their alts on ignore. They opened up a ventrilo server to rant about me and invited me. They went behind everything I posted in open chat and the forums insulting it. Every battle I joined with any of their people they blamed me for any loss but never complained when we won. They would still whisper nasty things just because they could.Reason?
I played a damage and healer hybrid and they didn’t like that. They thought I should be healing only. That was the lone reason they invested so much time in stalking me and making it known. My screen was pink with tells within 1 minute of logging in, it started to disrupt my normal chat. These were in every other way complete strangers, it was only some of their other guildies that didn’t like what they were doing that told me it was 5 guilds that were allied doing it.Even your own side can be puds, I don’t expect the enemy to be more gracious.
So far things are fine here. People don’t really push the barriers and go out of their way to antagonize. Works for me. I didn’t stop playing the game because of them but it certainly is an experience I remember as possible in games. You can’t ever guess someone’s commitment to be a kitten.
Although I’m pretty sure you’ve never played WAR much because hybrid builds where not that uncommon to begin with, you’ve just killed this thread before it even hit the ground. No one will want this after reading that, I know I don’t.
I have sent a few players from other servers tells using the report trick to get their names. The tells have never been insulting, more like “good fight” or “man you are a beast” things like that…normally the other players are very sportsmanlike and nice.
Oh also…you may not know this, but you can even invite players from other servers to your party…we did this once and partied with some folks from a rival server…was hilarious.
[Envy], [Moon]
DAoC did have rendering issues at the large scale. A few things the poster may have missed: DAoC…old as it is…gave the player the function to set themselves as “anonymous.” Thus preventing harassment for special operations or any player who selects it. You would be unable to contact them or group them? That is how I remember it. Yet, GW2 does not. Yes, seeing the names of your enemies is something I would support. You are welcome to come find me on the battle field but if you harass me I will of course exit out. I have better things to do than waste my time with negative attention. Without harassment controls the general gaming population will move on to something else.
Eve Online? Yeah, (I am Problematic – former Space Monkey Alliance) It has the option to destroy in game assets. This is often abused (as Goonswarm so elegantly does). Shadowbane also had this option and was equally abused.
I renounce my hibernation and return.
Sea of Sorrows survivor – Currently on Blackgate
Ah…I see. Ok Community Coordinator Meinke. This talk reminded me of old features. Where is the correct forum to suggest player functionality like the “anonymous” option for WvW to developers? Can you direct me?
I renounce my hibernation and return.
Sea of Sorrows survivor – Currently on Blackgate
There are always bad apples, but there is no reason to enforce PvA in game play where people are clearly looking for pvp.
I would love to hear from the devs to hear if their intention is the keep the game focused on PvA or if it was really an over sight and changes will be coming.
Obviously people will compare your title to previous ones, the steel fist is a bit much
WvWvW is about large scale clashes ie: armies vs armies. Individuals are merely cogs in the machine so a player’s name is irrelevant. An individual player’s skill level is also somewhat irrelevant, group coordination is far more vital than single players running around looking for 1v1s. The most common type of engagement in WvW is “zerg vs zerg” and it is next to impossible to identify individual enemy players when you are fighting a horde.
Its been said before but is worth repeating – if you are looking for an environment where individual skill matters then sPvP/tPvP is for you. If you don’t like the way they currently work then you are better of suggesting improvements to that style of PvP rather than trying to change WvW.
/no names.
Have been repeating it from day one of beta, and will continue to do so.
What are you guys talking about? Players know who we are.. I have recently been getting whispers from the enemy..Usually calling me a hacker due to the damage I do to them. I actually respond with a Hello and engage in a convo..explaining to them their mistakes.. my spec and what I would do to counter that attack if I were them in the future. 90% of the time its because the shock and awe of a shortbow thief confuses most. Answer? Hit evade once and stun/root me =)
Now as to WvWvW itself.. I also played Shadowbane..Scorn server and Daoc as well.. Hibbies for life! ..and GW2 is the most fun Ive had since Daoc.. my number one thing to improve would be the rendering.. 2nd.. I honestly think all objectives are just tooo easy to take. Even if the points didn’t add up as fast I think it would be much more challenging if it took an actual SIEGE to take a Tower or Keep..say make it twice as hard.
Face it, most people want names so it’s easy to whine about and call someone out for A) Logging during a fight, Trap camping the jumping puzzle for whatever reason, C) Bitter hate for losing/poor sportsmanship for winning.
Out of everyone who wants names, I’m sure the people who want it to “Meet players that challenge them (In WvW? Lol.)” make up the vast minority.
Every person that’s danced or jumped on my corpse because I gave them a lot of trouble during my life (over 10 today) is somebody that probably would have messaged me going “lolggnub” or harassed me because I tanked him and 2 of his guildies until my guildies could kill them from behind.
It should be an option, at least.
“Do you want to remain anonymous?”
If you choose yes, nobody can see your name (Outside of your server.) and you can’t see anyone else’s name.
If you choose no, you can see other people’s names, only if THEY chose “No” as well. And they can only see you if they chose “No.”
I personally don’t like being known in WvW, and PVP, because I don’t want to get hate for running a build that DPSThiefShadow.9882 doesn’t like and decides to message me being a dick about it. Yeah, that happened (His real name withheld), and I can only see it being worse in WvW if names are shown.
Plus imagine all the threads calling people out and whine-assing. We shouldn’t pretend like there won’t be whine-assing. I don’t like names in WvW, but I think it should be a choice, regardless, so my above “Solution.”
WvW doesn’t need to be made into a pissing contest where people can brag about how they pwned some Top-tier player, and blah blah. Regardless of a lot of people’s arguments, I still feel the general majority would abuse it more than use it for good.
So Sokina just reads post titles and then has a solution =)
People can SEE who we are now with a click and proceed to whisper away
I dont see the differance in having it 100% of the time but I dont care either way.. please can we discuss the WvWvW itself?
WvW itself? We are? Agree with Jonathan on both points 1) rendering 2) making objectives more costly to take. It has indeed become too easy.
Perhaps a new objectives like say an npc controlled fort? Or a walled gate across a road/crossroads? Why don’t we see a circumventing trench/ditch that cannot be jumped across around towers/keeps/castle? Add a Siege Tower for Keep/Castle combat? This would be moved into place against the wall or built against the wall and allows player avatars to climb covered stairs to attack points on an enemy wall. Give players the option to choose between a few different pre-defined wall configurations [layouts] for the reinforced/fortified upgrade? Give players the option to change the location of gates on paying for reinforced door upgrade? Add an upgrade to keeps/castles called ramparts that provide covered stone ledges (archer/crossbow slits)? We can take ideas from other cultures too of course! Like say…an upgrade option to double the thickness of the walls. An upgrade to change the angle of the lower wall or upper wall to reduce siege damage? An option for attackers to set fire to wooden towers/keeps/castles? Options for defenders to set fire to beacons on keep/castle [raise the alarm] to identify stealthy enemy attack points. Give the attacker and defender the option to use/throw Eastern style fire bombs/grenades? An option for defenders to double the height of the walls? An option for the defenders to buy more npc archer guards to man the walls? An option for defenders of Stone Mist to buy an upgrade that sends out level 82 guard patrols (10-20) for the road? Give defenders of Stone Mist the option to build guard garrisons to increase npc numbers at the castle? Provide an option for the attacking siege force to receive a buff and the defenders a penalty if the attackers successfully stop all supply from reaching a keep or castle?
I renounce my hibernation and return.
Sea of Sorrows survivor – Currently on Blackgate
WvWvW is about large scale clashes ie: armies vs armies. Individuals are merely cogs in the machine so a player’s name is irrelevant. An individual player’s skill level is also somewhat irrelevant, group coordination is far more vital than single players running around looking for 1v1s. The most common type of engagement in WvW is “zerg vs zerg” and it is next to impossible to identify individual enemy players when you are fighting a horde.
Its been said before but is worth repeating – if you are looking for an environment where individual skill matters then sPvP/tPvP is for you. If you don’t like the way they currently work then you are better of suggesting improvements to that style of PvP rather than trying to change WvW.
100% false. If you are zerging and playing in a manner where individual skill matters not you have missed the fun in wvw completely.
Instead of zerging try assembling a small force and do coordinated attacks on 2 to 3 times your numbers. Its a blast, dealing with all the endless unknowns and larger numbers is what makes wvw fun. The stale boring nature of spvp is 100% not what I am looking for.
Being on the battlefield and finding ways to out smart and out play the zerg is alot of fun. Over time the natural progression of wvw games goes from: uncoordinated zergs => realm pride and large guilds coordinating => more and more smaller 1-2 group teams fighting zergs and looking for other skill teams.