How to report exploits?

How to report exploits?

in WvW

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


I’m a friendly engi with the heart of a goat, and as such I must jump on every edge I see to find new ways to travel the map.
However, I’d like to submit my collection of wall-circumventing jumps to a dev or mod so they can be fixed in the future.
It is simply worrying how easy one can enter keeps and towers with using nothing but common engineer class-abilities. (and therefore not alarming any anti-cheat software that may be in place to prevent such behavior)
How do I contact them for reporting my collection?

The ingame system seems way too limiting since it only allows one screenshot and has a text-length-cap. :/

Jftr: I don’t use any recording software and could provide nothing more than screenshots and explanations in order to recreate them for fixing-reasons.

disclaimer: I only hop around in stuff that belongs to our server to that time. No evil things going on from my side

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

How to report exploits?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaos.9162


Email your info to .

I can’t speak to tools. I can tell you that using the ‘botter’ option is indeed sufficient.

As for the exploits are ANet address, this isn’t a Customer Support address. Exploits is more of a ‘I found a way to cheat here’s how to do it’ thing and Quality Assurance reviews those.

GMs don’t belong to a server so wondering if you’re server has a GM is futile. We’re everywhere >=).

To further clarify – is not used for reviewing reports of cheaters. This is for notifying us of found exploits so that QA can work on reporting fixes.

How to report exploits?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


In soviet GW2, exploits report you.
No, really – emailing to that adress is like writing the exploiters’ names on a piece of paper and throwing it out of the window. And if you try posting proofs on the forums, you get infracted for “naming and shaming”.

How to report exploits?

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

In soviet GW2, exploits report you.
No, really – emailing to that adress is like writing the exploiters’ names on a piece of paper and throwing it out of the window. And if you try posting proofs on the forums, you get infracted for “naming and shaming”.

This. The time spent reporting is better spent logging into your alt parked at cursed shore and gathering elder wood hoping for a foxfire hit.

In fact if you did this every time you saw a hacker or griefer, you’d be rich in no time.

How to report exploits?

in WvW

Posted by: Michael Henninger.7451

Michael Henninger.7451

Game Support Lead


Arantheal, ignore the haters. If you find an exploit we want to hear about it.

We (ANet) recently caused some confusion about the address but it is indeed the place you’ll want to send the info.

*Edit Typos are typos and I typo often.

GM Delicious Intent
Twitter: @ANetCSLead
GM Delicious Intent.5928

(edited by Michael Henninger.7451)

How to report exploits?

in WvW

Posted by: Elrey.5472


We (ANet) recently caused some confusion about the address but it is indeed the place you’ll want to send the info.

Fixed this for you:

Delete this post once fixed

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(edited by Elrey.5472)

How to report exploits?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Arantheal, ignore the haters. If you find an exploit we want to hear about it.

We (ANet) recently caused some confusion about the address but it is indeed the place you’ll want to send the info.

Aww, “hater” – I am just speaking from experience, both with mails to the customer support and this. I had him on my block list so I could see when he was logged on – for months after my reports/emails.

By the way, I am keeping tabs on the other thread and I appreciate your involvement – both the ingame and forum one. Your replies have been like rays of hope, thanks for that.

How to report exploits?

in WvW

Posted by: Michael Henninger.7451


Michael Henninger.7451

Game Support Lead


We (ANet) recently caused some confusion about the address but it is indeed the place you’ll want to send the info.

Fixed this for you:

Delete this post once fixed

I’ll just leave it as proof of your superiority. Thanks for catching it

GM Delicious Intent
Twitter: @ANetCSLead
GM Delicious Intent.5928

How to report exploits?

in WvW

Posted by: Michael Henninger.7451


Michael Henninger.7451

Game Support Lead

Arantheal, ignore the haters. If you find an exploit we want to hear about it.

We (ANet) recently caused some confusion about the address but it is indeed the place you’ll want to send the info.

Aww, “hater” – I am just speaking from experience, both with mails to the customer support and this. I had him on my block list so I could see when he was logged on – for months after my reports/emails.

By the way, I am keeping tabs on the other thread and I appreciate your involvement – both the ingame and forum one. Your replies have been like rays of hope, thanks for that.

Fair enough. =D

GM Delicious Intent
Twitter: @ANetCSLead
GM Delicious Intent.5928

How to report exploits?

in WvW

Posted by: Foefaller.1082


Arantheal, ignore the haters. If you find an exploit we want to hear about it.

We (ANet) recently caused some confusion about the address but it is indeed the place you’ll want to send the info.

*Edit Typos are typos and I typo often.

Yes. Ignore the haters. Send in your reports, and also don’t forget to add the hacker/troll to your blocked or friends list. Check from time to time to see whether they are banned; you’ll be able to see for yourself how little reports do.

Forgive me if I’m failing at basic reading skills, but he isn’t asking how to report someone who is exploiting, but how to report an exploit to ANet that he found on his own.

Therefore, there is no reason to put any account/name on your blocked list, much less to make yourself depressed watching exploiters never get banned.

How to report exploits?

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


@foefalller – exactly.
@kuru – we now know to report hackers as botters from the other thread. exploits is a different group of people at anet. Anet could have cleared that up earlier, but better late than never.
@michael h (anet) – thanks for your responses in these threads. I hope DHUUM is awesome……..

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

(edited by Liston.9708)

How to report exploits?

in WvW

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


Sorry, was afk the last two days.

gonna pile everything up and send it to you in the next days. (insomnia is hitting me hard).

edit: done.
rather now before I daze into oblivion again xD

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

(edited by Arantheal.7396)