How to show your name in WvW

How to show your name in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Respawn.6802


Anet has deemed anonymity to be the norm when viewing players from the opposing servers unless they accept a party invite but I have heard some interesting points of view in the WvW forums for visible names through these forums.

Without regard to whether I agree or disagree with visible names a thought occured to me.

Guild names.

There is a mechanic where a player can choose what the other servers see, sometimes used to grief or humor those who read it and perhaps a community accepted convention could be thought up.

i.e. X Server Invader
Clint Beastwood [name]
Been there Done that

This [name] above a characters head may show that their guild name is their name. They are representing themselves at the moment as they solo roam, duel, zerg or briefly show who the thief was. Some people prefer to imagine the opposing servers chat saying “Oh crap, Clint is camping spawn again” instead of “Oh crap, [xxxx] Guild is camping spawn again”.

As far as I know guild tags aren’t “one only” like character names. Anyone can create a one man guild with their name and use [name] as their tag (and get the bonus 50 slot guild bank in time). I could be wrong, it’s 5.30am and I’ve been up all night updating laptops as this idea came to me.

Anyone can do this but I am putting it out there because these ideas work best when they are discussed and a common template is accepted if the idea has merit. Also it adds to the sandbox element in a WvW where we are already told somethings are best decided for us, not by us.

**Clint Beastwood is not any of my characters names but I would have totally stolen it for my Charr if I had the chance.

How to show your name in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


People actually care who they kill or were killed by? They’re just targets to me.
