How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Frye.4608


They are not visible long enough for me to finish the stomp. Even when they relocate in my stomp range, and i am hammering ‘f’, about 50% of the cases the stomp doesn’t finish in time. Sometimes I have 5 failed stomps so they get up again. And then the next thief dies from the first (or second) stomp as he should. It is very confusing and I don’t know how they do it.

PS. I can’t make a thief myself since all my slots are filled.

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Frye.4608


Yeah it is! Thats why I am asking what to do

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Ruin.3461


Thieves have 2 ways to dodge a stomp:

-A teleport; in this case you would want to move over to them and stomp again

-A cloak skill that starts on cooldown when the thief is down; in this case you should just wait for them to be revealed in 3 seconds and then kill them.

The cooldowns are not short enough to be chained and prevent you from stomping.

Tier 1 Casual

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


The cooldowns are not short enough to be chained and prevent you from stomping.

Are you playing the same GW2 as the rest of us? O.o

The thief teleport has always been one of the main complaints on the thief mechanics, due to its cooldown. Yes you can stomp a teleporting theif, but the window is extremely small – to the point of being more effective to simply unload your damage skills instead. Given the extremely long stomp animation, you have about a 1-2 second window between teleports. If you arent pretty much on top of the thief when he pop up, he’s gonna vanish again.

So for the OP: The answer to the question is “you dont”. Just kill him instead. If you are fighting someone else, use AoE over the downed thief or make sure he is inside melee range. In groups this isnt a problem, solo its a little worse. But then again I’d be more surprised over the fact you could even catch a thief and kill him, rather than having too low dps to kill him when downed.

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Turkman.1089


Downed state skills are really inbalanced, if you ask me.

Some got so much more useful skills than others. I can’t count how often I could escape through a keep door with the downed skill 2 of my ele. Others, Ranger comes to mind, have absolutely nothing worth mentioning here.

And thiefs and mesmers are just a pain in the kitten to stomp, which can really make a huge difference in a close small group fights with downed people on both sides, because if your downed players don’t belong to one of the named classes, they are so much easier to stomp and rally the opponents.

I think this blatant inbalance could be seen by every spvp or wvw player from day one and I’m really curios as to why they are still that way.

Abaddon’s Mouth
[DP] Diamond Pirates

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyrus.9680


you stomp, he teleports, you stomp again immediately.

The hide skill isn’t up yet. If it somehow is, wait 3 seconds while auto attacking and then stomp again…

The fact that you filled all your slots with PvE characters sucks for you because you should have one empty for PvP to learn the skills if nothing else.

Zefyres – Ele | Maguuma | (ex) top100 solo/teamQ casual | Youtube

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Intigo.1653


80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: zen.6091


Stomping crash course for all classes—

Tricky classes

Thief – Main skill teleport, just start stomping, then move to teleport location. Second downed skill is stealth, just wait for it to end at same location after a few seconds, and keep attacking in the meantime. If the thief happens to put down a shadow refuge right before they die, they will be invisible for 10-15 seconds. Make sure to keep spamming the area with AoE or CC, and wait there if you see a very low health thief go stealth under a log cabin animation basically.

Ele – Main skill mist form. Start stomping, follow, stomp. They can move quite far and through gates, and are invulnerable while moving though. Second skill is useless.

Mesmer – Main skill clone (and also short invis). Start stomping, first character to appear is clone, second is the real mesmer. CAUTION, downed mesmers can stack a ridiculous amount of confusion if you try to auto attack them dead. Always go for the stomp. Second skill also does a kitten load of damage. Make mesmer dead asap when downed.

Control classes. All can be bypassed with stability or invulnerability. All but guardian can be bypassed with stealth, unless someone else is stomping too with ranger.

Necro – Main skill single target fear, second skill pretty much useless.

Guardian – Main skill pushes all nearby foes back. Second skill can heal the guardian very fast to a rally, so get them down.

Ranger – First skill dazes all stompers, but it needs to be targeted (unlike guardian). Second skill heals the ranger very fast, so get them down.

Warrior – First skill single target KD, second skill rallies the warrior for 15 seconds. If they pop vengeance just run away, the job is done.

Engineer – First skill interrupts and pulls one target…to the engineer. Second skill is a blowout. By far the easiest stomp…poor engis.

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: TheGreatA.4192


Thieves are usually so glassy that I just auto-attack them down after the initial teleport. The stealth won’t make them move away, it just breaks the stomp animation, so keep hitting.

Metsän Suojelija (guard)/Puun Halaaja (engi)/Pieni Musta Rotta (warrior)/Viher Rauha (necro)

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Ruin.3461


The cooldowns are not short enough to be chained and prevent you from stomping.

Are you playing the same GW2 as the rest of us? O.o

The thief teleport has always been one of the main complaints on the thief mechanics, due to its cooldown. Yes you can stomp a teleporting theif, but the window is extremely small – to the point of being more effective to simply unload your damage skills instead. Given the extremely long stomp animation, you have about a 1-2 second window between teleports. If you arent pretty much on top of the thief when he pop up, he’s gonna vanish again.

So for the OP: The answer to the question is “you dont”. Just kill him instead. If you are fighting someone else, use AoE over the downed thief or make sure he is inside melee range. In groups this isnt a problem, solo its a little worse. But then again I’d be more surprised over the fact you could even catch a thief and kill him, rather than having too low dps to kill him when downed.

Wasn’t aware it took 15 seconds to stomp.

Tier 1 Casual

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Columba.9730


yet again thief apologists chant l2p anything anything is questioned about thieves. just get others to help you kill the thief.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


teleport if you’re a mesmer or ele, steal if you’re a thief. I’m sure some other classes have ways to deal with it too. If you know they have the in-place cloak up then break your stake channel halfway through and restart it to fake them out and have the stake go off after they reappear.

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

Stomping crash course for all classes—

Tricky classes

Thief – Main skill teleport, just start stomping, then move to teleport location. Second downed skill is stealth, just wait for it to end at same location after a few seconds, and keep attacking in the meantime. If the thief happens to put down a shadow refuge right before they die, they will be invisible for 10-15 seconds. Make sure to keep spamming the area with AoE or CC, and wait there if you see a very low health thief go stealth under a log cabin animation basically.

Ele – Main skill mist form. Start stomping, follow, stomp. They can move quite far and through gates, and are invulnerable while moving though. Second skill is useless.

Mesmer – Main skill clone (and also short invis). Start stomping, first character to appear is clone, second is the real mesmer. CAUTION, downed mesmers can stack a ridiculous amount of confusion if you try to auto attack them dead. Always go for the stomp. Second skill also does a kitten load of damage. Make mesmer dead asap when downed.

Control classes. All can be bypassed with stability or invulnerability. All but guardian can be bypassed with stealth, unless someone else is stomping too with ranger.

Necro – Main skill single target fear, second skill pretty much useless.

Guardian – Main skill pushes all nearby foes back. Second skill can heal the guardian very fast to a rally, so get them down.

Ranger – First skill dazes all stompers, but it needs to be targeted (unlike guardian). Second skill heals the ranger very fast, so get them down.

Warrior – First skill single target KD, second skill rallies the warrior for 15 seconds. If they pop vengeance just run away, the job is done.

Engineer – First skill interrupts and pulls one target…to the engineer. Second skill is a blowout. By far the easiest stomp…poor engis.

Excellent summary. I just want to correct one mistake:
The engineer’s first downed skill, throw junk, is a 900 ranged attack, which inflicts a random condition on the foe. Not totally useless, but it rarely gives you rally.
The 2nd engineer downed skill, grappling line, pulls a single foe to the downed engineer. What a useless skill. When you are downed, you want enemies away from you, not near you. When I play a thief, shadow escape (thief downed skill #2), has saved me many times.
The 3rd engineer downed skill, booby trap, plants mines around the engineer. Pretty useful, but you die anycase if you get chance to use it.

And yes, engineers have the weakest downed state in the game. If you get downed, you die unless team mates come to rescue. Thief, mesmer and elementalist have the best downed states. And they are also probably the most common professions in spvp and far more common in WvWvW compared to engineers. Anet doesn’t know how to balance the game and doesn’t listen to its players.

If you want to stomp a thief, just spam AoE where he is or use ranged attack while he is visible. Quickly change target if he uses shadow escape. If he enters stealth during stomping, just continue to stomp (repress F), you will stomp that thief.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Teleport/Invis on a Mesmer does squat all to help you stay alive in any zerg situation. After the first move you just aren’t that hard to find, and it’s really rare that you ‘teleport’ anywhere near someone who has time to rezz you.

Thief still needs a team to stomp/AoE, but they all still tell you l2p. It’s a great situation we have here.

And Anet does nothing.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


Thief still needs a team to stomp/AoE, but they all still tell you l2p. It’s a great situation we have here.

Thief is easier to stomp than mesmer since the mesmer disappears when they use their position reset. L2P.

-A mesmer

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Eliyahu.1467


This is a trick you can do as an Ele (or any other class with an instant teleport, Mesmers for example).

When the thief teleports, teleport to him. If your stomp animation hasn’t finished yet then it will complete on top of him and kill him. If you miss this time window, immediately start another stomp and he won’t have enough time to go invis.

Worst case scenario, AoE or Melee when he goes invis to keep his health down.

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

If you want to stomp a thief, just spam AoE where he is or use ranged attack while he is visible. Quickly change target if he uses shadow escape. If he enters stealth during stomping, just continue to stomp (repress F), you will stomp that thief.

Thief Stealth breaks target and lasts far longer than Mesmer, and I’m just basically up to my eyeballs with all thieves, so I’m not going to tell you L2P.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Eliyahu.1467


Thief still needs a team to stomp/AoE, but they all still tell you l2p. It’s a great situation we have here.

Thief is easier to stomp than mesmer since the mesmer disappears when they use their position reset. L2P.

-A mesmer

No way.

How you stomp a mesmer:

1. Begin stomp. Mesmer disappears.
2. Wait for the second mesmer to appear with the BIG kitten RED ARROW OVER HIS HEAD.
3. Stomp the mesmer with the red arrow above his head.


Also, if a mesmer screws up and uses his 2 skill too early, there’s a good chance he’ll reappear before your first stomp has finished and since he doesn’t teleport far enough, you’ll kill him.

(edited by Eliyahu.1467)

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: The Mexican Cookie.3690

The Mexican Cookie.3690

Yeah it is! Thats why I am asking what to do

Depending on what you’re playing, you can use any blink skill to teleport after the thief. The stomp channel won’t interrupt, and you’ll be able to kill him. Otherwise, you shouldnt have too much of an issue getting them before they still. Make sure you cancel channel as soon as you realise a thief has moved and you’re sure you can’t blink towards them.

#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: silverfire.2547


^ What he said.

If you use a zero cast time blink spell like the Mesmer blink onto the thief’s new location mid-stomp, they still get a flagpole shoved in their puppy.

Mira Alluvion (Me) | Hanna Bulwark (W) | Sophie Dusthaven (Th)
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


Thief still needs a team to stomp/AoE, but they all still tell you l2p. It’s a great situation we have here.

Thief is easier to stomp than mesmer since the mesmer disappears when they use their position reset. L2P.

-A mesmer

No way.

How you stomp a mesmer:

1. Begin stomp. Mesmer disappears.
2. Wait for the second mesmer to appear with the BIG kitten RED ARROW OVER HIS HEAD.
3. Stomp the mesmer with the red arrow above his head.


Also, if a mesmer screws up and uses his 2 skill too early, there’s a good chance he’ll reappear before your first stomp has finished and since he doesn’t teleport far enough, you’ll kill him.

I can blink stomp most thieves on their first ability usage. Most of them teleport behind the person stomping them and to the left or right. If I teleport backwards at max distance for their ability I almost always get the initial stomp. If that’s not the case, I stomp them before they can use their second ability.

Mesmers on the other hand require getting lucky with a fakeout on their ability. I stomp, break the channel, and then stomp again hoping they try to relocate right when I start the second stake for an easy blink stomp. If this isn’t the case, I have to wait for the second one to reappear and walk over and stake them.

This is a faster stake on a thief than a mesmer every single time. When fighting 1vX this means I get less DPS dealing with a thief than a mesmer. L2P.

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Osicat.4139


Imo a 4 clone burst is more effective than stomp vs alot of classes.

PS Inigo, nice Work with blink aswell for mesmers.


How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


Imo a 4 clone burst is more effective than stomp vs alot of classes.


…When running a power+crit based shatter build

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: echo.2053


Teleport/Invis on a Mesmer does squat all to help you stay alive in any zerg situation. After the first move you just aren’t that hard to find, and it’s really rare that you ‘teleport’ anywhere near someone who has time to rezz you.

Thief still needs a team to stomp/AoE, but they all still tell you l2p. It’s a great situation we have here.

And Anet does nothing.

ROFL with a side order of lawlfulcakes plzor.

Its so choice when theres someone screaming bloody murder in the forums to “nerf nerf nerf” pretty much every skill available to your first profession so much that now even downed state is “op”. lololol

So your compliant is that YOU chose to stand stationary in front of a oncoming zerg ( most likely trying to get badges for the corny legendaries) which resulted in your demise, rather then getting more kills/drops by attacking his rezzors. Some how this is not a L2P issue????

U mad brah?

Bender the offender – Proud violator of 17 safe spaces –

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Iavra.8510


Guardians can also blinkstomp when using Judge’s Intervention. It’s not ground-targeted and if the thief doesn’t teleport behind you camera (thus causing you to lose target) you will still have him selected for JI.

Against control classes, Thieves can start stomp → Shadowstep away → Shadow Returm immediately before stomp finishes.

(edited by Iavra.8510)

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


Just as others have pointed out, dont. Unless you have haste or something.

Typically on my thief stomps go like this. I go down. Person starts the stomp. I wait until they are on the way down with the spike then port. By the time they get to me and are on the way down with the spike again, I stealth. Depending on if they are smart enough to stand there and swing a weapon to kill me or if they wander around, port may be back up by the time they get back and try to spike again.

So unless you have some instant port to follow me when I port or a faster spike, because if you do get to me fast enough stealth will not be up after I port. Or you make me port faster, again stealth wont be up. But if you cant do those things just stand and swing.

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: zen.6091


Excellent summary. I just want to correct one mistake:
The engineer’s first downed skill, throw junk, is a 900 ranged attack, which inflicts a random condition on the foe….

The 3rd engineer downed skill, booby trap, plants mines around the engineer. Pretty useful, but you die anycase if you get chance to use it.

I wrote the post describing the #2 and #3 cool down skill for every class, and the engi mines come from the @ 25% health sub-trait in explosives . The #3 skill booby trap does cause a blowout, you rarely see engi’s survive downs that long through if they are not helped in WvW.

But yeah, engis have the worst downed state for WvW, closely followed by necros, then warrior, ranger or guardian, then the “tricky” classes, thieves, mesmers, and eles. I rate mesmers higher than thieves just because the clone does confuse many noobs and their primary downed skill is so powerful to force a stomp. Eles of course have the best downed state by far since they can run, jump, move into water (incredibly ridiculous), or pass through gates all while invulnerable.

I have advocated for a generic downed state for all classes in practically all QQ downed related threads. It’s not fair for the “tricky” classes to have such measurably better survivability downed. Hell, the extra engi downed trait doesn’t even help the engi…it drops something useless for allies! Not sure what the consensus is in the tPvP community, if it even still exist, but last I checked the downed state was a serious grievance there too.

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Bedstain.6735


Stomping crash course for all classes—

Tricky classes

Thief – Main skill teleport, just start stomping, then move to teleport location. Second downed skill is stealth, just wait for it to end at same location after a few seconds, and keep attacking in the meantime. If the thief happens to put down a shadow refuge right before they die, they will be invisible for 10-15 seconds. Make sure to keep spamming the area with AoE or CC, and wait there if you see a very low health thief go stealth under a log cabin animation basically.

Ele – Main skill mist form. Start stomping, follow, stomp. They can move quite far and through gates, and are invulnerable while moving though. Second skill is useless.

Mesmer – Main skill clone (and also short invis). Start stomping, first character to appear is clone, second is the real mesmer. CAUTION, downed mesmers can stack a ridiculous amount of confusion if you try to auto attack them dead. Always go for the stomp. Second skill also does a kitten load of damage. Make mesmer dead asap when downed.

Control classes. All can be bypassed with stability or invulnerability. All but guardian can be bypassed with stealth, unless someone else is stomping too with ranger.

Necro – Main skill single target fear, second skill pretty much useless.

Guardian – Main skill pushes all nearby foes back. Second skill can heal the guardian very fast to a rally, so get them down.

Ranger – First skill dazes all stompers, but it needs to be targeted (unlike guardian). Second skill heals the ranger very fast, so get them down.

Warrior – First skill single target KD, second skill rallies the warrior for 15 seconds. If they pop vengeance just run away, the job is done.

Engineer – First skill interrupts and pulls one target…to the engineer. Second skill is a blowout. By far the easiest stomp…poor engis.

Lawl. When have you ever seen an ele in a position where we are close to death? The beauty of the ele, ESP the staff ele is being able to run from defeat before it happens. Honestly you waste a lot of time following ele’s when downed or close to down because of our escape mechanics.

Blackgate Elementalist….woohoo!
{{80 ele Soap 80 engi Flush}}

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: zen.6091


On the rare occasion you manage to down an ele, and are able to freely move to their final resting place after mist form….savor the stomp =]

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Poizie.5187


most annoying stomp attempt i have had was a ranger…between interupt on #2 skill kd/fear of pets and the heal on #3 it took forever….

variations of Poiz – Talons [BT] – Fort Aspenwood

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Yea, pretty much down skills in general are completely unbalanced.

If i down a thief, if I have bonfire up I usually drop that on top of them.

I mean..I can swap pets on my ranger and do a quickness stomp, and still not be able to stomp a thief.

Down system shouldn’t exist anyway, it’s a bloody joke in a PvP game in the first place.

Anet dumbing down pvp though.. so yea.

7:25 in this video

Ele/Thief Duo…shows why the Down system is silly in this game.

if i down the thief, he’ll stealth and the Ele will res him, if I down the Ele, the thief will stealth him and res him.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

(edited by Xsorus.2507)

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Churchill.8714


You guys are getting confused with smoke screen on down, teleport, then the downed invis. It’s often better to just dps a thief using this setup down than try to spike.

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Bedstain.6735


The ele down state is epic. I just poof and breeze into a mob of my team and they all res me. By then I’m up, healing or using whatever cantrip on the bar for regin and I’m on my way.

Blackgate Elementalist….woohoo!
{{80 ele Soap 80 engi Flush}}

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Syeria.4812


If you want to stomp a thief, just spam AoE where he is or use ranged attack while he is visible. Quickly change target if he uses shadow escape. If he enters stealth during stomping, just continue to stomp (repress F), you will stomp that thief.

Thief Stealth breaks target and lasts far longer than Mesmer, and I’m just basically up to my eyeballs with all thieves, so I’m not going to tell you L2P.

Thief stealth begins on cooldown as it’s their 3slot downed skill. As long as you’re not taking your sweet time with the stomps, you should be able to stomp>force teleport>full stomp before that cooldown is up. It’s very close if they get a good, last second, max distance teleport in or you hesitate to chase so they can get the stealth off some of the time. But as noted, if you use an instant teleport skill through the stomp you’ll kill them on the first try because Shadow Escape doesn’t break target like like Deception does for mesmer.

I get up a lot more often on my thief than my mesmer, but that’s because the teleport can be aimed (instead of random for mesmer) and against low skill opponents who let you sit around long enough for the cooldown to ready, you can avoid two stomps.

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Henrik.7560


Roll a Mesmer and have your clones out. Some thieves are stupid and will backstab a clone if you use mirror images or decoy.
Also warriors can crush glass cannon thieves too, they can just keep knocking them around and immobilizing them till they die.

Arcane Bastion [AB]
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Engineer has revive pulse with Toss Elixir R. Engineer can self-rally quickly out of the downed state if using it. That may be why engineer downed state is weakest.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


How is this utility a reason why we have a bad downed state? It’s an utility, not a downed ability. Its a defensive cooldown like mist form or endure pain.

90% of engi population who dont use elixir R dosnt deserve the worse downed statebecause of that poor excuse.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Dodge to them as soon as they go down and begin your stomp. They will be forced to use their 2nd skill. When they do, cancel and straight away dodge to their new location and stomp again. If you can’t see them, guess. You need to dodge because their #1 downed skill cripples and if you walk you won’t reach them in time.

The alternative is of course the standard method of just pouring on the deeps.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410



Engineers are so OP we need nerfs

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

I get up a lot more often on my thief than my mesmer, but that’s because the teleport can be aimed (instead of random for mesmer) and against low skill opponents who let you sit around long enough for the cooldown to ready, you can avoid two stomps.

I understand that people complain about mesmers. I play a mesmer because they are really kitten annoying and can do some real damage, but I rarely hear complaints about the mesmer downed state. I rarely survive going down on my Mesmer unless I have my guildies near me.

The thieves, just seem to have their way in this game, and total solo if they want.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


I get up a lot more often on my thief than my mesmer, but that’s because the teleport can be aimed (instead of random for mesmer) and against low skill opponents who let you sit around long enough for the cooldown to ready, you can avoid two stomps.

I understand that people complain about mesmers. I play a mesmer because they are really kitten annoying and can do some real damage, but I rarely hear complaints about the mesmer downed state. I rarely survive going down on my Mesmer unless I have my guildies near me.

The thieves, just seem to have their way in this game, and total solo if they want.

because the majority of wvw players are baddies that dont know the mechanics of the game, or are just plain bad.

no decent player will say thieves down state skills are any more OP than ele or mesmers.

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


hundred blades. Thiefs love hundred blades.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


He will teleport to interrupt first stomp, then stealth to interrupt the second one. After that he’s got nothing left for awhile.

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: LOCO.1785


No idea why you’re trying to stomp a thief when all it takes is a few hits and they’re dead.

Your welcome.

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Tammuz.7361


They are not visible long enough for me to finish the stomp. Even when they relocate in my stomp range, and i am hammering ‘f’, about 50% of the cases the stomp doesn’t finish in time. Sometimes I have 5 failed stomps so they get up again. And then the next thief dies from the first (or second) stomp as he should. It is very confusing and I don’t know how they do it.

PS. I can’t make a thief myself since all my slots are filled.

just spam auto attack or local area aoes on em when they are downed…

if your auto attack is chaining 1,2,3 etc then your hitting them even if you dont see them…

eventually their corpse will show up and when this happens it means they ran out of ways to move around…

their downed attack isnt all that powerful or dangerous…

another thing that people dont seem to understand is the mechanics of stealth: if they are using shadow reffuge they CANNOT LEAVE shadow refuge for its duration without becoming revealed and negating their stealth… when you see a shadow refuge up, guess where the thief is!

ya that house thingy should be a bullzeye in your mind, i like to eartshaker the center and follow up with hammer #4 usually makes thief very sad, especially when 1 or two of my warrior guildies do the same…

perma stealth: so the way the average thief abuses perma stealth is by using black powder and heart seeker to combo stealth… you can interupt this pretty easily if your a proper tanky simply by putting your big mass in the black powder field as soon as possible when you see it, again youll need a friend to help deal with the soon to be revealed thief.


(edited by Tammuz.7361)

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Ahmrill.7512


Engineer – First skill interrupts and pulls one target…to the engineer. Second skill is a blowout. By far the easiest stomp…poor engis.

Your not kidding. The worst is when engineers get stealth spiked… we have no counters except to “try” and self heal. Our blowout is on a 20 sec cooldown, which means we always get spiked before it’s up. Our other two downed abilities are targeted… which are useless against a stealthed spiker if we are fighting one on one.

Proud member of [NORD] Nordvegr Guild
Jade Quarry

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Syeria.4812


Something that’s been touched on, but I don’t think emphasized enough is that if a thief does manage to get their downed stealth skill off, they don’t move. It’s just a stealth. They’re still in the same spot on the ground (with no cooldowns). You can still hit them just as easily as if they weren’t stealthed. Since they can’t heal while being hit, they’ll die very quickly unless they managed to teleport into a group of allies.

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: lLobo.7960


just put some dmg conditions on him or autoattack him to death…
Stealth dont make him imune to dmg, teleport dont cleanse conditions…

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: John Widdin.9618

John Widdin.9618

There are people who have trouble finishing off Mesmers?

Anyway, I can’t really agree more with just damaging Thieves until they are finished.
It’s certainly easier than jumping around forever trying to finish them off.

Probably one of the few things we can complain about in regards to Thieves.

Zachary ~ Mesmer/ John Widdin ~ Warrior/ Zazmataz ~ Engineer
Maguuma – [TriM][DERP]

(edited by John Widdin.9618)

How to stomp a thief in wvwvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Heijincks.9267


Thieves are too elusive to stomp. It’s faster to just autoattack to finish them off.