How wvw rank can be rewarded retroactively

How wvw rank can be rewarded retroactively

in WvW

Posted by: RapidSausage.4620


According to the blogpost there are a few important points to take note:

1. Proof of Heroics is the new Hero Point acquisition currency for WvW.

2. There are two different items which this currency can purchase, Notarized scroll of heroics for non-HOT regions (i.e Core GW2 PVE areas), and Notarized scroll of Maguuma heroics for HOT regions (i.e Verdant Brink and other new regions).

3. Any scroll used once a toon has unlocked all Hero Points in a region will refund its cost.

4. WXP consumables will be replaced by xp boosters, whether if you have that item or where you would have been rewarded one before HOT, as ANet “didn’t want to allow any WvW players who may have been stockpiling liquid world experience to instantly rank up a bunch of times and immediately begin unlocking the new expansion hero challenges the moment the expansion released.”

So here’s how wvw rank could retroactively give Hero Points fairly.
1. On login, you receive a mail from ANet granting you account bound Notarized scroll of heroics equivalent to your current WvW rank.

2. These scrolls cannot be sold back to prevent Badge of Honor gain out of the blue.

3. If a character has finished all the Hero Point challenges then attempts to use another scroll, a notification pops up informing the player that he has acquired all the core Hero Points.

By doing this, players can use all the wxp consumables they want now, that will never affect the acquisition of the HOT hero points, and assuming the new elite specs will require 250 hero points, and the PVE Hero Points total at 190 (assuming krait obelisk in home instance), there will still be 60 hero points to acquire through the new map and wvw itself., which i believe will come in 5’s through harder hero challenges.

Some may argue that a high wvw rank player will be able to do 100% of the hero points on all his characters if this happens, but let’s be honest, the effort and time it takes to get a high wvw rank (i’m talking 1000+) is not small, and takes a lot more time than it would take a PVEr to run all the maps and finish the Hero Points, and in my opinion the effort vs reward more than justifies the amount of scrolls rewarded through this method

(edited by RapidSausage.4620)

How wvw rank can be rewarded retroactively

in WvW

Posted by: blackoil.2673


I completely agree on this.

Imagine a player (called WvW) that never did more PvE than leveling up to 80, and then stayed playing WvW and went rank >>>1000, and another player (called PvE) that made all of his chars 100% map completition.
Why does the PvE player have more Hero Points (i.e. easier access to specializations) than the WvW player?

How wvw rank can be rewarded retroactively

in WvW

Posted by: Grumpy.6027


1 This please Anet take a look at this before launch. For one i’m around rank 2800 and that has taken me since about 3 months into the game til present, and that’s 95% in regular WVW maps and not in EOTM.

How wvw rank can be rewarded retroactively

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


They are changing liquid karma because they are afraid people who stocked those might get a few notarizaed scrolls headstart.

How large do you estimate the chances are they will retroactively give you 2800 notarized scrolls?

Yeah, wouldn’t count on it. And this close to launch, forget about even getting this changed.

We’re doing this because we want WvW players to have the opportunity to earn their profession’s elite specialization entirely by playing WvW.

Ha! Yah, just 200 ranks per character per elite specialization.

How wvw rank can be rewarded retroactively

in WvW

Posted by: Grumpy.6027


Terra are you serious did you read what u said. No of course not just saying would be nice to use my left over rank points towards something other than collecting dust. Sounds like coming from someone not above rank 100. So hey there you go didn’t anet just lower the ranks to make it easier for the fair weathers to max everything out??

How wvw rank can be rewarded retroactively

in WvW

Posted by: ventusthunder.5067


Even give it to us at a rate of 1 Notarized scroll per 10 ranks to give us a bit of a head start on all of our characters. I think that’s at least fair.

collector of liquid aurillium